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Python numpy.sctypes方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.sctypes方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python numpy.sctypes方法的具体用法?Python numpy.sctypes怎么用?Python numpy.sctypes使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在numpy的用法示例。


示例1: test_able_casting

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import sctypes [as 别名]
def test_able_casting():
    # Check the able_int_type function guesses numpy out type
    types = np.sctypes['int'] + np.sctypes['uint']
    for in_type in types:
        in_info = np.iinfo(in_type)
        in_mn, in_mx = in_info.min, in_info.max
        A = np.zeros((1,), dtype=in_type)
        for out_type in types:
            out_info = np.iinfo(out_type)
            out_mn, out_mx = out_info.min, out_info.max
            B = np.zeros((1,), dtype=out_type)
            ApBt = (A + B).dtype.type
            able_type = able_int_type([in_mn, in_mx, out_mn, out_mx])
            if able_type is None:
                assert_equal(ApBt, np.float64)
            # Use str for comparison to avoid int32/64 vs intp comparison
            # failures
            assert_equal(np.dtype(ApBt).str, np.dtype(able_type).str) 

示例2: test_scaling_in_abstract

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import sctypes [as 别名]
def test_scaling_in_abstract():
    # Confirm that, for all ints and uints as input, and all possible outputs,
    # for any simple way of doing the calculation, the result is near enough
    for category0, category1 in (('int', 'int'),
                                 ('uint', 'int'),
        for in_type in np.sctypes[category0]:
            for out_type in np.sctypes[category1]:
                check_int_a2f(in_type, out_type)
    # Converting floats to integer
    for category0, category1 in (('float', 'int'),
                                 ('float', 'uint'),
                                 ('complex', 'int'),
                                 ('complex', 'uint'),
        for in_type in np.sctypes[category0]:
            for out_type in np.sctypes[category1]:
                check_int_a2f(in_type, out_type) 

示例3: test_better_float

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import sctypes [as 别名]
def test_better_float():
    # Better float function
    def check_against(f1, f2):
        return f1 if FLOAT_TYPES.index(f1) >= FLOAT_TYPES.index(f2) else f2
    for first in FLOAT_TYPES:
        for other in IUINT_TYPES + np.sctypes['complex']:
            assert_equal(better_float_of(first, other), first)
            assert_equal(better_float_of(other, first), first)
            for other2 in IUINT_TYPES + np.sctypes['complex']:
                assert_equal(better_float_of(other, other2), np.float32)
                assert_equal(better_float_of(other, other2, np.float64),
        for second in FLOAT_TYPES:
            assert_equal(better_float_of(first, second),
                         check_against(first, second))
    # Check codes and dtypes work
    assert_equal(better_float_of('f4', 'f8', 'f4'), np.float64)
    assert_equal(better_float_of('i4', 'i8', 'f8'), np.float64) 

示例4: test_can_cast_values

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import sctypes [as 别名]
def test_can_cast_values(self):
        # gh-5917
        for dt in np.sctypes['int'] + np.sctypes['uint']:
            ii = np.iinfo(dt)
            assert_(np.can_cast(ii.min, dt))
            assert_(np.can_cast(ii.max, dt))
            assert_(not np.can_cast(ii.min - 1, dt))
            assert_(not np.can_cast(ii.max + 1, dt))

        for dt in np.sctypes['float']:
            fi = np.finfo(dt)
            assert_(np.can_cast(fi.min, dt))
            assert_(np.can_cast(fi.max, dt))

# Custom exception class to test exception propagation in fromiter 

示例5: test_can_cast_values

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import sctypes [as 别名]
def test_can_cast_values(self):
        # gh-5917
        for dt in np.sctypes['int'] + np.sctypes['uint']:
            ii = np.iinfo(dt)
            assert_(np.can_cast(ii.min, dt))
            assert_(np.can_cast(ii.max, dt))
            assert_(not np.can_cast(ii.min - 1, dt))
            assert_(not np.can_cast(ii.max + 1, dt))

        for dt in np.sctypes['float']:
            fi = np.finfo(dt)
            assert_(np.can_cast(fi.min, dt))
            assert_(np.can_cast(fi.max, dt))

# Custom exception class to test exception propagation in fromiter 

示例6: ok_floats

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import sctypes [as 别名]
def ok_floats():
    """ Return floating point types sorted by precision

    Remove longdouble if it has no higher precision than float64
    floats = sorted(np.sctypes['float'], key=lambda f : type_info(f)['nmant'])
    if best_float() != np.longdouble and np.longdouble in floats:
    return floats 

示例7: able_int_type

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import sctypes [as 别名]
def able_int_type(values):
    """ Find the smallest integer numpy type to contain sequence `values`

    Prefers uint to int if minimum is >= 0

    values : sequence
        sequence of integer values

    itype : None or numpy type
        numpy integer type or None if no integer type holds all `values`

    >>> able_int_type([0, 1]) == np.uint8
    >>> able_int_type([-1, 1]) == np.int8
    if any([v % 1 for v in values]):
        return None
    mn = min(values)
    mx = max(values)
    if mn >= 0:
        for ityp in np.sctypes['uint']:
            if mx <= np.iinfo(ityp).max:
                return ityp
    for ityp in np.sctypes['int']:
        info = np.iinfo(ityp)
        if mn >= info.min and mx <= info.max:
            return ityp
    return None 

示例8: test_round_trip

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import sctypes [as 别名]
def test_round_trip():
    scaling_type = np.float32
    rng = np.random.RandomState(20111121)
    N = 10000
    sd_10s = range(-20, 51, 5)
    iuint_types = np.sctypes['int'] + np.sctypes['uint']
    # Remove intp types, which cannot be set into nifti header datatype
    f_types = [np.float32, np.float64]
    # Expanding standard deviations
    for i, sd_10 in enumerate(sd_10s):
        sd = 10.0**sd_10
        V_in = rng.normal(0, sd, size=(N,1))
        for j, in_type in enumerate(f_types):
            for k, out_type in enumerate(iuint_types):
                check_arr(sd_10, V_in, in_type, out_type, scaling_type)
    # Spread integers across range
    for i, sd in enumerate(np.linspace(0.05, 0.5, 5)):
        for j, in_type in enumerate(iuint_types):
            info = np.iinfo(in_type)
            mn, mx = info.min, info.max
            type_range = mx - mn
            center = type_range / 2.0 + mn
            # float(sd) because type_range can be type 'long'
            width = type_range * float(sd)
            V_in = rng.normal(center, width, size=(N,1))
            for k, out_type in enumerate(iuint_types):
                check_arr(sd, V_in, in_type, out_type, scaling_type) 

示例9: check_int_a2f

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import sctypes [as 别名]
def check_int_a2f(in_type, out_type):
    # Check that array to / from file returns roughly the same as input
    big_floater = np.maximum_sctype(np.float)
    info = type_info(in_type)
    this_min, this_max = info['min'], info['max']
    if not in_type in np.sctypes['complex']:
        data = np.array([this_min, this_max], in_type)
        # Bug in numpy 1.6.2 on PPC leading to infs - abort
        if not np.all(np.isfinite(data)):
            if DEBUG:
                print 'Hit PPC max -> inf bug; skip in_type %s' % in_type
    else: # Funny behavior with complex256
        data = np.zeros((2,), in_type)
        data[0] = this_min + 0j
        data[1] = this_max + 0j
    str_io = BytesIO()
        scale, inter, mn, mx = calculate_scale(data, out_type, True)
    except ValueError:
        if DEBUG:
            print in_type, out_type, sys.exc_info()[1]
    array_to_file(data, str_io, out_type, 0, inter, scale, mn, mx)
    data_back = array_from_file(data.shape, out_type, str_io)
    data_back = apply_read_scaling(data_back, scale, inter)
    assert_true(np.allclose(big_floater(data), big_floater(data_back)))
    # Try with analyze-size scale and inter
    scale32 = np.float32(scale)
    inter32 = np.float32(inter)
    if scale32 == np.inf or inter32 == np.inf:
    data_back = array_from_file(data.shape, out_type, str_io)
    data_back = apply_read_scaling(data_back, scale32, inter32)
    # Clip at extremes to remove inf
    info = type_info(in_type)
    out_min, out_max = info['min'], info['max']
                            big_floater(np.clip(data_back, out_min, out_max)))) 

示例10: test_as_int_np_fix

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import sctypes [as 别名]
def test_as_int_np_fix():
    # Test as_int works for integers.  We need as_int for integers because of a
    # numpy 1.4.1 bug such that int(np.uint32(2**32-1) == -1
    for t in np.sctypes['int'] + np.sctypes['uint']:
        info = np.iinfo(t)
        mn, mx = np.array([info.min, info.max], dtype=t)
        assert_equal((mn, mx), (as_int(mn), as_int(mx))) 

示例11: setup

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import sctypes [as 别名]
def setup(self):
        dtypes = {np.dtype(tp) for tp in itertools.chain(*np.sctypes.values())}
        # void, bytes, str
        variable_sized = {tp for tp in dtypes if tp.str.endswith('0')}
        self.dtypes = sorted(dtypes - variable_sized |
                             {np.dtype(tp.str.replace("0", str(i)))
                              for tp in variable_sized for i in range(1, 10)},
                             key=lambda dtype: dtype.str)
        self.orders = {'C': 'c_contiguous', 'F': 'f_contiguous'}
        self.ndims = 10 

示例12: test_unsigned_max

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import sctypes [as 别名]
def test_unsigned_max(self):
        types = np.sctypes['uint']
        for T in types:
            assert_equal(iinfo(T).max, T(-1)) 

示例13: test_plausible_finfo

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import sctypes [as 别名]
def test_plausible_finfo():
    # Assert that finfo returns reasonable results for all types
    for ftype in np.sctypes['float'] + np.sctypes['complex']:
        info = np.finfo(ftype)
        assert_(info.nmant > 1)
        assert_(info.minexp < -1)
        assert_(info.maxexp > 1) 

示例14: test_nextafter_0

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import sctypes [as 别名]
def test_nextafter_0():
    for t, direction in itertools.product(np.sctypes['float'], (1, -1)):
        tiny = np.finfo(t).tiny
        assert_(0. < direction * np.nextafter(t(0), t(direction)) < tiny)
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(t(0), t(direction)) / t(2.1), direction * 0.0) 

示例15: test_uint

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import sctypes [as 别名]
def test_uint(self, t):
        assert_equal(np.maximum_sctype(t), np.sctypes['uint'][-1]) 
