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Python oslo_i18n.translate方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中oslo_i18n.translate方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python oslo_i18n.translate方法的具体用法?Python oslo_i18n.translate怎么用?Python oslo_i18n.translate使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在oslo_i18n的用法示例。


示例1: translate

# 需要导入模块: import oslo_i18n [as 别名]
# 或者: from oslo_i18n import translate [as 别名]
def translate(translatable, locale):
    """Translate the object to the given locale.

    If the object is an exception its translatable elements are translated
    in place, if the object is a translatable string it is translated and
    returned. Otherwise, the object is returned as-is.

    :param translatable: the object to be translated
    :param locale: the locale to translate to
    :returns: the translated object, or the object as-is if it
              was not translated
    localize = oslo_i18n.translate
    if isinstance(translatable, exceptions.TackerException):
        translatable.msg = localize(translatable.msg, locale)
    elif isinstance(translatable, exc.HTTPError):
        translatable.detail = localize(translatable.detail, locale)
    elif isinstance(translatable, Exception):
        translatable.message = localize(translatable, locale)
        return localize(translatable, locale)
    return translatable 

示例2: test_translate

# 需要导入模块: import oslo_i18n [as 别名]
# 或者: from oslo_i18n import translate [as 别名]
def test_translate(self):

示例3: translate

# 需要导入模块: import oslo_i18n [as 别名]
# 或者: from oslo_i18n import translate [as 别名]
def translate(value, user_locale):
    return oslo_i18n.translate(value, user_locale) 

示例4: translate

# 需要导入模块: import oslo_i18n [as 别名]
# 或者: from oslo_i18n import translate [as 别名]
def translate(value, user_locale=None):
    return i18n.translate(value, user_locale) 

示例5: translate

# 需要导入模块: import oslo_i18n [as 别名]
# 或者: from oslo_i18n import translate [as 别名]
def translate(msg, user_locale='zh_CN'):

    :param msg: the object to translate
    :param user_locale: the locale to translate the message to, if None the
                        default system locale will be used
                        'en_US' 'zh_CN'
    :returns: the translated object in unicode, or the original object if
              it could not be translated
    return oslo_i18n.translate(msg, user_locale) 

示例6: _dispatch

# 需要导入模块: import oslo_i18n [as 别名]
# 或者: from oslo_i18n import translate [as 别名]
def _dispatch(req):
        """Dispatch a Request.

        Called by self._router after matching the incoming request to a route
        and putting the information into req.environ. Either returns 404
        or the routed WSGI app's response.
        match = req.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'][1]
        if not match:
            language = req.best_match_language()
            msg = _('The resource could not be found.')
            msg = i18n.translate(msg, language)
            return webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=msg)
        app = match['controller']
        return app 

示例7: __call__

# 需要导入模块: import oslo_i18n [as 别名]
# 或者: from oslo_i18n import translate [as 别名]
def __call__(self, req):
        """Generate a WSGI response based on the exception passed to ctor."""
        user_locale = req.best_match_language()
        # Replace the body with fault details.
        code = self.wrapped_exc.status_int
        fault_name = self._fault_names.get(code, "tackerFault")
        explanation = self.wrapped_exc.explanation
        LOG.debug("Returning %(code)s to user: %(explanation)s",
                  {'code': code, 'explanation': explanation})

        explanation = i18n.translate(explanation, user_locale)
        fault_data = {
            fault_name: {
                'code': code,
                'message': explanation}}
        if code == 413 or code == 429:
            retry = self.wrapped_exc.headers.get('Retry-After', None)
            if retry:
                fault_data[fault_name]['retryAfter'] = retry

        self.wrapped_exc.content_type = 'application/json'
        self.wrapped_exc.charset = 'UTF-8'

        body = JSONDictSerializer().serialize(fault_data)
        if isinstance(body, six.text_type):
            body = body.encode('utf-8')
        self.wrapped_exc.body = body

        return self.wrapped_exc 

示例8: convert_exception_to_http_exc

# 需要导入模块: import oslo_i18n [as 别名]
# 或者: from oslo_i18n import translate [as 别名]
def convert_exception_to_http_exc(e, faults, language):
    serializer = wsgi.JSONDictSerializer()
    e = translate(e, language)
    body = serializer.serialize(
        {'TackerError': get_exception_data(e)})
    kwargs = {'body': body, 'content_type': 'application/json'}
    if isinstance(e, exc.HTTPException):
        # already an HTTP error, just update with content type and body
        e.body = body
        e.content_type = kwargs['content_type']
        return e
    if isinstance(e, (exceptions.TackerException, netaddr.AddrFormatError,
        for fault in faults:
            if isinstance(e, fault):
                mapped_exc = faults[fault]
            mapped_exc = exc.HTTPInternalServerError
        return mapped_exc(**kwargs)
    if isinstance(e, NotImplementedError):
        # NOTE(armando-migliaccio): from a client standpoint
        # it makes sense to receive these errors, because
        # extensions may or may not be implemented by
        # the underlying plugin. So if something goes south,
        # because a plugin does not implement a feature,
        # returning 500 is definitely confusing.
        kwargs['body'] = serializer.serialize(
            {'NotImplementedError': get_exception_data(e)})
        return exc.HTTPNotImplemented(**kwargs)
    # NOTE(jkoelker) Everything else is 500
    # Do not expose details of 500 error to clients.
    msg = _('Request Failed: internal server error while '
            'processing your request.')
    msg = translate(msg, language)
    kwargs['body'] = serializer.serialize(
        {'TackerError': get_exception_data(exc.HTTPInternalServerError(msg))})
    return exc.HTTPInternalServerError(**kwargs) 

示例9: __call__

# 需要导入模块: import oslo_i18n [as 别名]
# 或者: from oslo_i18n import translate [as 别名]
def __call__(self, req):
        """Respond to a request for all Tacker API versions."""
        version_objs = [
                "id": "v1.0",
                "status": "CURRENT",

        if req.path != '/':
            language = req.best_match_language()
            msg = _('Unknown API version specified')
            msg = oslo_i18n.translate(msg, language)
            return webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=msg)

        builder = versions_view.get_view_builder(req)
        versions = [builder.build(version) for version in version_objs]
        response = dict(versions=versions)
        metadata = {}

        content_type = req.best_match_content_type()
        body = (wsgi.Serializer(metadata=metadata).
                serialize(response, content_type))

        response = webob.Response()
        response.content_type = content_type
        response.body = body

        return response 

示例10: translate_exception

# 需要导入模块: import oslo_i18n [as 别名]
# 或者: from oslo_i18n import translate [as 别名]
def translate_exception(ex, locale):
    """Translate all translatable elements of the given exception."""
    if isinstance(ex, exception.SenlinException):
        ex.message = oslo_i18n.translate(ex.message, locale)
        ex.message = oslo_i18n.translate(str(ex), locale)

    if isinstance(ex, exc.HTTPError):
        ex.explanation = oslo_i18n.translate(ex.explanation, locale)
        ex.detail = oslo_i18n.translate(getattr(ex, 'detail', ''), locale)
    return ex 
