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Python inspect.isroutine方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中inspect.isroutine方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python inspect.isroutine方法的具体用法?Python inspect.isroutine怎么用?Python inspect.isroutine使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在inspect的用法示例。


示例1: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import isroutine [as 别名]
def __init__(self, function, args=(), kwargs={}):

        :param function: Python method to run.
        :type function: routine
        :param args: Argument list to run the method with.
        :type args: tuple
        :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to run the method with.
        :type kwargs: dict
        assert isroutine(function), "Python callable expected"
        assert isinstance(args, tuple)
        assert isinstance(kwargs, dict)

        super(Job, self).__init__(function.__name__)
        self.function = function
        self.args = args
        self.kwargs = kwargs 

示例2: document

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import isroutine [as 别名]
def document(self, object, name=None, *args):
        """Generate documentation for an object."""
        args = (object, name) + args
        # 'try' clause is to attempt to handle the possibility that inspect
        # identifies something in a way that pydoc itself has issues handling;
        # think 'super' and how it is a descriptor (which raises the exception
        # by lacking a __name__ attribute) and an instance.
        if inspect.isgetsetdescriptor(object): return self.docdata(*args)
        if inspect.ismemberdescriptor(object): return self.docdata(*args)
            if inspect.ismodule(object): return self.docmodule(*args)
            if inspect.isclass(object): return self.docclass(*args)
            if inspect.isroutine(object): return self.docroutine(*args)
        except AttributeError:
        if isinstance(object, property): return self.docproperty(*args)
        return self.docother(*args) 

示例3: render_doc

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import isroutine [as 别名]
def render_doc(thing, title='Python Library Documentation: %s', forceload=0,
    """Render text documentation, given an object or a path to an object."""
    if renderer is None:
        renderer = text
    object, name = resolve(thing, forceload)
    desc = describe(object)
    module = inspect.getmodule(object)
    if name and '.' in name:
        desc += ' in ' + name[:name.rfind('.')]
    elif module and module is not object:
        desc += ' in module ' + module.__name__

    if not (inspect.ismodule(object) or
              inspect.isclass(object) or
              inspect.isroutine(object) or
              inspect.isgetsetdescriptor(object) or
              inspect.ismemberdescriptor(object) or
              isinstance(object, property)):
        # If the passed object is a piece of data or an instance,
        # document its available methods instead of its value.
        object = type(object)
        desc += ' object'
    return title % desc + '\n\n' + renderer.document(object, name) 

示例4: get_client_method_names

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import isroutine [as 别名]
def get_client_method_names() -> List[str]:
    """Extracts method names from LookerClient to test for bad responses"""
    client_members: List[Tuple[str, Callable]] = inspect.getmembers(
        LookerClient, predicate=inspect.isroutine
    client_methods: List[str] = [
        member[0] for member in client_members if not member[0].startswith("__")
    for skip_method in (
    return client_methods 

示例5: parse_hookimpl_opts

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import isroutine [as 别名]
def parse_hookimpl_opts(self, plugin, name):
        method = getattr(plugin, name)
        if not inspect.isroutine(method):
            res = getattr(method, self.project_name + "_impl", None)
        except Exception:
            res = {}
        if res is not None and not isinstance(res, dict):
            # false positive
            res = None
        # TODO: remove when we drop implprefix in 1.0
        elif res is None and self._implprefix and name.startswith(self._implprefix):
                    "The `implprefix` system is deprecated please decorate "
                    "this function using an instance of HookimplMarker."
            res = {}
        return res 

示例6: render_doc

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import isroutine [as 别名]
def render_doc(thing, title='Python Library Documentation: %s', forceload=0):
    """Render text documentation, given an object or a path to an object."""
    object, name = resolve(thing, forceload)
    desc = describe(object)
    module = inspect.getmodule(object)
    if name and '.' in name:
        desc += ' in ' + name[:name.rfind('.')]
    elif module and module is not object:
        desc += ' in module ' + module.__name__
    if type(object) is _OLD_INSTANCE_TYPE:
        # If the passed object is an instance of an old-style class,
        # document its available methods instead of its value.
        object = object.__class__
    elif not (inspect.ismodule(object) or
              inspect.isclass(object) or
              inspect.isroutine(object) or
              inspect.isgetsetdescriptor(object) or
              inspect.ismemberdescriptor(object) or
              isinstance(object, property)):
        # If the passed object is a piece of data or an instance,
        # document its available methods instead of its value.
        object = type(object)
        desc += ' object'
    return title % desc + '\n\n' + text.document(object, name) 

示例7: _mod_info

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import isroutine [as 别名]
def _mod_info(modname, toskip=[], onlylocals=True):
    Determines if a module is a module or a package and whether or not
    it has classes or functions.

    hascls = hasfunc = False

    for localnm, fqnm, obj in zip(*find_mod_objs(modname, onlylocals=onlylocals)):
        if localnm not in toskip:
            hascls = hascls or inspect.isclass(obj)
            hasfunc = hasfunc or inspect.isroutine(obj)
            if hascls and hasfunc:

    # find_mod_objs has already imported modname
    # TODO: There is probably a cleaner way to do this, though this is pretty
    # reliable for all Python versions for most cases that we care about.
    pkg = sys.modules[modname]
    ispkg = (hasattr(pkg, '__file__') and isinstance(pkg.__file__, str) and

    return ispkg, hascls, hasfunc 

示例8: get_attributes

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import isroutine [as 别名]
def get_attributes(self): 
        attributes = inspect.getmembers(self, lambda a: not (inspect.isroutine(a)))
        # store only not the default attribute __xx__
        attribute_tuple_list = [a for a in attributes if not (a[0].startswith('__') and a[0].endswith('__'))]

        attribute_dict = {}
        for tup in attribute_tuple_list:
            key = tup[0]
            value = tup[1]
            if key == 'loss':
                value = str(value)
            # convert numpy value to float
            if type(value) == np.float64:
                value = float(value)
            attribute_dict[key] = value

        return attribute_dict 

示例9: denormalize

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import isroutine [as 别名]
def denormalize(self):
        Create new config object that inherits all explicit attributes from
        its parents as well.
        new_options = {}
        for key in self._options:
            value = getattr(self, key)
            if inspect.isclass(value) or inspect.isroutine(value):
                # Skipping non-serializable classes and routines.
                    "Skip denormalizing option: %s", key
                new_options[copy.deepcopy(key)] = copy.deepcopy(value)
            except Exception as exc:
                    "Failed to denormalize option: {} - {}".format(key, exc)

        new = self.__class__(**new_options)
        return new 

示例10: failover_all_class_methods

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import isroutine [as 别名]
def failover_all_class_methods(decorator):
    This decorator function wraps an entire class to decorate each member method, incl. inherited.

    Adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/6307868

    # Convenience function to ensure `decorate` gets wrapper function attributes: name, docs, etc.
    def decorate(cls):
        all_methods = inspect.getmembers(cls, inspect.isbuiltin) \
            + inspect.getmembers(cls, inspect.ismethod) \
            + inspect.getmembers(cls, inspect.isroutine)
        for name, method in all_methods:
            if not name.startswith('_'):
                # It's safer to exclude all protected/private method from decoration
                setattr(cls, name, decorator(method))
        return cls

    return decorate 

示例11: _get_handlers

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import isroutine [as 别名]
def _get_handlers(self, args, kwargs):
        '''Implement handler matching on arguments for set_handlers and
        for object in args:
            if inspect.isroutine(object):
                # Single magically named function
                name = object.__name__
                if name not in self.event_types:
                    raise EventException('Unknown event "%s"' % name)
                yield name, object
                # Single instance with magically named methods
                for name in dir(object):
                    if name in self.event_types:
                        yield name, getattr(object, name)
        for name, handler in kwargs.items():
            # Function for handling given event (no magic)
            if name not in self.event_types:
                raise EventException('Unknown event "%s"' % name)
            yield name, handler 

示例12: isdata

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import isroutine [as 别名]
def isdata(object):
    """Check if an object is of a type that probably means it's data."""
    return not (inspect.ismodule(object) or inspect.isclass(object) or
                inspect.isroutine(object) or inspect.isframe(object) or
                inspect.istraceback(object) or inspect.iscode(object)) 

示例13: parse_hookimpl_opts

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import isroutine [as 别名]
def parse_hookimpl_opts(self, plugin, name):
        # pytest hooks are always prefixed with pytest_
        # so we avoid accessing possibly non-readable attributes
        # (see issue #1073)
        if not name.startswith("pytest_"):
        # ignore names which can not be hooks
        if name == "pytest_plugins":

        method = getattr(plugin, name)
        opts = super().parse_hookimpl_opts(plugin, name)

        # consider only actual functions for hooks (#3775)
        if not inspect.isroutine(method):

        # collect unmarked hooks as long as they have the `pytest_' prefix
        if opts is None and name.startswith("pytest_"):
            opts = {}
        if opts is not None:
            # TODO: DeprecationWarning, people should use hookimpl
            # https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/4562
            known_marks = {m.name for m in getattr(method, "pytestmark", [])}

            for name in ("tryfirst", "trylast", "optionalhook", "hookwrapper"):
                opts.setdefault(name, hasattr(method, name) or name in known_marks)
        return opts 

示例14: isroutine

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import isroutine [as 别名]
def isroutine(object):  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
  """TFDecorator-aware replacement for inspect.isroutine."""
  return _inspect.isroutine(tf_decorator.unwrap(object)[1]) 

示例15: collect_class_methods

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import isroutine [as 别名]
def collect_class_methods(cls, methods):
    if isinstance(methods, (list, tuple)):
        return [getattr(cls, m) if isinstance(m, str) else m for m in methods]
    methods = []
    for _, method in inspect.getmembers(cls, predicate=inspect.isroutine):
        if method.__name__[0] == '_' or method.__name__ in EXCLUDE:
    return methods 
