本文整理汇总了Python中numba.vectorize方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python numba.vectorize方法的具体用法?Python numba.vectorize怎么用?Python numba.vectorize使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类numba
示例1: performance_example
# 需要导入模块: import numba [as 别名]
# 或者: from numba import vectorize [as 别名]
def performance_example():
# Simple function, already supports vectorization
f_vec = sampling_function(
lambda x: x ** 2, domain=odl.IntervalProd(0, 1)
# Vectorized with NumPy's poor man's vectorization function
f_novec = np.vectorize(lambda x: x ** 2)
# We test both versions with 10000 evaluation points. The natively
# vectorized version should be much faster than the one using
# numpy.vectorize.
points = np.linspace(0, 1, 10000)
print('Vectorized runtime: {:5f}'
''.format(timeit.timeit(lambda: f_vec(points), number=100)))
print('Non-vectorized runtime: {:5f}'
''.format(timeit.timeit(lambda: f_novec(points), number=100)))
示例2: decorator_apply
# 需要导入模块: import numba [as 别名]
# 或者: from numba import vectorize [as 别名]
def decorator_apply(func, batcher=None, cache=None, vectorize=None):
def wrapper_func(*args, **kwargs):
return Apply(func, args=args[1:], kwargs= kwargs, batcher= batcher, cache= cache,
vectorize= vectorize).transform(args[0])
return wrapper_func
示例3: batch_transform
# 需要导入模块: import numba [as 别名]
# 或者: from numba import vectorize [as 别名]
def batch_transform(args):
f= args[1]
f_args= args[2]
f_kwargs= args[3]
if args[5] is not None:
from numba import vectorize
return vectorize(args[5], fastmath=True)(f)(*zip(*args[0]))
if args[4] is not None:
from functools import lru_cache
f= lru_cache(maxsize=args[4])(f)
#Applying per DataFrame row is very slow, use ApplyBatch instead
if isinstance(args[0], pd.DataFrame): return args[0].apply(lambda x: f(x, *f_args, **f_kwargs), axis=1)
return [f(row, *f_args, **f_kwargs) for row in args[0]]
示例4: __init__
# 需要导入模块: import numba [as 别名]
# 或者: from numba import vectorize [as 别名]
def __init__(self, function, batcher=None, args=[], kwargs={}, cache=None, vectorize=None):
if batcher is None: self.batcher= wordbatch.batcher.Batcher()
else: self.batcher= batcher
self.function= function
self.args= [args]
self.kwargs= [kwargs]
self.cache = [cache]
self.vectorize = [vectorize]
示例5: transform
# 需要导入模块: import numba [as 别名]
# 或者: from numba import vectorize [as 别名]
def transform(self, data, input_split=False, merge_output=True, minibatch_size=None, batcher=None):
if batcher is None: batcher = self.batcher
return batcher.process_batches(batch_transform, data,
[self.function] + self.args + self.kwargs + self.cache + self.vectorize,
input_split=input_split, merge_output=merge_output,
minibatch_size= minibatch_size)
# import wordbatch.batcher as batcher
# b= batcher.Batcher(minibatch_size=2)#, method="serial")
# import numpy as np
# a= Apply(np.power, b, [2],{})
# print(a.transform([1, 2, 3, 4]))
示例6: transform_lists_to_arrays
# 需要导入模块: import numba [as 别名]
# 或者: from numba import vectorize [as 别名]
def transform_lists_to_arrays(module, to_change, __funcs, vec=False, cache_blacklist=set([])):
if vec:
conv_fun = numba.vectorize
extra_args = extra_args_vec
conv_fun = numba.njit
extra_args = extra_args_std
for s in to_change:
func = s.split('.')[-1]
mod = '.'.join(s.split('.')[:-1])
fake_mod = __funcs[mod]
real_mod = getattr(module, mod)
real_mod = module
for s in mod.split('.'):
real_mod = getattr(real_mod, s)
orig_func = getattr(real_mod, func)
source = inspect.getsource(orig_func)
source = remove_for_numba(source) # do before anything else
source = return_value_numpy(source)
source = re.sub(list_mult_expr, numpy_not_list_expr, source)
# if 'longitude_obliquity_nutation' in s:
# print(source)
numba_exec_cacheable(source, fake_mod.__dict__, fake_mod.__dict__)
new_func = fake_mod.__dict__[func]
do_cache = caching and func not in cache_blacklist
obj = conv_fun(cache=do_cache, **extra_args)(new_func)
__funcs[func] = obj
fake_mod.__dict__[func] = obj
obj.__doc__ = ''
#set_signatures = {'Clamond': [numba.float64(numba.float64, numba.float64, numba.boolean),
# numba.float64(numba.float64, numba.float64, numba.optional(numba.boolean))
# ]
# }
示例7: transform_complete_ht
# 需要导入模块: import numba [as 别名]
# 或者: from numba import vectorize [as 别名]
def transform_complete_ht(replaced, __funcs, __all__, normal, vec=False):
replaced, NUMERICS_SUBMOD = fluids.numba.create_numerics(replaced, vec=vec)
fluids.numba.transform_module(normal, __funcs, replaced, vec=vec)
if vec:
conv_fun = numba.vectorize
conv_fun = numba.jit
to_change_AvailableMethods = []
to_change_full_output = []
to_change = {k: 'AvailableMethods' for k in to_change_AvailableMethods}
to_change.update({k: 'full_output' for k in to_change_full_output})
to_change['hx.Ntubes_Phadkeb'] = 'square_C1s is None'
to_change['boiling_nucleic.Gorenflo'] = 'h0 is None: # NUMBA: DELETE'
for s, bad_branch in to_change.items():
mod, func = s.split('.')
source = inspect.getsource(getattr(getattr(normal, mod), func))
fake_mod = __funcs[mod]
source = fluids.numba.remove_branch(source, bad_branch)
fluids.numba.numba_exec_cacheable(source, fake_mod.__dict__, fake_mod.__dict__)
new_func = fake_mod.__dict__[func]
obj = conv_fun(cache=caching)(new_func)
__funcs[func] = obj
globals()[func] = obj
obj.__doc__ = ''
to_change = ['air_cooler.Ft_aircooler']
fluids.numba.transform_lists_to_arrays(normal, to_change, __funcs)
示例8: ray_trace
# 需要导入模块: import numba [as 别名]
# 或者: from numba import vectorize [as 别名]
def ray_trace(x, y, poly):
Determines for some set of x and y coordinates, which of those coordinates is within `poly`. Ray trace is \
generally called as an internal function, see :func:`.poly_clip`
:param x: A 1D numpy array of x coordinates.
:param y: A 1D numpy array of y coordinates.
:param poly: The coordinates of a polygon as a numpy array (i.e. from geo_json['coordinates']
:return: A 1D boolean numpy array, true values are those points that are within `poly`.
@vectorize([bool_(float64, float64)])
def ray(x, y):
# where xy is a coordinate
n = len(poly)
inside = False
p2x = 0.0
p2y = 0.0
xints = 0.0
p1x, p1y = poly[0]
for i in range(n + 1):
p2x, p2y = poly[i % n]
if y > min(p1y, p2y):
if y <= max(p1y, p2y):
if x <= max(p1x, p2x):
if p1y != p2y:
xints = (y - p1y) * (p2x - p1x) / (p2y - p1y) + p1x
if p1x == p2x or x <= xints:
inside = not inside
p1x, p1y = p2x, p2y
return inside
return ray(x, y)