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Python inspect.cleandoc方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中inspect.cleandoc方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python inspect.cleandoc方法的具体用法?Python inspect.cleandoc怎么用?Python inspect.cleandoc使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在inspect的用法示例。


示例1: _make_command

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import cleandoc [as 别名]
def _make_command(f, name, attrs, cls):
    if isinstance(f, Command):
        raise TypeError('Attempted to convert a callback into a '
                        'command twice.')
        params = f.__click_params__
        del f.__click_params__
    except AttributeError:
        params = []
    help = attrs.get('help')
    if help is None:
        help = inspect.getdoc(f)
        if isinstance(help, bytes):
            help = help.decode('utf-8')
        help = inspect.cleandoc(help)
    attrs['help'] = help
    return cls(name=name or f.__name__.lower().replace('_', '-'),
               callback=f, params=params, **attrs) 

示例2: option

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import cleandoc [as 别名]
def option(*param_decls, **attrs):
    """Attaches an option to the command.  All positional arguments are
    passed as parameter declarations to :class:`Option`; all keyword
    arguments are forwarded unchanged (except ``cls``).
    This is equivalent to creating an :class:`Option` instance manually
    and attaching it to the :attr:`Command.params` list.

    :param cls: the option class to instantiate.  This defaults to
    def decorator(f):
        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
        option_attrs = attrs.copy()

        if 'help' in option_attrs:
            option_attrs['help'] = inspect.cleandoc(option_attrs['help'])
        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop('cls', Option)
        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
        return f
    return decorator 

示例3: _make_command

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import cleandoc [as 别名]
def _make_command(f, name, attrs, cls):
    if isinstance(f, Command):
        raise TypeError('Attempted to convert a callback into a '
                        'command twice.')
        params = f.__click_params__
        del f.__click_params__
    except AttributeError:
        params = []
    help = attrs.get('help')
    if help is None:
        help = inspect.getdoc(f)
        if isinstance(help, bytes):
            help = help.decode('utf-8')
        help = inspect.cleandoc(help)
    attrs['help'] = help
    return cls(name=name or f.__name__.lower(),
               callback=f, params=params, **attrs) 

示例4: option

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import cleandoc [as 别名]
def option(*param_decls, **attrs):
    """Attaches an option to the command.  All positional arguments are
    passed as parameter declarations to :class:`Option`; all keyword
    arguments are forwarded unchanged (except ``cls``).
    This is equivalent to creating an :class:`Option` instance manually
    and attaching it to the :attr:`Command.params` list.

    :param cls: the option class to instantiate.  This defaults to
    def decorator(f):
        if 'help' in attrs:
            attrs['help'] = inspect.cleandoc(attrs['help'])
        OptionClass = attrs.pop('cls', Option)
        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **attrs))
        return f
    return decorator 

示例5: _make_command

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import cleandoc [as 别名]
def _make_command(f, name, attrs, cls):
    if isinstance(f, Command):
        raise TypeError('Attempted to convert a callback into a '
                        'command twice.')
        params = f.__click_params__
        del f.__click_params__
    except AttributeError:
        params = []
    help = attrs.get('help')
    if help is None:
        help = inspect.getdoc(f)
        if isinstance(help, bytes):
            help = help.decode('utf-8')
        help = inspect.cleandoc(help)
    attrs['help'] = help
    return cls(name=name or f.__name__.lower(),
               callback=f, params=params, **attrs) 

示例6: get_docstring

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import cleandoc [as 别名]
def get_docstring(node, clean=True):
    Return the docstring for the given node or None if no docstring can
    be found.  If the node provided does not have docstrings a TypeError
    will be raised.
    if not isinstance(node, (AsyncFunctionDef, FunctionDef, ClassDef, Module)):
        raise TypeError("%r can't have docstrings" % node.__class__.__name__)
    if not(node.body and isinstance(node.body[0], Expr)):
    node = node.body[0].value
    if isinstance(node, Str):
        text = node.s
    elif isinstance(node, Constant) and isinstance(node.value, str):
        text = node.value
    if clean:
        import inspect
        text = inspect.cleandoc(text)
    return text 

示例7: get_full_help

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import cleandoc [as 别名]
def get_full_help(self, prefix: str):
        return inspect.cleandoc(
        *RSS Feed 구독*

        채널에서 RSS를 구독할 때 사용됩니다.
        구독하기로 한 주소에서 1분 간격으로 새 글을 찾습니다.

        `{prefix}rss add URL` (URL을 해당 채널에서 구독합니다)
        `{prefix}rss list` (해당 채널에서 구독중인 RSS Feed 목록을 가져옵니다)
        `{prefix}rss del ID` (고유번호가 ID인 RSS 구독을 중지합니다)

        `add` 대신 `추가` 를 사용할 수 있습니다.
        `list` 대신 `목록` 을 사용할 수 있습니다.
        `del` 대신 `delete`, `삭제`, `제거` 를 사용할 수 있습니다."""

示例8: get_full_help

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import cleandoc [as 别名]
def get_full_help(self, prefix: str):
        return inspect.cleandoc(
*가챠 계산기*

해로운 문명, 가챠에 관련된 계산을 도와줍니다.

`{prefix}가챠 수집 10` (총 10종을 모두 수집하려면 얼마나 구입해야하는지 계산)
`{prefix}가챠 수집 10/20` (총 20종 중에 10종을 수집하려면 얼마나 구입해야하는지 계산)
`{prefix}가챠 수집 전체 20종류중에 10종류` (위와 동일한 주문을 한국어 표현식으로도 가능합니다.)
`{prefix}가챠 도전 5%` (5% 확률요소의 성공을 위해 필요한 도전 횟수를 계산)
`{prefix}가챠 도전 0.1` (10%(`0.1`) 확률요소의 성공을 위해 필요한 도전 횟수를 계산)
`{prefix}가챠 도전 --성공 10 3%` (3% 확률요소의 10회 성공을 위해 필요한 도전 횟수를 계산)


- `수집`대신 `collect`를 사용할 수 있습니다.
- `도전`대신 `challenge`를 사용할 수 있습니다.
- `도전`에서 `--성공`대신 `--성공횟수`/`--successes`/`-s`를 사용할 수 있습니다.

示例9: create_function_stub

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import cleandoc [as 别名]
def create_function_stub(fn_name, fn_argspec, fn_docstring, indent=0):
    def shift_right(string, prefix):
        return ''.join(prefix + line for line in string.splitlines(True))

    fn_docstring = shift_right(inspect.cleandoc(fn_docstring), "  " * (indent + 1))
    ret = '''
def %s%s:
''' % (fn_name, fn_argspec, fn_docstring)
    ret = ret[1:]  # remove first /n
    ret = ret.replace('\t', "  ")
    if indent:
        prefix = "  " * indent
        ret = shift_right(ret, prefix)
    return ret 

示例10: _make_command

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import cleandoc [as 别名]
def _make_command(f, name, attrs, cls):
    if isinstance(f, Command):
        raise TypeError("Attempted to convert a callback into a command twice.")
        params = f.__click_params__
        del f.__click_params__
    except AttributeError:
        params = []
    help = attrs.get("help")
    if help is None:
        help = inspect.getdoc(f)
        if isinstance(help, bytes):
            help = help.decode("utf-8")
        help = inspect.cleandoc(help)
    attrs["help"] = help
    return cls(
        name=name or f.__name__.lower().replace("_", "-"),

示例11: option

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import cleandoc [as 别名]
def option(*param_decls, **attrs):
    """Attaches an option to the command.  All positional arguments are
    passed as parameter declarations to :class:`Option`; all keyword
    arguments are forwarded unchanged (except ``cls``).
    This is equivalent to creating an :class:`Option` instance manually
    and attaching it to the :attr:`Command.params` list.

    :param cls: the option class to instantiate.  This defaults to

    def decorator(f):
        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
        option_attrs = attrs.copy()

        if "help" in option_attrs:
            option_attrs["help"] = inspect.cleandoc(option_attrs["help"])
        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", Option)
        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
        return f

    return decorator 

示例12: registerAPIs

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import cleandoc [as 别名]
def registerAPIs(self, apidefs):
        API definition is in format: `(name, handler, container, discoverinfo)`
        if the handler is a generator, container should be specified
        handler should accept two arguments::
            def handler(name, params):
        `name` is the method name, `params` is a dictionary contains the parameters.
        the handler can either return the result directly, or be a generator (async-api),
        and write the result to container.retvalue on exit.
            ('method1', self.method1),    # method1 directly returns the result
            ('method2', self.method2, self) # method2 is an async-api
        Use api() to automatically generate API definitions.
        handlers = [self._createHandler(*apidef) for apidef in apidefs]
        self.discoverinfo.update((apidef[0], apidef[3] if len(apidef) > 3 else {'description':cleandoc(apidef[1].__doc__)}) for apidef in apidefs) 

示例13: find_documented_attributes

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import cleandoc [as 别名]
def find_documented_attributes(class_name, attrs):
        """Parse the documentation to retrieve all attributes that have been
        documented and their documentation
        # If a class is not documented we return an empty list
        if '__doc__' not in attrs:
            return []

        current_class_doc = inspect.cleandoc(attrs['__doc__'])
        parsed_doc = docscrape.ClassDoc(None, doc=current_class_doc)
        attr_docs = parsed_doc['Parameters'] + parsed_doc['Attributes'] + \
            parsed_doc['Other Parameters']

        attr_and_doc = []

        create_property_doc = BaseMeta.create_property_doc
        for attr_doc in attr_docs:
            attr_name = attr_doc[0]
            if ':' in attr_name:
                raise ValueError("Attribute '%s' has not a proper "
                                 "documentation, a space might be missing "
                                 "before colon" % attr_name)
            attr_and_doc += [(attr_name,
                              create_property_doc(class_name, attr_doc))]
        return attr_and_doc 

示例14: modules_config

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import cleandoc [as 别名]
def modules_config():
    """Show menu of all modules and allow user to enter one"""
    global DB
    code, tag = DIALOG.menu("Modules", choices=[(module.name, inspect.cleandoc(getattr(module, "__doc__", None) or ""))
                                                for module in MODULES.modules if getattr(module, "config", {})])
    if code == DIALOG.OK:
        for mod in MODULES.modules:
            if mod.name == tag:
                # Match
                while not module_config(mod):
        return modules_config()
    return None 

示例15: _makeDoc

# 需要导入模块: import inspect [as 别名]
# 或者: from inspect import cleandoc [as 别名]
def _makeDoc(doc, indent=''):
    if doc is None:
        return ''
    doc = inspect.cleandoc(doc)
    pre = '\n' + indent + '// '
    doc = '// ' + doc
    doc = doc.replace('\n', pre)
    return doc 
