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Python graphviz.Digraph方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中graphviz.Digraph方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python graphviz.Digraph方法的具体用法?Python graphviz.Digraph怎么用?Python graphviz.Digraph使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在graphviz的用法示例。


示例1: display

# 需要导入模块: import graphviz [as 别名]
# 或者: from graphviz import Digraph [as 别名]
def display(cfgs: Dict[NodeNG, ControlFlowGraph],
            filename: str, view: bool = True) -> None:
    graph = graphviz.Digraph(name=filename, **GRAPH_OPTIONS)
    for node, cfg in cfgs.items():
        if isinstance(node, astroid.Module):
            subgraph_label = '__main__'
        elif isinstance(node, astroid.FunctionDef):
            subgraph_label = node.name
        with graph.subgraph(name=f'cluster_{id(node)}') as c:
            visited = set()
            _visit(cfg.start, c, visited)
            for block in cfg.unreachable_blocks:
                _visit(block, c, visited)

    graph.render(filename, view=view) 

示例2: _as_graph

# 需要导入模块: import graphviz [as 别名]
# 或者: from graphviz import Digraph [as 别名]
def _as_graph(self, finals: Optional[List[str]]) -> Digraph:  # pragma: no cover
        if Digraph is None:
            raise ImportError('The graphviz package is required to draw the graph.')
        graph = Digraph()
        if finals is None:
            patterns = [
                '{}: {} with {}'.format(
                    self._colored_pattern(i), html.escape(str(p.expression)), self._format_constraint_set(c)
                ) for i, (p, l, c) in enumerate(self.patterns)
            graph.node('patterns', '<<b>Patterns:</b><br/>\n{}>'.format('<br/>\n'.join(patterns)), {'shape': 'box'})

        self._make_graph_nodes(graph, finals)
        if finals is None:
            constraints = [
                '{}: {} for {}'.format(self._colored_constraint(i), html.escape(str(c)), self._format_pattern_set(p))
                for i, (c, p) in enumerate(self.constraints)
                'constraints', '<<b>Constraints:</b><br/>\n{}>'.format('<br/>\n'.join(constraints)), {'shape': 'box'}
        return graph 

示例3: GraphViz

# 需要导入模块: import graphviz [as 别名]
# 或者: from graphviz import Digraph [as 别名]
def GraphViz(node):
    d = Graph(node)

    from graphviz import Digraph
    dot = Digraph("Graph", strict=False)
    dot.format = 'png'

    def rec(nodes, parent):
        for d in nodes:
            if not isinstance(d, dict):
                dot.node(d, shape=d._graphvizshape)
                dot.edge(d, parent)

                for k in d:
                    dot.node(k._name, shape=k._graphvizshape)
                    rec(d[k], k)
                    dot.edge(k._name, parent._name)

    for k in d:
        dot.node(k._name, shape=k._graphvizshape)
        rec(d[k], k)

    return dot 

示例4: _visit

# 需要导入模块: import graphviz [as 别名]
# 或者: from graphviz import Digraph [as 别名]
def _visit(block: CFGBlock,
           graph: graphviz.Digraph, visited: Set[int]) -> None:
    node_id = f'{graph.name}_{block.id}'
    if node_id in visited:

    label = '\n'.join([s.as_string() for s in block.statements]) + '\n'
    # Need to escape backslashes explicitly.
    label = label.replace('\\', '\\\\')
    # \l is used for left alignment.
    label = label.replace('\n', '\\l')

    fill_color = 'grey93' if not block.reachable else 'white'

    graph.node(node_id, label=label, fillcolor=fill_color, style='filled')

    for edge in block.successors:
        graph.edge(node_id, f'{graph.name}_{edge.target.id}')
        _visit(edge.target, graph, visited) 

示例5: render

# 需要导入模块: import graphviz [as 别名]
# 或者: from graphviz import Digraph [as 别名]
def render(self, path, view):
        if path is None:
            path = os.path.join("trees", "{:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}.gv".format(datetime.now()))
        with TemporaryDirectory() as self.tempdir:
            g = Digraph(
                graph_attr={"splines": "ortho"},
                node_attr={"shape": "plaintext", "labelloc": "b"},
            for node in self.tree:
                image = self.bar_chart(node)
                g.node(str(node.node_id), image=image)
                if node.parent is not None:
                    edge_label = "     ({})     \n ".format(', '.join(map(str, node.choices)))
                    g.edge(str(node.parent), str(node.node_id), xlabel=edge_label)
            g.render(path, view=view) 

示例6: disp_tree

# 需要导入模块: import graphviz [as 别名]
# 或者: from graphviz import Digraph [as 别名]
def disp_tree(trees):
    graph = Digraph()
    count = 0

    def add(tree, count):
        if not tree:
            return count
        root = count
        graph.node(str(root), label=tree[0])
        for subtree in tree[1:]:
            if subtree:
                count += 1
                graph.edge(str(root), str(count))
                count = add(subtree, count)
        return count
    for tree in trees:
        count = add(tree, count) + 1
    graph.render('tree-rep.gv', view=True) 

示例7: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import graphviz [as 别名]
# 或者: from graphviz import Digraph [as 别名]
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(ExVizPass, self).__init__()
        self.show_axes = kwargs.pop('show_axes', True)
        self.show_all_metadata = kwargs.pop('show_all_metadata', True)
        self.subgraph_attr = kwargs.pop('subgraph_attr', None)
        self.exops_with_nodes = set()
        self.exops_without_nodes = set()
        self.filename = kwargs.pop('filename', 'Digraph')
        self.view = kwargs.pop('view', True)
        self.cleanup = kwargs.pop('cleanup', True)
        self.show_tensors = kwargs.pop('show_tensors', False)
        output_directory = kwargs.pop('output_directory', '.')

        if self.view:
            if output_directory is None:
                output_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        self.output_directory = output_directory 

示例8: begin_pass

# 需要导入模块: import graphviz [as 别名]
# 或者: from graphviz import Digraph [as 别名]
def begin_pass(self, filename=None, **kwargs):
        super(ExVizPass, self).begin_pass(**kwargs)
            import graphviz
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError("You tried to use the ShowGraph transformer pass but did "
                              "not have the python graphviz library installed")
        if filename is None:
            filename = self.filename
        self.exops_with_nodes = set()
        self.exops_without_nodes = set()
        self.tensors_with_nodes = set()
        self.tensors_without_nodes = set()

        # Get all ops from this set
        self.graph = graphviz.Digraph(name=filename,
                                      # node_attr={'shape': 'box', 'style': 'rounded'},
                                      graph_attr={'nodesep': '.5',
                                                  'ranksep': '.5'}) 

示例9: to_dot

# 需要导入模块: import graphviz [as 别名]
# 或者: from graphviz import Digraph [as 别名]
def to_dot(self):
        """Produces a ball and stick graph of this state machine.

            A ball and stick visualization of this state machine.
        from graphviz import Digraph
        dot = Digraph(format='png')
        for state in self.states:
            if isinstance(state, TransientState):
                dot.node(state.state_id, style='dashed')
            for transition in state.transition_set:
                dot.edge(state.state_id, transition.output_state.state_id, transition.name)
        return dot 

示例10: main

# 需要导入模块: import graphviz [as 别名]
# 或者: from graphviz import Digraph [as 别名]
def main(self,new_url,api_doc,check_commit):
        redis_connection = RedisProxy()
        redis_con = redis_connection.get_connection()
        self.url = new_url
        self.redis_graph = Graph("apigraph", redis_con)
        print("loading... of graph")
        self.get_endpoints(api_doc, redis_con)
        if check_commit:
            # creating whole the graph in redis
        # uncomment below 2 lines for getting nodes for whole graph
        # for node in self.redis_graph.nodes.values():
        #    print("\n", node.alias)
        # uncomment the below lines for show the graph stored in redis
        # g = Digraph('redis_graph', filename='hydra_graph.gv')
        # using graphviz for visualization of graph stored in redis
        # for edge in self.redis_graph.edges:
        #    g.edge(edge.src_node.alias, edge.dest_node.alias)
        # g.view()
        # see the graph generated by graphviz 

示例11: enable_debugging

# 需要导入模块: import graphviz [as 别名]
# 或者: from graphviz import Digraph [as 别名]
def enable_debugging():
    from graphviz import Digraph
    global debugging_enabled, notification_graph_to_render, dot_node_sequence_number, existing_dot_nodes_to_colors
    global nodes, edges
    existing_dot_nodes_to_colors = dict()
    debugging_enabled = True
    # does not work as all edges with the same source and endpoint are merged
    # dot_graph = Digraph(comment='Our fancy debugging graph', graph_attr={"concentrate": "true"})
    # does not change anything
    # dot_graph = Digraph(comment='Our fancy debugging graph', graph_attr={"labelfloat": "true"})
    # "ortho" does not work for all engines, for others it does not do anything
    # dot_graph = Digraph(comment='Our fancy debugging graph', graph_attr={"splines": "compound"})
    # dot_graph = Digraph(comment='Our fancy debugging graph', graph_attr={"splines": "compound", "overlap": "false"})
    notification_graph_to_render = Digraph(name='notification_graph_to_render')
    dot_node_sequence_number = 0
    nodes = {}
    edges = OrderedDict() 

示例12: show_graph

# 需要导入模块: import graphviz [as 别名]
# 或者: from graphviz import Digraph [as 别名]
def show_graph(self):
        g = Digraph("Automata Graph", filename=tempfile.mktemp(), format='png')
        g.attr('node', label="")

        for n in self.states:
            string = Automata.stringify_node(n)
            if n in self.accepting_states and n != self.initial_state:
                g.node(string, string, shape='doublecircle')
            elif n not in self.accepting_states and n == self.initial_state:
                g.node(string, string, shape='octagon')
            elif n in self.accepting_states and n == self.initial_state:
                g.node(string, string, shape='doubleoctagon')
                g.node(string, string, shape='circle')

        for s, transitions in self.transitions.items():
            for d, t in transitions.items():
                       str(t).replace('\\', '\\\\'))

示例13: to_dot

# 需要导入模块: import graphviz [as 别名]
# 或者: from graphviz import Digraph [as 别名]
def to_dot(self, arch):
        dot = graphviz.Digraph()
        for node in self.nodes.values():
            node_desc = "%s\n[forward_compute_time=%.3f,backward_compute_time=%.3f,activation_size=%s,parameter_size=%.1f]" % (
                node.node_desc, node.forward_compute_time, node.backward_compute_time,
                node.activation_size, node.parameter_size)
            if node.stage_id is not None:
                color = self._colors[node.stage_id % len(self._colors)]
                dot.node(node.node_id, node_desc,
                   color=color, style='filled')
                dot.node(node.node_id, node_desc)
        for node in self.nodes.values():
            if node.node_id not in self.edges:
            for out_node in self.edges[node.node_id]:
                dot.edge(node.node_id, out_node.node_id)

示例14: create_graph

# 需要导入模块: import graphviz [as 别名]
# 或者: from graphviz import Digraph [as 别名]
def create_graph():
  """Create graph of relationships between Turbinia jobs and evidence.

    Instance of graphviz.dot.Digraph
  dot = graphviz.Digraph(comment='Turbinia Evidence graph', format='png')
  for _, job in jobs_manager.JobsManager.GetJobs():
    for evidence in job.evidence_input:
      dot.node(evidence.__name__, shape='box')
      dot.edge(evidence.__name__, job.NAME)

    for evidence in job.evidence_output:
      dot.node(evidence.__name__, shape='box')
      dot.edge(job.NAME, evidence.__name__)
  return dot 

示例15: visualize

# 需要导入模块: import graphviz [as 别名]
# 或者: from graphviz import Digraph [as 别名]
def visualize(self):
        """Creates a dot graph. Can be visualized in colab directly."""
        num_vertices = np.shape(self.matrix)[0]
            import graphviz
            g = graphviz.Digraph()
            g.node(str(0), 'input')
            for v in range(1, num_vertices - 1):
                g.node(str(v), self.ops[v])
            g.node(str(num_vertices - 1), 'output')

            for src in range(num_vertices - 1):
                for dst in range(src + 1, num_vertices):
                    if self.matrix[src, dst]:
                        g.edge(str(src), str(dst))

            return g
        except ImportError as e:
