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Python mock._mock_new_parent方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中mock._mock_new_parent方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python mock._mock_new_parent方法的具体用法?Python mock._mock_new_parent怎么用?Python mock._mock_new_parent使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在mock的用法示例。


示例1: _check_and_set_parent

# 需要导入模块: import mock [as 别名]
# 或者: from mock import _mock_new_parent [as 别名]
def _check_and_set_parent(parent, value, name, new_name):
    if not _is_instance_mock(value):
        return False
    if ((value._mock_name or value._mock_new_name) or
        (value._mock_parent is not None) or
        (value._mock_new_parent is not None)):
        return False

    _parent = parent
    while _parent is not None:
        # setting a mock (value) as a child or return value of itself
        # should not modify the mock
        if _parent is value:
            return False
        _parent = _parent._mock_new_parent

    if new_name:
        value._mock_new_parent = parent
        value._mock_new_name = new_name
    if name:
        value._mock_parent = parent
        value._mock_name = name
    return True

# Internal class to identify if we wrapped an iterator object or not. 

示例2: seal

# 需要导入模块: import mock [as 别名]
# 或者: from mock import _mock_new_parent [as 别名]
def seal(mock):
    """Disable the automatic generation of child mocks.

    Given an input Mock, seals it to ensure no further mocks will be generated
    when accessing an attribute that was not already defined.

    The operation recursively seals the mock passed in, meaning that
    the mock itself, any mocks generated by accessing one of its attributes,
    and all assigned mocks without a name or spec will be sealed.
    mock._mock_sealed = True
    for attr in dir(mock):
            m = getattr(mock, attr)
        except AttributeError:
        if not isinstance(m, NonCallableMock):
        if m._mock_new_parent is mock:

示例3: attach_mock

# 需要导入模块: import mock [as 别名]
# 或者: from mock import _mock_new_parent [as 别名]
def attach_mock(self, mock, attribute):
        Attach a mock as an attribute of this one, replacing its name and
        parent. Calls to the attached mock will be recorded in the
        `method_calls` and `mock_calls` attributes of this one."""
        mock._mock_parent = None
        mock._mock_new_parent = None
        mock._mock_name = ''
        mock._mock_new_name = None

        setattr(self, attribute, mock) 

示例4: _check_and_set_parent

# 需要导入模块: import mock [as 别名]
# 或者: from mock import _mock_new_parent [as 别名]
def _check_and_set_parent(parent, value, name, new_name):
    # function passed to create_autospec will have mock
    # attribute attached to which parent must be set
    if isinstance(value, FunctionTypes):
            value = value.mock
        except AttributeError:

    if not _is_instance_mock(value):
        return False
    if ((value._mock_name or value._mock_new_name) or
        (value._mock_parent is not None) or
        (value._mock_new_parent is not None)):
        return False

    _parent = parent
    while _parent is not None:
        # setting a mock (value) as a child or return value of itself
        # should not modify the mock
        if _parent is value:
            return False
        _parent = _parent._mock_new_parent

    if new_name:
        value._mock_new_parent = parent
        value._mock_new_name = new_name
    if name:
        value._mock_parent = parent
        value._mock_name = name
    return True

# Internal class to identify if we wrapped an iterator object or not. 

示例5: _extract_mock_name

# 需要导入模块: import mock [as 别名]
# 或者: from mock import _mock_new_parent [as 别名]
def _extract_mock_name(self):
        _name_list = [self._mock_new_name]
        _parent = self._mock_new_parent
        last = self

        dot = '.'
        if _name_list == ['()']:
            dot = ''

        while _parent is not None:
            last = _parent

            _name_list.append(_parent._mock_new_name + dot)
            dot = '.'
            if _parent._mock_new_name == '()':
                dot = ''

            _parent = _parent._mock_new_parent

        _name_list = list(reversed(_name_list))
        _first = last._mock_name or 'mock'
        if len(_name_list) > 1:
            if _name_list[1] not in ('()', '().'):
                _first += '.'
        _name_list[0] = _first
        return ''.join(_name_list) 

示例6: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import mock [as 别名]
# 或者: from mock import _mock_new_parent [as 别名]
def __init__(
            self, spec=None, wraps=None, name=None, spec_set=None,
            parent=None, _spec_state=None, _new_name='', _new_parent=None,
            _spec_as_instance=False, _eat_self=None, unsafe=False, **kwargs
        if _new_parent is None:
            _new_parent = parent

        __dict__ = self.__dict__
        __dict__['_mock_parent'] = parent
        __dict__['_mock_name'] = name
        __dict__['_mock_new_name'] = _new_name
        __dict__['_mock_new_parent'] = _new_parent

        if spec_set is not None:
            spec = spec_set
            spec_set = True
        if _eat_self is None:
            _eat_self = parent is not None

        self._mock_add_spec(spec, spec_set, _spec_as_instance, _eat_self)

        __dict__['_mock_children'] = {}
        __dict__['_mock_wraps'] = wraps
        __dict__['_mock_delegate'] = None

        __dict__['_mock_called'] = False
        __dict__['_mock_call_args'] = None
        __dict__['_mock_call_count'] = 0
        __dict__['_mock_call_args_list'] = _CallList()
        __dict__['_mock_mock_calls'] = _CallList()

        __dict__['method_calls'] = _CallList()
        __dict__['_mock_unsafe'] = unsafe

        if kwargs:

        _safe_super(NonCallableMock, self).__init__(
            spec, wraps, name, spec_set, parent,

示例7: __repr__

# 需要导入模块: import mock [as 别名]
# 或者: from mock import _mock_new_parent [as 别名]
def __repr__(self):
        _name_list = [self._mock_new_name]
        _parent = self._mock_new_parent
        last = self

        dot = '.'
        if _name_list == ['()']:
            dot = ''
        seen = set()
        while _parent is not None:
            last = _parent

            _name_list.append(_parent._mock_new_name + dot)
            dot = '.'
            if _parent._mock_new_name == '()':
                dot = ''

            _parent = _parent._mock_new_parent

            # use ids here so as not to call __hash__ on the mocks
            if id(_parent) in seen:

        _name_list = list(reversed(_name_list))
        _first = last._mock_name or 'mock'
        if len(_name_list) > 1:
            if _name_list[1] not in ('()', '().'):
                _first += '.'
        _name_list[0] = _first
        name = ''.join(_name_list)

        name_string = ''
        if name not in ('mock', 'mock.'):
            name_string = ' name=%r' % name

        spec_string = ''
        if self._spec_class is not None:
            spec_string = ' spec=%r'
            if self._spec_set:
                spec_string = ' spec_set=%r'
            spec_string = spec_string % self._spec_class.__name__
        return "<%s%s%s id='%s'>" % (

示例8: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import mock [as 别名]
# 或者: from mock import _mock_new_parent [as 别名]
def __init__(
            self, spec=None, wraps=None, name=None, spec_set=None,
            parent=None, _spec_state=None, _new_name='', _new_parent=None,
            _spec_as_instance=False, _eat_self=None, unsafe=False, **kwargs
        if _new_parent is None:
            _new_parent = parent

        __dict__ = self.__dict__
        __dict__['_mock_parent'] = parent
        __dict__['_mock_name'] = name
        __dict__['_mock_new_name'] = _new_name
        __dict__['_mock_new_parent'] = _new_parent
        __dict__['_mock_sealed'] = False

        if spec_set is not None:
            spec = spec_set
            spec_set = True
        if _eat_self is None:
            _eat_self = parent is not None

        self._mock_add_spec(spec, spec_set, _spec_as_instance, _eat_self)

        __dict__['_mock_children'] = {}
        __dict__['_mock_wraps'] = wraps
        __dict__['_mock_delegate'] = None

        __dict__['_mock_called'] = False
        __dict__['_mock_call_args'] = None
        __dict__['_mock_call_count'] = 0
        __dict__['_mock_call_args_list'] = _CallList()
        __dict__['_mock_mock_calls'] = _CallList()

        __dict__['method_calls'] = _CallList()
        __dict__['_mock_unsafe'] = unsafe

        if kwargs:

        _safe_super(NonCallableMock, self).__init__(
            spec, wraps, name, spec_set, parent,
