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Python numpy.atleast_3d方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.atleast_3d方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python numpy.atleast_3d方法的具体用法?Python numpy.atleast_3d怎么用?Python numpy.atleast_3d使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在numpy的用法示例。


示例1: _recmat_smooth

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import atleast_3d [as 别名]
def _recmat_smooth(presented, recalled, features, distance, match):

    if match == 'best':
        func = np.argmax
    elif match == 'smooth':
        func = np.nanmean

    simmtx = _similarity_smooth(presented, recalled, features, distance)

    if match == 'best':
        recmat = np.atleast_3d([func(s, 1) for s in simmtx]).astype(np.float64)
    elif match == 'smooth':
        recmat = np.atleast_3d([func(s, 0) for s in simmtx]).astype(np.float64)

    return recmat 

示例2: _normalize_user_result

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import atleast_3d [as 别名]
def _normalize_user_result(self, compute_fp, res):
        if not isinstance(res, np.ndarray): # pragma: no cover
            raise ValueError("Result of recipe's `compute_array` have type {}, it should be ndarray".format(
        res = np.atleast_3d(res)
        y, x, c = res.shape
        if (y, x) != tuple(compute_fp.shape): # pragma: no cover
            raise ValueError("Result of recipe's `compute_array` have shape `{}`, should start with {}".format(
        if c != len(self._raster): # pragma: no cover
            raise ValueError("Result of recipe's `compute_array` have shape `{}`, should have {} bands".format(
        res = res.astype(self._raster.dtype, copy=False)
        return res

    # ******************************************************************************************* ** 

示例3: _normalize_user_result

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import atleast_3d [as 别名]
def _normalize_user_result(self, cache_fp, res):
            res = np.atleast_3d(res)
        except: # pragma: no cover
            raise ValueError("Result of recipe's `merge_arrays` has type {}, it can't be converted to ndarray".format(
        y, x, c = res.shape
        if (y, x) != tuple(cache_fp.shape): # pragma: no cover
            raise ValueError("Result of recipe's `merge_arrays` has shape `{}`, should start with {}".format(
        if c != len(self._raster): # pragma: no cover
            raise ValueError("Result of recipe's `merge_arrays` has shape `{}`, should have {} bands".format(
        res = res.astype(self._raster.dtype, copy=False)
        return res

    # ******************************************************************************************* ** 

示例4: rotate_points

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import atleast_3d [as 别名]
def rotate_points(image, obj_list, angle):
        Rotates the points of the given objects by the given angle. The points will be translated
        into absolute coordinates. Therefore the image (resp. its shape) is needed.
        rotated_obj_list = []
        cosOfAngle = np.cos(2 * np.pi / 360 * -angle)
        sinOfAngle = np.sin(2 * np.pi / 360 * -angle)
        image_shape = np.array(np.atleast_3d(image).shape[0:2][::-1])
        rot_mat = np.array([[cosOfAngle, -sinOfAngle], [sinOfAngle, cosOfAngle]])
        for obj in obj_list:
            obj_name = obj[0]
            point = obj[1] * image_shape
            rotated_point = AugmentationCreator._rotate_vector_around_point(image_shape/2, point, rot_mat) / image_shape
            rotated_obj_list.append((obj_name, (rotated_point[0], rotated_point[1])))
        return rotated_obj_list 

示例5: rotate_bboxes

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import atleast_3d [as 别名]
def rotate_bboxes(image, obj_list, angle):
        Rotates the bounding boxes of the given objects by the given angle. The bounding box will be
        translated into absolute coordinates. Therefore the image (resp. its shape) is needed.
        rotated_obj_list = []
        cosOfAngle = np.cos(2 * np.pi / 360 * -angle)
        sinOfAngle = np.sin(2 * np.pi / 360 * -angle)
        image_shape = np.array(np.atleast_3d(image).shape[0:2][::-1])
        rot_mat = np.array([[cosOfAngle, -sinOfAngle], [sinOfAngle, cosOfAngle]])
        for obj in obj_list:
            obj_name = obj[0]
            upper_left = obj[1]['upper_left'] * image_shape
            lower_right = obj[1]['lower_right'] * image_shape
            upper_left = AugmentationCreator._rotate_vector_around_point(image_shape/2, upper_left, rot_mat) / image_shape
            lower_right = AugmentationCreator._rotate_vector_around_point(image_shape/2, lower_right, rot_mat) / image_shape
            rotated_obj_list.append((obj_name, {'upper_left' : upper_left, 'lower_right' : lower_right}))
        return rotated_obj_list 

示例6: to_rgb

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import atleast_3d [as 别名]
def to_rgb(img):
    Converts the given array into a RGB image. If the number of channels is not
    3 the array is tiled such that it has 3 channels. Finally, the values are
    rescaled to [0,255)

    :param img: the array to convert [nx, ny, channels]

    :returns img: the rgb image [nx, ny, 3]
    img = np.atleast_3d(img)
    channels = img.shape[2]
    if channels < 3:
        img = np.tile(img, 3)

    img[np.isnan(img)] = 0
    img -= np.amin(img)
    if np.amax(img) != 0:
        img /= np.amax(img)

    img *= 255
    return img 

示例7: _binarize_mask

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import atleast_3d [as 别名]
def _binarize_mask(cls, mask, arr_height, arr_width):
        # Average over channels, resize to heatmap/segmap array size
        # (+clip for cubic interpolation). We can use none-NN interpolation
        # for segmaps here as this is just the mask and not the segmap
        # array.
        mask_3d = np.atleast_3d(mask)

        # masks with zero-sized axes crash in np.average() and cannot be
        # upscaled in imresize_single_image()
        if mask.size == 0:
            mask_rs = np.zeros((arr_height, arr_width),
            mask_avg = (
                np.average(mask_3d, axis=2) if mask_3d.shape[2] > 0 else 1.0)
            mask_rs = ia.imresize_single_image(mask_avg,
                                               (arr_height, arr_width))
        mask_arr = iadt.clip_(mask_rs, 0, 1.0)
        mask_arr_binarized = (mask_arr >= 0.5)
        return mask_arr_binarized

    # Added in 0.4.0. 

示例8: draw_color_image

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import atleast_3d [as 别名]
def draw_color_image(self, gl):

        # use face colors if given
        # FIXME: this won't work for 2 channels
        draw_colored_verts(gl, self.v.r, self.f, self.vc.r)

        result = np.asarray(deepcopy(gl.getImage()[:,:,:self.num_channels].squeeze()), np.float64)

        if hasattr(self, 'background_image'):
            bg_px = np.tile(np.atleast_3d(self.visibility_image) == 4294967295, (1,1,self.num_channels)).squeeze()
            fg_px = 1 - bg_px
            result = bg_px * self.background_image + fg_px * result

        return result 

示例9: color_image

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import atleast_3d [as 别名]
def color_image(self):
        gl = self.glf
        gl.PolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL)
        no_overdraw = self.draw_color_image(gl)

        if not self.overdraw:
            return no_overdraw

        gl.PolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE)
        overdraw = self.draw_color_image(gl)
        gl.PolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL)

        boundarybool_image = self.boundarybool_image
        if self.num_channels > 1:
            boundarybool_image = np.atleast_3d(boundarybool_image)
        return np.asarray((overdraw*boundarybool_image + no_overdraw*(1-boundarybool_image)), order='C') 

示例10: nangradients

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import atleast_3d [as 别名]
def nangradients(arr):
    dy = np.expand_dims(arr[:-1,:,:] - arr[1:,:,:], axis=3)
    dx = np.expand_dims(arr[:,:-1,:] - arr[:, 1:, :], axis=3)

    dy = np.concatenate((dy[1:,:,:], dy[:-1,:,:]), axis=3)
    dy = nanmean(dy, axis=3)
    dx = np.concatenate((dx[:,1:,:], dx[:,:-1,:]), axis=3)
    dx = nanmean(dx, axis=3)

    if arr.shape[2] > 1:
        gy, gx, _ = np.gradient(arr)
        gy, gx = np.gradient(arr.squeeze())
        gy = np.atleast_3d(gy)
        gx = np.atleast_3d(gx)
    gy[1:-1,:,:] = -dy
    gx[:,1:-1,:] = -dx

    return gy, gx 

示例11: corr2

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import atleast_3d [as 别名]
def corr2(X):
    """ computes correlations between all variable pairs in a segmented time series

    .. note:: this feature is expensive to compute with the current implementation, and cannot be
    used with univariate time series
    X = np.atleast_3d(X)
    N = X.shape[0]
    D = X.shape[2]

    if D == 1:
        return np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float)

    trii = np.triu_indices(D, k=1)
    DD = len(trii[0])
    r = np.zeros((N, DD))
    for i in np.arange(N):
        rmat = np.corrcoef(X[i])  # get the ith window from each signal, result will be DxD
        r[i] = rmat[trii]
    return r 

示例12: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import atleast_3d [as 别名]
def __init__(self, directory, filepath, image_size):
        Constructor for an JAFFEInstance object.

            directory (str): Base directory where the example lives.
            filename (str): The name of the file of the example.
            image_size (tuple<int>): Size to resize the image to.

        filename = filepath.split('/')[-1]

        self.image = misc.imread( os.path.join(directory, filepath) )
        # some of the jaffe images are 3-channel greyscale, some are 1-channel!
        self.image = np.atleast_3d(self.image)[...,0] # make image 2d for sure
        # Resize and scale values to [0 1]
        self.image = misc.imresize( self.image, image_size )
        self.image = self.image / 255.0
        ident, _, N, _ = filename.split('.')
        # Note: the emotion encoded in the filename is the dominant
        # scoring emotion, but we ignore this and use precise emotion scores
        # from the semantic ratings table
        self.identity, self.N = ident, int(N) - 1 # 0-based instance numbering 

示例13: __getitem__

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import atleast_3d [as 别名]
def __getitem__(self, idx):
    if self.train:
      img_path, gt_path = self.train_set_path[idx]

      img = imread(img_path)
      img = img[0:self.nRow, 0:self.nCol]
      img = np.atleast_3d(img).transpose(2, 0, 1).astype(np.float32)
      img = (img - img.min()) / (img.max() - img.min())
      img = torch.from_numpy(img).float()

      gt = imread(gt_path)[0:self.nRow, 0:self.nCol]
      gt = np.atleast_3d(gt).transpose(2, 0, 1)
      gt = gt / 255.0
      gt = torch.from_numpy(gt).float()

      return img, gt 

示例14: range

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import atleast_3d [as 别名]
def range(cls, obj, dim):
        dim_idx = obj.get_dimension_index(dim)
        if dim_idx in [0, 1] and obj.bounds:
            l, b, r, t = obj.bounds.lbrt()
            if dim_idx:
                (low, high) = (b, t)
                density = obj.ydensity
                low, high = (l, r)
                density = obj.xdensity
            halfd = (1./density)/2.
            if isinstance(low, util.datetime_types):
                halfd = np.timedelta64(int(round(halfd)), obj._time_unit)
            drange = (low+halfd, high-halfd)
        elif 1 < dim_idx < len(obj.vdims) + 2:
            dim_idx -= 2
            data = np.atleast_3d(obj.data)[:, :, dim_idx]
            drange = (np.nanmin(data), np.nanmax(data))
            drange = (None, None)
        return drange 

示例15: write

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import atleast_3d [as 别名]
def write(fname, data, psz=1, origin=None, fast=False):
    Write a MRC file. Fortran axes order is assumed.
    :param fname: Destination path.
    :param data: Array to write.
    :param psz: Pixel size in Å for MRC header.
    :param origin: Coordinate of origin voxel.
    :param fast: Skip computing density statistics in header. Default is False.
    data = np.atleast_3d(data)
    if fast:
        header = mrc_header(data.shape, dtype=data.dtype, psz=psz)
        header = mrc_header_complete(data, psz=psz, origin=origin)
    with open(fname, 'wb') as f:
        f.write(np.require(data, dtype=np.float32).tobytes(order="F")) 
