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Python numpy.darray方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.darray方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python numpy.darray方法的具体用法?Python numpy.darray怎么用?Python numpy.darray使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在numpy的用法示例。


示例1: double_matrix_to_ndarray

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import darray [as 别名]
def double_matrix_to_ndarray(m):
    Turns the Java matrix (2-dim array) of doubles into a numpy 2-dim array.

    :param m: the double matrix
    :type: JB_Object
    :return: Numpy array
    :rtype: numpy.darray
    rows = javabridge.get_env().get_object_array_elements(m)
    num_rows = len(rows)
    num_cols = javabridge.get_env().get_array_length(rows[0])
    result = numpy.zeros(num_rows * num_cols).reshape((num_rows, num_cols))
    i = 0
    for row in rows:
        elements = javabridge.get_env().get_double_array_elements(row)
        n = 0
        for element in elements:
            result[i][n] = element
            n += 1
        i += 1
    return result 

示例2: fit

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import darray [as 别名]
def fit(self, events, end_times=None, baseline_start=None,
            amplitudes_start=None, basis_kernels_start=None):
        """Fit the model according to the given training data.

        events : `list` of `list` of `np.ndarray`
            List of Hawkes processes realizations.
            Each realization of the Hawkes process is a list of n_node for
            each component of the Hawkes. Namely `events[i][j]` contains a
            one-dimensional `numpy.array` of the events' timestamps of
            component j of realization i.
            If only one realization is given, it will be wrapped into a list

        end_times : `np.ndarray` or `float`, default = None
            List of end time of all hawkes processes that will be given to the
            model. If None, it will be set to each realization's latest time.
            If only one realization is provided, then a float can be given.

        baseline_start : `None` or `np.ndarray`, shape=(n_nodes)
            Used to force start values for baseline attribute
            If `None` starts with uniform 1 values

        amplitudes_start : `None` or `np.ndarray`, shape=(n_nodes,n_nodes,D)
            Used to force start values for amplitude parameter
            If `None` starts with random values uniformly sampled between
            0.5 and 0.9

        basis_kernels_start : `None` or `np.darray`, shape=(D,kernel_size)
            Used to force start values for the basis kernels
            If `None` starts with random values uniformly sampled between
            0 and 0.1
        LearnerHawkesNoParam.fit(self, events, end_times=end_times)
        return self 

示例3: _check_order

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import darray [as 别名]
def _check_order(self, mid):
        for key in self.mtable[mid]:
            if not self.mtable[mid][key].flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
                raise TypeError('np.darray should be C order!') 

示例4: ndarray_to_instances

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import darray [as 别名]
def ndarray_to_instances(array, relation, att_template="Att-#", att_list=None):
    Converts the numpy matrix into an Instances object and returns it.

    :param array: the numpy ndarray to convert
    :type array: numpy.darray
    :param relation: the name of the dataset
    :type relation: str
    :param att_template: the prefix to use for the attribute names, "#" is the 1-based index,
                         "!" is the 0-based index, "@" the relation name
    :type att_template: str
    :param att_list: the list of attribute names to use
    :type att_list: list
    :return: the generated instances object
    :rtype: Instances
    if len(numpy.shape(array)) != 2:
        raise Exception("Number of array dimensions must be 2!")
    rows, cols = numpy.shape(array)

    # header
    atts = []
    if att_list is not None:
        if len(att_list) != cols:
            raise Exception(
                "Number columns and provided attribute names differ: " + str(cols) + " != " + len(att_list))
        for name in att_list:
            att = Attribute.create_numeric(name)
        for i in range(cols):
            name = att_template.replace("#", str(i+1)).replace("!", str(i)).replace("@", relation)
            att = Attribute.create_numeric(name)
    result = Instances.create_instances(relation, atts, rows)

    # data
    for i in range(rows):
        inst = Instance.create_instance(array[i])

    return result 

示例5: ndarray_to_instances

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import darray [as 别名]
def ndarray_to_instances(array, relation, att_template="Att-#", att_list=None):
    Converts the numpy matrix into an Instances object and returns it.

    :param array: the numpy ndarray to convert
    :type array: numpy.darray
    :param relation: the name of the dataset
    :type relation: str
    :param att_template: the prefix to use for the attribute names, "#" is the 1-based index,
                         "!" is the 0-based index, "@" the relation name
    :type att_template: str
    :param att_list: the list of attribute names to use
    :type att_list: list
    :return: the generated instances object
    :rtype: Instances
    if len(numpy.shape(array)) != 2:
        raise Exception("Number of array dimensions must be 2!")
    rows, cols = numpy.shape(array)

    # header
    atts = []
    if att_list is not None:
        if len(att_list) != cols:
            raise Exception(
                "Number columns and provided attribute names differ: " + str(cols) + " != " + len(att_list))
        for name in att_list:
            att = Attribute.create_numeric(name)
        for i in xrange(cols):
            name = att_template.replace("#", str(i+1)).replace("!", str(i)).replace("@", relation)
            att = Attribute.create_numeric(name)
    result = Instances.create_instances(relation, atts, rows)

    # data
    for i in xrange(rows):
        inst = Instance.create_instance(array[i])

    return result 

示例6: png

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import darray [as 别名]
def png(image):
    Transforms raw image data into a valid PNG data

    :param image:   `numpy.darray` object OR `PIL.Image` object

    Returns raw image data in PNG format

    import sys
    import zlib
    import numpy
    import struct

        from StringIO import StringIO  # Python 2
    except ImportError:
        from io import StringIO        # Python 3

    if isinstance(image, numpy.ndarray):
        width, height = (image.shape[1], image.shape[0])
        data = image.tobytes()
    elif hasattr(image, 'width') and hasattr(image, 'height') and hasattr(image, 'rgb'):
        width, height = (image.width, image.height)
        data = image.rgb
        raise TypeError("invalid input type: {}".format(type(image)))

    line = width * 3
    png_filter = struct.pack('>B', 0)
    scanlines = b"".join([png_filter + data[y * line:y * line + line] for y in range(height)])
    magic = struct.pack('>8B', 137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10)

    ihdr = [b"", b'IHDR', b"", b""]
    ihdr[2] = struct.pack('>2I5B', width, height, 8, 2, 0, 0, 0)
    ihdr[3] = struct.pack('>I', zlib.crc32(b"".join(ihdr[1:3])) & 0xffffffff)
    ihdr[0] = struct.pack('>I', len(ihdr[2]))

    idat = [b"", b'IDAT', zlib.compress(scanlines), b""]
    idat[3] = struct.pack('>I', zlib.crc32(b"".join(idat[1:3])) & 0xffffffff)
    idat[0] = struct.pack('>I', len(idat[2]))

    iend = [b"", b'IEND', b"", b""]
    iend[3] = struct.pack('>I', zlib.crc32(iend[1]) & 0xffffffff)
    iend[0] = struct.pack('>I', len(iend[2]))

    fileh = StringIO()
    output = fileh.getvalue()
    if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
        output = output.encode('utf-8') # python3 compatibility
    return output 
