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Python hashlib.sha384方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中hashlib.sha384方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python hashlib.sha384方法的具体用法?Python hashlib.sha384怎么用?Python hashlib.sha384使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在hashlib的用法示例。


示例1: sri_hash

# 需要导入模块: import hashlib [as 别名]
# 或者: from hashlib import sha384 [as 别名]
def sri_hash(data, url_safe=False):
    Return a subresource integrity attribute string for a file
    containing the given binary data.

    SRI attributes are a string of the form "{algorithm}-{hash}", where
    {algorithm} is the hash algorithm, and {hash} is a base64-encoded
    hash of the data using the specified algorithm.

    :param data:
        Bytes-like object containing the data to hash.
    digest = sha384(data).digest()
    if url_safe:
        data_hash = urlsafe_b64encode(digest)
        data_hash = b64encode(digest)
    return "sha384-" + data_hash.decode() 

示例2: test_rfc_6979

# 需要导入模块: import hashlib [as 别名]
# 或者: from hashlib import sha384 [as 别名]
def test_rfc_6979(self):
        msg = 'sample'
        x = 0x09A4D6792295A7F730FC3F2B49CBC0F62E862272F
        q = 0x4000000000000000000020108A2E0CC0D99F8A5EF

        expected = 0x09744429FA741D12DE2BE8316E35E84DB9E5DF1CD
        nonce = RFC6979(msg, x, q, sha1).gen_nonce()
        self.assertTrue(nonce == expected)

        expected = 0x323E7B28BFD64E6082F5B12110AA87BC0D6A6E159
        nonce = RFC6979(msg, x, q, sha224).gen_nonce()
        self.assertTrue(nonce == expected)

        expected = 0x23AF4074C90A02B3FE61D286D5C87F425E6BDD81B
        nonce = RFC6979(msg, x, q, sha256).gen_nonce()
        self.assertTrue(nonce == expected)

        expected = 0x2132ABE0ED518487D3E4FA7FD24F8BED1F29CCFCE
        nonce = RFC6979(msg, x, q, sha384).gen_nonce()
        self.assertTrue(nonce == expected)

        expected = 0x00BBCC2F39939388FDFE841892537EC7B1FF33AA3
        nonce = RFC6979(msg, x, q, sha512).gen_nonce()
        self.assertTrue(nonce == expected) 

示例3: sendIcoBenchRequest

# 需要导入模块: import hashlib [as 别名]
# 或者: from hashlib import sha384 [as 别名]
def sendIcoBenchRequest(cls, queryParams=(), pathParams={}, data=()):
        hash = hmac.new(cls.icoBenchApi["ICOBENCH_PRIVATE_KEY"].encode('utf-8'), ''.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha384)

        dataJSON = json.dumps(data)
        sign = hash.digest()
        sign = base64.b64encode(sign)

        request_headers = {
            'Accept': 'application/json',
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'X-ICObench-Key': cls.icoBenchApi["ICOBENCH_PUBLIC_KEY"],
            'X-ICObench-Sig': sign

        url = cls.icoBenchApi["API_URL"];
        for val in pathParams:
            url = url + val + "/"
        if all(queryParams) and url.endswith('/'):
            url = url[:-1]
        dataJSON = json.dumps(data)

        response = requests.post(url=url, params=queryParams, data=dataJSON, headers=request_headers)
        return response.json() 

示例4: main

# 需要导入模块: import hashlib [as 别名]
# 或者: from hashlib import sha384 [as 别名]
def main(text, hashType):
    encoder = text.encode('utf_8')
    myHash = ''

    if hashType.lower() == 'md5':
        myHash = hashlib.md5(encoder).hexdigest()
    elif hashType.lower() == 'sha1':
        myHash = hashlib.sha1(encoder).hexdigest()
    elif hashType.lower() == 'sha224':
        myHash = hashlib.sha224(encoder).hexdigest()
    elif hashType.lower() == 'sha256':
        myHash = hashlib.sha256(encoder).hexdigest()
    elif hashType.lower() == 'sha384':
        myHash = hashlib.sha384(encoder).hexdigest()
    elif hashType.lower() == 'sha512':
        myHash = hashlib.sha512(encoder).hexdigest()
        print('[!] The script does not support this hash type')
    print("Your hash is: ", myHash) 

示例5: _model_dir_path

# 需要导入模块: import hashlib [as 别名]
# 或者: from hashlib import sha384 [as 别名]
def _model_dir_path(self):
        if self.parent.config.directory is None:
            return None
        _to_hash = self.features + [
        model = hashlib.sha384("".join(_to_hash).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
        # Needed to save updated model
        if not os.path.isdir(self.parent.config.directory):
            raise NotADirectoryError(
                "%s is not a directory" % (self.parent.config.directory)
            os.path.join(self.parent.config.directory, model), exist_ok=True
        return os.path.join(self.parent.config.directory, model) 

示例6: _feature_predict_hash

# 需要导入模块: import hashlib [as 别名]
# 或者: from hashlib import sha384 [as 别名]
def _feature_predict_hash(self):
        params = sorted(
                "{}{}".format(k, v)
                for k, v in self.parent.config._asdict().items()
                if k
                not in [
        params = "".join(params)
        return hashlib.sha384(
            "".join([params] + self.features).encode()

示例7: test_dumpb_loadb

# 需要导入模块: import hashlib [as 别名]
# 或者: from hashlib import sha384 [as 别名]
def test_dumpb_loadb(self):
        async with PNGConfigLoader.withconfig({}) as configloader:
            async with configloader() as ctx:
                image_bytes = (
                    / ".."
                    / ".."
                    / ".."
                    / "examples"
                    / "MNIST"
                    / "image1.png"
                original = await ctx.loadb(image_bytes)
                hash_original = hashlib.sha384(
                self.assertEqual(original.shape, (280, 280, 3))
                self.assertEqual(hash_original, IMAGE1_HASH) 

示例8: test_idx3

# 需要导入模块: import hashlib [as 别名]
# 或者: from hashlib import sha384 [as 别名]
def test_idx3(self, filename):
        feature_name = "image"
        async with IDX3Source(
            IDX3SourceConfig(filename=str(filename), feature=feature_name)
        ) as source:
            async with source() as sctx:
                records = [record async for record in sctx.records()]
                self.assertEqual(len(records), 60000)
                self.assertIn(feature_name, records[0].features())
                for i in range(-1, 1):
                    with self.subTest(index=i):
                        is_hash = hashlib.sha384(
                        self.assertEqual(is_hash, IDX3_FIRST_LAST[i]) 

示例9: sha2_384

# 需要导入模块: import hashlib [as 别名]
# 或者: from hashlib import sha384 [as 别名]
def sha2_384(self):
        """Get SHA2-384 hash
        The SHA-2 (Secure Hash Algorithm 2) hash functions were designed by the NSA. SHA-2 
        includes significant changes from its predecessor, SHA-1. The SHA-2 family consists of 
        hash functions with digests (hash values) that are 224, 256, 384 or 512 bits: SHA224, 
        SHA256, SHA384, SHA512. SHA-512 operates on 64-bit words. SHA-256 operates on 32-bit 
        words. SHA-384 is largely identical to SHA-512 but is truncated to 384 bytes. SHA-224 
        is largely identical to SHA-256 but is truncated to 224 bytes. SHA-512/224 and SHA-512/256 
        are truncated versions of SHA-512, but the initial values are generated using the method 
        described in Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) PUB 180-4.

            Chepy: The Chepy object. 
        self.state = hashlib.sha384(self._convert_to_bytes()).hexdigest()
        return self 

示例10: sign

# 需要导入模块: import hashlib [as 别名]
# 或者: from hashlib import sha384 [as 别名]
def sign(self, url, endpoint, endpoint_path, method_verb, *args, **kwargs):
            req = kwargs['params']
        except KeyError:
            req = {}
        if self.version == 'v1':
            req['request'] = endpoint_path
            req['nonce'] = self.nonce()

            js = json.dumps(req)
            data = base64.standard_b64encode(js.encode('utf8'))
            data = '/api/' + endpoint_path + self.nonce() + json.dumps(req)
        h = hmac.new(self.secret.encode('utf8'), data, hashlib.sha384)
        signature = h.hexdigest()
        headers = {"X-BFX-APIKEY": self.key,
                   "X-BFX-SIGNATURE": signature,
                   "X-BFX-PAYLOAD": data}
        if self.version == 'v2':
            headers['content-type'] = 'application/json'

        return url, {'headers': headers} 

示例11: sign

# 需要导入模块: import hashlib [as 别名]
# 或者: from hashlib import sha384 [as 别名]
def sign(self, uri, endpoint, endpoint_path, method_verb, *args, **kwargs):
        nonce = self.nonce()
            params = kwargs['params']
        except KeyError:
            params = {}
        payload = params
        payload['nonce'] = nonce
        payload['request'] = endpoint_path

        js = json.dumps(payload)
        data = base64.standard_b64encode(js.encode('utf8'))
        h = hmac.new(self.secret.encode('utf8'), data, hashlib.sha384)
        signature = h.hexdigest()
        headers = {'X-GEMINI-APIKEY': self.key,
                   'X-GEMINI-PAYLOAD': data,
                   'X-GEMINI-SIGNATURE': signature}
        return uri, {'headers': headers} 

示例12: sign

# 需要导入模块: import hashlib [as 别名]
# 或者: from hashlib import sha384 [as 别名]
def sign(self, uri, endpoint, endpoint_path, method_verb, *args, **kwargs):
        nonce = self.nonce()
            params = kwargs['params']
        except KeyError:
            params = {}
        payload = params
        payload['nonce'] = int(nonce)
        payload['request'] = endpoint_path

        msg = nonce + uri
        sig = hmac.new(self.secret.encode(), msg.encode(), hashlib.sha384).hexdigest()
        headers = {'X-TRT-APIKEY': self.key,
                   'X-TRT-Nonce': nonce,
                   'X-TRT-SIGNATURE': sig, 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
        return uri, {'headers': headers} 

示例13: verify_signature_pubkey

# 需要导入模块: import hashlib [as 别名]
# 或者: from hashlib import sha384 [as 别名]
def verify_signature_pubkey(data, signature, pubkey):
    Verify a signature.

    If the signature is valid, returns True. If the signature is invalid, raise
    an exception explaining why.
    # Data must be encoded as bytes
    if isinstance(data, str):
        data = data.encode()

    # Content signature implicitly adds a prefix to signed data
    data = b"Content-Signature:\x00" + data

    # fastecdsa expects ASCII armored keys, but ours is unarmored. Add the
    # armor before passing the key to the library.
    verifying_pubkey = PEMEncoder.decode_public_key(
        "\n".join([EC_PUBLIC_HEADER, pubkey, EC_PUBLIC_FOOTER])

        signature = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(signature)
        signature = ecdsa.util.sigdecode_string(signature, order=ecdsa.curves.NIST384p.order)
    except binascii.Error as e:
        if BASE64_WRONG_LENGTH_RE.match(e.args[0]):
            raise WrongSignatureSize("Base64 encoded signature was not a multiple of 4")
    except ecdsa.util.MalformedSignature:
        raise WrongSignatureSize()

    verified = fastecdsa.ecdsa.verify(
        signature, data, verifying_pubkey, curve=fastecdsa.curve.P384, hashfunc=hashlib.sha384

    if not verified:
        raise SignatureDoesNotMatch()

    return True 

示例14: test_sha384_rfc4231

# 需要导入模块: import hashlib [as 别名]
# 或者: from hashlib import sha384 [as 别名]
def test_sha384_rfc4231(self):

示例15: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import hashlib [as 别名]
# 或者: from hashlib import sha384 [as 别名]
def __init__(self, apikey, secretkey):
        def httpGet(url, resource, params, apikey, secretkey):
            nonce = str(int(round(time.time() * 10000)))
            params["nonce"] = nonce
            params["request"] = resource
            data = base64.b64encode(json.dumps(params).encode())
            sign = hmac.new(self._secretkey, data, hashlib.sha384).hexdigest()

            headers = {
                "X-BFX-APIKEY": self._apikey,
                "X-BFX-SIGNATURE": sign,
                "AX-BFX-PAYLOAD": data,
            return self.session.get('https://' + url + resource,
                                    headers=headers, data=json.dumps(params)).json()

        def httpPost(url, resource, params, apikey, secretkey):
            nonce = str(int(round(time.time() * 10000)))
            params["nonce"] = nonce
            params["request"] = resource
            data = base64.b64encode(json.dumps(params).encode())
            sign = hmac.new(self._secretkey, data, hashlib.sha384).hexdigest()

            headers = {
                "X-BFX-APIKEY": self._apikey,
                "X-BFX-SIGNATURE": sign,
                "AX-BFX-PAYLOAD": data,
            return self.session.post('https://' + url + resource,
                                     headers=headers, data=json.dumps(params)).json()
        super(Bitfinex, self).__init__(apikey, secretkey)
        self.session = requests.session()
        self.httpPost = httpPost
        self.httpGet = httpGet 
