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Python nltk.ngrams方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中nltk.ngrams方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python nltk.ngrams方法的具体用法?Python nltk.ngrams怎么用?Python nltk.ngrams使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在nltk的用法示例。


示例1: parse

# 需要导入模块: import nltk [as 别名]
# 或者: from nltk import ngrams [as 别名]
def parse():
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
  parser.add_argument('dataset', help='pol or main', type=str)
  parser.add_argument('-n', '--n', default=1, help='Number of grams', type=int)
  parser.add_argument('--min_count', default=1, help='Min count', type=int)
  parser.add_argument('--embedding', default=CCGLOVE,
                      help='embedding file', type=str)
  parser.add_argument('--weights', default=None,
                      help='weights to use for ngrams (e.g. sif, None)', type=str)
  parser.add_argument('-norm', '--normalize', action='store_true',
                      help='Normalize vectors')
  parser.add_argument('-l', '--lower', action='store_true',
                      help='Whether or not to lowercase text')
  parser.add_argument('-e', '--embed', action='store_true',
                      help='Use embeddings instead of bong')
  return parser.parse_args() 

示例2: ngram_context

# 需要导入模块: import nltk [as 别名]
# 或者: from nltk import ngrams [as 别名]
def ngram_context(strdoc, intdoc, vocabulary, n=1, wndo2=5, unkgram=None):
  '''sliding window around n-grams in a document
    strdoc: list of tokens (as strings)
    intdoc: list of indices (as ints); len(intdoc) == len(strdoc)
    vocabulary: n-gram vocabulary (set of n-grams or dict with n-grams as keys)
    n: n in n-gram
    wndo2: half the window size
    unkgram: map n-grams not in vocabulary to this n-gram; if None does not yield such n-grams
    (n-gram, int generator) generator over (n-gram, context window pairs)

  wndo2pn = wndo2+n
  unk = not unkgram is None
  for i, ngram in enumerate(nltk.ngrams(strdoc, n)):
    if ngram in vocabulary:
      yield ngram, chain(intdoc[max(i-wndo2, 0):i], intdoc[i+n:i+wndo2pn])
    elif unk:
      yield unkgram, chain(intdoc[max(i-wndo2, 0):i], intdoc[i+n:i+wndo2pn]) 

示例3: alabong

# 需要导入模块: import nltk [as 别名]
# 或者: from nltk import ngrams [as 别名]
def alabong(A, word_embeddings, lists, coocs, counts):
  n = len(lists)
  def represent(documents):
    output = []
    docs = tokenize(doc.lower() for doc in documents)
    for k, kgramlist, kgramcooc, kgramcount in zip(range(1, n+1), lists, coocs, counts):
      kgrams = [list(nltk.ngrams(doc, k)) for doc in docs]
      vocab = {kgram for doc in kgrams for kgram in doc}
      where = np.array([i for i, kgram in enumerate(kgramlist) if kgram in vocab and kgramcount[i]])
      bong = docs2bofs(kgrams, vocabulary=kgramlist, format='csc')
      output.append(np.zeros((len(documents), word_embeddings.shape[1]), dtype=FLOAT))
      for offset in range(0, where.shape[0], MAXSLICE):
        indices = where[offset:offset+MAXSLICE]
        if k > 1:
          vecs = normalize(A.predict(kgramcooc[indices].dot(word_embeddings)/kgramcount[indices,None])) / k
          vecs = normalize(word_embeddings[indices])
        output[-1] += bong[:,indices].dot(vecs)
    return np.hstack(output)
  return represent, None, True 

示例4: get_word_skipgram_distribution

# 需要导入模块: import nltk [as 别名]
# 或者: from nltk import ngrams [as 别名]
def get_word_skipgram_distribution(input_buffer, n=2, k=2, encoding="utf-8",
    Get distribution of skipgrams with given n and k values from input_buffer.
    :param input_buffer:
    :param n:
    :param k:
    :param encoding:
    :param tokenize_method:
    # Ensure we have a decoded string
    if isinstance(input_buffer, bytes):
        input_buffer = input_buffer.decode(encoding)

    ngrams = nltk.ngrams(tokenize_method(input_buffer), n=n)
    return nltk.util.skipgrams(ngrams, n, k) 

示例5: extract_ngrams

# 需要导入模块: import nltk [as 别名]
# 或者: from nltk import ngrams [as 别名]
def extract_ngrams(text, stemmer, N):
    Parameter Arguments:
    text: 'Ney York is a city. It has a huge population.'
    N: Length of the n-grams e.g. 1, 2
    return: a list of n-grams
    [('new', 'york'), ('york', 'is'), ('is', 'a'), ('a', 'city'), (city, '.'), 
    ('it', 'has'), ('has','a'), ('a', 'huge'), ('huge', 'population') , ('population', '.')]
    ngrams_list = []
    ngram_items = list(ngrams(sent2stokens(text, stemmer), N))
    for i, ngram in enumerate(ngram_items):
        ngram_str = ' '.join(ngram)
    return ngrams_list 

示例6: parse

# 需要导入模块: import nltk [as 别名]
# 或者: from nltk import ngrams [as 别名]
def parse(self, tagged_text, ngram_len=-1):
        ngrams = []
        if len(tagged_text) == 0:
            return ngrams
        if tagged_text[0]['pos'] in self._exclude_if_first:
            tagged_text = tagged_text[1:]
        if ngram_len == -1:
            for l in range(len(tagged_text), 0, -1):
                ngrams += list(nltk.ngrams(tagged_text, l))
            ngrams += list(nltk.ngrams(tagged_text, ngram_len))
            ngrams += [n[:-1] for n in ngrams if len(n) > 1 and n[-1]['pos'] in {"NN", "NNS"}]
            ngrams += [n[1:] for n in ngrams if len(n) > 1 and n[0]['pos'] in {"NN", "NNS"}]
        ngrams = [n for n in ngrams
                  if len({el[i] for el in n for i in {'pos', 'ner'}} & self._exclude_pos) == 0
                  and (len(n) == 1 or (n[0]['pos'] not in self._exclude_prefix
                           and n[0]['word'].lower() not in utils.stop_words_en
                           and n[-1]['pos'] not in self._exclude_suffix
                           and n[-1]['word'].lower() not in utils.stop_words_en)
                  and not(len(n) == 1 and (n[0]['pos'] in self._exclude_alone or n[0]['word'].lower() in utils.stop_words_en))]
        return ngrams 

示例7: get_strings_from_utterance

# 需要导入模块: import nltk [as 别名]
# 或者: from nltk import ngrams [as 别名]
def get_strings_from_utterance(tokenized_utterance: List[Token]) -> Dict[str, List[int]]:
    Based on the current utterance, return a dictionary where the keys are the strings in
    the database that map to lists of the token indices that they are linked to.
    string_linking_scores: Dict[str, List[int]] = defaultdict(list)

    for index, token in enumerate(tokenized_utterance):
        for string in atis_tables.ATIS_TRIGGER_DICT.get(token.text.lower(), []):

    token_bigrams = bigrams([token.text for token in tokenized_utterance])
    for index, token_bigram in enumerate(token_bigrams):
        for string in atis_tables.ATIS_TRIGGER_DICT.get(" ".join(token_bigram).lower(), []):
            string_linking_scores[string].extend([index, index + 1])

    trigrams = ngrams([token.text for token in tokenized_utterance], 3)
    for index, trigram in enumerate(trigrams):
        if trigram[0] == "st":
            natural_language_key = f"st. {trigram[2]}".lower()
            natural_language_key = " ".join(trigram).lower()
        for string in atis_tables.ATIS_TRIGGER_DICT.get(natural_language_key, []):
            string_linking_scores[string].extend([index, index + 1, index + 2])
    return string_linking_scores 

示例8: get_time_range_start_from_utterance

# 需要导入模块: import nltk [as 别名]
# 或者: from nltk import ngrams [as 别名]
def get_time_range_start_from_utterance(
    utterance: str, tokenized_utterance: List[Token]
) -> Dict[str, List[int]]:
    late_indices = {
        index for index, token in enumerate(tokenized_utterance) if token.text == "late"

    time_range_start_linking_dict: Dict[str, List[int]] = defaultdict(list)
    for token_index, token in enumerate(tokenized_utterance):
        for time in TIME_RANGE_START_DICT.get(token.text, []):
            if token_index - 1 not in late_indices:

    bigrams = ngrams([token.text for token in tokenized_utterance], 2)
    for bigram_index, bigram in enumerate(bigrams):
        for time in TIME_RANGE_START_DICT.get(" ".join(bigram), []):
            time_range_start_linking_dict[str(time)].extend([bigram_index, bigram_index + 1])

    return time_range_start_linking_dict 

示例9: get_time_range_end_from_utterance

# 需要导入模块: import nltk [as 别名]
# 或者: from nltk import ngrams [as 别名]
def get_time_range_end_from_utterance(
    utterance: str, tokenized_utterance: List[Token]
) -> Dict[str, List[int]]:
    early_indices = {
        index for index, token in enumerate(tokenized_utterance) if token.text == "early"

    time_range_end_linking_dict: Dict[str, List[int]] = defaultdict(list)
    for token_index, token in enumerate(tokenized_utterance):
        for time in TIME_RANGE_END_DICT.get(token.text, []):
            if token_index - 1 not in early_indices:

    bigrams = ngrams([token.text for token in tokenized_utterance], 2)
    for bigram_index, bigram in enumerate(bigrams):
        for time in TIME_RANGE_END_DICT.get(" ".join(bigram), []):
            time_range_end_linking_dict[str(time)].extend([bigram_index, bigram_index + 1])

    return time_range_end_linking_dict 

示例10: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import nltk [as 别名]
# 或者: from nltk import ngrams [as 别名]
def __init__(self, ngrams: Union[int, List[int]] = 1,
                 exclude_stopwords: bool = False,
                 stop_words: Optional[List] = None) -> None:
        """ Initialize the NGramsTokenizer

        ngrams : Union[int, List[int]], optional
            [description], by default 1
        exclude_stopwords: bool
            [description], by default False
        stop_words: Optional[List]
            [description], by default None

        self.ngrams = ngrams
        self.exclude_stopwords = exclude_stopwords

        if self.exclude_stopwords:
            self.stop_words = stop_words
            if self.stop_words is None:
                nltk.download('stopwords', quiet=True)
                self.stop_words = stopwords.words('english')

        nltk.download('punkt', quiet=True) 

示例11: tokenize

# 需要导入模块: import nltk [as 别名]
# 或者: from nltk import ngrams [as 别名]
def tokenize(self, example: str) -> List[str]:
        """Tokenize an input example.

        example : str
            The input example, as a string.

            The output word tokens, as a list of strings

        if self.exclude_stopwords and self.stop_words:
            example = ' '.join([word for word in word_tokenize(example)
                                if word not in self.stop_words])

        if isinstance(self.ngrams, List):
            ret: List[str] = []
            for i in self.ngrams:
                ret.extend(self._tokenize(example, i))
            return ret
            return NGramsTokenizer._tokenize(example, self.ngrams) 

示例12: extract_ngrams2

# 需要导入模块: import nltk [as 别名]
# 或者: from nltk import ngrams [as 别名]
def extract_ngrams2(sentences, stemmer, language, N=2):
    Parameter Arguments:
    sentences: list of sentences
             ['Ney York is a city.', 'It has a huge population.']
    N: Length of the n-grams e.g. 1, 2
    return: a list of n-grams
    [('new', 'york'), ('york', 'is'), ('is', 'a'), ('a', 'city'), (city, '.'), 
    ('it', 'has'), ('has','a'), ('a', 'huge'), ('huge', 'population') , ('population', '.')]
    ngrams_list = []
    for sent in sentences:
        sent = re.sub('[-](,?\s)','\\1', sent) #case where magister- has to be handled
        ngram_items = list(ngrams(sent2stokens(sent, stemmer, language), N))
        for i, ngram in enumerate(ngram_items):
            ngram_str = ' '.join(ngram)
    return ngrams_list 

示例13: extract_nuggets

# 需要导入模块: import nltk [as 别名]
# 或者: from nltk import ngrams [as 别名]
def extract_nuggets(sentences, nugget_type, language):
    Parameter Arguments:
    sentences: list of sentences
             ['Ney York is a city.', 'It has a huge population.']
    return: a list of noun phrases, events, named_entities
    [('new', 'york'), ('york', 'is'), ('a', 'city'), 
    ('it', 'has'), ('has','a'), ('a', 'huge'), ('huge', 'population') , ('population', '.')]
    nugget_list = []
    for sent in sentences:
        if nugget_type == 'n-grams':
            nugget_items = list(ngrams(sent2stokens(sent, language), 2))
        if nugget_type == 'NP':
            nugget_items = get_phrases(sent, 'NP')
        if nugget_type == 'Phrases':
            nugget_items = get_phrases(sent, 'Phrases')
        if nugget_type == 'NE':
            nugget_items = get_phrases(sent, 'NE')
        for nugget in nugget_items:
            nugget_list.append(' '.join(nugget))
    return nugget_list 

示例14: add_sentences

# 需要导入模块: import nltk [as 别名]
# 或者: from nltk import ngrams [as 别名]
def add_sentences(self, sentences):
        @type sentences: list[Sentence]
        counter = self.counter
        G = self.G
        for sent in sentences:
            counter.update(ngrams(sent.tokens, self.N))

        updated_edges = []
        for v in counter.elements():
            s = v[0]
            t = v[1]
            c = counter[v]
            updated_edges.append((s, t, c))


示例15: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import nltk [as 别名]
# 或者: from nltk import ngrams [as 别名]
def __init__(self, order, alpha, sentences):
        self.order = order
        self.alpha = alpha
        if order > 1:
            self.backoff = LangModel(order - 1, alpha, sentences)
            self.lexicon = None
            self.backoff = None
            self.n = 0
        self.ngramFD = nltk.FreqDist()
        lexicon = set()
        for sentence in sentences:
            words = nltk.word_tokenize(sentence)
            wordNGrams = nltk.ngrams(words, order)
            for wordNGram in wordNGrams:
                self.ngramFD[wordNGram] += 1
                # self.ngramFD.inc(wordNGram)
                if order == 1:
                    self.n += 1
        self.v = len(lexicon) 
