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Python requests.Response方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中pip._vendor.requests.Response方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python requests.Response方法的具体用法?Python requests.Response怎么用?Python requests.Response使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在pip._vendor.requests的用法示例。


示例1: _ensure_html_header

# 需要导入模块: from pip._vendor import requests [as 别名]
# 或者: from pip._vendor.requests import Response [as 别名]
def _ensure_html_header(response):
    # type: (Response) -> None
    """Check the Content-Type header to ensure the response contains HTML.

    Raises `_NotHTML` if the content type is not text/html.
    content_type = response.headers.get("Content-Type", "")
    if not content_type.lower().startswith("text/html"):
        raise _NotHTML(content_type, response.request.method) 

示例2: _make_html_page

# 需要导入模块: from pip._vendor import requests [as 别名]
# 或者: from pip._vendor.requests import Response [as 别名]
def _make_html_page(response):
    # type: (Response) -> HTMLPage
    encoding = _get_encoding_from_headers(response.headers)
    return HTMLPage(response.content, encoding=encoding, url=response.url) 

示例3: _make_html_page

# 需要导入模块: from pip._vendor import requests [as 别名]
# 或者: from pip._vendor.requests import Response [as 别名]
def _make_html_page(response, cache_link_parsing=True):
    # type: (Response, bool) -> HTMLPage
    encoding = _get_encoding_from_headers(response.headers)
    return HTMLPage(

示例4: _get_html_response

# 需要导入模块: from pip._vendor import requests [as 别名]
# 或者: from pip._vendor.requests import Response [as 别名]
def _get_html_response(url, session):
    # type: (str, PipSession) -> Response
    """Access an HTML page with GET, and return the response.

    This consists of three parts:

    1. If the URL looks suspiciously like an archive, send a HEAD first to
       check the Content-Type is HTML, to avoid downloading a large file.
       Raise `_NotHTTP` if the content type cannot be determined, or
       `_NotHTML` if it is not HTML.
    2. Actually perform the request. Raise HTTP exceptions on network failures.
    3. Check the Content-Type header to make sure we got HTML, and raise
       `_NotHTML` otherwise.
    if _is_url_like_archive(url):
        _ensure_html_response(url, session=session)

    logger.debug('Getting page %s', redact_password_from_url(url))

    resp = session.get(
            "Accept": "text/html",
            # We don't want to blindly returned cached data for
            # /simple/, because authors generally expecting that
            # twine upload && pip install will function, but if
            # they've done a pip install in the last ~10 minutes
            # it won't. Thus by setting this to zero we will not
            # blindly use any cached data, however the benefit of
            # using max-age=0 instead of no-cache, is that we will
            # still support conditional requests, so we will still
            # minimize traffic sent in cases where the page hasn't
            # changed at all, we will just always incur the round
            # trip for the conditional GET now instead of only
            # once per 10 minutes.
            # For more information, please see pypa/pip#5670.
            "Cache-Control": "max-age=0",

    # The check for archives above only works if the url ends with
    # something that looks like an archive. However that is not a
    # requirement of an url. Unless we issue a HEAD request on every
    # url we cannot know ahead of time for sure if something is HTML
    # or not. However we can check after we've downloaded it.

    return resp 

示例5: _get_html_response

# 需要导入模块: from pip._vendor import requests [as 别名]
# 或者: from pip._vendor.requests import Response [as 别名]
def _get_html_response(url, session):
    # type: (str, PipSession) -> Response
    """Access an HTML page with GET, and return the response.

    This consists of three parts:

    1. If the URL looks suspiciously like an archive, send a HEAD first to
       check the Content-Type is HTML, to avoid downloading a large file.
       Raise `_NotHTTP` if the content type cannot be determined, or
       `_NotHTML` if it is not HTML.
    2. Actually perform the request. Raise HTTP exceptions on network failures.
    3. Check the Content-Type header to make sure we got HTML, and raise
       `_NotHTML` otherwise.
    if _is_url_like_archive(url):
        _ensure_html_response(url, session=session)

    logger.debug('Getting page %s', redact_auth_from_url(url))

    resp = session.get(
            "Accept": "text/html",
            # We don't want to blindly returned cached data for
            # /simple/, because authors generally expecting that
            # twine upload && pip install will function, but if
            # they've done a pip install in the last ~10 minutes
            # it won't. Thus by setting this to zero we will not
            # blindly use any cached data, however the benefit of
            # using max-age=0 instead of no-cache, is that we will
            # still support conditional requests, so we will still
            # minimize traffic sent in cases where the page hasn't
            # changed at all, we will just always incur the round
            # trip for the conditional GET now instead of only
            # once per 10 minutes.
            # For more information, please see pypa/pip#5670.
            # However if we want to override Cache-Control, e.g. via CLI,
            # we can still do so.
            "Cache-Control": session.headers.get('Cache-Control', 'max-age=0'),

    # The check for archives above only works if the url ends with
    # something that looks like an archive. However that is not a
    # requirement of an url. Unless we issue a HEAD request on every
    # url we cannot know ahead of time for sure if something is HTML
    # or not. However we can check after we've downloaded it.

    return resp 

示例6: _get_html_response

# 需要导入模块: from pip._vendor import requests [as 别名]
# 或者: from pip._vendor.requests import Response [as 别名]
def _get_html_response(url, session):
    # type: (str, PipSession) -> Response
    """Access an HTML page with GET, and return the response.

    This consists of three parts:

    1. If the URL looks suspiciously like an archive, send a HEAD first to
       check the Content-Type is HTML, to avoid downloading a large file.
       Raise `_NotHTTP` if the content type cannot be determined, or
       `_NotHTML` if it is not HTML.
    2. Actually perform the request. Raise HTTP exceptions on network failures.
    3. Check the Content-Type header to make sure we got HTML, and raise
       `_NotHTML` otherwise.
    if _is_url_like_archive(url):
        _ensure_html_response(url, session=session)

    logger.debug('Getting page %s', redact_auth_from_url(url))

    resp = session.get(
            "Accept": "text/html",
            # We don't want to blindly returned cached data for
            # /simple/, because authors generally expecting that
            # twine upload && pip install will function, but if
            # they've done a pip install in the last ~10 minutes
            # it won't. Thus by setting this to zero we will not
            # blindly use any cached data, however the benefit of
            # using max-age=0 instead of no-cache, is that we will
            # still support conditional requests, so we will still
            # minimize traffic sent in cases where the page hasn't
            # changed at all, we will just always incur the round
            # trip for the conditional GET now instead of only
            # once per 10 minutes.
            # For more information, please see pypa/pip#5670.
            "Cache-Control": "max-age=0",

    # The check for archives above only works if the url ends with
    # something that looks like an archive. However that is not a
    # requirement of an url. Unless we issue a HEAD request on every
    # url we cannot know ahead of time for sure if something is HTML
    # or not. However we can check after we've downloaded it.

    return resp 
