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Python peewee.Field方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中peewee.Field方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python peewee.Field方法的具体用法?Python peewee.Field怎么用?Python peewee.Field使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在peewee的用法示例。


示例1: field_class_to_schematics_field

# 需要导入模块: import peewee [as 别名]
# 或者: from peewee import Field [as 别名]
def field_class_to_schematics_field(field: peewee.Field) -> BaseType:
    if isinstance(field, peewee.ForeignKeyField):
        field = field.rel_field

    kwargs = {}

    # 检查是否 require
    if not ((field.default is not None) or field.null or field.sequence or isinstance(field, peewee.AutoField)):
        kwargs['required'] = True

    if field.help_text:
        kwargs['metadata'] = {'description': field.help_text}

    if isinstance(field, peewee.IntegerField):
        return IntType(**kwargs)
    elif isinstance(field, peewee.FloatField):
        return FloatType(**kwargs)
    elif isinstance(field, (PG_JSONField, PG_BinaryJSONField, SQLITE_JSONField)):
        # 注意 SQLITE_JSONField 是一个 _StringField 所以要提前
        return JSONType(**kwargs)
        # HStore 貌似才应该对应 dict,json可以对应任意类型
        # return JSONDictType(StringType, **kwargs)
    elif isinstance(field, peewee.DateTimeField):
        return DateTimeType(**kwargs)
    elif isinstance(field, peewee.DateField):
        return DateType(**kwargs)
    elif isinstance(field, peewee._StringField):
        return StringType(**kwargs)
    elif isinstance(field, peewee.BooleanField):
        return BooleanType(**kwargs)
    elif isinstance(field, peewee.BlobField):
        return BlobType(**kwargs)
    elif isinstance(field, PG_ArrayField):
        field: PG_ArrayField
        return JSONListType(field_class_to_schematics_field(field._ArrayField__field), **kwargs)

# noinspection PyProtectedMember 

示例2: _add_field_hook

# 需要导入模块: import peewee [as 别名]
# 或者: from peewee import Field [as 别名]
def _add_field_hook():
  init = pw.Field.__init__
  def _init(*args, **kwargs):
    self = args[0]
    if 'aka' in kwargs:
      akas = kwargs['aka']
      if hasattr(akas, 'lower'):
        akas = [akas]
      self.akas = akas
      del kwargs['aka']
    init(*args, **kwargs)
  pw.Field.__init__ = _init 

示例3: order

# 需要导入模块: import peewee [as 别名]
# 或者: from peewee import Field [as 别名]
def order(self):
		if self.sort_field and isinstance(self.sort_field, Field):
			if self.sort_order and self.sort_field:
				return self.sort_field
			elif not self.sort_order and self.sort_field:
				return -self.sort_field
		elif self.sort_field:
			return self.sort_field
		return None 
