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Python numpy.imag方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.imag方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python numpy.imag方法的具体用法?Python numpy.imag怎么用?Python numpy.imag使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在numpy的用法示例。


示例1: safe_bulk_eval_compact_polys

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import imag [as 别名]
def safe_bulk_eval_compact_polys(vtape, ctape, paramvec, dest_shape):
    """Typechecking wrapper for :function:`bulk_eval_compact_polys`.

    The underlying method has two implementations: one for real-valued
    `ctape`, and one for complex-valued. This wrapper will dynamically
    dispatch to the appropriate implementation method based on the
    type of `ctape`. If the type of `ctape` is known prior to calling,
    it's slightly faster to call the appropriate implementation method
    directly; if not.
    if _np.iscomplexobj(ctape):
        ret = bulk_eval_compact_polys_complex(vtape, ctape, paramvec, dest_shape)
        im_norm = _np.linalg.norm(_np.imag(ret))
        if im_norm > 1e-6:
            print("WARNING: norm(Im part) = {:g}".format(im_norm))
        ret = bulk_eval_compact_polys(vtape, ctape, paramvec, dest_shape)
    return _np.real(ret) 

示例2: infidelity_diff

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import imag [as 别名]
def infidelity_diff(self, constant_value):
        Returns a ReportableQty that is the (element-wise in the vector case)
        difference between `constant_value` and this one given by:

        `1.0 - Re(conjugate(constant_value) * self )`
        # let diff(x) = 1.0 - Re(const.C * x) = 1.0 - (const.re * x.re + const.im * x.im)
        # so d(diff)/dx.re = -const.re, d(diff)/dx.im = -const.im
        # diff(x + dx) = diff(x) + d(diff)/dx * dx
        # diff(x + dx) - diff(x) =  - (const.re * dx.re + const.im * dx.im)
        v = 1.0 - _np.real(_np.conjugate(constant_value) * self.value)
        if self.has_eb():
            eb = abs(_np.real(constant_value) * _np.real(self.errbar)
                     + _np.imag(constant_value) * _np.real(self.errbar))
            return ReportableQty(v, eb, self.nonMarkovianEBs)
            return ReportableQty(v) 

示例3: _num_to_rqc_str

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import imag [as 别名]
def _num_to_rqc_str(num):
    """Convert float to string to be included in RQC quil DEFGATE block
    (as written by _np_to_quil_def_str)."""
    num = _np.complex(_np.real_if_close(num))
    if _np.imag(num) == 0:
        output = str(_np.real(num))
        return output
        real_part = _np.real(num)
        imag_part = _np.imag(num)
        if imag_part < 0:
            sgn = '-'
            imag_part = imag_part * -1
        elif imag_part > 0:
            sgn = '+'
            assert False
        return '{}{}{}i'.format(real_part, sgn, imag_part) 

示例4: __str__

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import imag [as 别名]
def __str__(self):
        def fmt(x):
            if abs(_np.imag(x)) > 1e-6:
                if abs(_np.real(x)) > 1e-6: return "(%.3f+%.3fj)" % (x.real, x.imag)
                else: return "(%.3fj)" % x.imag
            else: return "%.3f" % x.real

        termstrs = []
        sorted_keys = sorted(list(self.keys()))
        for k in sorted_keys:
            vinds = self._int_to_vinds(k)
            varstr = ""; last_i = None; n = 0
            for i in sorted(vinds):
                if i == last_i: n += 1
                elif last_i is not None:
                    varstr += "x%d%s" % (last_i, ("^%d" % n) if n > 1 else "")
                last_i = i
            if last_i is not None:
                varstr += "x%d%s" % (last_i, ("^%d" % n) if n > 1 else "")
            #print("DB: vinds = ",vinds, " varstr = ",varstr)
            if abs(self[k]) > 1e-4:
                termstrs.append("%s%s" % (fmt(self[k]), varstr))
        if len(termstrs) > 0:
            return " + ".join(termstrs)
        else: return "0" 

示例5: bulk_fill_probs

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import imag [as 别名]
def bulk_fill_probs(self, mxToFill, evalTree, clipTo=None, check=False, comm=None):
        if False and evalTree.cache:  # TEST (disabled)
            cpolys = evalTree.cache
            ps = _safe_bulk_eval_compact_polys(cpolys[0], cpolys[1], self._paramvec, (evalTree.num_final_elements(),))
            assert(_np.linalg.norm(_np.imag(ps)) < 1e-6)
            ps = _np.real(ps)
            if clipTo is not None: ps = _np.clip(ps, clipTo[0], clipTo[1])
            mxToFill[:] = ps
            for i, c in enumerate(evalTree):
                cache = evalTree.cache[i] if evalTree.cache else None
                probs = self.probs(c, clipTo, cache)
                elInds = _slct.indices(evalTree.element_indices[i]) \
                    if isinstance(evalTree.element_indices[i], slice) else evalTree.element_indices[i]
                for k, outcome in zip(elInds, evalTree.outcomes[i]):
                    mxToFill[k] = probs[outcome] 

示例6: is_hermitian

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import imag [as 别名]
def is_hermitian(mx, TOL=1e-9):
    Test whether mx is a hermitian matrix.

    mx : numpy array
        Matrix to test.

    TOL : float, optional
        Tolerance on absolute magitude of elements.

        True if mx is hermitian, otherwise False.
    (m, n) = mx.shape
    for i in range(m):
        if abs(mx[i, i].imag) > TOL: return False
        for j in range(i + 1, n):
            if abs(mx[i, j] - mx[j, i].conjugate()) > TOL: return False
    return True 

示例7: complex_compare

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import imag [as 别名]
def complex_compare(a, b):
    Comparison function for complex numbers that compares real part, then
    imaginary part.

    a,b : complex

    -1 if a < b
     0 if a == b
    +1 if a > b
    if a.real < b.real: return -1
    elif a.real > b.real: return 1
    elif a.imag < b.imag: return -1
    elif a.imag > b.imag: return 1
    else: return 0 

示例8: safereal

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import imag [as 别名]
def safereal(A, inplace=False, check=False):
    Returns the real-part of `A` correctly when `A` is either a dense array or
    a sparse matrix
    if check:
        assert(safenorm(A, 'imag') < 1e-6), "Check failed: taking real-part of matrix w/nonzero imaginary part"
    if _sps.issparse(A):
        if _sps.isspmatrix_csr(A):
            if inplace:
                ret = _sps.csr_matrix((_np.real(A.data), A.indices, A.indptr), shape=A.shape, dtype='d')
            else:  # copy
                ret = _sps.csr_matrix((_np.real(A.data).copy(), A.indices.copy(),
                                       A.indptr.copy()), shape=A.shape, dtype='d')
            return ret
            raise NotImplementedError("safereal() doesn't work with %s matrices yet" % str(type(A)))
        return _np.real(A) 

示例9: safeimag

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import imag [as 别名]
def safeimag(A, inplace=False, check=False):
    Returns the imaginary-part of `A` correctly when `A` is either a dense array
    or a sparse matrix
    if check:
        assert(safenorm(A, 'real') < 1e-6), "Check failed: taking imag-part of matrix w/nonzero real part"
    if _sps.issparse(A):
        if _sps.isspmatrix_csr(A):
            if inplace:
                ret = _sps.csr_matrix((_np.imag(A.data), A.indices, A.indptr), shape=A.shape, dtype='d')
            else:  # copy
                ret = _sps.csr_matrix((_np.imag(A.data).copy(), A.indices.copy(),
                                       A.indptr.copy()), shape=A.shape, dtype='d')
            return ret
            raise NotImplementedError("safereal() doesn't work with %s matrices yet" % str(type(A)))
        return _np.imag(A) 

示例10: SaveYML

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import imag [as 别名]
def SaveYML(w_um, RefInd, filename, references='', comments=''):
    header = np.empty(9, dtype=object)
    header[0] = '# this file is part of refractiveindex.info database'
    header[1] = '# refractiveindex.info database is in the public domain'
    header[2] = '# copyright and related rights waived via CC0 1.0'
    header[3] = ''
    header[4] = 'REFERENCES:' + references
    header[5] = 'COMMENTS:' + comments
    header[6] = 'DATA:'
    header[7] = '  - type: tabulated nk'
    header[8] = '    data: |'
    export = np.column_stack((w_um, np.real(RefInd), np.imag(RefInd)))
    np.savetxt(filename, export, fmt='%4.2f %#.4g %#.4g', delimiter=' ', header='\n'.join(header), comments='',newline='\n        ')


## Wavelengths to sample ## 
开发者ID:polyanskiy,项目名称:refractiveindex.info-scripts,代码行数:22,代码来源:Kaiser 1962 - CaF2.py

示例11: SaveYML

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import imag [as 别名]
def SaveYML(w_um, RefInd, filename, references='', comments=''):
    header = np.empty(9, dtype=object)
    header[0] = '# this file is part of refractiveindex.info database'
    header[1] = '# refractiveindex.info database is in the public domain'
    header[2] = '# copyright and related rights waived via CC0 1.0'
    header[3] = ''
    header[4] = 'REFERENCES:' + references
    header[5] = 'COMMENTS:' + comments
    header[6] = 'DATA:'
    header[7] = '  - type: tabulated nk'
    header[8] = '    data: |'
    export = np.column_stack((w_um, np.real(RefInd), np.imag(RefInd)))
    np.savetxt(filename, export, fmt='%4.2f %#.4g %#.3e', delimiter=' ', header='\n'.join(header), comments='',newline='\n        ')


## Wavelengths to sample ## 
开发者ID:polyanskiy,项目名称:refractiveindex.info-scripts,代码行数:22,代码来源:Tsuda 2018 - PMMA (BB model).py

示例12: SaveYML

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import imag [as 别名]
def SaveYML(w_um, RefInd, filename, references='', comments=''):
    header = np.empty(9, dtype=object)
    header[0] = '# this file is part of refractiveindex.info database'
    header[1] = '# refractiveindex.info database is in the public domain'
    header[2] = '# copyright and related rights waived via CC0 1.0'
    header[3] = ''
    header[4] = 'REFERENCES:' + references
    header[5] = 'COMMENTS:' + comments
    header[6] = 'DATA:'
    header[7] = '  - type: tabulated nk'
    header[8] = '    data: |'
    export = np.column_stack((w_um, np.real(RefInd), np.imag(RefInd)))
    np.savetxt(filename, export, fmt='%4.3f %#.4g %#.3e', delimiter=' ', header='\n'.join(header), comments='',newline='\n        ')


## Wavelengths to sample ## 
开发者ID:polyanskiy,项目名称:refractiveindex.info-scripts,代码行数:22,代码来源:Zhang 1998 - Kapton.py

示例13: get_group_delay

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import imag [as 别名]
def get_group_delay(raw_data, sampling_rate_in_hz, window_length_in_s,
                    window_shift_in_s, num_fft_points, window_type):
    X_stft_transform = _get_stft(raw_data, sampling_rate_in_hz,
                                 window_length_in_s, window_shift_in_s,
                                 num_fft_points, window_type=window_type)
    Y_stft_transform = _get_stft(raw_data, sampling_rate_in_hz,
                                 window_length_in_s, window_shift_in_s,
                                 num_fft_points, window_type=window_type,
    X_stft_transform_real = np.real(X_stft_transform)
    X_stft_transform_imag = np.imag(X_stft_transform)
    Y_stft_transform_real = np.real(Y_stft_transform)
    Y_stft_transform_imag = np.imag(Y_stft_transform)
    nominator = np.multiply(X_stft_transform_real,
                            Y_stft_transform_real) + np.multiply(
        X_stft_transform_imag, Y_stft_transform_imag)
    denominator = np.square(np.abs(X_stft_transform))
    group_delay = np.divide(nominator, denominator + 1e-10)
    assert not np.isnan(
        group_delay).any(), 'There are NaN values in group delay'
    return np.transpose(group_delay) 

示例14: zero_if_close

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import imag [as 别名]
def zero_if_close(a, tol=1.e-15):
    """set real and/or imaginary part to 0 if their absolute value is smaller than `tol`.

    a : ndarray
        numpy array to be rounded
    tol : float
        the threashold which values to consider as '0'.
    if a.dtype == np.complex128 or a.dtype == np.complex64:
        ar = np.choose(np.abs(a.real) < tol, [a.real, np.zeros(a.shape)])
        ai = np.choose(np.abs(a.imag) < tol, [a.imag, np.zeros(a.shape)])
        return ar + 1j * ai
        return np.choose(np.abs(a) < tol, [a, np.zeros_like(a)]) 

示例15: _order_complex_poles

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import imag [as 别名]
def _order_complex_poles(poles):
    Check we have complex conjugates pairs and reorder P according to YT, ie
    real_poles, complex_i, conjugate complex_i, ....
    The lexicographic sort on the complex poles is added to help the user to
    compare sets of poles.
    ordered_poles = np.sort(poles[np.isreal(poles)])
    im_poles = []
    for p in np.sort(poles[np.imag(poles) < 0]):
        if np.conj(p) in poles:
            im_poles.extend((p, np.conj(p)))

    ordered_poles = np.hstack((ordered_poles, im_poles))

    if poles.shape[0] != len(ordered_poles):
        raise ValueError("Complex poles must come with their conjugates")
    return ordered_poles 
