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Python compat.samefile方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中pip.compat.samefile方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python compat.samefile方法的具体用法?Python compat.samefile怎么用?Python compat.samefile使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在pip.compat的用法示例。


示例1: _get_subdirectory

# 需要导入模块: from pip import compat [as 别名]
# 或者: from pip.compat import samefile [as 别名]
def _get_subdirectory(self, location):
        """Return the relative path of setup.py to the git repo root."""
        # find the repo root
        git_dir = self.run_command(['rev-parse', '--git-dir'],
                                   show_stdout=False, cwd=location).strip()
        if not os.path.isabs(git_dir):
            git_dir = os.path.join(location, git_dir)
        root_dir = os.path.join(git_dir, '..')
        # find setup.py
        orig_location = location
        while not os.path.exists(os.path.join(location, 'setup.py')):
            last_location = location
            location = os.path.dirname(location)
            if location == last_location:
                # We've traversed up to the root of the filesystem without
                # finding setup.py
                    "Could not find setup.py for directory %s (tried all "
                    "parent directories)",
                return None
        # relative path of setup.py to repo root
        if samefile(root_dir, location):
            return None
        return os.path.relpath(location, root_dir) 
