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Python backend.reshape方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中keras.backend.reshape方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python backend.reshape方法的具体用法?Python backend.reshape怎么用?Python backend.reshape使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在keras.backend的用法示例。


示例1: call

# 需要导入模块: from keras import backend [as 别名]
# 或者: from keras.backend import reshape [as 别名]
def call(self, x):
        mean = K.mean(x, axis=-1)
        std = K.std(x, axis=-1)

        if len(x.shape) == 3:
            mean = K.permute_dimensions(
                K.repeat(mean, x.shape.as_list()[-1]),
            std = K.permute_dimensions(
                K.repeat(std, x.shape.as_list()[-1]),
        elif len(x.shape) == 2:
            mean = K.reshape(
                K.repeat_elements(mean, x.shape.as_list()[-1], 0),
                (-1, x.shape.as_list()[-1])
            std = K.reshape(
                K.repeat_elements(mean, x.shape.as_list()[-1], 0),
                (-1, x.shape.as_list()[-1])
        return self._g * (x - mean) / (std + self._epsilon) + self._b 

示例2: call

# 需要导入模块: from keras import backend [as 别名]
# 或者: from keras.backend import reshape [as 别名]
def call(self, x, mask=None):
        # computes a probability distribution over the timesteps
        # uses 'max trick' for numerical stability
        # reshape is done to avoid issue with Tensorflow
        # and 1-dimensional weights
        logits = K.dot(x, self.W)
        x_shape = K.shape(x)
        logits = K.reshape(logits, (x_shape[0], x_shape[1]))
        ai = K.exp(logits - K.max(logits, axis=-1, keepdims=True))

        # masked timesteps have zero weight
        if mask is not None:
            mask = K.cast(mask, K.floatx())
            ai = ai * mask
        att_weights = ai / (K.sum(ai, axis=1, keepdims=True) + K.epsilon())
        weighted_input = x * K.expand_dims(att_weights)
        result = K.sum(weighted_input, axis=1)
        if self.return_attention:
            return [result, att_weights]
        return result 

示例3: call

# 需要导入模块: from keras import backend [as 别名]
# 或者: from keras.backend import reshape [as 别名]
def call(self,x,mask=None):
        conv_input,theta = x
        s = theta.shape
        theta = T.reshape(theta,[-1,s[2]])
        m = K.not_equal(conv_input,0.)

        #### For translation
        trans = _trans(theta)
        output = _transform_trans(trans, conv_input)
        output = output * K.cast(m,K.floatx())

        ### For rotation
        M = _fusion(theta)
        output = _transform_rot(M,output)

        return output 

示例4: get_output

# 需要导入模块: from keras import backend [as 别名]
# 或者: from keras.backend import reshape [as 别名]
def get_output(self, train=False):
        def format_shape(shape):
            if K._BACKEND == 'tensorflow':
                def trf(x):
                        return int(x)
                    except TypeError:
                        return x

                return map(trf, shape)
            return shape

        X = self.get_input(train)

        in_shape = format_shape(K.shape(X))
        batch_flatten_len = K.prod(in_shape[:2])
        cast_in_shape = (batch_flatten_len, ) + tuple(in_shape[i] for i in range(2, K.ndim(X)))
        pre_outs = self.layer(K.reshape(X, cast_in_shape))
        out_shape = format_shape(K.shape(pre_outs))
        cast_out_shape = (in_shape[0], in_shape[1]) + tuple(out_shape[i] for i in range(1, K.ndim(pre_outs)))
        outputs = K.reshape(pre_outs, cast_out_shape)
        return outputs 

示例5: call

# 需要导入模块: from keras import backend [as 别名]
# 或者: from keras.backend import reshape [as 别名]
def call(self , x, mask=None):
        batch_size = K.shape(x[0])[0]
        sim = []
        V_out = K.dot(self.V, K.concatenate([e1,e2],axis=0))     

        for i in range(self.k): 
            temp = K.batch_dot(K.dot(e1.T,self.W[i,:,:]),e2.T,axes=1)

        tensor_bi_product = self.activation(V_out+sim)
        tensor_bi_product = K.dot(self.U.T, tensor_bi_product).T

        return tensor_bi_product 

示例6: get_constants

# 需要导入模块: from keras import backend [as 别名]
# 或者: from keras.backend import reshape [as 别名]
def get_constants(self, x):
		constants = []
		if 0 < self.dropout_U < 1:
			ones = K.ones_like(K.reshape(x[:, 0, 0], (-1, 1)))
			ones = K.tile(ones, (1, self.hidden_recurrent_dim))
			B_U = K.in_train_phase(K.dropout(ones, self.dropout_U), ones)
		if self.consume_less == 'cpu' and 0 < self.dropout_W < 1:
			input_shape = self.input_spec[0].shape
			input_dim = input_shape[-1]
			ones = K.ones_like(K.reshape(x[:, 0, 0], (-1, 1)))
			ones = K.tile(ones, (1, input_dim))
			B_W = K.in_train_phase(K.dropout(ones, self.dropout_W), ones)

		return constants 

示例7: get_constants

# 需要导入模块: from keras import backend [as 别名]
# 或者: from keras.backend import reshape [as 别名]
def get_constants(self, x):
		constants = []
		if 0 < self.dropout_U < 1:
			ones = K.ones_like(K.reshape(x[:, 0, 0], (-1, 1)))
			ones = K.tile(ones, (1, self.input_dim))
			B_U = [K.in_train_phase(K.dropout(ones, self.dropout_U), ones) for _ in range(4)]
			constants.append([K.cast_to_floatx(1.) for _ in range(4)])

		if 0 < self.dropout_W < 1:
			input_shape = K.int_shape(x)
			input_dim = input_shape[-1]
			ones = K.ones_like(K.reshape(x[:, 0, 0], (-1, 1)))
			ones = K.tile(ones, (1, int(input_dim)))
			B_W = [K.in_train_phase(K.dropout(ones, self.dropout_W), ones) for _ in range(4)]
			constants.append([K.cast_to_floatx(1.) for _ in range(4)])
		return constants 

示例8: contrastive_divergence_loss

# 需要导入模块: from keras import backend [as 别名]
# 或者: from keras.backend import reshape [as 别名]
def contrastive_divergence_loss(self, y_true, y_pred):

		x = y_pred
		#x = K.reshape(x, (-1, self.input_dim))

			chain_start = self.persistent_chain
			chain_start = x

		def loss(chain_start, x):
			x_rec, _, _ = self.mcmc_chain(chain_start, self.nb_gibbs_steps)
			cd = K.mean(self.free_energy(x)) - K.mean(self.free_energy(x_rec))
			return cd, x_rec

		y, x_rec = loss(chain_start, x)

			self.updates = [(self.persistent_chain, x_rec)]

		return y 

示例9: call

# 需要导入模块: from keras import backend [as 别名]
# 或者: from keras.backend import reshape [as 别名]
def call(self, inputs):
        def wrapper(rois, mrcnn_class, mrcnn_bbox, image_meta):
            # currently supports one image per batch
            b = 0
            _, _, window, _ = parse_image_meta(image_meta)
            detections = refine_detections(
                rois[b], mrcnn_class[b], mrcnn_bbox[b], window[b], self.config)
            # Pad with zeros if detections < DETECTION_MAX_INSTANCES
            gap = self.config.DETECTION_MAX_INSTANCES - detections.shape[0]
            assert gap >= 0
            if gap > 0:
                detections = np.pad(detections, [(0, gap), (0, 0)],
                                    'constant', constant_values=0)

            # Cast to float32
            # TODO: track where float64 is introduced
            detections = detections.astype(np.float32)

            # Reshape output
            # [batch, num_detections, (y1, x1, y2, x2, class_score)] in pixels
            return np.reshape(detections,
                              [1, self.config.DETECTION_MAX_INSTANCES, 6])

        # Return wrapped function
        return tf.py_func(wrapper, inputs, tf.float32) 

示例10: ifft2

# 需要导入模块: from keras import backend [as 别名]
# 或者: from keras.backend import reshape [as 别名]
def ifft2(x):
	ff = x
	ff = KB.permute_dimensions(ff, (0, 2, 1))
	ff = KB.reshape(ff, (x.shape[0] *x.shape[2], x.shape[1]))
	tf = ifft(ff)
	tf = KB.reshape(tf, (x.shape[0], x.shape[2], x.shape[1]))
	tf = KB.permute_dimensions(tf, (0, 2, 1))
	tf = KB.reshape(tf, (x.shape[0] *x.shape[1], x.shape[2]))
	tt = ifft(tf)
	tt = KB.reshape(tt, (x.shape[0], x.shape[1], x.shape[2]))
	return tt

# FFT Layers:
#  FFT:   Batched 1-D FFT  (Input: (Batch, FeatureMaps, TimeSamples))
#  IFFT:  Batched 1-D IFFT (Input: (Batch, FeatureMaps, FreqSamples))
#  FFT2:  Batched 2-D FFT  (Input: (Batch, FeatureMaps, TimeSamplesH, TimeSamplesW))
#  IFFT2: Batched 2-D IFFT (Input: (Batch, FeatureMaps, FreqSamplesH, FreqSamplesW))

示例11: call

# 需要导入模块: from keras import backend [as 别名]
# 或者: from keras.backend import reshape [as 别名]
def call(self, x, mask=None):
		a = KB.permute_dimensions(x, (1,0,2,3))
		a = KB.reshape(a, (x.shape[1] *x.shape[0], x.shape[2], x.shape[3]))
		a = ifft2(a)
		a = KB.reshape(a, (x.shape[1], x.shape[0], x.shape[2], x.shape[3]))
		return KB.permute_dimensions(a, (1,0,2,3))

# Tests
# Note: The IFFT is the conjugate of the FFT of the conjugate.
#     np.fft.ifft(x) == np.conj(np.fft.fft(np.conj(x)))

示例12: call

# 需要导入模块: from keras import backend [as 别名]
# 或者: from keras.backend import reshape [as 别名]
def call(self, x, mask=None):

        assert self.built, 'Layer must be built before being called'
        input_shape = K.int_shape(x)

        reduction_axes = list(range(len(input_shape)))
        del reduction_axes[self.axis]
        broadcast_shape = [1] * len(input_shape)
        broadcast_shape[self.axis] = input_shape[self.axis]

        if sorted(reduction_axes) == range(K.ndim(x))[:-1]:
            x_normed = K.batch_normalization(
                x, self.running_mean, self.running_std,
                self.beta, self.gamma,
            # need broadcasting
            broadcast_running_mean = K.reshape(self.running_mean, broadcast_shape)
            broadcast_running_std = K.reshape(self.running_std, broadcast_shape)
            broadcast_beta = K.reshape(self.beta, broadcast_shape)
            broadcast_gamma = K.reshape(self.gamma, broadcast_shape)
            x_normed = K.batch_normalization(
                x, broadcast_running_mean, broadcast_running_std,
                broadcast_beta, broadcast_gamma,

        return x_normed 

示例13: _transform_trans

# 需要导入模块: from keras import backend [as 别名]
# 或者: from keras.backend import reshape [as 别名]
def _transform_trans(theta,input):
    batch1, step1, dim1 = input.shape
    input = K.reshape(input,(batch1,step1,dim1//3,3))
    input = K.reshape(input,(batch1*step1,dim1//3,3))
    input = K.permute_dimensions(input,[0,2,1])
    add = T.ones((batch1*step1,1,dim1//3))
    input= K.concatenate([input,add],axis=1)

    output = K.batch_dot(theta,input)
    output = K.permute_dimensions(output,[0,2,1])
    output = K.reshape(output,(output.shape[0],dim1))
    output = K.reshape(output,(batch1,step1,output.shape[1]))

    return output 

示例14: _trans

# 需要导入模块: from keras import backend [as 别名]
# 或者: from keras.backend import reshape [as 别名]
def _trans(theta):
    tx = theta[:,3:4]
    ty = theta[:,4:5]
    tz = theta[:,5:6]
    zero = K.zeros_like(tx)
    one = K.ones_like(tx)
    first = K.reshape(K.concatenate([one,zero,zero,tx],axis=1),(-1,1,4))
    second = K.reshape(K.concatenate([zero,one,zero,ty],axis=1),(-1,1,4))
    third = K.reshape(K.concatenate([zero,zero,one,tz],axis=1),(-1,1,4))
    trans = K.concatenate([first,second,third],axis=1)
    trans = trans.reshape((trans.shape[0],3,4))

    return trans 

示例15: _rotation_y

# 需要导入模块: from keras import backend [as 别名]
# 或者: from keras.backend import reshape [as 别名]
def _rotation_y(theta):
    r1 = K.cos(theta[:,0:1])
    r2 = K.sin(theta[:,0:1])
    zero = K.zeros_like(r1)
    one = K.ones_like(r1)
    first = K.reshape(K.concatenate([r1,zero,r2,zero],axis=1),(-1,1,4))
    second = K.reshape(K.concatenate([zero,one,zero,zero],axis=1),(-1,1,4))
    third = K.reshape(K.concatenate([-r2,zero,r1,zero],axis=1),(-1,1,4))
    fourth = K.reshape(K.concatenate([zero,zero,zero,one],axis=1),(-1,1,4))
    rotation_y = K.concatenate([first,second,third,fourth],axis=1)
    rotation_y = T.reshape(rotation_y,[-1,4,4])
    return rotation_y 
