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Python math.fabs方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中math.fabs方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python math.fabs方法的具体用法?Python math.fabs怎么用?Python math.fabs使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在math的用法示例。


示例1: contains

# 需要导入模块: import math [as 别名]
# 或者: from math import fabs [as 别名]
def contains(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
            if self.is_inverted():
                if other.is_inverted():
                    return other.lo() >= self.lo() and other.hi() <= self.hi()
                return (other.lo() >= self.lo() or other.hi() <= self.hi()) \
                        and not self.is_empty()
                if other.is_inverted():
                    return self.is_full() or other.is_empty()
                return other.lo() >= self.lo() and other.hi() <= self.hi()
            assert math.fabs(other) <= math.pi
            if other == -math.pi:
                other = math.pi
            return self.fast_contains(other) 

示例2: test_speed_limiting

# 需要导入模块: import math [as 别名]
# 或者: from math import fabs [as 别名]
def test_speed_limiting(self):
        obj = pySmartDL.SmartDL(self.res_testfile_1gb, dest=self.dl_dir, progress_bar=False, connect_default_logger=self.enable_logging)
        obj.limit_speed(1024**2)  # 1MB per sec

        while not obj.get_dl_size():

        expected_dl_size = 30 * 1024**2
        allowed_delta = 0.6  # because we took only 30sec, the delta needs to be quite big, it we were to test 60sec the delta would probably be much smaller
        diff = math.fabs(expected_dl_size - obj.get_dl_size()) / expected_dl_size


        self.assertLessEqual(diff, allowed_delta) 

示例3: check_success

# 需要导入模块: import math [as 别名]
# 或者: from math import fabs [as 别名]
def check_success(self, position, close_goal):

        rospy.logwarn("gripping force: " + str(self._gripper.get_force()))
        rospy.logwarn("gripper position: " + str(self._gripper.get_position()))
        rospy.logwarn("gripper position deadzone: " + str(self._gripper.get_dead_zone()))

        if not self._gripper.is_moving():
            success = True
            success = False

        # success = fabs(self._gripper.get_position() - position) < self._gripper.get_dead_zone()

        rospy.logwarn("gripping success: " + str(success))

        return success 

示例4: _adjust

# 需要导入模块: import math [as 别名]
# 或者: from math import fabs [as 别名]
def _adjust(self, xa, ya, x, y, xb, yb):
        """ fix the sides of the map """
        if self.grid[x][y] == 0:
            d = math.fabs(xa - xb) + math.fabs(ya - yb)
            ROUGHNESS = self.params.get('roughness')
            v = (self.grid[xa][ya] + self.grid[xb][yb]) / 2.0 \
                + (random.random() - 0.5) * d * ROUGHNESS
            c = int(math.fabs(v) % 257)
            if y == 0:
                self.grid[x][self.size - 1] = c
            if x == 0 or x == self.size - 1:
                if y < self.size - 1:
                    self.grid[x][self.size - 1 - y] = c
            range_low, range_high = self.params.get('height_range')
            if c < range_low:
                c = range_low
            elif c > range_high:
                c = range_high
            self.grid[x][y] = c 

示例5: function

# 需要导入模块: import math [as 别名]
# 或者: from math import fabs [as 别名]
def function(self):
		r"""Return benchmark evaluation function.

			Callable[[int, Union[int, float, List[int, float], numpy.ndarray]], float]: Fitness function
		def f(D, x):
			r"""Fitness function.

				D (int): Dimensionality of the problem
				sol (Union[int, float, List[int, float], numpy.ndarray]): Solution to check.

				float: Fitness value for the solution.
			val1, val2 = 0.0, 0.0
			for i in range(D): val1 += x[i] ** 2
			for i in range(D): val2 += x[i]
			return fabs(val1 ** 2 - val2 ** 2) ** (1 / 2) + (0.5 * val1 + val2) / D + 0.5
		return f

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示例6: function

# 需要导入模块: import math [as 别名]
# 或者: from math import fabs [as 别名]
def function(self):
		r"""Return benchmark evaluation function.

			Callable[[int, Union[int, float, List[int, float], numpy.ndarray]], float]: Fitness function
		def f(D, x):
			r"""Fitness function.

				D (int): Dimensionality of the problem
				sol (Union[int, float, List[int, float], numpy.ndarray]): Solution to check.

				float: Fitness value for the solution.
			val = 1.0
			for i in range(D):
				valt = 1.0
				for j in range(1, 33): valt += fabs(2 ** j * x[i] - round(2 ** j * x[i])) / 2 ** j
				val *= (1 + (i + 1) * valt) ** (10 / D ** 1.2) - (10 / D ** 2)
			return 10 / D ** 2 * val
		return f

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示例7: function

# 需要导入模块: import math [as 别名]
# 或者: from math import fabs [as 别名]
def function(self):
		r"""Return benchmark evaluation function.

			Callable[[int, Union[int, float, List[int, float], numpy.ndarray]], float]: Fitness function
		def g(z, D):
			if z > 500: return (500 - fmod(z, 500)) * sin(sqrt(fabs(500 - fmod(z, 500)))) - (z - 500) ** 2 / (10000 * D)
			elif z < -500: return (fmod(z, 500) - 500) * sin(sqrt(fabs(fmod(z, 500) - 500))) + (z - 500) ** 2 / (10000 * D)
			return z * sin(fabs(z) ** (1 / 2))
		def h(x, D): return g(x + 420.9687462275036, D)
		def f(D, sol):
			r"""Fitness function.

				D (int): Dimensionality of the problem
				sol (Union[int, float, List[int, float], numpy.ndarray]): Solution to check.

				float: Fitness value for the solution.
			val = 0.0
			for i in range(D): val += h(sol[i], D)
			return 418.9829 * D - val
		return f 

示例8: get_version_from_list

# 需要导入模块: import math [as 别名]
# 或者: from math import fabs [as 别名]
def get_version_from_list(v, vlist):
    """See if we can match v (string) in vlist (list of strings)
    Linux has to match in a fuzzy way."""
    if is_windows:
        # Simple case, just find it in the list
        if v in vlist: return v
        else: return None
        # Fuzzy match: normalize version number first, but still return
        # original non-normalized form.
        fuzz = 0.001
        for vi in vlist:
            if math.fabs(linux_ver_normalize(vi) - linux_ver_normalize(v)) < fuzz:
                return vi
        # Not found
        return None 

示例9: assertNear

# 需要导入模块: import math [as 别名]
# 或者: from math import fabs [as 别名]
def assertNear(self, f1, f2, err, msg=None):
    """Asserts that two floats are near each other.

    Checks that |f1 - f2| < err and asserts a test failure
    if not.

      f1: A float value.
      f2: A float value.
      err: A float value.
      msg: An optional string message to append to the failure message.
        math.fabs(f1 - f2) <= err,
        "%f != %f +/- %f%s" % (f1, f2, err, " (%s)" % msg
                               if msg is not None else "")) 

示例10: testAUCMeter

# 需要导入模块: import math [as 别名]
# 或者: from math import fabs [as 别名]
def testAUCMeter(self):
        mtr = meter.AUCMeter()

        test_size = 1000
        mtr.add(torch.rand(test_size), torch.zeros(test_size))
        mtr.add(torch.rand(test_size), torch.Tensor(test_size).fill_(1))

        val, tpr, fpr = mtr.value()
        self.assertTrue(math.fabs(val - 0.5) < 0.1, msg="AUC Meter fails")

        mtr.add(torch.Tensor(test_size).fill_(0), torch.zeros(test_size))
        mtr.add(torch.Tensor(test_size).fill_(0.1), torch.zeros(test_size))
        mtr.add(torch.Tensor(test_size).fill_(0.2), torch.zeros(test_size))
        mtr.add(torch.Tensor(test_size).fill_(0.3), torch.zeros(test_size))
        mtr.add(torch.Tensor(test_size).fill_(0.4), torch.zeros(test_size))
        val, tpr, fpr = mtr.value()

        self.assertEqual(val, 1.0, msg="AUC Meter fails") 

示例11: nextX

# 需要导入模块: import math [as 别名]
# 或者: from math import fabs [as 别名]
def nextX(self):
        if self.c[1] != self.a[1] and self.c[1] != self.b[1]:
            # inverse quadratic interpolation
            s = self.a[0] * self.b[1] * self.c[1] / ((self.a[1] - self.b[1]) * (self.a[1] - self.c[1])) \
                + self.b[0] * self.a[1] * self.c[1] / ((self.b[1] - self.a[1]) * (self.b[1] - self.c[1])) \
                + self.c[0] * self.a[1] * self.b[1] / ((self.c[1] - self.a[1]) * (self.c[1] - self.b[1]))
            s = (self.a[0] * self.b[1] - self.b[0] * self.a[1]) / (self.b[1] - self.a[1])

        c_dist = fabs(self.c[0] - self.b[0] if self.bisect else self.d)
        self.bisect = (s - self.b[0]) * (s - 0.75 * self.a[0] - 0.25 * self.b[0]) >= 0. \
                      or fabs(s - self.b[0]) > 0.5 * c_dist \
                      or c_dist < self.tol

        if self.bisect:
            s = 0.5 * (self.a[0] + self.b[0])

        self.d = s
        return s 

示例12: is_fallen

# 需要导入模块: import math [as 别名]
# 或者: from math import fabs [as 别名]
def is_fallen(self):
    """Decide whether the minitaur has fallen.

      Boolean value that indicates whether the minitaur has fallen.
    roll, pitch, _ = self.minitaur.GetTrueBaseRollPitchYaw()
    is_fallen = math.fabs(roll) > 0.3 or math.fabs(pitch) > 0.3
    return is_fallen 

示例13: is_fallen

# 需要导入模块: import math [as 别名]
# 或者: from math import fabs [as 别名]
def is_fallen(self):
    """Decides whether the minitaur is in a fallen state.

    If the roll or the pitch of the base is greater than 0.3 radians, the
    minitaur is considered fallen.

      Boolean value that indicates whether the minitaur has fallen.
    roll, pitch, _ = self.minitaur.GetTrueBaseRollPitchYaw()
    return math.fabs(roll) > 0.3 or math.fabs(pitch) > 0.3 

示例14: _reward

# 需要导入模块: import math [as 别名]
# 或者: from math import fabs [as 别名]
def _reward(self):
    roll, pitch, _ = self.minitaur.GetBaseRollPitchYaw()
    return 1.0 / (0.001 + math.fabs(roll) + math.fabs(pitch)) 

示例15: _sift_sentiment_scores

# 需要导入模块: import math [as 别名]
# 或者: from math import fabs [as 别名]
def _sift_sentiment_scores(self, sentiments):
        # want separate positive versus negative sentiment scores
        pos_sum = 0.0
        neg_sum = 0.0
        neu_count = 0
        for sentiment_score in sentiments:
            if sentiment_score > 0:
                pos_sum += (float(sentiment_score) +1) # compensates for neutral words that are counted as 1
            if sentiment_score < 0:
                neg_sum += (float(sentiment_score) -1) # when used with math.fabs(), compensates for neutrals
            if sentiment_score == 0:
                neu_count += 1
        return pos_sum, neg_sum, neu_count 
