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Python numpy.abs方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.abs方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python numpy.abs方法的具体用法?Python numpy.abs怎么用?Python numpy.abs使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在numpy的用法示例。


示例1: _project_im_rois

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import abs [as 别名]
def _project_im_rois(im_rois, scales):
    """Project image RoIs into the image pyramid built by _get_image_blob.
        im_rois (ndarray): R x 4 matrix of RoIs in original image coordinates
        scales (list): scale factors as returned by _get_image_blob
        rois (ndarray): R x 4 matrix of projected RoI coordinates
        levels (list): image pyramid levels used by each projected RoI
    im_rois = im_rois.astype(np.float, copy=False)

    if len(scales) > 1:
        widths = im_rois[:, 2] - im_rois[:, 0] + 1
        heights = im_rois[:, 3] - im_rois[:, 1] + 1
        areas = widths * heights
        scaled_areas = areas[:, np.newaxis] * (scales[np.newaxis, :] ** 2)
        diff_areas = np.abs(scaled_areas - 224 * 224)
        levels = diff_areas.argmin(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
        levels = np.zeros((im_rois.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.int)

    rois = im_rois * scales[levels]

    return rois, levels 

示例2: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import abs [as 别名]
def __init__(self, parallel, wave_len=254, wave_dif=64, buffer_size=5, loop_num=5, window=np.hanning(254)):
        self.wave_len = wave_len
        self.wave_dif = wave_dif
        self.buffer_size = buffer_size
        self.loop_num = loop_num
        self.parallel = parallel
        self.window = cp.array([window for _ in range(parallel)])

        self.wave_buf = cp.zeros((parallel, wave_len+wave_dif), dtype=float)
        self.overwrap_buf = cp.zeros((parallel, wave_dif*buffer_size+(wave_len-wave_dif)), dtype=float)
        self.spectrum_buffer = cp.ones((parallel, self.buffer_size, self.wave_len), dtype=complex)
        self.absolute_buffer = cp.ones((parallel, self.buffer_size, self.wave_len), dtype=complex)
        self.phase = cp.zeros((parallel, self.wave_len), dtype=complex)
        self.phase += cp.random.random((parallel, self.wave_len))-0.5 + cp.random.random((parallel, self.wave_len))*1j - 0.5j
        self.phase[self.phase == 0] = 1
        self.phase /= cp.abs(self.phase) 

示例3: get_audio_data

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import abs [as 别名]
def get_audio_data(self):
        frames = self.rec.get_frames()
        result = [0] * self.bins
        if len(frames) > 0:
            # keeps only the last frame
            current_frame = frames[-1]
            # plots the time signal
            # self.line_top.set_data(self.time_vect, current_frame)
            # computes and plots the fft signal
            fft_frame = np.fft.rfft(current_frame)
            if self.auto_gain:
                fft_frame /= np.abs(fft_frame).max()
                fft_frame *= (1 + self.gain) / 5000000.

            fft_frame = np.abs(fft_frame)
            if self.log_scale:
                fft_frame = np.log10(np.add(1, np.multiply(10, fft_frame)))

            result = [min(int(max(i, 0.) * 1023), 1023) for i in fft_frame][0:self.bins]

        return result 

示例4: main

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import abs [as 别名]
def main():
    data_foler = "data"
    wavs = [os.path.join(data_foler, file[:-4]) for file in os.listdir(data_foler) if file.endswith(".wav")]
    outputs_lws = [file + ".lws.gen.wav" for file in wavs]
    wavs = [audio.load_wav(wav_path + ".wav", hparams.sample_rate) for wav_path in wavs]

    lws_processor = lws.lws(512, 128, mode="speech")  # 512: window length; 128: window shift
    i = 0
    for x in wavs:
        X = lws_processor.stft(x)  # where x is a single-channel waveform
        X0 = np.abs(X)  # Magnitude spectrogram
        print('{:6}: {:5.2f} dB'.format('Abs(X)', lws_processor.get_consistency(X0)))
        X1 = lws_processor.run_lws(
            X0)  # reconstruction from magnitude (in general, one can reconstruct from an initial complex spectrogram)
        print('{:6}: {:5.2f} dB'.format('LWS', lws_processor.get_consistency(X1)))
        wav = lws_processor.istft(X1).astype(np.float32)

        audio.save_wav(wav, outputs_lws[i])
        i += 1 

示例5: _extract

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import abs [as 别名]
def _extract(self, intervals, out, **kwargs):

        def find_closest(ldm, interval, use_strand=True):
            # subset the positions to the appropriate strand
            # and extract the positions
            ldm_positions = ldm.loc[interval.chrom]
            if use_strand and interval.strand != ".":
                ldm_positions = ldm_positions.loc[interval.strand]
            ldm_positions = ldm_positions.position.values

            int_midpoint = (interval.end + interval.start) // 2
            dist = (ldm_positions - 1) - int_midpoint  # -1 for 0, 1 indexed positions
            if use_strand and interval.strand == "-":
                dist = - dist

            return dist[np.argmin(np.abs(dist))]

        out[:] = np.array([[find_closest(self.landmarks[ldm_name], interval, self.use_strand)
                            for ldm_name in self.columns]
                           for interval in intervals], dtype=float)

        return out 

示例6: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import abs [as 别名]
def __init__(self, wave_len=254, wave_dif=64, buffer_size=5, loop_num=5, window=np.hanning(254)):
        self.wave_len = wave_len
        self.wave_dif = wave_dif
        self.buffer_size = buffer_size
        self.loop_num = loop_num
        self.window = window

        self.wave_buf = np.zeros(wave_len+wave_dif, dtype=float)
        self.overwrap_buf = np.zeros(wave_dif*buffer_size+(wave_len-wave_dif), dtype=float)
        self.spectrum_buffer = np.ones((self.buffer_size, self.wave_len), dtype=complex)
        self.absolute_buffer = np.ones((self.buffer_size, self.wave_len), dtype=complex)
        self.phase = np.zeros(self.wave_len, dtype=complex)
        self.phase += np.random.random(self.wave_len)-0.5 + np.random.random(self.wave_len)*1j - 0.5j
        self.phase[self.phase == 0] = 1
        self.phase /= np.abs(self.phase) 

示例7: wave2input_image

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import abs [as 别名]
def wave2input_image(wave, window, pos=0, pad=0):
    wave_image = np.hstack([wave[pos+i*sride:pos+(i+pad*2)*sride+dif].reshape(height+pad*2, sride) for i in range(256//sride)])[:,:254]
    wave_image *= window
    spectrum_image = np.fft.fft(wave_image, axis=1)
    input_image = np.abs(spectrum_image[:,:128].reshape(1, height+pad*2, 128), dtype=np.float32)

    np.clip(input_image, 1000, None, out=input_image)
    np.log(input_image, out=input_image)
    input_image += bias
    input_image /= scale

    if np.max(input_image) > 0.95:
        print('input image max bigger than 0.95', np.max(input_image))
    if np.min(input_image) < 0.05:
        print('input image min smaller than 0.05', np.min(input_image))

    return input_image 

示例8: stft_magnitude

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import abs [as 别名]
def stft_magnitude(signal, fft_length,
  """Calculate the short-time Fourier transform magnitude.

    signal: 1D np.array of the input time-domain signal.
    fft_length: Size of the FFT to apply.
    hop_length: Advance (in samples) between each frame passed to FFT.
    window_length: Length of each block of samples to pass to FFT.

    2D np.array where each row contains the magnitudes of the fft_length/2+1
    unique values of the FFT for the corresponding frame of input samples.
  frames = frame(signal, window_length, hop_length)
  # Apply frame window to each frame. We use a periodic Hann (cosine of period
  # window_length) instead of the symmetric Hann of np.hanning (period
  # window_length-1).
  window = periodic_hann(window_length)
  windowed_frames = frames * window
  return np.abs(np.fft.rfft(windowed_frames, int(fft_length)))

# Mel spectrum constants and functions. 

示例9: jacobian

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import abs [as 别名]
def jacobian(self, p, into=None):
        # transpose to be 3 x 2 x n
        p = np.transpose(np.reshape(p, (-1, 3, 2)), (1,2,0))
        # First, get the two legs...
        (dx_ab, dy_ab) = p[1] - p[0]
        (dx_ac, dy_ac) = p[2] - p[0]
        (dx_bc, dy_bc) = p[2] - p[1]
        # now, the area is half the z-value of the cross-product...
        sarea0 = 0.5 * (dx_ab*dy_ac - dx_ac*dy_ab)
        # but we want to abs it
        dsarea0 = np.sign(sarea0)
        z = np.transpose([[-dy_bc,dx_bc], [dy_ac,-dx_ac], [-dy_ab,dx_ab]], (2,0,1))
        z = times(0.5*dsarea0, z)
        m = numel(p)
        n = p.shape[2]
        ii = (np.arange(n) * np.ones([6, n])).T.flatten()
        z = sps.csr_matrix((z.flatten(), (ii, np.arange(len(ii)))), shape=(n, m))
        return safe_into(into, z) 

示例10: is_integer

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import abs [as 别名]
def is_integer(number, precision=10e-10):
    Check if number is convertible to integer.

        #. number (str, number): Input number.
        #. precision (number): To avoid floating errors,
           a precision should be given.

        #. result (bool): True if convertible, False otherwise.
    if isinstance(number, (int, long)):
        return True
        number = float(number)
        return False
        if np.abs(number-int(number)) < precision:
            return True
            return False 

示例11: update

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import abs [as 别名]
def update(self, labels, preds):
        """Updates the internal evaluation result.

        labels : list of `NDArray`
            The labels of the data.

        preds : list of `NDArray`
            Predicted values.
        labels, preds = check_label_shapes(labels, preds, True)

        for label, pred in zip(labels, preds):
            label = label.asnumpy()
            pred = pred.asnumpy()

            if len(label.shape) == 1:
                label = label.reshape(label.shape[0], 1)
            if len(pred.shape) == 1:
                pred = pred.reshape(pred.shape[0], 1)

            self.sum_metric += numpy.abs(label - pred).mean()
            self.num_inst += 1 # numpy.prod(label.shape) 

示例12: test_quantize_float32_to_int8

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import abs [as 别名]
def test_quantize_float32_to_int8():
    shape = rand_shape_nd(4)
    data = rand_ndarray(shape, 'default', dtype='float32')
    min_range = mx.nd.min(data)
    max_range = mx.nd.max(data)
    qdata, min_val, max_val = mx.nd.contrib.quantize(data, min_range, max_range, out_type='int8')
    data_np = data.asnumpy()
    min_range = min_range.asscalar()
    max_range = max_range.asscalar()
    real_range = np.maximum(np.abs(min_range), np.abs(max_range))
    quantized_range = 127.0
    scale = quantized_range / real_range
    assert qdata.dtype == np.int8
    assert min_val.dtype == np.float32
    assert max_val.dtype == np.float32
    assert same(min_val.asscalar(), -real_range)
    assert same(max_val.asscalar(), real_range)
    qdata_np = (np.sign(data_np) * np.minimum(np.abs(data_np) * scale + 0.5, quantized_range)).astype(np.int8)
    assert_almost_equal(qdata.asnumpy(), qdata_np, atol = 1) 

示例13: heuristic_fn_vec

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import abs [as 别名]
def heuristic_fn_vec(n1, n2, n_ori, step_size):
  # n1 is a vector and n2 is a single point.
  dx = (n1[:,0] - n2[0,0])/step_size
  dy = (n1[:,1] - n2[0,1])/step_size
  dt = n1[:,2] - n2[0,2]
  dt = np.mod(dt, n_ori)
  dt = np.minimum(dt, n_ori-dt)

  if n_ori == 6:
    if dx*dy > 0:
      d = np.maximum(np.abs(dx), np.abs(dy))
      d = np.abs(dy-dx)
  elif n_ori == 4:
    d = np.abs(dx) + np.abs(dy)

  return (d + dt).reshape((-1,1)) 

示例14: _reward

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import abs [as 别名]
def _reward(self):
    current_base_position = self.minitaur.GetBasePosition()
    forward_reward = current_base_position[0] - self._last_base_position[0]
    # Cap the forward reward if a cap is set.
    forward_reward = min(forward_reward, self._forward_reward_cap)
    # Penalty for sideways translation.
    drift_reward = -abs(current_base_position[1] - self._last_base_position[1])
    # Penalty for sideways rotation of the body.
    orientation = self.minitaur.GetBaseOrientation()
    rot_matrix = pybullet.getMatrixFromQuaternion(orientation)
    local_up_vec = rot_matrix[6:]
    shake_reward = -abs(np.dot(np.asarray([1, 1, 0]), np.asarray(local_up_vec)))
    energy_reward = -np.abs(
               self.minitaur.GetMotorVelocities())) * self._time_step
    objectives = [forward_reward, energy_reward, drift_reward, shake_reward]
    weighted_objectives = [
        o * w for o, w in zip(objectives, self._objective_weights)
    reward = sum(weighted_objectives)
    return reward 

示例15: _reward

# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from numpy import abs [as 别名]
def _reward(self):
    current_base_position = self.minitaur.GetBasePosition()
    forward_reward = current_base_position[0] - self._last_base_position[0]
    drift_reward = -abs(current_base_position[1] - self._last_base_position[1])
    shake_reward = -abs(current_base_position[2] - self._last_base_position[2])
    self._last_base_position = current_base_position
    energy_reward = np.abs(
               self.minitaur.GetMotorVelocities())) * self._time_step
    reward = (
        self._distance_weight * forward_reward -
        self._energy_weight * energy_reward + self._drift_weight * drift_reward
        + self._shake_weight * shake_reward)
        [forward_reward, energy_reward, drift_reward, shake_reward])
    return reward 
