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Python networkx.read_shp方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中networkx.read_shp方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python networkx.read_shp方法的具体用法?Python networkx.read_shp怎么用?Python networkx.read_shp使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在networkx的用法示例。


示例1: getNetworkGraph

# 需要导入模块: import networkx [as 别名]
# 或者: from networkx import read_shp [as 别名]
def getNetworkGraph(segments,segmentlengths):
    Builds a networkx graph from the network file, inluding segment length taken from arcpy.
    It selects the largest connected component of the network (to prevent errors from routing between unconnected parts)
    #generate the full network path for GDAL to be able to read the file
    path =str(os.path.join(arcpy.env.workspace,segments))
    print path
    if arcpy.Exists(path):
        g = nx.read_shp(path)
        #This selects the largest connected component of the graph
        sg = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(g.to_undirected()))[0]
        print "graph size (excluding unconnected parts): "+str(len(g))
        # Get the length for each road segment and append it as an attribute to the edges in the graph.
        for n0, n1 in sg.edges():
            oid = sg[n0][n1]["OBJECTID"]
            sg[n0][n1]['length'] = segmentlengths[oid]
        return sg
        print "network file not found on path: "+path 

示例2: testload

# 需要导入模块: import networkx [as 别名]
# 或者: from networkx import read_shp [as 别名]
def testload(self):

        def compare_graph_paths_names(g, paths, names):
            expected = nx.DiGraph()
            for p in paths:
            assert_equal(sorted(expected.node), sorted(g.node))
            assert_equal(sorted(expected.edges()), sorted(g.edges()))
            g_names = [g.get_edge_data(s, e)['Name'] for s, e in g.edges()]
            assert_equal(names, sorted(g_names))
        # simplified
        G = nx.read_shp(self.shppath)
        compare_graph_paths_names(G, self.simplified_paths, \
        # unsimplified
        G = nx.read_shp(self.shppath, simplify=False)
        compare_graph_paths_names(G, self.paths, self.names) 

示例3: test_attributeexport

# 需要导入模块: import networkx [as 别名]
# 或者: from networkx import read_shp [as 别名]
def test_attributeexport(self):
        def testattributes(lyr, graph):
            feature = lyr.GetNextFeature()
            while feature:
                coords = []
                ref = feature.GetGeometryRef()
                last = ref.GetPointCount() - 1
                edge_nodes = (ref.GetPoint_2D(0), ref.GetPoint_2D(last))
                name = feature.GetFieldAsString('Name')
                assert_equal(graph.get_edge_data(*edge_nodes)['Name'], name)
                feature = lyr.GetNextFeature()

        tpath = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'shpdir')

        G = nx.read_shp(self.shppath)
        nx.write_shp(G, tpath)
        shpdir = ogr.Open(tpath)
        edges = shpdir.GetLayerByName("edges")
        testattributes(edges, G) 

示例4: testload

# 需要导入模块: import networkx [as 别名]
# 或者: from networkx import read_shp [as 别名]
def testload(self):

        def compare_graph_paths_names(g, paths, names):
            expected = nx.DiGraph()
            for p in paths:
                nx.add_path(expected, p)
            assert_equal(sorted(expected.nodes), sorted(g.nodes))
            assert_equal(sorted(expected.edges()), sorted(g.edges()))
            g_names = [g.get_edge_data(s, e)['Name'] for s, e in g.edges()]
            assert_equal(names, sorted(g_names))

        # simplified
        G = nx.read_shp(self.shppath)
        compare_graph_paths_names(G, self.simplified_paths,

        # unsimplified
        G = nx.read_shp(self.shppath, simplify=False)
        compare_graph_paths_names(G, self.paths, self.names)

        # multiline unsimplified
        G = nx.read_shp(self.multi_shppath, simplify=False)
        compare_graph_paths_names(G, self.paths, self.multi_names) 

示例5: test_attributeexport

# 需要导入模块: import networkx [as 别名]
# 或者: from networkx import read_shp [as 别名]
def test_attributeexport(self):
        def testattributes(lyr, graph):
            feature = lyr.GetNextFeature()
            while feature:
                coords = []
                ref = feature.GetGeometryRef()
                last = ref.GetPointCount() - 1
                edge_nodes = (ref.GetPoint_2D(0), ref.GetPoint_2D(last))
                name = feature.GetFieldAsString('Name')
                assert_equal(graph.get_edge_data(*edge_nodes)['Name'], name)
                feature = lyr.GetNextFeature()

        tpath = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'shpdir')

        G = nx.read_shp(self.shppath)
        nx.write_shp(G, tpath)
        shpdir = ogr.Open(tpath)
        edges = shpdir.GetLayerByName("edges")
        testattributes(edges, G)

    # Test export of node attributes in nx.write_shp (#2778) 

示例6: test_nodeattributeexport

# 需要导入模块: import networkx [as 别名]
# 或者: from networkx import read_shp [as 别名]
def test_nodeattributeexport(self):
        tpath = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'shpdir')

        G = nx.DiGraph()
        A = (0, 0)
        B = (1, 1)
        C = (2, 2)
        G.add_edge(A, B)
        G.add_edge(A, C)
        label = 'node_label'
        for n, d in G.nodes(data=True):
            d['label'] = label
        nx.write_shp(G, tpath)

        H = nx.read_shp(tpath)
        for n, d in H.nodes(data=True):
            assert_equal(d['label'], label) 

示例7: test_missing_attributes

# 需要导入模块: import networkx [as 别名]
# 或者: from networkx import read_shp [as 别名]
def test_missing_attributes(self):
        G = nx.DiGraph()
        A = (0, 0)
        B = (1, 1)
        C = (2, 2)
        G.add_edge(A, B, foo=100)
        G.add_edge(A, C)

        nx.write_shp(G, self.path)
        H = nx.read_shp(self.path)

        for u, v, d in H.edges(data=True):
            if u == A and v == B:
                assert_equal(d['foo'], 100)
            if u == A and v == C:
                assert_equal(d['foo'], None) 

示例8: testload

# 需要导入模块: import networkx [as 别名]
# 或者: from networkx import read_shp [as 别名]
def testload(self):

        def compare_graph_paths_names(g, paths, names):
            expected = nx.DiGraph()
            for p in paths:
                nx.add_path(expected, p)
            assert_equal(sorted(expected.nodes), sorted(g.nodes))
            assert_equal(sorted(expected.edges()), sorted(g.edges()))
            g_names = [g.get_edge_data(s, e)['Name'] for s, e in g.edges()]
            assert_equal(names, sorted(g_names))
        # simplified
        G = nx.read_shp(self.shppath)
        compare_graph_paths_names(G, self.simplified_paths, \
        # unsimplified
        G = nx.read_shp(self.shppath, simplify=False)
        compare_graph_paths_names(G, self.paths, self.names)

        # multiline unsimplified
        G = nx.read_shp(self.multi_shppath, simplify=False)
        compare_graph_paths_names(G, self.paths, self.multi_names) 

示例9: test_read_shp_nofile

# 需要导入模块: import networkx [as 别名]
# 或者: from networkx import read_shp [as 别名]
def test_read_shp_nofile():
        from osgeo import ogr
    except ImportError:
        raise SkipTest('ogr not available.')
    G = nx.read_shp("hopefully_this_file_will_not_be_available") 

示例10: calc_minimum_spanning_tree

# 需要导入模块: import networkx [as 别名]
# 或者: from networkx import read_shp [as 别名]
def calc_minimum_spanning_tree(input_network_shp, output_network_folder, building_nodes_shp, output_edges, output_nodes,
                               weight_field, type_mat_default, pipe_diameter_default):
    # read shapefile into networkx format into a directed graph
    graph = nx.read_shp(input_network_shp)

    # transform to an undirected graph
    iterator_edges = graph.edges(data=True)

    G = nx.Graph()
    # plant = (11660.95859999981, 37003.7689999986)
    for (x, y, data) in iterator_edges:
        G.add_edge(x, y, weight=data[weight_field])
    # calculate minimum spanning tree of undirected graph

    mst_non_directed = nx.minimum_spanning_edges(G, data=False)

    # transform back directed graph and save:
    mst_directed = nx.DiGraph()
    nx.write_shp(mst_directed, output_network_folder)

    # populate fields Type_mat, Name, Pipe_Dn
    mst_edges = gdf.from_file(output_edges)
    mst_edges['Type_mat'] = type_mat_default
    mst_edges['Pipe_DN'] = pipe_diameter_default
    mst_edges['Name'] = ["PIPE" + str(x) for x in mst_edges['FID']]
    mst_edges.drop("FID", axis=1, inplace=True)
    mst_edges.crs = gdf.from_file(input_network_shp).crs  # to add coordinate system
    mst_edges.to_file(output_edges, driver='ESRI Shapefile')

    # populate fields Building, Type, Name
    mst_nodes = gdf.from_file(output_nodes)

    buiding_nodes_df = gdf.from_file(building_nodes_shp)
    mst_nodes.crs = buiding_nodes_df.crs  # to add same coordinate system
    buiding_nodes_df['coordinates'] = buiding_nodes_df['geometry'].apply(
        lambda x: (round(x.coords[0][0], 4), round(x.coords[0][1], 4)))
    mst_nodes['coordinates'] = mst_nodes['geometry'].apply(
        lambda x: (round(x.coords[0][0], 4), round(x.coords[0][1], 4)))
    names_temporary = ["NODE" + str(x) for x in mst_nodes['FID']]

    new_mst_nodes = mst_nodes.merge(buiding_nodes_df, suffixes=['', '_y'], on="coordinates", how='outer')
    new_mst_nodes.fillna(value="NONE", inplace=True)
    new_mst_nodes['Building'] = new_mst_nodes['Name']

    new_mst_nodes['Name'] = names_temporary
    new_mst_nodes['Type'] = new_mst_nodes['Building'].apply(lambda x: 'CONSUMER' if x != "NONE" else x)
    new_mst_nodes.drop(["FID", "coordinates", 'floors_bg', 'floors_ag', 'height_bg', 'height_ag', 'geometry_y'], axis=1,
    new_mst_nodes.to_file(output_nodes, driver='ESRI Shapefile') 

示例11: test_geometryexport

# 需要导入模块: import networkx [as 别名]
# 或者: from networkx import read_shp [as 别名]
def test_geometryexport(self):
        expectedpoints_simple = (
            "POINT (1 1)",
            "POINT (2 2)",
            "POINT (3 3)",
            "POINT (0.9 0.9)",
            "POINT (4 2)"
        expectedlines_simple = (
            "LINESTRING (1 1,2 2)",
            "LINESTRING (2 2,3 3)",
            "LINESTRING (0.9 0.9,4.0 0.9,4 2)"
        expectedpoints = (
            "POINT (1 1)",
            "POINT (2 2)",
            "POINT (3 3)",
            "POINT (0.9 0.9)",
            "POINT (4.0 0.9)",
            "POINT (4 2)"
        expectedlines = (
            "LINESTRING (1 1,2 2)",
            "LINESTRING (2 2,3 3)",
            "LINESTRING (0.9 0.9,4.0 0.9)",
            "LINESTRING (4.0 0.9,4 2)"

        tpath = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'shpdir')
        G = nx.read_shp(self.shppath)
        nx.write_shp(G, tpath)
        shpdir = ogr.Open(tpath)
        self.checkgeom(shpdir.GetLayerByName("nodes"), expectedpoints_simple)
        self.checkgeom(shpdir.GetLayerByName("edges"), expectedlines_simple)

        # Test unsimplified 
        # Nodes should have additional point, 
        # edges should be 'flattened'
        G = nx.read_shp(self.shppath, simplify=False)
        nx.write_shp(G, tpath)
        shpdir = ogr.Open(tpath)
        self.checkgeom(shpdir.GetLayerByName("nodes"), expectedpoints)
        self.checkgeom(shpdir.GetLayerByName("edges"), expectedlines) 

示例12: test_geometryexport

# 需要导入模块: import networkx [as 别名]
# 或者: from networkx import read_shp [as 别名]
def test_geometryexport(self):
        expectedpoints_simple = (
            "POINT (1 1)",
            "POINT (2 2)",
            "POINT (3 3)",
            "POINT (0.9 0.9)",
            "POINT (4 2)"
        expectedlines_simple = (
            "LINESTRING (1 1,2 2)",
            "LINESTRING (2 2,3 3)",
            "LINESTRING (0.9 0.9,4.0 0.9,4 2)"
        expectedpoints = (
            "POINT (1 1)",
            "POINT (2 2)",
            "POINT (3 3)",
            "POINT (0.9 0.9)",
            "POINT (4.0 0.9)",
            "POINT (4 2)"
        expectedlines = (
            "LINESTRING (1 1,2 2)",
            "LINESTRING (2 2,3 3)",
            "LINESTRING (0.9 0.9,4.0 0.9)",
            "LINESTRING (4.0 0.9,4 2)"

        tpath = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'shpdir')
        G = nx.read_shp(self.shppath)
        nx.write_shp(G, tpath)
        shpdir = ogr.Open(tpath)
        self.checkgeom(shpdir.GetLayerByName("nodes"), expectedpoints_simple)
        self.checkgeom(shpdir.GetLayerByName("edges"), expectedlines_simple)

        # Test unsimplified
        # Nodes should have additional point,
        # edges should be 'flattened'
        G = nx.read_shp(self.shppath, simplify=False)
        nx.write_shp(G, tpath)
        shpdir = ogr.Open(tpath)
        self.checkgeom(shpdir.GetLayerByName("nodes"), expectedpoints)
        self.checkgeom(shpdir.GetLayerByName("edges"), expectedlines) 
