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Python idaapi.tinfo_t方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中idaapi.tinfo_t方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python idaapi.tinfo_t方法的具体用法?Python idaapi.tinfo_t怎么用?Python idaapi.tinfo_t使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在idaapi的用法示例。


示例1: get_winapi_decl

# 需要导入模块: import idaapi [as 别名]
# 或者: from idaapi import tinfo_t [as 别名]
def get_winapi_decl(name):
    fetch the C function declaration for the given Windows API function.
    tup = idaapi.get_named_type(None, name, idaapi.NTF_SYMM)
    if tup is None:
        raise ValueError("failed to fetch type")
    code, type_str, fields_str, cmt, field_cmts, sclass, value = tup
    ti = idaapi.tinfo_t()
    ti.deserialize(None, type_str, fields_str, cmt)

    # the rendered declaration from IDA doesn't include the function name,
    # so insert the function name, naively.
    # for example;
    #    > DWORD (DWORD a, DWORD b)
    #    < DWORD foo(DWORD a, DWORD b);
    decl = str(ti).replace("(", " " + name + "(") + ";"

    return decl 

示例2: get_array_data

# 需要导入模块: import idaapi [as 别名]
# 或者: from idaapi import tinfo_t [as 别名]
def get_array_data(self):
        Extract the array data from tinfo_t object and populate all relevant class properties.
        @return: True if successful, otherwise False

            if self.type_info.is_array():
                if self.type_info.get_array_details(self.array_type_data):
                    self.element_type = self.array_type_data.elem_type
                    self.element_num = self.array_type_data.nelems
                    self.element_size = self.element_type.get_size()
                    return True

            return False

        except Exception as ex:
            self.logger.exception("Array: Error while getting array data: %s", ex)
            return False

#  IDA Function Argument class wrapper

示例3: getStructData

# 需要导入模块: import idaapi [as 别名]
# 或者: from idaapi import tinfo_t [as 别名]
def getStructData(self):
        Extract the struct data from tinfo_t object and populate all relevant class properties.
        @return: True if successful, otherwise False

        if self.type_info.is_udt():
            if self.type_info.get_udt_details(self.udt_type_data):

                self.name = idaapi.print_tinfo('', 0, 0, idaapi.PRTYPE_1LINE, self.type_info, '', '')
                self.size = self.udt_type_data.size
                self.element_num = len(self.udt_type_data)
                self.is_union = self.udt_type_data.is_union

                return True

        return False 

示例4: parse

# 需要导入模块: import idaapi [as 别名]
# 或者: from idaapi import tinfo_t [as 别名]
def parse(info):
    '''Parse the string `info` into an ``idaapi.tinfo_t``.'''
    til, ti = idaapi.get_idati(), idaapi.tinfo_t(),

    # Convert info to a string if it's a tinfo_t
    info_s = "{!s}".format(info) if isinstance(info, idaapi.tinfo_t) else info

    # Firstly we need to ';'-terminate the type the user provided in order
    # for IDA's parser to understand it.
    terminated = info_s if info_s.endswith(';') else "{:s};".format(info_s)

    # Ask IDA to parse this into a tinfo_t for us. We pass the silent flag so
    # that we're responsible for raising an exception if there's a parsing
    # error of some sort. If it succeeds, then we can return our typeinfo.
    # Otherwise we return None because of the inability to parse it.
    return None if idaapi.parse_decl(ti, til, terminated, idaapi.PT_SIL) is None else ti 

示例5: typeinfo

# 需要导入模块: import idaapi [as 别名]
# 或者: from idaapi import tinfo_t [as 别名]
def typeinfo(self, info):
        '''Sets the typeinfo of the structure to `info`.'''
            ti = database.type(self.id, info)

        # If we caught a TypeError, then we received a parsing error that
        # we should re-raise for the user.
        except E.InvalidTypeOrValueError:
            cls = self.__class__
            raise E.InvalidTypeOrValueError(u"{:s}({:#x}).typeinfo : Unable to parse the specified type declaration ({!s}).".format('.'.join((__name__, cls.__name__)), self.id, utils.string.repr(info)))

        # If we caught an exception trying to get the typeinfo for the
        # structure, then port it to our class and re-raise.
        except E.DisassemblerError:
            cls = self.__class__
            raise E.DisassemblerError(u"{:s}({:#x}).typeinfo : Unable to apply `idaapi.tinfo_t()` to structure {:s}.".format('.'.join((__name__, cls.__name__)), self.id, self.name))

示例6: test_xx

# 需要导入模块: import idaapi [as 别名]
# 或者: from idaapi import tinfo_t [as 别名]
def test_xx(idx, ctx):
    import ida_typeinf
    uni = ctx.get_expr('union_type')
    var = ctx.get_var('v1')
    tname =  var.typ.dstr().split(' ')[0]
    tinfo = idaapi.tinfo_t()
    if tname == 'class1':
        idaapi.parse_decl2(idaapi.cvar.idati, 'vptr1_1 *;', tinfo, idaapi.PT_TYP)
        uni[0].type = tinfo
        uni[0].m = 0
    elif tname == "class2":
        idaapi.parse_decl2(idaapi.cvar.idati, 'struc_5 *;', tinfo, idaapi.PT_TYP)
        uni[0].type = tinfo
        uni[0].m = 1
        return False
    return True 

示例7: processStructIDA7

# 需要导入模块: import idaapi [as 别名]
# 或者: from idaapi import tinfo_t [as 别名]
def processStructIDA7(self, regPrefix, struc, sid):
        members = loadMembers(struc, sid)
        foundFunctions = 0
        for off, name, memb in members:
            funcname  = self.filterName(regPrefix, name)
            tup = idaapi.get_named_type(None, funcname, idaapi.NTF_SYMM)
            if tup is None:
            code, type_str, fields_str, cmt, field_cmts, sclass, value  = tup
            foundFunctions += 1
            tif = idaapi.tinfo_t()
            tif.deserialize(None, type_str, fields_str, cmt)
            if not tif.is_func():
                logger.debug('Found named type, but not a function: %s', funcname)
            ret = idaapi.set_member_tinfo(struc, memb, off, tif, 0)
            if ret != idaapi.SMT_OK:
                logger.info("Got set_member_tinfo ret code: %d" % ret)
                logger.info('set_member_tinfo: %s', tif.dstr()) 

示例8: getBuiltinGlobalTypePython

# 需要导入模块: import idaapi [as 别名]
# 或者: from idaapi import tinfo_t [as 别名]
def getBuiltinGlobalTypePython(self):
        logger.debug('Getting GlobalType the Python way')
        sym = idaapi.til_symbol_t()
        if using_ida7api:
            ret = idaapi.choose_named_type(sym, idaapi.get_idati(), 'Choose type to apply', idaapi.NTF_SYMM, None)
            ret = idaapi.choose_named_type2(idaapi.cvar.idati, 'Choose type to apply', idaapi.NTF_SYMM, None, sym)
        if not ret:
            logger.debug('User canceled. Bailing out')

        tuple = idaapi.get_named_type(sym.til, sym.name, 0)

        if tuple == None:
            logger.debug('Could not find %s', sym.name)

        tinfo = idaapi.tinfo_t()
        tinfo.deserialize(sym.til, tuple[1], tuple[2])

        return tinfo 

示例9: activate

# 需要导入模块: import idaapi [as 别名]
# 或者: from idaapi import tinfo_t [as 别名]
def activate(self, ctx):
        sel = []
        for idx in ctx.chooser_selection:
            # rename the function
            ea = get_name_ea_simple(self.items[idx][2])
            sfname = str(self.items[idx][4])
            #set_name(ea, sfname)
            idaapi.do_name_anyway(ea, sfname)
            success('{:#x}: renamed to {}'.format(ea, sfname))
            # set the function prototype
            sptype = str(self.items[idx][5])
            if sptype != 'None':
                tinfo = idaapi.tinfo_t()
                idaapi.parse_decl2(idaapi.cvar.idati, sptype, tinfo, 0)
                #idaapi.apply_callee_tinfo(ea, tinfo)
                if idaapi.apply_tinfo(ea, tinfo, 0):
                    success('{:#x}: function prototype set to {}'.format(ea, sptype))
                    error('{:#x}: function prototype set FAILED (maybe you should import the types?)'.format(ea))
                    if ask_yn(0, 'Do you import types from the secondary idb?') == 1:
                        if self.import_types():
                            tinfo = idaapi.tinfo_t()
                            idaapi.parse_decl2(idaapi.cvar.idati, sptype, tinfo, 0)
                            if idaapi.apply_tinfo(ea, tinfo, 0):
                                success('{:#x}: function prototype set to {}'.format(ea, sptype))
                                error('{:#x}: function prototype set FAILED again'.format(ea))
            # insert the comment
            score = self.items[idx][0]
            mmatch = self.items[idx][1]
            cmt = 'fn_fuzzy: ssdeep={}, machoc={}'.format(score, mmatch)
            set_func_cmt(ea, cmt, 1)
            #set_decomplier_cmt(ea, cmt) # not sure how to avoid orphan comment

        # update the Choose rows

示例10: export

# 需要导入模块: import idaapi [as 别名]
# 或者: from idaapi import tinfo_t [as 别名]
def export(self):
        if self.existed() and not self.f_update:
            info('{}: The sample records are present in DB. skipped.'.format(self.sha256))
            return False

        self.cur.execute("REPLACE INTO sample values(?, ?)", (self.sha256, self.idb_path))

        pnum = tnum = 0
        records = []
        for fva in idautils.Functions():
            fname = get_func_name(fva)
            tnum += 1
            if self.exclude_libthunk(fva, fname):
            fhd, bsize = self.calc_fn_ssdeep(fva, fname)
            fhm, cfgnum = self.calc_fn_machoc(fva, fname)
            if fhd and fhm:
                pnum += 1
                f_ana = bool(self.ana_pat.search(fname)) if self.f_ana_exp else False
                tinfo = idaapi.tinfo_t()
                idaapi.get_tinfo(fva, tinfo)
                ptype = idaapi.print_tinfo('', 0, 0, idaapi.PRTYPE_1LINE, tinfo, fname, '')
                ptype = ptype + ';' if ptype is not None else ptype
                # fva is 64-bit int causing OverflowError
                records.append((self.sha256, '{:#x}'.format(fva), fname, fhd, fhm, f_ana, bsize, ptype)) 
                self.debug('EXPORT {} at {:#x}: ssdeep={} (size={}), machoc={} (num of CFG={})'.format(fname, fva, fhd, bsize, fhm, cfgnum))

        self.cur.executemany("REPLACE INTO function values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", records)
        success ('{} of {} functions exported'.format(pnum, tnum))
        return True 

示例11: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import idaapi [as 别名]
# 或者: from idaapi import tinfo_t [as 别名]
def __init__(self, ea, iatEA=None, library_name=None):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        self.ea = ea        # Effective Address of the function
        self.iatEA = iatEA  # If imported function, the address in the IAT

            function = sark.Function(ea)
        except sark.exceptions.SarkNoFunction:
            raise DIE.Lib.DIE_Exceptions.DieNoFunction("No Function at 0x%08X" % (ea, ))

        self.funcName = get_function_name(function.ea)
        self.func_start = function.startEA
        self.func_end = function.endEA

        self.proto_ea = self.getFuncProtoAdr()      # Address of function prototype
        self.typeInfo = idaapi.tinfo_t()            # Function type info
        self.funcInfo = idaapi.func_type_data_t()   # Function info
        self.argNum = 0                             # Number of input arguments

        self.args = []      # Function argument list
        self.retArg = None  # Return argument

        self.library_name = library_name  # If library function, name of containing library
        self.isLibFunc = False
        if self.iatEA:
            self.isLibFunc = True  # Is this a library function

        elif sark.Function(ea).flags & (idaapi.FUNC_LIB | idaapi.FUNC_THUNK):
            self.isLibFunc = True


        except Exception as ex:
            self.logger.error("Failed to get function arguments for function %s: %s", self.funcName, ex) 

示例12: __new__

# 需要导入模块: import idaapi [as 别名]
# 或者: from idaapi import tinfo_t [as 别名]
def __new__(cls):
        '''Return the typeinfo for the current function as a ``idaapi.tinfo_t``.'''
        return cls(ui.current.address()) 

示例13: format_item

# 需要导入模块: import idaapi [as 别名]
# 或者: from idaapi import tinfo_t [as 别名]
def format_item(self, num_printer, storage, item):
        if item is None or isinstance(item, bool):
        elif isinstance(item, six.string_types):
        elif isinstance(item, six.integer_types):
        elif isinstance(item, idaapi.tinfo_t):
        elif item.__class__ is list:
            self.format_seq(num_printer, storage, item, '[', ']')
        elif item.__class__ is tuple:
            self.format_seq(num_printer, storage, item, '(', ')')
        elif item.__class__ is set:
            self.format_seq(num_printer, storage, item, 'set([', '])')
        elif item.__class__ is dict:
            for idx, pair in enumerate(item.items()):
                if idx > 0:
                    storage.append(', ')
                self.format_item(num_printer, storage, pair[0])
                storage.append(": ")
                self.format_item(num_printer, storage, pair[1])

示例14: helper_getTinfoOfFuncName

# 需要导入模块: import idaapi [as 别名]
# 或者: from idaapi import tinfo_t [as 别名]
def helper_getTinfoOfFuncName(self, funcName):
            sym = til_symbol_t()
            sym.til = cvar.idati
            sym.name = funcName
            tinfo = idaapi.tinfo_t()
            namedType = get_named_type(sym.til, sym.name, 0)
            if namedType == None:
                return tinfo, False
            tinfo.deserialize(sym.til, namedType[1], namedType[2])
            return tinfo, True
            return None, False 

示例15: getUserDeclType

# 需要导入模块: import idaapi [as 别名]
# 或者: from idaapi import tinfo_t [as 别名]
def getUserDeclType(self, decl):
        tinfo = idaapi.tinfo_t()
        #logger.debug('Trying to parse declaration: %r', decl)
        ret = idaapi.parse_decl2(idaapi.cvar.idati, decl, tinfo, idaapi.PT_TYP)
        #logger.debug('Return from parse_decl2: %r', ret)
        if ret is None:
            logger.info('parse_decl2 failed')
            return None
        return tinfo 
