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Python numpy.absolute方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.absolute方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python numpy.absolute方法的具体用法?Python numpy.absolute怎么用?Python numpy.absolute使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在numpy的用法示例。


示例1: BuildAdjacency

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import absolute [as 别名]
def BuildAdjacency(CMat, K):
    CMat = CMat.astype(float)
    CKSym = None
    N, _ = CMat.shape
    CAbs = np.absolute(CMat).astype(float)
    for i in range(0, N):
        c = CAbs[:, i]
        PInd = np.flip(np.argsort(c), 0)
        CAbs[:, i] = CAbs[:, i] / float(np.absolute(c[PInd[0]]))
    CSym = np.add(CAbs, CAbs.T).astype(float)
    if K != 0:
        Ind = np.flip(np.argsort(CSym, axis=0), 0)
        CK = np.zeros([N, N]).astype(float)
        for i in range(0, N):
            for j in range(0, K):
                CK[Ind[j, i], i] = CSym[Ind[j, i], i] / float(np.absolute(CSym[Ind[0, i], i]))
        CKSym = np.add(CK, CK.T)
        CKSym = CSym
    return CKSym 

示例2: filter_by_residuals_from_line_pixel_list

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import absolute [as 别名]
def filter_by_residuals_from_line_pixel_list(candidate_data, reference_data,
                                             threshold=1000, line_gain=1.0,
    ''' Calculates the residuals from a line and filters by residuals.

    :param list candidate_band: A list of valid candidate data
    :param list reference_band: A list of coincident valid reference data
    :param float line_gain: The gradient of the line
    :param float line_offset: The intercept of the line

    :returns: A list of booleans the same length as candidate representing if
        the data point is still active after filtering or not
    logging.info('Filtering: Filtering from line: y = '
                 '{} * x + {} @ {}'.format(line_gain, line_offset, threshold))

    def _get_residual(data_1, data_2):
        return numpy.absolute(line_gain * data_1 - data_2 + line_offset) / \
            numpy.sqrt(1 + line_gain * line_gain)

    residuals = _get_residual(candidate_data, reference_data)

    return residuals < threshold 

示例3: damp

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import absolute [as 别名]
def damp(self):
        '''Natural frequency, damping ratio of system poles

        wn : array
            Natural frequencies for each system pole
        zeta : array
            Damping ratio for each system pole
        poles : array
            Array of system poles
        poles = self.pole()

        if isdtime(self, strict=True):
            splane_poles = np.log(poles)/self.dt
            splane_poles = poles
        wn = absolute(splane_poles)
        Z = -real(splane_poles)/wn
        return wn, Z, poles 

示例4: absdiff

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import absolute [as 别名]
def absdiff(self, constant_value, separate_re_im=False):
        Returns a ReportableQty that is the (element-wise in the vector case)
        difference between `constant_value` and this one given by:

        `abs(self - constant_value)`.
        if separate_re_im:
            re_v = _np.fabs(_np.real(self.value) - _np.real(constant_value))
            im_v = _np.fabs(_np.imag(self.value) - _np.imag(constant_value))
            if self.has_eb():
                return (ReportableQty(re_v, _np.fabs(_np.real(self.errbar)), self.nonMarkovianEBs),
                        ReportableQty(im_v, _np.fabs(_np.imag(self.errbar)), self.nonMarkovianEBs))
                return ReportableQty(re_v), ReportableQty(im_v)

            v = _np.absolute(self.value - constant_value)
            if self.has_eb():
                return ReportableQty(v, _np.absolute(self.errbar), self.nonMarkovianEBs)
                return ReportableQty(v) 

示例5: color_grid_thresh

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import absolute [as 别名]
def color_grid_thresh(img, s_thresh=(170,255), sx_thresh=(20, 100)):
	img = np.copy(img)
	# Convert to HLS color space and separate the V channel
	hls = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HLS)
	l_channel = hls[:,:,1]
	s_channel = hls[:,:,2]
	# Sobel x
	sobelx = cv2.Sobel(l_channel, cv2.CV_64F, 1, 0) # Take the derivateive in x
	abs_sobelx = np.absolute(sobelx) # Absolute x derivateive to accentuate lines
	scaled_sobel = np.uint8(255*abs_sobelx/np.max(abs_sobelx))

	# Threshold x gradient
	sxbinary = np.zeros_like(scaled_sobel)
	sxbinary[(scaled_sobel >= sx_thresh[0]) & (scaled_sobel <= sx_thresh[1])] = 1

	# Threshold color channel
	s_binary = np.zeros_like(s_channel)
	s_binary[(s_channel >= s_thresh[0]) & (s_channel <= s_thresh[1])] = 1

	# combine the two binary
	binary = sxbinary | s_binary

	# Stack each channel (for visual check the pixal sourse)
	# color_binary = np.dstack((np.zeros_like(sxbinary), sxbinary,s_binary)) * 255
	return binary 

示例6: test_endian

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import absolute [as 别名]
def test_endian(self):
        msg = "big endian"
        a = np.arange(6, dtype='>i4').reshape((2, 3))
        assert_array_equal(umt.inner1d(a, a), np.sum(a*a, axis=-1),
        msg = "little endian"
        a = np.arange(6, dtype='<i4').reshape((2, 3))
        assert_array_equal(umt.inner1d(a, a), np.sum(a*a, axis=-1),

        # Output should always be native-endian
        Ba = np.arange(1, dtype='>f8')
        La = np.arange(1, dtype='<f8')
        assert_equal((Ba+Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal((Ba+La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal((La+Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal((La+La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))

        assert_equal(np.absolute(La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal(np.absolute(Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal(np.negative(La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal(np.negative(Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8')) 

示例7: get_fourier_spectrum

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import absolute [as 别名]
def get_fourier_spectrum(time_series, time_step):
    Returns the Fourier spectrum of the time series
    :param numpy.ndarray time_series:
        Array of values representing the time series
    :param float time_step:
        Time step of the time series
        Frequency (as numpy array)
        Fourier Amplitude (as numpy array)
    n_val = nextpow2(len(time_series))
    # numpy.fft.fft will zero-pad records whose length is less than the
    # specified nval
    # Get Fourier spectrum
    fspec = np.fft.fft(time_series, n_val)
    # Get frequency axes
    d_f = 1. / (n_val * time_step)
    freq = d_f * np.arange(0., (n_val / 2.0), 1.0)
    return freq, time_step * np.absolute(fspec[:int(n_val / 2.0)]) 

示例8: checkForMotion

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import absolute [as 别名]
def checkForMotion(image1, image2):
    # Find motion between two data streams based on sensitivity and threshold
    motionDetected = False
    pixColor = 3 # red=0 green=1 blue=2 all=3  default=1
    if pixColor == 3:
        pixChanges = (np.absolute(image1-image2)>motionThreshold).sum()/3
        pixChanges = (np.absolute(image1[...,pixColor]-image2[...,pixColor])>motionThreshold).sum()
    if pixChanges > motionSensitivity:
        motionDetected = True
    if motionDetected:
        if motionDotsOn:
            dotCount = showDots(motionDotsMax + 2)      # New Line
        logging.info("Found Motion: Threshold=%s  Sensitivity=%s changes=%s",
                                   motionThreshold, motionSensitivity, pixChanges)
    return motionDetected


示例9: h_err_pred

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import absolute [as 别名]
def h_err_pred(p,bbox,err_sigma):
    x_center = (bbox[:,0]+bbox[:,2])/2
    ymax = bbox[:,1]+bbox[:,3]
    h = bbox[:,3]
    A = np.ones((len(bbox),3))
    A[:,0] = x_center
    A[:,1] = ymax
    h_pred = np.matmul(A,p)
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    err_ratio = np.absolute(h_pred[:,0]-h)/np.absolute(h_pred[:,0])
    err_ratio[h_pred[:,0]==0] = 0
    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    for n in range(len(h_pred)):
        if h_pred[n,0]==0:
            import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    return err_ratio 

示例10: initPopulation

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import absolute [as 别名]
def initPopulation(self, task):
		r"""Initialize the starting population.

			 task (Task): Optimization task

			 Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray[float], Dict[str, Any]]:
				  1. New population.
				  2. New population fitness/function values.
				  3. Additional arguments:
						* age (numpy.ndarray[int32]): Age of trees.

		See Also:
			 * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.Algorithm.initPopulation`
		Trees, Evaluations, _ = Algorithm.initPopulation(self, task)
		age = zeros(self.NP, dtype=int32)
		self.dx = absolute(task.benchmark.Upper) / 5
		return Trees, Evaluations, {'age': age} 

示例11: _logm_force_nonsingular_triangular_matrix

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import absolute [as 别名]
def _logm_force_nonsingular_triangular_matrix(T, inplace=False):
    # The input matrix should be upper triangular.
    # The eps is ad hoc and is not meant to be machine precision.
    tri_eps = 1e-20
    abs_diag = np.absolute(np.diag(T))
    if np.any(abs_diag == 0):
        exact_singularity_msg = 'The logm input matrix is exactly singular.'
        warnings.warn(exact_singularity_msg, LogmExactlySingularWarning)
        if not inplace:
            T = T.copy()
        n = T.shape[0]
        for i in range(n):
            if not T[i, i]:
                T[i, i] = tri_eps
    elif np.any(abs_diag < tri_eps):
        near_singularity_msg = 'The logm input matrix may be nearly singular.'
        warnings.warn(near_singularity_msg, LogmNearlySingularWarning)
    return T 

示例12: _convert_to_torque_from_pwm

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import absolute [as 别名]
def _convert_to_torque_from_pwm(self, pwm, true_motor_velocity):
    """Convert the pwm signal to torque.

      pwm: The pulse width modulation.
      true_motor_velocity: The true motor velocity at the current moment. It is
        used to compute the back EMF voltage and the viscous damping.
      actual_torque: The torque that needs to be applied to the motor.
      observed_torque: The torque observed by the sensor.
    observed_torque = np.clip(
        self._torque_constant *
        (np.asarray(pwm) * self._voltage / self._resistance),

    # Net voltage is clipped at 50V by diodes on the motor controller.
    voltage_net = np.clip(
        np.asarray(pwm) * self._voltage -
        (self._torque_constant + self._viscous_damping) *
        np.asarray(true_motor_velocity), -VOLTAGE_CLIPPING, VOLTAGE_CLIPPING)
    current = voltage_net / self._resistance
    current_sign = np.sign(current)
    current_magnitude = np.absolute(current)
    # Saturate torque based on empirical current relation.
    actual_torque = np.interp(current_magnitude, self._current_table,
    actual_torque = np.multiply(current_sign, actual_torque)
    actual_torque = np.multiply(self._strength_ratios, actual_torque)
    return actual_torque, observed_torque 

示例13: _convert_to_torque_from_pwm

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import absolute [as 别名]
def _convert_to_torque_from_pwm(self, pwm, current_motor_velocity):
    """Convert the pwm signal to torque.

      pwm: The pulse width modulation.
      current_motor_velocity: The motor velocity at the current time step.
      actual_torque: The torque that needs to be applied to the motor.
      observed_torque: The torque observed by the sensor.
    observed_torque = np.clip(
        self._torque_constant * (pwm * self._voltage / self._resistance),

    # Net voltage is clipped at 50V by diodes on the motor controller.
    voltage_net = np.clip(pwm * self._voltage -
                          (self._torque_constant + self._viscous_damping)
                          * current_motor_velocity,
                          -VOLTAGE_CLIPPING, VOLTAGE_CLIPPING)
    current = voltage_net / self._resistance
    current_sign = np.sign(current)
    current_magnitude = np.absolute(current)

    # Saturate torque based on empirical current relation.
    actual_torque = np.interp(current_magnitude, self._current_table,
    actual_torque = np.multiply(current_sign, actual_torque)
    return actual_torque, observed_torque 

示例14: tune_everything

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import absolute [as 别名]
def tune_everything(self, x0squared, c, t, gmin, gmax):
    del t
    # First tune based on dynamic range
    if c == 0:
      dr = gmax / gmin
      mustar = ((np.sqrt(dr) - 1) / (np.sqrt(dr) + 1))**2
      alpha_star = (1 + np.sqrt(mustar))**2/gmax

      return alpha_star, mustar

    dist_to_opt = x0squared
    grad_var = c
    max_curv = gmax
    min_curv = gmin
    const_fact = dist_to_opt * min_curv**2 / 2 / grad_var
    coef = [-1, 3, -(3 + const_fact), 1]
    roots = np.roots(coef)
    roots = roots[np.real(roots) > 0]
    roots = roots[np.real(roots) < 1]
    root = roots[np.argmin(np.imag(roots))]

    assert root > 0 and root < 1 and np.absolute(root.imag) < 1e-6

    dr = max_curv / min_curv
    assert max_curv >= min_curv
    mu = max(((np.sqrt(dr) - 1) / (np.sqrt(dr) + 1))**2, root**2)

    lr_min = (1 - np.sqrt(mu))**2 / min_curv

    alpha_star = lr_min
    mustar = mu

    return alpha_star, mustar 

示例15: worldToVoxelCoord

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import absolute [as 别名]
def worldToVoxelCoord(worldCoord, origin, spacing):
    stretchedVoxelCoord = np.absolute(worldCoord - origin)
    voxelCoord = stretchedVoxelCoord / spacing
    return voxelCoord
# read map file 
