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Python path.Path方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中matplotlib.path.Path方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python path.Path方法的具体用法?Python path.Path怎么用?Python path.Path使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在matplotlib.path的用法示例。


示例1: readPolygon

# 需要导入模块: from matplotlib import path [as 别名]
# 或者: from matplotlib.path import Path [as 别名]
def readPolygon(filename):
        :param filename: 特定的数据文件全名
        :return: path对象的一个实例
            file_object = open(filename)
            all_the_text = file_object.read().strip()
            poses = re.split(r'[,]+|[\s]+', all_the_text)
            lon = [float(p) for p in poses[0::2]]
            lat = [float(p) for p in poses[1::2]]
            path = Path(zip(lon, lat))
            return path
        except Exception as err:
            print(u'【{0}】{1}-{2}'.format(filename, err, datetime.now()))
            return None 

示例2: readPath

# 需要导入模块: from matplotlib import path [as 别名]
# 或者: from matplotlib.path import Path [as 别名]
def readPath(filename, start_pos=13):
        :param start_pos: 
        :param filename: 数据文件全名
        :return: path对象的一个实例
            file_object = open(filename)
            all_the_text = file_object.read()
            poses = all_the_text.strip().split()
            lon = [float(p) for p in poses[start_pos::2]]
            lat = [float(p) for p in poses[start_pos+1::2]]
            path = Path(zip(lon, lat))
            return path
        except Exception as err:
            print(u'【{0}】{1}-{2}'.format(filename, err, datetime.now()))
            return None 

示例3: ConvertPacth

# 需要导入模块: from matplotlib import path [as 别名]
# 或者: from matplotlib.path import Path [as 别名]
def ConvertPacth(self, ax, patch):
        path = patch.get_path()
        lon = []
        lat = []
        for points in path.vertices:
            x, y = points[0], points[1]
            xy_pixels = ax.transData.transform(np.vstack([x, y]).T)
            xpix, ypix = xy_pixels.T
        from matplotlib.path import Path
        apath = Path(list(zip(lon, lat)))
        from matplotlib import patches
        apatch = patches.PathPatch(apath, linewidth=1, facecolor='none', edgecolor='k')
        return apatch 

示例4: set_verts

# 需要导入模块: from matplotlib import path [as 别名]
# 或者: from matplotlib.path import Path [as 别名]
def set_verts(self, verts, closed=True):
        '''This allows one to delay initialization of the vertices.'''
        if np.ma.isMaskedArray(verts):
            verts = verts.astype(np.float_).filled(np.nan)
            # This is much faster than having Path do it one at a time.
        if closed:
            self._paths = []
            for xy in verts:
                if len(xy):
                    if np.ma.isMaskedArray(xy):
                        xy = np.ma.concatenate([xy, np.zeros((1, 2))])
                        xy = np.asarray(xy)
                        xy = np.concatenate([xy, np.zeros((1, 2))])
                    codes = np.empty(xy.shape[0], dtype=mpath.Path.code_type)
                    codes[:] = mpath.Path.LINETO
                    codes[0] = mpath.Path.MOVETO
                    codes[-1] = mpath.Path.CLOSEPOLY
                    self._paths.append(mpath.Path(xy, codes))
            self._paths = [mpath.Path(xy) for xy in verts] 

示例5: convert_mesh_to_paths

# 需要导入模块: from matplotlib import path [as 别名]
# 或者: from matplotlib.path import Path [as 别名]
def convert_mesh_to_paths(meshWidth, meshHeight, coordinates):
        Converts a given mesh into a sequence of
        :class:`matplotlib.path.Path` objects for easier rendering by
        backends that do not directly support quadmeshes.

        This function is primarily of use to backend implementers.
        Path = mpath.Path

        if ma.isMaskedArray(coordinates):
            c = coordinates.data
            c = coordinates

        points = np.concatenate((
                    c[0:-1, 0:-1],
                    c[0:-1, 1:],
                    c[1:, 1:],
                    c[1:, 0:-1],
                    c[0:-1, 0:-1]
                ), axis=2)
        points = points.reshape((meshWidth * meshHeight, 5, 2))
        return [Path(x) for x in points] 

示例6: draw

# 需要导入模块: from matplotlib import path [as 别名]
# 或者: from matplotlib.path import Path [as 别名]
def draw(self, renderer):
        Draw the children

        dpi_cor = renderer.points_to_pixels(1.)
        self.dpi_transform.scale(dpi_cor, dpi_cor)

        # At this point the DrawingArea has a transform
        # to the display space so the path created is
        # good for clipping children
        tpath = mtransforms.TransformedPath(
            mpath.Path([[0, 0], [0, self.height],
                        [self.width, self.height],
                        [self.width, 0]]),
        for c in self._children:
            if self._clip_children and not (c.clipbox or c._clippath):

        bbox_artist(self, renderer, fill=False, props=dict(pad=0.))
        self.stale = False 

示例7: linear_spine

# 需要导入模块: from matplotlib import path [as 别名]
# 或者: from matplotlib.path import Path [as 别名]
def linear_spine(cls, axes, spine_type, **kwargs):
        (staticmethod) Returns a linear :class:`Spine`.
        # all values of 0.999 get replaced upon call to set_bounds()
        if spine_type == 'left':
            path = mpath.Path([(0.0, 0.999), (0.0, 0.999)])
        elif spine_type == 'right':
            path = mpath.Path([(1.0, 0.999), (1.0, 0.999)])
        elif spine_type == 'bottom':
            path = mpath.Path([(0.999, 0.0), (0.999, 0.0)])
        elif spine_type == 'top':
            path = mpath.Path([(0.999, 1.0), (0.999, 1.0)])
            raise ValueError('unable to make path for spine "%s"' % spine_type)
        result = cls(axes, spine_type, path, **kwargs)

        return result 

示例8: inside_polygon

# 需要导入模块: from matplotlib import path [as 别名]
# 或者: from matplotlib.path import Path [as 别名]
def inside_polygon(polygon, point):
    """ check if a point is strictly inside the polygon

    :param ndarray|list polygon: polygon contour
    :param tuple|list point: sample point
    :return bool: inside

    >>> poly = [[1, 1], [1, 3], [3, 3], [3, 1]]
    >>> inside_polygon(poly, [0, 0])
    >>> inside_polygon(poly, [1, 1])
    >>> inside_polygon(poly, [2, 2])
    path = Path(polygon)
    return path.contains_points([point])[0] 

示例9: make_mask

# 需要导入模块: from matplotlib import path [as 别名]
# 或者: from matplotlib.path import Path [as 别名]
def make_mask(mask_size, box, polygons_list):
    Mask size: int about how big mask will be
    box: [x1, y1, x2, y2, conf.]
    polygons_list: List of polygons that go inside the box
    mask = np.zeros((mask_size, mask_size), dtype=np.bool)
    xy = np.meshgrid(_spaced_points(box[0], box[2], n=mask_size),
                     _spaced_points(box[1], box[3], n=mask_size)) 
    xy_flat = np.stack(xy, 2).reshape((-1, 2))

    for polygon in polygons_list:
        polygon_path = path.Path(polygon)
        mask |= polygon_path.contains_points(xy_flat).reshape((mask_size, mask_size))
    return mask.astype(np.float32)
#from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
#with open('XdtbL0dP0X0@44.json', 'r') as f:
#    metadata = json.load(f)
#from time import time
#s = time()
#for i in range(100):
#    mask = make_mask(14, metadata['boxes'][3], metadata['segms'][3])
#print("Elapsed {:3f}s".format(time()-s))

示例10: get_mask

# 需要导入模块: from matplotlib import path [as 别名]
# 或者: from matplotlib.path import Path [as 别名]
def get_mask(self, current_image):
        ny, nx = np.shape(current_image)
        poly_verts = ([(self.x[0], self.y[0])]
                      + list(zip(reversed(self.x), reversed(self.y))))
        # Create vertex coordinates for each grid cell...
        # (<0,0> is at the top left of the grid in this system)
        x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx), np.arange(ny))
        x, y = x.flatten(), y.flatten()
        points = np.vstack((x, y)).T

        roi_path = MplPath(poly_verts)
        grid = roi_path.contains_points(points).reshape((ny, nx))
        return grid 

示例11: draw_ordered_polys

# 需要导入模块: from matplotlib import path [as 别名]
# 或者: from matplotlib.path import Path [as 别名]
def draw_ordered_polys(o_polys):

    for poly in o_polys:

        ax = plt.gca()
        path = mpp.Path(poly[:, 0:2])
        patch = patches.PathPatch(path, facecolor='orange', lw=1)

示例12: point_in_geometry

# 需要导入模块: from matplotlib import path [as 别名]
# 或者: from matplotlib.path import Path [as 别名]
def point_in_geometry(o_polys, point):

    for poly in o_polys:

        path = mpp.Path(poly[:, 0:2])
        inside = path.contains_points([point])

        if inside:
            return True

    return False 

示例13: inside_poly

# 需要导入模块: from matplotlib import path [as 别名]
# 或者: from matplotlib.path import Path [as 别名]
def inside_poly(points, verts):
    *points* is a sequence of *x*, *y* points.
    *verts* is a sequence of *x*, *y* vertices of a polygon.

    Return value is a sequence of indices into points for the points
    that are inside the polygon.
    # Make a closed polygon path
    poly = Path( verts )

    # Check to see which points are contained withing the Path
    return [ idx for idx, p in enumerate(points) if poly.contains_point(p) ] 

示例14: transform_path_non_affine

# 需要导入模块: from matplotlib import path [as 别名]
# 或者: from matplotlib.path import Path [as 别名]
def transform_path_non_affine(self, path):
            vertices = path.vertices
            ipath = path.interpolated(self._resolution)
            return Path(self.transform(ipath.vertices), ipath.codes) 

示例15: transform_path_non_affine

# 需要导入模块: from matplotlib import path [as 别名]
# 或者: from matplotlib.path import Path [as 别名]
def transform_path_non_affine(self, path):
        vertices = path.vertices
        if len(vertices) == 2 and vertices[0, 0] == vertices[1, 0]:
            return Path(self.transform(vertices), path.codes)
        ipath = path.interpolated(path._interpolation_steps)
        return Path(self.transform(ipath.vertices), ipath.codes) 
