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Python param.List方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中param.List方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python param.List方法的具体用法?Python param.List怎么用?Python param.List使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在param的用法示例。


示例1: poly_to_geopandas

# 需要导入模块: import param [as 别名]
# 或者: from param import List [as 别名]
def poly_to_geopandas(polys, columns):
    Converts a GeoViews Paths or Polygons type to a geopandas dataframe.


    polys : gv.Path or gv.Polygons
        GeoViews element
    columns: list(str)
        List of columns

    gdf : Geopandas dataframe
    rows = []
    for g in polys.geom():
        rows.append(dict({c: '' for c in columns}, geometry=g))
    return gpd.GeoDataFrame(rows, columns=columns+['geometry']) 

示例2: from_params

# 需要导入模块: import param [as 别名]
# 或者: from param import List [as 别名]
def from_params(cls, params, **kwargs):
        """Returns Params streams given a dictionary of parameters

            params (dict): Dictionary of parameters

            List of Params streams
        key_fn = lambda x: id(x[1].owner)
        streams = []
        for _, group in groupby(sorted(params.items(), key=key_fn), key_fn):
            group = list(group)
            inst = [p.owner for _, p in group][0]
            if not isinstance(inst, param.Parameterized):
            names = [p.name for _, p in group]
            rename = {p.name: n for n, p in group}
            streams.append(cls(inst, names, rename=rename, **kwargs))
        return streams 

示例3: reindex

# 需要导入模块: import param [as 别名]
# 或者: from param import List [as 别名]
def reindex(self, kdims=[], force=False):
        """Reorders key dimensions on DynamicMap

        Create a new object with a reordered set of key dimensions.
        Dropping dimensions is not allowed on a DynamicMap.

            kdims: List of dimensions to reindex the mapping with
            force: Not applicable to a DynamicMap

            Reindexed DynamicMap
        if not isinstance(kdims, list):
            kdims = [kdims]
        kdims = [self.get_dimension(kd, strict=True) for kd in kdims]
        dropped = [kd for kd in self.kdims if kd not in kdims]
        if dropped:
            raise ValueError("DynamicMap does not allow dropping dimensions, "
                             "reindex may only be used to reorder dimensions.")
        return super(DynamicMap, self).reindex(kdims, force) 

示例4: init_graph

# 需要导入模块: import param [as 别名]
# 或者: from param import List [as 别名]
def init_graph(self, datum, options, index=0):
        Initialize the plotly components that will represent the element

        datum: dict
            An element of the data list returned by the get_data method
        options: dict
            Graph options that were returned by the graph_options method
        index: int
            Index of datum in the original list returned by the get_data method

            Dictionary of the plotly components that represent the element.
            Keys may include:
             - 'traces': List of trace dicts
             - 'annotations': List of annotations dicts
             - 'images': List of image dicts
             - 'shapes': List of shape dicts
        trace = dict(options)
        for k, v in datum.items():
            if k in trace and isinstance(trace[k], dict):
                trace[k] = v

        if self._style_key and self._per_trace:
            vectorized = {k: v for k, v in options[self._style_key].items()
                          if isinstance(v, np.ndarray)}
            trace[self._style_key] = dict(trace[self._style_key])
            for s, val in vectorized.items():
                trace[self._style_key][s] = val[index]
        return {'traces': [trace]} 

示例5: define

# 需要导入模块: import param [as 别名]
# 或者: from param import List [as 别名]
def define(cls, name, **kwargs):
        Utility to quickly and easily declare Stream classes. Designed
        for interactive use such as notebooks and shouldn't replace
        parameterized class definitions in source code that is imported.

        Takes a stream class name and a set of keywords where each
        keyword becomes a parameter. If the value is already a
        parameter, it is simply used otherwise the appropriate parameter
        type is inferred and declared, using the value as the default.

        Supported types: bool, int, float, str, dict, tuple and list
        params = {'name': param.String(default=name)}
        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            kws = dict(default=v, constant=True)
            if isinstance(v, param.Parameter):
                params[k] = v
            elif isinstance(v, bool):
                params[k] = param.Boolean(**kws)
            elif isinstance(v, int):
                params[k] = param.Integer(**kws)
            elif isinstance(v, float):
                params[k] = param.Number(**kws)
            elif isinstance(v, str):
                params[k] = param.String(**kws)
            elif isinstance(v, dict):
                params[k] = param.Dict(**kws)
            elif isinstance(v, tuple):
                params[k] = param.Tuple(**kws)
            elif isinstance(v, list):
                params[k] = param.List(**kws)
            elif isinstance(v, np.ndarray):
                params[k] = param.Array(**kws)
                params[k] = param.Parameter(**kws)

        # Dynamic class creation using type
        return type(name, (Stream,), params) 

示例6: test_custom_types

# 需要导入模块: import param [as 别名]
# 或者: from param import List [as 别名]
def test_custom_types(self):
        self.assertEqual(isinstance(self.TypesTest.param['t'], param.Boolean),True)
        self.assertEqual(isinstance(self.TypesTest.param['u'], param.Integer),True)
        self.assertEqual(isinstance(self.TypesTest.param['v'], param.Number),True)
        self.assertEqual(isinstance(self.TypesTest.param['w'], param.Tuple),True)
        self.assertEqual(isinstance(self.TypesTest.param['x'], param.String),True)
        self.assertEqual(isinstance(self.TypesTest.param['y'], param.List),True)
        self.assertEqual(isinstance(self.TypesTest.param['z'], param.Array),True) 

示例7: process_dimensions

# 需要导入模块: import param [as 别名]
# 或者: from param import List [as 别名]
def process_dimensions(kdims, vdims):
    """Converts kdims and vdims to Dimension objects.

        kdims: List or single key dimension(s) specified as strings,
            tuples dicts or Dimension objects.
        vdims: List or single value dimension(s) specified as strings,
            tuples dicts or Dimension objects.

        Dictionary containing kdims and vdims converted to Dimension

        {'kdims': [Dimension('x')], 'vdims': [Dimension('y')]
    dimensions = {}
    for group, dims in [('kdims', kdims), ('vdims', vdims)]:
        if dims is None:
        elif isinstance(dims, (tuple, basestring, Dimension, dict)):
            dims = [dims]
        elif not isinstance(dims, list):
            raise ValueError("%s argument expects a Dimension or list of dimensions, "
                             "specified as tuples, strings, dictionaries or Dimension "
                             "instances, not a %s type. Ensure you passed the data as the "
                             "first argument." % (group, type(dims).__name__))
        for dim in dims:
            if not isinstance(dim, (tuple, basestring, Dimension, dict)):
                raise ValueError('Dimensions must be defined as a tuple, '
                                 'string, dictionary or Dimension instance, '
                                 'found a %s type.' % type(dim).__name__)
        dimensions[group] = [asdim(d) for d in dims]
    return dimensions 

示例8: traverse

# 需要导入模块: import param [as 别名]
# 或者: from param import List [as 别名]
def traverse(self, fn=None, specs=None, full_breadth=True):
        """Traverses object returning matching items
        Traverses the set of children of the object, collecting the
        all objects matching the defined specs. Each object can be
        processed with the supplied function.
            fn (function, optional): Function applied to matched objects
            specs: List of specs to match
                Specs must be types, functions or type[.group][.label]
                specs to select objects to return, by default applies
                to all objects.
            full_breadth: Whether to traverse all objects
                Whether to traverse the full set of objects on each
                container or only the first.
            list: List of objects that matched
        if fn is None:
            fn = lambda x: x
        if specs is not None and not isinstance(specs, (list, set, tuple)):
            specs = [specs]
        accumulator = []
        matches = specs is None
        if not matches:
            for spec in specs:
                matches = self.matches(spec)
                if matches: break
        if matches:

        # Assumes composite objects are iterables
        if self._deep_indexable:
            for el in self:
                if el is None:
                accumulator += el.traverse(fn, specs, full_breadth)
                if not full_breadth: break
        return accumulator 

示例9: map

# 需要导入模块: import param [as 别名]
# 或者: from param import List [as 别名]
def map(self, map_fn, specs=None, clone=True):
        """Map a function to all objects matching the specs

        Recursively replaces elements using a map function when the
        specs apply, by default applies to all objects, e.g. to apply
        the function to all contained Curve objects:

            dmap.map(fn, hv.Curve)

            map_fn: Function to apply to each object
            specs: List of specs to match
                List of types, functions or type[.group][.label] specs
                to select objects to return, by default applies to all
            clone: Whether to clone the object or transform inplace

            Returns the object after the map_fn has been applied
        if specs is not None and not isinstance(specs, (list, set, tuple)):
            specs = [specs]
        applies = specs is None or any(self.matches(spec) for spec in specs)

        if self._deep_indexable:
            deep_mapped = self.clone(shared_data=False) if clone else self
            for k, v in self.items():
                new_val = v.map(map_fn, specs, clone)
                if new_val is not None:
                    deep_mapped[k] = new_val
            if applies: deep_mapped = map_fn(deep_mapped)
            return deep_mapped
            return map_fn(self) if applies else self 

示例10: closest

# 需要导入模块: import param [as 别名]
# 或者: from param import List [as 别名]
def closest(self, coords, **kwargs):
        """Snap list or dict of coordinates to closest position.

            coords: List of 1D or 2D coordinates
            **kwargs: Coordinates specified as keyword pairs

            List of tuples of the snapped coordinates

            NotImplementedError: Raised if snapping is not supported
        raise NotImplementedError 

示例11: array

# 需要导入模块: import param [as 别名]
# 或者: from param import List [as 别名]
def array(self, dimensions=None):
        """Convert dimension values to columnar array.

            dimensions: List of dimensions to return

            Array of columns corresponding to each dimension
        if dimensions is None:
            dims = [d for d in self.kdims + self.vdims]
            dims = [self.get_dimension(d, strict=True) for d in dimensions]

        columns, types = [], []
        for dim in dims:
            column = self.dimension_values(dim)
        if len(set(types)) > 1:
            columns = [c.astype('object') for c in columns]
        return np.column_stack(columns)

    #    Deprecations    #

示例12: collate

# 需要导入模块: import param [as 别名]
# 或者: from param import List [as 别名]
def collate(self, merge_type=None, drop=[], drop_constant=False):
        """Collate allows reordering nested containers

        Collation allows collapsing nested mapping types by merging
        their dimensions. In simple terms in merges nested containers
        into a single merged type.

        In the simple case a HoloMap containing other HoloMaps can
        easily be joined in this way. However collation is
        particularly useful when the objects being joined are deeply
        nested, e.g. you want to join multiple Layouts recorded at
        different times, collation will return one Layout containing
        HoloMaps indexed by Time. Changing the merge_type will allow
        merging the outer Dimension into any other UniformNdMapping

            merge_type: Type of the object to merge with
            drop: List of dimensions to drop
            drop_constant: Drop constant dimensions automatically

            Collated Layout or HoloMap
        from .element import Collator
        merge_type=merge_type if merge_type else self.__class__
        return Collator(self, merge_type=merge_type, drop=drop,

示例13: get_nested_dmaps

# 需要导入模块: import param [as 别名]
# 或者: from param import List [as 别名]
def get_nested_dmaps(dmap):
    """Recurses DynamicMap to find DynamicMaps inputs

        dmap: DynamicMap to recurse to look for DynamicMap inputs

        List of DynamicMap instances that were found
    if not isinstance(dmap, DynamicMap):
        return []
    dmaps = [dmap]
    for o in dmap.callback.inputs:
    return list(set(dmaps)) 

示例14: get_nested_streams

# 需要导入模块: import param [as 别名]
# 或者: from param import List [as 别名]
def get_nested_streams(dmap):
    """Recurses supplied DynamicMap to find all streams

        dmap: DynamicMap to recurse to look for streams

        List of streams that were found
    return list({s for dmap in get_nested_dmaps(dmap) for s in dmap.streams}) 

示例15: keys

# 需要导入模块: import param [as 别名]
# 或者: from param import List [as 别名]
def keys(self, full_grid=False):
        """Returns the keys of the GridSpace

            full_grid (bool, optional): Return full cross-product of keys

            List of keys
        keys = super(GridSpace, self).keys()
        if self.ndims == 1 or not full_grid:
            return keys
        dim1_keys = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(k[0] for k in keys))
        dim2_keys = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(k[1] for k in keys))
        return [(d1, d2) for d1 in dim1_keys for d2 in dim2_keys] 
