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Python node.Controller方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中mininet.node.Controller方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python node.Controller方法的具体用法?Python node.Controller怎么用?Python node.Controller使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在mininet.node的用法示例。


示例1: apply

# 需要导入模块: from mininet import node [as 别名]
# 或者: from mininet.node import Controller [as 别名]
def apply(self):
        self.result = { 'hostname': self.hostnameEntry.get(),
                        'remoteIP': self.e1.get(),
                        'remotePort': int(self.e2.get())}

        controllerType = self.var.get()
        if controllerType == 'Remote Controller':
            self.result['controllerType'] = 'remote'
        elif controllerType == 'In-Band Controller':
            self.result['controllerType'] = 'inband'
        elif controllerType == 'OpenFlow Reference':
            self.result['controllerType'] = 'ref'
            self.result['controllerType'] = 'ovsc'
        controllerProtocol = self.protcolvar.get()
        if controllerProtocol == 'SSL':
            self.result['controllerProtocol'] = 'ssl'
            self.result['controllerProtocol'] = 'tcp' 

示例2: deleteNode

# 需要导入模块: from mininet import node [as 别名]
# 或者: from mininet.node import Controller [as 别名]
def deleteNode( self, item ):
        "Delete node (and its links) from model."

        widget = self.itemToWidget[ item ]
        tags = self.canvas.gettags(item)
        if 'Controller' in tags:
            # remove from switch controller lists
            for serachwidget in self.widgetToItem:
                name = serachwidget[ 'text' ]
                tags = self.canvas.gettags( self.widgetToItem[ serachwidget ] )
                if 'Switch' in tags:
                    if widget['text'] in self.switchOpts[name]['controllers']:

        for link in widget.links.values():
            # Delete from view and model
            self.deleteItem( link )
        del self.itemToWidget[ item ]
        del self.widgetToItem[ widget ] 

示例3: createNet

# 需要导入模块: from mininet import node [as 别名]
# 或者: from mininet.node import Controller [as 别名]
def createNet(
            nswitches=0, ndatacenter=0, nhosts=0, ndockers=0,
            autolinkswitches=False, controller=Controller, **kwargs):
        Creates a Mininet instance and automatically adds some
        nodes to it.

        Attention, we should always use Mininet's default controller
        for our tests. Only use other controllers if you want to test
        specific controller functionality.
        self.net = DCNetwork(controller=controller, **kwargs)

        # add some switches
        # start from s1 because ovs does not like to have dpid = 0
        # and switch name-number is being used by mininet to set the dpid
        for i in range(1, nswitches + 1):
            self.s.append(self.net.addSwitch('s%d' % i))
        # if specified, chain all switches
        if autolinkswitches:
            for i in range(0, len(self.s) - 1):
                self.net.addLink(self.s[i], self.s[i + 1])
        # add some data centers
        for i in range(0, ndatacenter):
                    'datacenter%d' % i,
                    metadata={"unittest_dc": i}))
        # add some hosts
        for i in range(0, nhosts):
            self.h.append(self.net.addHost('h%d' % i))
        # add some dockers
        for i in range(0, ndockers):
            self.d.append(self.net.addDocker('d%d' %
                                             i, dimage="ubuntu:trusty")) 

示例4: createNet

# 需要导入模块: from mininet import node [as 别名]
# 或者: from mininet.node import Controller [as 别名]
def createNet(
            nswitches=0, ndatacenter=0, nhosts=0, ndockers=0,
            autolinkswitches=False, controller=Controller, **kwargs):
        Creates a Mininet instance and automatically adds some
        nodes to it.

        Attention, we should always use Mininet's default controller
        for our tests. Only use other controllers if you want to test
        specific controller functionality.
        self.net = DCNetwork(controller=controller, **kwargs)
        self.api = RestApiEndpoint("", 5001, self.net)
        # add some switches
        # start from s1 because ovs does not like to have dpid = 0
        # and switch name-number is being used by mininet to set the dpid
        for i in range(1, nswitches + 1):
            self.s.append(self.net.addSwitch('s%d' % i))
        # if specified, chain all switches
        if autolinkswitches:
            for i in range(0, len(self.s) - 1):
                self.net.addLink(self.s[i], self.s[i + 1])
        # add some data centers
        for i in range(0, ndatacenter):
                    'datacenter%d' % i,
                    metadata={"unittest_dc": i}))
        # connect data centers to the endpoint
        for i in range(0, ndatacenter):
        # add some hosts
        for i in range(0, nhosts):
            self.h.append(self.net.addHost('h%d' % i))
        # add some dockers
        for i in range(0, ndockers):
            self.d.append(self.net.addDocker('d%d' %
                                             i, dimage="ubuntu:trusty")) 

示例5: addNode

# 需要导入模块: from mininet import node [as 别名]
# 或者: from mininet.node import Controller [as 别名]
def addNode( self, node, nodeNum, x, y, name=None):
        "Add a new node to our canvas."
        if 'Switch' == node:
            self.switchCount += 1
        if 'Host' == node:
            self.hostCount += 1
        if 'Controller' == node:
            self.controllerCount += 1
        if name is None:
            name = self.nodePrefixes[ node ] + nodeNum
        self.addNamedNode(node, name, x, y) 

示例6: clickController

# 需要导入模块: from mininet import node [as 别名]
# 或者: from mininet.node import Controller [as 别名]
def clickController( self, event ):
        "Add a new Controller to our canvas."
        self.newNode( 'Controller', event ) 

示例7: controllerDetails

# 需要导入模块: from mininet import node [as 别名]
# 或者: from mininet.node import Controller [as 别名]
def controllerDetails( self ):
        if ( self.selection is None or
             self.net is not None or
             self.selection not in self.itemToWidget ):
        widget = self.itemToWidget[ self.selection ]
        name = widget[ 'text' ]
        tags = self.canvas.gettags( self.selection )
        oldName = name
        if 'Controller' not in tags:

        ctrlrBox = ControllerDialog(self, title='Controller Details', ctrlrDefaults=self.controllers[name])
        if ctrlrBox.result:
            # debug( 'Controller is ' + ctrlrBox.result[0], '\n' )
            if len(ctrlrBox.result['hostname']) > 0:
                name = ctrlrBox.result['hostname']
                widget[ 'text' ] = name
                ctrlrBox.result['hostname'] = name
            self.controllers[name] = ctrlrBox.result
            info( 'New controller details for ' + name + ' = ' + str(self.controllers[name]), '\n' )
            # Find references to controller and change name
            if oldName != name:
                for widget in self.widgetToItem:
                    switchName = widget[ 'text' ]
                    tags = self.canvas.gettags( self.widgetToItem[ widget ] )
                    if 'Switch' in tags:
                        switch = self.switchOpts[switchName]
                        if oldName in switch['controllers']:

示例8: deleteLink

# 需要导入模块: from mininet import node [as 别名]
# 或者: from mininet.node import Controller [as 别名]
def deleteLink( self, link ):
        "Delete link from model."
        pair = self.links.get( link, None )
        if pair is not None:
            del source.links[ dest ]
            del dest.links[ source ]
            stags = self.canvas.gettags( self.widgetToItem[ source ] )
            # dtags = self.canvas.gettags( self.widgetToItem[ dest ] )
            ltags = self.canvas.gettags( link )

            if 'control' in ltags:
                controllerName = ''
                switchName = ''
                if 'Controller' in stags:
                    controllerName = source[ 'text' ]
                    switchName = dest[ 'text' ]
                    controllerName = dest[ 'text' ]
                    switchName = source[ 'text' ]

                if controllerName in self.switchOpts[switchName]['controllers']:

        if link is not None:
            del self.links[ link ] 

示例9: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from mininet import node [as 别名]
# 或者: from mininet.node import Controller [as 别名]
def __init__(self,
                 router: Type[Router] = Router,
                 config: Type[RouterConfig] = BasicRouterConfig,
                 host: Type[IPHost] = IPHost,
                 link: Type[IPLink] = IPLink,
                 intf: Type[IPIntf] = IPIntf,
                 switch: Type[IPSwitch] = IPSwitch,
                 controller: Optional[Type[Controller]] = None,
                 *args, **kwargs):
        """Extends Mininet by adding IP-related ivars/functions and
        configuration knobs.

        :param router: The class to use to build routers
        :param config: The default configuration for the routers
        :param use_v4: Enable IPv4
        :param max_v4_prefixlen: The maximal IPv4 prefix for the auto-allocated
                                    broadcast domains
        :param use_v6: Enable IPv6
        :param ip6Base: Base prefix to use for IPv6 allocations
        :param max_v6_prefixlen: Maximal IPv6 prefixlen to auto-allocate
        :param allocate_IPs: whether to auto-allocate subnets in the network
        :param igp_metric: The default IGP metric for the links
        :param igp_area: The default IGP area for the links"""
        self.router = router
        self.config = config
        self.routers = []  # type: List[Router]
        # We need this to be able to do inverse-lookups
        self._ip_allocs = {}  # type: Dict[str, Node]
        self.max_v4_prefixlen = max_v4_prefixlen
        self._unallocated_ipbase = [ip_network(ipBase)]
        self.use_v4 = use_v4
        self.use_v6 = use_v6
        self.ip6Base = ip6Base
        self.max_v6_prefixlen = max_v6_prefixlen
        self._unallocated_ip6base = [ip_network(ip6Base)]
        self.broadcast_domains = None
        self.igp_metric = igp_metric
        self.igp_area = igp_area
        self.allocate_IPs = allocate_IPs
        self.physical_interface = {}  # type: Dict[IPIntf, Node]
        super().__init__(ipBase=ipBase, host=host, switch=switch, link=link,
                         intf=intf, controller=controller, *args, **kwargs) 

示例10: createNet

# 需要导入模块: from mininet import node [as 别名]
# 或者: from mininet.node import Controller [as 别名]
def createNet(
            nswitches=0, ndatacenter=0, nhosts=0, ndockers=0,
            autolinkswitches=False, controller=Controller, **kwargs):
        Creates a Mininet instance and automatically adds some
        nodes to it.

        Attention, we should always use Mininet's default controller
        for our tests. Only use other controllers if you want to test
        specific controller functionality.
        self.net = DCNetwork(controller=controller, **kwargs)
        for i in range(0, ndatacenter):
            self.api.append(OpenstackApiEndpoint("", 15000 + i))

        # add some switches
        # start from s1 because ovs does not like to have dpid = 0
        # and switch name-number is being used by mininet to set the dpid
        for i in range(1, nswitches + 1):
            self.s.append(self.net.addSwitch('s%d' % i))
        # if specified, chain all switches
        if autolinkswitches:
            for i in range(0, len(self.s) - 1):
                self.net.addLink(self.s[i], self.s[i + 1])
            # link switches s1, s2 and s3
            self.net.addLink(self.s[2], self.s[0])

        # add some data centers
        for i in range(0, ndatacenter):
                    'dc%d' % i,
                    metadata={"unittest_dc": i}))
        # link switches dc0.s1 with s1
        self.net.addLink(self.dc[0].switch, self.s[0])
        # connect data centers to the endpoint
        for i in range(0, ndatacenter):
        # add some hosts
        for i in range(0, nhosts):
            self.h.append(self.net.addHost('h%d' % i))
        # add some dockers
        for i in range(0, ndockers):
            self.d.append(self.net.addDocker('d%d' %
                                             i, dimage="ubuntu:trusty")) 

示例11: start

# 需要导入模块: from mininet import node [as 别名]
# 或者: from mininet.node import Controller [as 别名]
def start(self, controllers):
        # Transcluded from Mininet source, since need to insert
        # controller parameters at switch creation time.
        int(self.dpid, 16)  # DPID must be a hex string
        switch_intfs = [intf for intf in self.intfList() if self.ports[intf] and not intf.IP()]
        # Command to add interfaces
        intfs = ' '.join(' -- add-port %s %s' % (self, intf) +
                         for intf in switch_intfs)
        # Command to create controller entries
        clist = [(self.name + c.name, '%s:%s:%d' %
                  (c.protocol, c.IP(), c.port))
                 for c in controllers]
        if self.listenPort:
            clist.append((self.name + '-listen',
                          'ptcp:%s' % self.listenPort))
        ccmd = '-- --id=@%s create Controller target=\\"%s\\"'
        if self.reconnectms:
            ccmd += ' max_backoff=%d' % self.reconnectms
        for param, value in self.controller_params.items():
            ccmd += ' %s=%s' % (param, value)
        cargs = ' '.join(ccmd % (name, target)
                         for name, target in clist)
        # Controller ID list
        cids = ','.join('@%s' % name for name, _target in clist)
        # Try to delete any existing bridges with the same name
        if not self.isOldOVS():
            cargs += ' -- --if-exists del-br %s' % self
        # One ovs-vsctl command to rule them all!
        self.vsctl(cargs +
                   ' -- add-br %s' % self +
                   ' -- set bridge %s controller=[%s]' % (self, cids) +
                   self.bridgeOpts() +
        # switch interfaces on mininet host, must have no IP config.
        for intf in switch_intfs:
            for ipv in (4, 6):
                self.cmd('ip -%u addr flush dev %s' % (ipv, intf))
            assert self.cmd('echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/%s/disable_ipv6' % intf) == ''
        # If necessary, restore TC config overwritten by OVS
        if not self.batch:
            for intf in self.intfList():

示例12: emulate

# 需要导入模块: from mininet import node [as 别名]
# 或者: from mininet.node import Controller [as 别名]
def emulate():
    # Setting the position of nodes and providing mobility

    # Create a network.
    net = Mininet(controller=Controller, link=TCLink, accessPoint=OVSKernelAP)

    print ("*** Creating nodes")
    # Add the host
    h1 = net.addHost('h1', mac='00:00:00:00:00:01', ip='')

    # Add 3 mobile stations, sta1, sta2, sta3.
    sta1 = net.addStation('sta1', mac='00:00:00:00:00:02', ip='')
    sta2 = net.addStation('sta2', mac='00:00:00:00:00:03', ip='')
    sta3 = net.addStation('sta3', mac='00:00:00:00:00:04', ip='')

    # Add an access point
    ap1 = net.addAccessPoint('ap1', ssid='new-ssid', mode='g', channel='1', position='45,40,30')

    # Add a controller
    c1 = net.addController('c1', controller=Controller)

    print ("*** Configuring wifi nodes")

    print ("*** Associating and Creating links")
    net.addLink(ap1, h1)
    net.addLink(ap1, sta1)
    net.addLink(ap1, sta2)
    net.addLink(ap1, sta3)

    print ("*** Starting network")

    # Plot a 3-dimensional graph.
    net.plotGraph(max_x=100, max_y=100, max_z=200)

    # Start the mobility at the start of the emulation.

    # Start the mobile stations from their initial positions.
    net.mobility(sta1, 'start', time=1, position='40.0,30.0,20.0')
    net.mobility(sta2, 'start', time=2, position='40.0,40.0,90.0')
    net.mobility(sta3, 'start', time=3, position='50.0,50.0,160.0')

    # Indicate the final destination of the mobile stations during the emulation.
    net.mobility(sta1, 'stop', time=12, position='31.0,10.0,50.0')
    net.mobility(sta2, 'stop', time=22, position='55.0,31.0,30.0')
    net.mobility(sta3, 'stop', time=32, position='75.0,99.0,120.0')

    # Stop the mobility at certain time.

    print ("*** Running CLI")

    print ("*** Stopping network")

示例13: body

# 需要导入模块: from mininet import node [as 别名]
# 或者: from mininet.node import Controller [as 别名]
def body(self, master):

        self.var = StringVar(master)
        self.protcolvar = StringVar(master)

        # Field for Hostname
        Label(master, text="Name:").grid(row=rowCount, sticky=E)
        self.hostnameEntry = Entry(master)
        self.hostnameEntry.grid(row=rowCount, column=1)
        self.hostnameEntry.insert(0, self.ctrlrValues['hostname'])

        # Field for Remove Controller Port
        Label(master, text="Controller Port:").grid(row=rowCount, sticky=E)
        self.e2 = Entry(master)
        self.e2.grid(row=rowCount, column=1)
        self.e2.insert(0, self.ctrlrValues['remotePort'])

        # Field for Controller Type
        Label(master, text="Controller Type:").grid(row=rowCount, sticky=E)
        controllerType = self.ctrlrValues['controllerType']
        self.o1 = OptionMenu(master, self.var, "Remote Controller", "In-Band Controller", "OpenFlow Reference", "OVS Controller")
        self.o1.grid(row=rowCount, column=1, sticky=W)
        if controllerType == 'ref':
            self.var.set("OpenFlow Reference")
        elif controllerType == 'inband':
            self.var.set("In-Band Controller")
        elif controllerType == 'remote':
            self.var.set("Remote Controller")
            self.var.set("OVS Controller")

        # Field for Controller Protcol
        Label(master, text="Protocol:").grid(row=rowCount, sticky=E)
        if 'controllerProtocol' in self.ctrlrValues:
            controllerProtocol = self.ctrlrValues['controllerProtocol']
            controllerProtocol = 'tcp'
        self.protcol = OptionMenu(master, self.protcolvar, "TCP", "SSL")
        self.protcol.grid(row=rowCount, column=1, sticky=W)
        if controllerProtocol == 'ssl':

        # Field for Remove Controller IP
        remoteFrame= LabelFrame(master, text='Remote/In-Band Controller', padx=5, pady=5)
        remoteFrame.grid(row=rowCount, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=W)

        Label(remoteFrame, text="IP Address:").grid(row=0, sticky=E)
        self.e1 = Entry(remoteFrame)
        self.e1.grid(row=0, column=1)
        self.e1.insert(0, self.ctrlrValues['remoteIP'])

        return self.hostnameEntry # initial focus 
