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Python numpy.row_stack方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.row_stack方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python numpy.row_stack方法的具体用法?Python numpy.row_stack怎么用?Python numpy.row_stack使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在numpy的用法示例。


示例1: normalize

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import row_stack [as 别名]
def normalize(data, bounds, reverse=False, return_bounds=False):
    from pymoo.util.normalization import normalize as _normalize

    _F = np.row_stack([e[0] for e in data])
    if bounds is None:
        bounds = (_F.min(axis=0), _F.max(axis=0))

    to_plot = []
    for k in range(len(data)):
        F = _normalize(data[k][0], bounds[0], bounds[1])

        if reverse:
            F = 1 - F

        to_plot.append([F, data[k][1]])

    if return_bounds:
        return to_plot, bounds
        return to_plot 

示例2: _do

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import row_stack [as 别名]
def _do(self):

        # initial a figure with a single plot

        # equal axis length and no ticks

        # determine the overall scale of points
        _F = np.row_stack([e[0] for e in self.to_plot])
        _min, _max = _F.min(axis=0), _F.max(axis=0)

        V = get_uniform_points_around_circle(self.n_dim)

        plot_axes_arrow(self.ax, V, extend_factor=self.axis_extension, **{**self.axis_style, **self.arrow_style})
        plot_axis_labels(self.ax, V, self.get_labels(), **self.axis_label_style)

        # normalize in range for this plot - here no implicit normalization as in radviz
        bounds = parse_bounds(self.bounds, self.n_dim)
        to_plot_norm = normalize(self.to_plot, bounds)

        for k, (F, kwargs) in enumerate(to_plot_norm):
            N = (F[..., None] * V).sum(axis=1)
            self.ax.scatter(N[:, 0], N[:, 1], **kwargs) 

示例3: _do

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import row_stack [as 别名]
def _do(self, problem, X, **kwargs):

        # get the X of parents and count the matings
        _, n_matings, n_var = X.shape

        # start point of crossover
        r = np.row_stack([np.random.permutation(n_var - 1) + 1 for _ in range(n_matings)])[:, :self.n_points]
        r = np.column_stack([r, np.full(n_matings, n_var)])

        # the mask do to the crossover
        M = np.full((n_matings, n_var), False)

        # create for each individual the crossover range
        for i in range(n_matings):

            j = 0
            while j < r.shape[1] - 1:
                a, b = r[i, j], r[i, j + 1]
                M[i, a:b] = True
                j += 2

        _X = crossover_mask(X, M)

        return _X 

示例4: _do

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import row_stack [as 别名]
def _do(self):
        rnd = sample_on_unit_simplex(self.n_sample_points, self.n_dim, unit_simplex_mapping=self.sampling)

        def h(n):
            return get_partition_closest_to_points(n, self.n_dim)

        H = h(self.n_points)

        E = get_reference_directions("das-dennis", self.n_dim, n_partitions=H)
        E = E[np.any(E == 0, axis=1)]

        # add the edge coordinates
        X = np.row_stack([E, rnd])

        I = select_points_with_maximum_distance(X, self.n_points, selected=list(range((len(E)))))
        centroids = X[I].copy()

        if self.kmeans:
            #centroids = kmeans(X, centroids, self.kmeans_max_iter, self.kmeans_a_tol, 0)
            centroids = kmeans(X, centroids, self.kmeans_max_iter, self.kmeans_a_tol, len(E))

        return centroids 

示例5: mean_mean

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import row_stack [as 别名]
def mean_mean(z):
    for row in np.eye(z.shape[1]):
        if not np.any(np.all(row == z, axis=1)):
            z = np.row_stack([z, row])
    n_points, n_dim = z.shape

    D = vectorized_cdist(z, z)
    np.fill_diagonal(D, np.inf)

    k = n_dim - 1
    I = D.argsort(axis=1)[:, :k]

    first = np.column_stack([np.arange(n_points) for _ in range(k)])

    val = np.mean(D[first, I], axis=1)

    return val.mean() 

示例6: calc_pareto_front

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import row_stack [as 别名]
def calc_pareto_front(problem, ref_dirs):
    n_pareto_points = 200

    pf = problem.pareto_front(n_pareto_points=n_pareto_points, use_cache=False)
    # survival = ReferenceDirectionSurvival(ref_dirs)
    survival = RankAndCrowdingSurvival()

    for i in range(1000):
        _pf = problem.pareto_front(n_pareto_points=n_pareto_points, use_cache=False)
        F = np.row_stack([pf, _pf])

        pop = Population().new("F", F)
        pop = survival.do(problem, pop, n_pareto_points // 2)

        pf = pop.get("F")

    return pf 

示例7: test_fermi_energy_spin_resolved_even_kpoints

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import row_stack [as 别名]
def test_fermi_energy_spin_resolved_even_kpoints(self):
    """ This is to test the determination of Fermi level in spin-resolved case"""
    ee = np.row_stack((np.linspace(-10.1, 100.0, 1003), 
                       np.linspace(-10.2, 100.0, 1003),
                       np.linspace(-10.3, 100.0, 1003),
                       np.linspace(-10.4, 100.0, 1003))).reshape((4,1,1003))
    nelec = 20.0
    telec = 0.02
    nkpts = ee.shape[0]
    nspin = ee.shape[-2]
    fermi_energy = get_fermi_energy(ee, nelec, telec)
    occ = (3.0-nspin)*fermi_dirac_occupations(telec, ee, fermi_energy)


    self.assertAlmostEqual(occ.sum()/nkpts, 20.0)
    self.assertAlmostEqual(fermi_energy, -9.2045998319213016) 

示例8: test_fermi_energy_spin_resolved_even_kpoints_spin2

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import row_stack [as 别名]
def test_fermi_energy_spin_resolved_even_kpoints_spin2(self):
    """ This is to test the determination of Fermi level in spin-resolved case"""
    ee = np.row_stack((np.linspace(-10.1, 100.0, 1003), 
                       np.linspace(-10.2, 100.0, 1003),
                       np.linspace(-10.3, 100.0, 1003),
                       np.linspace(-10.4, 100.0, 1003))).reshape((2,2,1003))
    nelec = 20.0
    telec = 0.02
    nkpts = ee.shape[0]
    nspin = ee.shape[-2]
    fermi_energy = get_fermi_energy(ee, nelec, telec)
    occ = (3.0-nspin)*fermi_dirac_occupations(telec, ee, fermi_energy)


    self.assertAlmostEqual(occ.sum()/nkpts, 20.0)
    self.assertAlmostEqual(fermi_energy, -9.2045998319213016) 

示例9: _get_glyph

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import row_stack [as 别名]
def _get_glyph(gnum, height, width, shift_prob, shift_size):
  if isinstance(gnum, list):
    n = randint(*gnum)
    n = gnum

  glyph = random_points_in_circle(
      n, 0, 0, 0.5
      )*array((width, height), 'float')

  if random()<shift_prob:
    shift = ((-1)**randint(0,2))*shift_size*height
    glyph[:,1] += shift
  if random()<0.5:
    ii = randint(0,n-1,size=(1))
    xy = glyph[ii,:]
    glyph = row_stack((glyph, xy))

  return glyph 

示例10: combine

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import row_stack [as 别名]
def combine(cls, constraints):
        """Create a new LinearConstraint by ANDing together several existing

        :arg constraints: An iterable of LinearConstraint objects. Their
          :attr:`variable_names` attributes must all match.
        :returns: A new LinearConstraint object.
        if not constraints:
            raise ValueError("no constraints specified")
        variable_names = constraints[0].variable_names
        for constraint in constraints:
            if constraint.variable_names != variable_names:
                raise ValueError("variable names don't match")
        coefs = np.row_stack([c.coefs for c in constraints])
        constants = np.row_stack([c.constants for c in constraints])
        return cls(variable_names, coefs, constants) 

示例11: DataStru

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import row_stack [as 别名]
def DataStru(self):
        self.datai['train'] = np.row_stack((np.array(self.yanzhneg_pr), np.array(self.yanzhneg_real)))  # 此处添加行
        self.datai['predict'] = np.row_stack((np.array(self.predi), np.array(self.preal)))
        # 将训练数据转置
        datapst = self.datai['train'].T
        # 为训练数据定义DataFrame的列名
        mingcheng = ['第%s个模型列' % str(dd) for dd in list(range(len(self.datai['train']) - 1))] + [self.zi]
        self.datai['train'] = pd.DataFrame(datapst, columns=mingcheng)

        # 将预测数据转置
        dapst = self.datai['predict'].T
        # 为训练数据定义DataFrame的列名
        mingche= ['第%s个模型列' % str(dd) for dd in list(range(len(self.datai['predict']) - 1))] + [self.zi]
        self.datai['predict'] = pd.DataFrame(dapst, columns=mingche)
        return print('二层的数据准备完毕')

    # 定义均方误差的函数 

示例12: DataStru

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import row_stack [as 别名]
def DataStru(self):
        self.datai['train'] = np.row_stack((np.array(self.yanzhneg_pr), np.array(self.yanzhneg_real)))  # 此处添加行
        self.datai['predict'] = np.row_stack((np.array(self.predi), np.array(self.preal)))
        # 将训练数据转置
        datapst = self.datai['train'].T
        # 为训练数据定义DataFrame的列名
        mingcheng = ['第%s个模型列' % str(dd) for dd in list(range(len(self.datai['train']) - 1))] + [self.zi]
        self.datai['train'] = pd.DataFrame(datapst, columns=mingcheng)

        # 将预测数据转置
        dapst = self.datai['predict'].T
        # 为训练数据定义DataFrame的列名
        mingche= ['第%s个模型列' % str(dd) for dd in list(range(len(self.datai['predict']) - 1))] + [self.zi]
        self.datai['predict'] = pd.DataFrame(dapst, columns=mingche)
        return print('二层的数据准备完毕')

    # 创建将预测的多维的数字类别转化为一维原始名称类别的函数 

示例13: get_raw_state

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import row_stack [as 别名]
def get_raw_state(self):
        Default state observation composer.

             and updates time-embedded environment state observation as [n,4] numpy matrix, where:
                4 - number of signal features  == state_shape[1],
                n - time-embedding length  == state_shape[0] == <set by user>.

            `self.raw_state` is used to render environment `human` mode and should not be modified.

        self.raw_state = np.row_stack(

        return self.raw_state 

示例14: get_raw_state

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import row_stack [as 别名]
def get_raw_state(self):
        Default state observation composer.

             and updates time-embedded environment state observation as [n, 4] numpy matrix, where:
                4 - number of signal features  == state_shape[1],
                n - time-embedding length  == state_shape[0] == <set by user>.

            `self.raw_state` is used to render environment `human` mode and should not be modified.

        self.raw_state = np.row_stack(

        return self.raw_state 

示例15: addingenhence_nodes

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import row_stack [as 别名]
def addingenhence_nodes(self, data, label, step = 1, batchsize = 'auto'):
        if batchsize == 'auto':
            batchsize = data.shape[1]
        mappingdata = self.mapping_generator.transform(data)
        inputdata = self.transform(data)         
        localenhence_generator = node_generator()
        extraenhence_nodes = localenhence_generator.generator_nodes(mappingdata,step,batchsize,self._enhence_function)
        D = self.pesuedoinverse.dot(extraenhence_nodes)
        C = extraenhence_nodes - inputdata.dot(D)
        BT = self.pinv(C) if (C == 0).any() else  np.mat((D.T.dot(D)+np.eye(D.shape[1]))).I.dot(D.T).dot(self.pesuedoinverse)
        self.W = np.row_stack((self.W-D.dot(BT).dot(label),BT.dot(label))) 
        self.pesuedoinverse =  np.row_stack((self.pesuedoinverse - D.dot(BT),BT)) 
