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Python TAG.item方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中gluon.html.TAG.item方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python TAG.item方法的具体用法?Python TAG.item怎么用?Python TAG.item使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在gluon.html.TAG的用法示例。


示例1: cast_keys

# 需要导入模块: from gluon.html import TAG [as 别名]
# 或者: from gluon.html.TAG import item [as 别名]
def cast_keys(o, cast=str, encoding="utf-8"):
    Builds a new object with <cast> type keys.
    Use this function if you are in Python < 2.6.5
    This avoids syntax errors when unpacking dictionary arguments.

        o: is the object input
        cast:  (defaults to str) is an object type or function
            which supports conversion such as:

                converted = cast(o)

        encoding: (defaults to utf-8) is the encoding for unicode
            keys. This is not used for custom cast functions


    if isinstance(o, (dict, Storage)):
        if isinstance(o, dict):
            newobj = dict()
            newobj = Storage()
        for k, v in o.items():
            if (cast == str) and isinstance(k, unicodeT):
                key = k.encode(encoding)
                key = cast(k)
            newobj[key] = cast_keys(v, cast=cast, encoding=encoding)
    elif isinstance(o, (tuple, set, list)):
        newobj = []
        for item in o:
            newobj.append(cast_keys(item, cast=cast, encoding=encoding))
        if isinstance(o, tuple):
            newobj = tuple(newobj)
        elif isinstance(o, set):
            newobj = set(newobj)
        # no string cast (unknown object)
        newobj = o
    return newobj 

示例2: xml_rec

# 需要导入模块: from gluon.html import TAG [as 别名]
# 或者: from gluon.html.TAG import item [as 别名]
def xml_rec(value, key, quote=True):
    if hasattr(value, 'custom_xml') and callable(value.custom_xml):
        return value.custom_xml()
    elif isinstance(value, (dict, Storage)):
        return TAG[key](*[TAG[k](xml_rec(v, '', quote))
                          for k, v in value.items()])
    elif isinstance(value, list):
        return TAG[key](*[TAG.item(xml_rec(item, '', quote)) for item in value])
    elif hasattr(value, 'as_list') and callable(value.as_list):
        return str(xml_rec(value.as_list(), '', quote))
    elif hasattr(value, 'as_dict') and callable(value.as_dict):
        return str(xml_rec(value.as_dict(), '', quote))
        return xmlescape(value, quote) 

示例3: ics

# 需要导入模块: from gluon.html import TAG [as 别名]
# 或者: from gluon.html.TAG import item [as 别名]
def ics(events, title=None, link=None, timeshift=0, calname=True,
    title = title or '(unknown)'
    if link and not callable(link):
        link = lambda item, prefix=link: prefix.replace(
            '[id]', str(item['id']))
    s += '\nVERSION:2.0'
    if not calname is False:
        s += '\nX-WR-CALNAME:%s' % (calname or title)
    s += '\nSUMMARY:%s' % title
    s += '\nPRODID:Generated by web2py'
    s += '\nMETHOD:PUBLISH'
    for item in events:
        s += '\nBEGIN:VEVENT'
        s += '\nUID:%s' % item['id']
        if link:
            s += '\nURL:%s' % link(item)
        shift = datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600 * timeshift)
        start = item['start_datetime'] + shift
        stop = item['stop_datetime'] + shift
        s += '\nDTSTART:%s' % start.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')
        s += '\nDTEND:%s' % stop.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')
        s += '\nSUMMARY:%s' % item['title']
        s += '\nEND:VEVENT'
    s += '\nEND:VCALENDAR'
    return s 

示例4: cast_keys

# 需要导入模块: from gluon.html import TAG [as 别名]
# 或者: from gluon.html.TAG import item [as 别名]
def cast_keys(o, cast=str, encoding="utf-8"):
    Builds a new object with <cast> type keys.
    Use this function if you are in Python < 2.6.5
    This avoids syntax errors when unpacking dictionary arguments.

        o: is the object input
        cast:  (defaults to str) is an object type or function
            which supports conversion such as:

                converted = cast(o)

        encoding: (defaults to utf-8) is the encoding for unicode
            keys. This is not used for custom cast functions


    if isinstance(o, (dict, Storage)):
        if isinstance(o, dict):
            newobj = dict()
            newobj = Storage()
        for k, v in o.items():
            if (cast == str) and isinstance(k, unicode):
                key = k.encode(encoding)
                key = cast(k)
            newobj[key] = cast_keys(v, cast=cast, encoding=encoding)
    elif isinstance(o, (tuple, set, list)):
        newobj = []
        for item in o:
            newobj.append(cast_keys(item, cast=cast, encoding=encoding))
        if isinstance(o, tuple):
            newobj = tuple(newobj)
        elif isinstance(o, set):
            newobj = set(newobj)
        # no string cast (unknown object)
        newobj = o
    return newobj 

示例5: cast_keys

# 需要导入模块: from gluon.html import TAG [as 别名]
# 或者: from gluon.html.TAG import item [as 别名]
def cast_keys(o, cast=str, encoding="utf-8"):
    """ Builds a new object with <cast> type keys

        o is the object input
        cast (defaults to str) is an object type or function
              which supports conversion such as:

              >>> converted = cast(o)

        encoding (defaults to utf-8) is the encoding for unicode
                 keys. This is not used for custom cast functions

    Use this funcion if you are in Python < 2.6.5
    This avoids syntax errors when unpacking dictionary arguments.

    if isinstance(o, (dict, Storage)):
        if isinstance(o, dict):
            newobj = dict()
            newobj = Storage()
        for k, v in o.items():
            if (cast == str) and isinstance(k, unicode):
                key = k.encode(encoding)
                key = cast(k)
            newobj[key] = cast_keys(v, cast=cast, encoding=encoding)
    elif isinstance(o, (tuple, set, list)):
        newobj = []
        for item in o:
            newobj.append(cast_keys(item, cast=cast, encoding=encoding))
        if isinstance(o, tuple):
            newobj = tuple(newobj)
        elif isinstance(o, set):
            newobj = set(newobj)
        # no string cast (unknown object)
        newobj = o
    return newobj 

示例6: ics

# 需要导入模块: from gluon.html import TAG [as 别名]
# 或者: from gluon.html.TAG import item [as 别名]
def ics(events, title=None, link=None, timeshift=0, calname=True,
    import datetime
    title = title or '(unknown)'
    if link and not callable(link):
        link = lambda item, prefix=link: prefix.replace(
            '[id]', str(item['id']))
    s += '\nVERSION:2.0'
    if not calname is False:
        s += '\nX-WR-CALNAME:%s' % (calname or title)
    s += '\nSUMMARY:%s' % title
    s += '\nPRODID:Generated by web2py'
    s += '\nMETHOD:PUBLISH'
    for item in events:
        s += '\nBEGIN:VEVENT'
        s += '\nUID:%s' % item['id']
        if link:
            s += '\nURL:%s' % link(item)
        shift = datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600 * timeshift)
        start = item['start_datetime'] + shift
        stop = item['stop_datetime'] + shift
        s += '\nDTSTART:%s' % start.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')
        s += '\nDTEND:%s' % stop.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')
        s += '\nSUMMARY:%s' % item['title']
        s += '\nEND:VEVENT'
    s += '\nEND:VCALENDAR'
    return s 
