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Python text_format.ParseLines方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中google.protobuf.text_format.ParseLines方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python text_format.ParseLines方法的具体用法?Python text_format.ParseLines怎么用?Python text_format.ParseLines使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在google.protobuf.text_format的用法示例。


示例1: testMapOrderSemantics

# 需要导入模块: from google.protobuf import text_format [as 别名]
# 或者: from google.protobuf.text_format import ParseLines [as 别名]
def testMapOrderSemantics(self):
    golden_lines = self.ReadGolden('map_test_data.txt')
    # The C++ implementation emits defaulted-value fields, while the Python
    # implementation does not.  Adjusting for this is awkward, but it is
    # valuable to test against a common golden file.
    line_blacklist = ('  key: 0\n', '  value: 0\n', '  key: false\n',
                      '  value: false\n')
    golden_lines = [line for line in golden_lines if line not in line_blacklist]

    message = map_unittest_pb2.TestMap()
    text_format.ParseLines(golden_lines, message)
    candidate = text_format.MessageToString(message)
    # The Python implementation emits "1.0" for the double value that the C++
    # implementation emits as "1".
    candidate = candidate.replace('1.0', '1', 2)
    self.assertMultiLineEqual(candidate, ''.join(golden_lines))

# Tests of proto2-only features (MessageSet, extensions, etc.). 

示例2: testMapOrderSemantics

# 需要导入模块: from google.protobuf import text_format [as 别名]
# 或者: from google.protobuf.text_format import ParseLines [as 别名]
def testMapOrderSemantics(self):
    golden_lines = self.ReadGolden('map_test_data.txt')
    # The C++ implementation emits defaulted-value fields, while the Python
    # implementation does not.  Adjusting for this is awkward, but it is
    # valuable to test against a common golden file.
    line_blacklist = ('  key: 0\n',
                      '  value: 0\n',
                      '  key: false\n',
                      '  value: false\n')
    golden_lines = [line for line in golden_lines if line not in line_blacklist]

    message = map_unittest_pb2.TestMap()
    text_format.ParseLines(golden_lines, message)
    candidate = text_format.MessageToString(message)
    # The Python implementation emits "1.0" for the double value that the C++
    # implementation emits as "1".
    candidate = candidate.replace('1.0', '1', 2)
    self.assertMultiLineEqual(candidate, ''.join(golden_lines))

# Tests of proto2-only features (MessageSet, extensions, etc.). 

示例3: testParseLinesGolden

# 需要导入模块: from google.protobuf import text_format [as 别名]
# 或者: from google.protobuf.text_format import ParseLines [as 别名]
def testParseLinesGolden(self):
    opened = self.ReadGolden('text_format_unittest_data_oneof_implemented.txt')
    parsed_message = unittest_pb2.TestAllTypes()
    r = text_format.ParseLines(opened, parsed_message)
    self.assertIs(r, parsed_message)

    message = unittest_pb2.TestAllTypes()
    self.assertEqual(message, parsed_message) 

示例4: testMapOrderEnforcement

# 需要导入模块: from google.protobuf import text_format [as 别名]
# 或者: from google.protobuf.text_format import ParseLines [as 别名]
def testMapOrderEnforcement(self):
    message = map_unittest_pb2.TestMap()
    for letter in string.ascii_uppercase[13:26]:
      message.map_string_string[letter] = 'dummy'
    for letter in reversed(string.ascii_uppercase[0:13]):
      message.map_string_string[letter] = 'dummy'
    golden = ''.join(('map_string_string {\n  key: "%c"\n  value: "dummy"\n}\n'
                      % (letter,) for letter in string.ascii_uppercase))
    self.CompareToGoldenText(text_format.MessageToString(message), golden)

  # TODO(teboring): In c/137553523, not serializing default value for map entry
  # message has been fixed. This test needs to be disabled in order to submit
  # that cl. Add this back when c/137553523 has been submitted.
  # def testMapOrderSemantics(self):
  #   golden_lines = self.ReadGolden('map_test_data.txt')

  #   message = map_unittest_pb2.TestMap()
  #   text_format.ParseLines(golden_lines, message)
  #   candidate = text_format.MessageToString(message)
  #   # The Python implementation emits "1.0" for the double value that the C++
  #   # implementation emits as "1".
  #   candidate = candidate.replace('1.0', '1', 2)
  #   candidate = candidate.replace('0.0', '0', 2)
  #   self.assertMultiLineEqual(candidate, ''.join(golden_lines))

# Tests of proto2-only features (MessageSet, extensions, etc.). 

示例5: testParseLinesGolden

# 需要导入模块: from google.protobuf import text_format [as 别名]
# 或者: from google.protobuf.text_format import ParseLines [as 别名]
def testParseLinesGolden(self):
    opened = self.ReadGolden('text_format_unittest_data.txt')
    parsed_message = unittest_pb2.TestAllTypes()
    r = text_format.ParseLines(opened, parsed_message)
    self.assertIs(r, parsed_message)

    message = unittest_pb2.TestAllTypes()
    self.assertEqual(message, parsed_message) 

示例6: testParseLinesGolden

# 需要导入模块: from google.protobuf import text_format [as 别名]
# 或者: from google.protobuf.text_format import ParseLines [as 别名]
def testParseLinesGolden(self):
    opened = self.ReadGolden('text_format_unittest_data.txt')
    parsed_message = unittest_pb2.TestAllTypes()
    r = text_format.ParseLines(opened, parsed_message)
    self.assertIs(r, parsed_message)

    message = unittest_pb2.TestAllTypes()
    self.assertEquals(message, parsed_message) 

示例7: _set_up_test_pipeline_pb

# 需要导入模块: from google.protobuf import text_format [as 别名]
# 或者: from google.protobuf.text_format import ParseLines [as 别名]
def _set_up_test_pipeline_pb(self):
    """Read expected pipeline pb from a text proto file."""
    test_pb_filepath = os.path.join(
        os.path.dirname(__file__), "testdata", "iris_pipeline_ir.pbtxt")
    with open(test_pb_filepath) as text_pb_file:
      self._pipeline_pb = text_format.ParseLines(text_pb_file,
