本文整理汇总了Python中maya.cmds.objectType方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python cmds.objectType方法的具体用法?Python cmds.objectType怎么用?Python cmds.objectType使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类maya.cmds
示例1: dpLoadBSNode
# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import objectType [as 别名]
def dpLoadBSNode(self, *args):
""" Load selected object as blendShapeNode
selectedList = cmds.ls(selection=True)
if selectedList:
if cmds.objectType(selectedList[0]) == "blendShape":
cmds.textField(self.bsNodeTextField, edit=True, text=selectedList[0])
self.bsNode = selectedList[0]
elif cmds.objectType(selectedList[0]) == "transform":
meshList = cmds.listRelatives(selectedList[0], children=True, shapes=True, noIntermediate=True, type="mesh")
if meshList:
bsNodeList = cmds.listConnections(meshList[0], type="blendShape")
if bsNodeList:
self.bsNode = bsNodeList[0]
mel.eval("warning \""+self.langDic[self.langName]["e018_selectBlendShape"]+"\";")
mel.eval("warning \""+self.langDic[self.langName]["e018_selectBlendShape"]+"\";")
mel.eval("warning \""+self.langDic[self.langName]["e018_selectBlendShape"]+"\";")
mel.eval("warning \""+self.langDic[self.langName]["e018_selectBlendShape"]+"\";")
示例2: dpCheckSkinCluster
# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import objectType [as 别名]
def dpCheckSkinCluster(self, shapeList, *args):
""" Verify if there's a skinCluster node in the list of history of the shape.
Return True if yes.
Return False if no.
Return -1 if there's another node with the same name.
for shapeNode in shapeList:
if not shapeNode.endswith("Orig"):
histList = cmds.listHistory(shapeNode)
if histList:
for histItem in histList:
if cmds.objectType(histItem) == "skinCluster":
return True
return -1
return False
示例3: dpCheckGeometry
# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import objectType [as 别名]
def dpCheckGeometry(self, item, *args):
isGeometry = False
if item:
if cmds.objExists(item):
childList = cmds.listRelatives(item, children=True)
if childList:
self.itemType = cmds.objectType(childList[0])
if self.itemType == "mesh" or self.itemType == "nurbsSurface":
if self.itemType == "mesh":
self.meshNode = childList[0]
isGeometry = True
mel.eval("warning \""+item+" is not a geometry.\";")
mel.eval("warning \"Select the transform node instead of "+item+" shape, please.\";")
mel.eval("warning \""+item+" does not exists, maybe it was deleted, sorry.\";")
mel.eval("warning \"Not found "+item+"\";")
return isGeometry
示例4: loadGeo
# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import objectType [as 别名]
def loadGeo(self, *args):
""" Loads the selected node to geoTextField in selectedModuleLayout.
isGeometry = False
selList = cmds.ls(selection=True)
if selList:
if cmds.objExists(selList[0]):
childList = cmds.listRelatives(selList[0], children=True, allDescendents=True)
if childList:
for item in childList:
itemType = cmds.objectType(item)
if itemType == "mesh" or itemType == "nurbsSurface":
isGeometry = True
if isGeometry:
cmds.textField(self.geoTF, edit=True, text=selList[0])
cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp+".geo", selList[0], type='string')
示例5: dpCheckGeometry
# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import objectType [as 别名]
def dpCheckGeometry(self, item, *args):
isGeometry = False
if item:
if cmds.objExists(item):
childList = cmds.listRelatives(item, children=True)
if childList:
itemType = cmds.objectType(childList[0])
if itemType == "mesh" or itemType == "nurbsSurface" or itemType == "subdiv":
if cmds.checkBox(self.checkHistoryCB, query=True, value=True):
historyList = cmds.listHistory(childList[0])
if len(historyList) > 1:
dialogReturn = cmds.confirmDialog(title=self.langDic[self.langName]["i159_historyFound"], message=self.langDic[self.langName]["i160_historyDesc"]+"\n\n"+item+"\n\n"+self.langDic[self.langName]["i161_historyMessage"], button=['Yes','No'], defaultButton='Yes', cancelButton='No', dismissString='No')
if dialogReturn == "Yes":
isGeometry = True
isGeometry = True
isGeometry = True
mel.eval("warning \""+item+" "+self.langDic[self.langName]["i058_notGeo"]+"\";")
mel.eval("warning \""+self.langDic[self.langName]["i163_sameName"]+" "+item+"\";")
mel.eval("warning \""+self.langDic[self.langName]["i059_selTransform"]+" "+item+" "+self.langDic[self.langName]["i060_shapePlease"]+"\";")
mel.eval("warning \""+item+" "+self.langDic[self.langName]["i061_notExists"]+"\";")
mel.eval("warning \""+self.langDic[self.langName]["i062_notFound"]+" "+item+"\";")
return isGeometry
示例6: dpLoadBSTgtList
# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import objectType [as 别名]
def dpLoadBSTgtList(self, bsNodeName, *args):
""" Add target list found in the blendShape node to target textScroll list
if cmds.objExists(bsNodeName):
if cmds.objectType(bsNodeName) == "blendShape":
tgtList = cmds.blendShape(bsNodeName, query=True, target=True)
if tgtList:
cmds.textScrollList(self.bsTargetScrollList, edit=True, removeAll=True)
cmds.textScrollList(self.bsTargetScrollList, edit=True, append=tgtList)
cmds.textField(self.bsNodeTextField, edit=True, text=bsNodeName)
self.bsNode = bsNodeName
示例7: dpCreateRemapNode
# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import objectType [as 别名]
def dpCreateRemapNode(self, fromNode, fromAttr, toNodeBaseName, toNode, toAttr, number, sizeFactor, oMin=0, oMax=1, iMin=0, iMax=1, *args):
""" Creates the nodes to remap values and connect it to final output (toNode) item.
fromNodeName = utils.extractSuffix(fromNode)
remap = cmds.createNode("remapValue", name=fromNodeName+"_"+fromAttr+"_"+str(number).zfill(2)+"_"+toAttr.upper()+"_RmV")
outMaxAttr = toNodeBaseName+"_"+str(number).zfill(2)+"_"+toAttr.upper()
if "t" in toAttr:
if not cmds.objExists(fromNode+".sizeFactor"):
cmds.addAttr(fromNode, longName="sizeFactor", attributeType="float", defaultValue=sizeFactor, keyable=False)
cmds.addAttr(fromNode, longName=outMaxAttr, attributeType="float", defaultValue=oMax, keyable=False)
md = cmds.createNode("multiplyDivide", name=fromNodeName+"_"+fromAttr+"_"+str(number).zfill(2)+"_"+toAttr.upper()+"_SizeFactor_MD")
cmds.connectAttr(fromNode+"."+outMaxAttr, md+".input1X", force=True)
cmds.connectAttr(fromNode+".sizeFactor", md+".input2X", force=True)
cmds.connectAttr(md+".outputX", remap+".outputMax", force=True)
cmds.addAttr(fromNode, longName=outMaxAttr, attributeType="float", defaultValue=oMax, keyable=False)
cmds.connectAttr(fromNode+"."+outMaxAttr, remap+".outputMax", force=True)
cmds.setAttr(remap+".inputMin", iMin)
cmds.setAttr(remap+".inputMax", iMax)
cmds.setAttr(remap+".outputMin", oMin)
cmds.connectAttr(fromNode+"."+fromAttr, remap+".inputValue", force=True)
# check if there's an input connection and create a plusMinusAverage if we don't have one to connect in:
connectedList = cmds.listConnections(toNode+"."+toAttr, destination=False, source=True, plugs=False)
if connectedList:
if cmds.objectType(connectedList[0]) == "plusMinusAverage":
inputList = cmds.listConnections(connectedList[0]+".input1D", destination=False, source=True, plugs=False)
cmds.connectAttr(remap+".outValue", connectedList[0]+".input1D["+str(len(inputList))+"]", force=True)
if cmds.objectType(connectedList[0]) == "unitConversion":
connectedAttr = cmds.listConnections(connectedList[0]+".input", destination=False, source=True, plugs=True)[0]
connectedAttr = cmds.listConnections(toNode+"."+toAttr, destination=False, source=True, plugs=True)[0]
pma = cmds.createNode("plusMinusAverage", name=toNode+"_"+toAttr.upper()+"_PMA")
cmds.connectAttr(connectedAttr, pma+".input1D[0]", force=True)
cmds.connectAttr(remap+".outValue", pma+".input1D[1]", force=True)
cmds.connectAttr(pma+".output1D", toNode+"."+toAttr, force=True)
if cmds.objectType(connectedList[0]) == "unitConversion":
cmds.connectAttr(remap+".outValue", toNode+"."+toAttr, force=True)
示例8: setNotRenderable
# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import objectType [as 别名]
def setNotRenderable(self, objList, *args):
"""Receive a list of objects, find its shapes if necessary and set all as not renderable.
# declare a list of attributes for render:
renderAttrList = ["castsShadows", "receiveShadows", "motionBlur", "primaryVisibility", "smoothShading", "visibleInReflections", "visibleInRefractions", "doubleSided", "miTransparencyCast", "miTransparencyReceive", "miReflectionReceive", "miRefractionReceive", "miFinalGatherCast", "miFinalGatherReceive"]
shapeTypeList = ['nurbsCurve', 'nurbsSurface', 'mesh', 'subdiv']
# find all children shapes:
if objList:
for obj in objList:
objType = cmds.objectType(obj)
# verify if the object is the shape type:
if objType in shapeTypeList:
# set attributes as not renderable:
for attr in renderAttrList:
cmds.setAttr(obj+"."+attr, 0)
#print "Error: Cannot set not renderable ", attr, "as zero for", obj
# verify if the object is a transform type:
elif objType == "transform":
# find all shapes children of the transform object:
shapeList = cmds.listRelatives(obj, shapes=True, children=True)
if shapeList:
for shape in shapeList:
# set attributes as not renderable:
for attr in renderAttrList:
cmds.setAttr(shape+"."+attr, 0)
#print "Error: Cannot set not renderable ", attr, "as zero for", shape
示例9: findHistory
# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import objectType [as 别名]
def findHistory(self, objList, historyName, *args):
"""Search and return the especific history of the listed objects.
if objList:
foundHistoryList = []
for objName in objList:
# find historyName in the object's history:
histList = cmds.listHistory(objName)
for hist in histList:
histType = cmds.objectType(hist)
if histType == historyName:
return foundHistoryList
示例10: get_spore_setups
# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import objectType [as 别名]
def get_spore_setups(self):
""" return a dictionary with an entry for each target mesh
and for each entry a list with all connected spore nodes """
spore_nodes = cmds.ls(type='sporeNode', l=True)
targets = collections.defaultdict(list)
# TODO - once this can be debugged this would be the way to go
# [targets[node_utils.get_connected_in_mesh(node)].append(node) for node in spore_nodes]
for node in spore_nodes:
target = node_utils.get_connected_in_mesh(node)
if target:
else: # May help to debbug a situation wherfe target is sometime None
target = cmds.getConnection('{}.inMesh'.format(node))
target_shape = cmds.listRelatives(cmds.ls(target), s=True, f=True)
if len(target_shape) == 1:
obj_type = cmds.objectType(target_shape[0])
'Getting target mesh failed but spore has been able '
'to use fallback. target: {}, shape: {}, type: '
'{}'.format(target, target_shape[0], obj_type))
targets[target_shape] = node
obj_type = [cmds.objectType(s) for s in target_shape]
raise RuntimeError(
'Could not get target mesh and spore failed to use '
'fallback. target {}, shapes {}, types: {}'.format(
target, target_shape, obj_type)
return targets
示例11: BT_Setup
# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import objectType [as 别名]
def BT_Setup(set = None):
if not set:
return False
transforms = cmds.listConnections(set +'.dagSetMembers')
if not transforms:
return False
if not cmds.attributeQuery('Blend_Node', n = set, ex = True):
cmds.addAttr(set, ln = 'Blend_Node', k = False, h = True, dt = 'string')
return False
btNode = cmds.createNode("BlendTransforms")
cmds.setAttr(set +'.Blend_Node', btNode, type = "string")
for i in range(0, len(transforms)):
baseMatrix = cmds.xform(transforms[i], q = True, m = True)
baseScale = cmds.getAttr(transforms[i] +'.scale')[0]
baseRotOffset = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
if cmds.objectType(transforms[i], isType = 'joint'):
baseRotOffset = cmds.getAttr(transforms[i] +'.jointOrient')[0]
btAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseMatrix'
btScaleAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseScale'
btRotOffsetAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseRotOffset'
BT_MatrixValuesToNode(values = baseMatrix, node = btNode, attr = btAttr)
BT_Double3ValuesToNode(values = baseScale, node = btNode, attr = btScaleAttr)
BT_Double3ValuesToNode(values = baseRotOffset, node = btNode, attr = btRotOffsetAttr)
BT_ConnectOutputs(index = i, node = btNode, transform = transforms[i])
return True
示例12: findRelatedSkinCluster
# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import objectType [as 别名]
def findRelatedSkinCluster(geometry):
Return the skinCluster attached to the specified geometry
geometry (str): Geometry object/transform to query
# Check geometry
if not cmds.objExists(geometry):
om.MGlobal.displayError('Object '+geometry+' does not exist!')
# Check transform
if cmds.objectType(geometry) == 'transform':
try: geometry = cmds.listRelatives(geometry,s=True,ni=True,pa=True)[0]
om.MGlobal.displayError('Object %s has no deformable geometry!' % geometry)
# Determine skinCluster
skin = mel.eval('findRelatedSkinCluster \"%s\"' % geometry)
if not skin:
skin = cmds.ls(cmds.listHistory(geometry, pdo=1, gl=1), type='skinCluster')
if skin: skin = skin[0]
if not skin: skin = None
# Return result
return skin
示例13: createPipe
# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import objectType [as 别名]
def createPipe(self, spans):
# We set the transform and shape to the class variables
self.transform, self.shape = cmds.polyPipe(subdivisionsAxis=spans)
# I didn't like having to find the constructor from the extrude node
# Lets just find it now and save it to the class because it won't change
for node in cmds.listConnections('%s.inMesh' % self.transform):
if cmds.objectType(node) == 'polyPipe':
self.constructor = node
示例14: get_shape
# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import objectType [as 别名]
def get_shape(node, intermediate=False):
"""Get the shape node of a tranform
This is useful if you don't want to have to check if a node is a shape node
or transform. You can pass in a shape node or transform and the function
will return the shape node.
:param node: node The name of the node.
:param intermediate: intermediate True to get the intermediate shape
:return: The name of the shape node.
if cmds.objectType(node, isAType="transform"):
shapes = cmds.listRelatives(node, shapes=True, path=True)
if not shapes:
shapes = []
for shape in shapes:
is_intermediate = cmds.getAttr("{}.intermediateObject".format(shape))
if (
and is_intermediate
and cmds.listConnections(shape, source=False)
return shape
elif not intermediate and not is_intermediate:
return shape
if shapes:
return shapes[0]
elif cmds.nodeType(node) in ["mesh", "nurbsCurve", "nurbsSurface"]:
is_intermediate = cmds.getAttr("{}.intermediateObject".format(node))
if is_intermediate and not intermediate:
node = cmds.listRelatives(node, parent=True, path=True)[0]
return get_shape(node)
return node
return None
示例15: colorShape
# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import objectType [as 别名]
def colorShape(self, objList, color, rgb=False, *args):
""" Create a color override for all shapes from the objList.
if rgb:
elif (dic_colors.has_key(color)):
iColorIdx = dic_colors[color]
iColorIdx = color
# find shapes and apply the color override:
shapeTypeList = ['nurbsCurve', 'nurbsSurface', 'mesh', 'subdiv']
if objList:
for objName in objList:
objType = cmds.objectType(objName)
# verify if the object is the shape type:
if objType in shapeTypeList:
# set override as enable:
cmds.setAttr(objName+".overrideEnabled", 1)
# set color override:
if rgb:
cmds.setAttr(objName+".overrideRGBColors", 1)
cmds.setAttr(objName+".overrideColorR", color[0])
cmds.setAttr(objName+".overrideColorG", color[1])
cmds.setAttr(objName+".overrideColorB", color[2])
cmds.setAttr(objName+".overrideRGBColors", 0)
cmds.setAttr(objName+".overrideColor", iColorIdx)
# verify if the object is a transform type:
elif objType == "transform":
# find all shapes children of the transform object:
shapeList = cmds.listRelatives(objName, shapes=True, children=True, fullPath=True)
if shapeList:
for shape in shapeList:
# set override as enable:
cmds.setAttr(shape+".overrideEnabled", 1)
# set color override:
if rgb:
cmds.setAttr(shape+".overrideRGBColors", 1)
cmds.setAttr(shape+".overrideColorR", color[0])
cmds.setAttr(shape+".overrideColorG", color[1])
cmds.setAttr(shape+".overrideColorB", color[2])
cmds.setAttr(shape+".overrideRGBColors", 0)
cmds.setAttr(shape+".overrideColor", iColorIdx)