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Python gdb.execute方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中gdb.execute方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python gdb.execute方法的具体用法?Python gdb.execute怎么用?Python gdb.execute使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在gdb的用法示例。


示例1: get_modules

# 需要导入模块: import gdb [as 别名]
# 或者: from gdb import execute [as 别名]
def get_modules():
  mods = [] 

  # Get the binary currently being debugged
  inferiors_output = gdb.execute("info inferiors", False, True)
  mobjs = re.findall('\*?\s*(\w+)\s+(\w+ \d+)\s+([^\s]+)', inferiors_output)
  for m in mobjs:
  # Get the sharedlibrarys
  sharedlibrary_output = gdb.execute("info sharedlibrary", False, True)
  #mobjs = re.findall("(0x[a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s+(0x[a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s+(\w+)(\s+\(\*\))?\s+([^\s]+)", sharedlibrary_output)
  mobjs = re.findall("(\/.*)", sharedlibrary_output)
  for m in mobjs:
  return mods 

示例2: Detach

# 需要导入模块: import gdb [as 别名]
# 或者: from gdb import execute [as 别名]
def Detach(self):
    """Detaches from the inferior. If not attached, this is a no-op."""
    # We have to work around the python APIs weirdness :\
    if not self.IsAttached():
      return None
    # Gdb doesn't drain any pending SIGINTs it may have sent to the inferior
    # when it simply detaches. We can do this by letting the inferior continue,
    # and gdb will intercept any SIGINT that's still to-be-delivered; as soon as
    # we do so however, we may lose control of gdb (if we're running in
    # synchronous mode). So we queue an interruption and continue gdb right
    # afterwards, it will waitpid() for its inferior and collect all signals
    # that may have been queued.
    pid = gdb.selected_inferior().pid
    self.Interrupt([pid, None, None])
    self.Continue([pid, None, None])
    result = gdb.execute('detach', to_string=True)
    if not result:
      return None
    return result 

示例3: at

# 需要导入模块: import gdb [as 别名]
# 或者: from gdb import execute [as 别名]
def at(*arg):
    """Automatically attach process by filename."""
    processname = arg[0] if len(arg) > 0 else pwndbg.proc.exe

    try :
        pidlist = map(int, subprocess.check_output('pidof $(basename {})'.format(processname), shell=True).decode('utf8').split())

        for pid in pidlist:
            if pid == pwndbg.proc.pid:
            print('attaching to {} ...'.format(processname))
            gdb.execute("attach {}".format(pid))

        print("already attached on {}".format(pwndbg.proc.pid))
        print("no such process") 

示例4: findsyscall

# 需要导入模块: import gdb [as 别名]
# 或者: from gdb import execute [as 别名]
def findsyscall(*arg):
    """ ind the syscall gadget"""
    vmmap = arg[0] if len(arg) > 0 else pwndbg.proc.exe
    arch = pwndbg.arch.current
    start, end = codeaddr()

    if arch == "x86-64" :
        gdb.execute("search -e -x 0f05 {}".format(vmmap))
    elif arch == "i386":
        gdb.execute("search -e -x cd80 {}".format(vmmap))
    elif arch == "arm":
        gdb.execute("search -e -x 00df80bc {}".format(vmmap))
    elif arch == "aarch64":
        gdb.execute("search -e -x 010000d4 {}".format(vmmap))
    else :
        print("arch not support") 

示例5: magic

# 需要导入模块: import gdb [as 别名]
# 或者: from gdb import execute [as 别名]
def magic(self):
        """ Print usefual variables or function in glibc """
        try :
            print("========== function ==========")
            for f in magic_function :
                print("\033[34m" + f  + ":" + "\033[33m" +hex(getoff(f))) 
            print("\033[00m========== variables ==========")
            for v in magic_variable :
                cmd = "x/" + word + "&" +v
                content = gdb.execute(cmd,to_string=True).split(":")[1].strip()
                offset = hex(getoff("&"+ v))
                pad = 36 - len(v) - len(offset) - 2
                print("\033[34m%s\033[33m(%s)\033[37m%s: \033[37m%s" % (v, offset, ' ' *pad, content))
        except :
            print("You need run the program first") 

示例6: at

# 需要导入模块: import gdb [as 别名]
# 或者: from gdb import execute [as 别名]
def at(self,*arg):
        """ Attach by processname """
        (processname,) = normalize_argv(arg,1)
        if not processname :
            processname = getprocname(relative=True)
            if not processname :
                print("Attaching program: ")
                print("No executable file specified.")
                print("Use the \"file\" or \"exec-file\" command.")
        try :
            print("Attaching to %s ..." % processname)
            pidlist = subprocess.check_output("pidof " + processname,shell=True).decode('utf8').split()
            gdb.execute("attach " + pidlist[0])
        except :
            print( "No such process" ) 

示例7: bcall

# 需要导入模块: import gdb [as 别名]
# 或者: from gdb import execute [as 别名]
def bcall(self,*arg):
        """ Set the breakpoint at some function call """
        (sym,)= normalize_argv(arg,1)
        call = searchcall(sym)
        if "not found" in call :
            print("symbol not found")
        else :
            if ispie():
                codebaseaddr,codeend = codeaddr()
                for callbase in call.split('\n')[:-1]: 
                    addr = int(callbase.split(':')[0],16) + codebaseaddr
                    cmd = "b*" + hex(addr)
                for callbase in  call.split('\n')[:-1]:
                    addr = int(callbase.split(':')[0],16)
                    cmd = "b*" + hex(addr)

示例8: getoff

# 需要导入模块: import gdb [as 别名]
# 或者: from gdb import execute [as 别名]
def getoff(sym):
    libc = libcbase()
    if type(sym) is int :
        return sym-libc
    else :
        try :
            data = gdb.execute("x/x " + sym ,to_string=True)
            if "No symbol" in data:
                return 0
            else :
                data = re.search("0x.*[0-9a-f] ",data)
                data = data.group()
                symaddr = int(data[:-1] ,16)
                return symaddr-libc
        except :
            return 0 

示例9: showfpchain

# 需要导入模块: import gdb [as 别名]
# 或者: from gdb import execute [as 别名]
def showfpchain():
    cmd = "x/" + word + "&_IO_list_all"
    head = int(gdb.execute(cmd,to_string=True).split(":")[1].strip(),16)
    print("\033[32mfpchain:\033[1;37m ",end = "")
    chain = head
    print("0x%x" % chain,end = "")
    try :
        while chain != 0 :
            print(" --> ",end = "")
            cmd = "x/" + word + "&((struct _IO_FILE_plus *)" + hex(chain) +").file._chain"
            chain = int(gdb.execute(cmd,to_string=True).split(":")[1].strip(),16)
            print("0x%x" % chain,end = "")
    except :
        print("Chain is corrupted") 

示例10: testfsop

# 需要导入模块: import gdb [as 别名]
# 或者: from gdb import execute [as 别名]
def testfsop(addr=None):
    if addr :
        cmd = "x/" + word + hex(addr)
    else :
        cmd = "x/" + word + "&_IO_list_all"
    head = int(gdb.execute(cmd,to_string=True).split(":")[1].strip(),16)
    chain = head
    print("---------- fp : 0x%x ----------" % chain)
    try :
        while chain != 0 :
            cmd = "x/" + word + "&((struct _IO_FILE_plus *)" + hex(chain) +").file._chain"
            chain = int(gdb.execute(cmd,to_string=True).split(":")[1].strip(),16)
            if chain != 0 :
                print("---------- fp : 0x%x ----------" % chain)
    except :
        print("Chain is corrupted") 

示例11: procmap

# 需要导入模块: import gdb [as 别名]
# 或者: from gdb import execute [as 别名]
def procmap():
    data = gdb.execute('info proc exe',to_string = True)
    pid = re.search('process.*',data)
    if pid :
        pid = pid.group()
        pid = pid.split()[1]
        fpath = "/proc/" + pid + "/maps"
        if os.path.isfile(fpath): # if file exist, read memory mapping directly from file
            maps = open(fpath)
            infomap = maps.read()
            return infomap
        else: # if file doesn't exist, use 'info proc map' to get the memory mapping
            return infoprocmap()
    else :
        return "error" 

示例12: get_smallbin

# 需要导入模块: import gdb [as 别名]
# 或者: from gdb import execute [as 别名]
def get_smallbin(arena=None):
    global smallbin
    if not arena :
        arena = main_arena
    smallbin = {}
    if capsize == 0 :
        arch = getarch()
    max_smallbin_size = 512*int(capsize/4)
    cmd = "x/" + word + "&((struct malloc_state *)" + hex(arena) + ").bins"
    bins_addr = int(gdb.execute(cmd,to_string=True).split(":")[0].split()[0].strip(),16)
    for size in range(capsize*4,max_smallbin_size,capsize*2):
        chunkhead = {}
        idx = int((size/(capsize*2)))-1 
        cmd = "x/" + word + hex(bins_addr + idx*capsize*2)  # calc the smallbin index
        chunkhead["addr"] = int(gdb.execute(cmd,to_string=True).split(":")[1].strip(),16)
        try :
            bins = trace_normal_bin(chunkhead,arena)
            corruptbin = True
            bins = None
        if bins and len(bins) > 0 :
            smallbin[hex(size)] = copy.deepcopy(bins) 

示例13: get_largebin

# 需要导入模块: import gdb [as 别名]
# 或者: from gdb import execute [as 别名]
def get_largebin(arena=None):
    global largebin
    global corruptbin
    if not arena :
        arena = main_arena
    largebin = {}
    if capsize == 0 :
        arch = getarch()
    min_largebin = 512*int(capsize/4)
    cmd = "x/" + word + "&((struct malloc_state *)" + hex(arena) + ").bins"
    bins_addr = int(gdb.execute(cmd,to_string=True).split(":")[0].split()[0].strip(),16)
    for idx in range(64,128):
        chunkhead = {}
        cmd = "x/" + word + hex(bins_addr + idx*capsize*2 - 2*capsize)  # calc the largbin index
        chunkhead["addr"] = int(gdb.execute(cmd,to_string=True).split(":")[1].strip(),16)
        try :
            bins = trace_normal_bin(chunkhead,arena)
        except :
            corruptbin = True
            bins = None
        if bins and len(bins) > 0 :
            largebin[idx] = copy.deepcopy(bins) 

示例14: putarenainfo

# 需要导入模块: import gdb [as 别名]
# 或者: from gdb import execute [as 别名]
def putarenainfo():
    if capsize == 0 :
        arch = getarch()
    cur_arena = 0
    if main_arena :
        try : 
            if capsize == 4 :
                nextoff = 0x10d*capsize + 0xc
            else :
                nextoff = 0x10d*capsize
            count = 0
            print("  Main Arena  ".center(50,"="))
            cur_arena = int(gdb.execute("x/" + word + hex(main_arena+nextoff),to_string=True).split(":")[1].strip(),16)
            while cur_arena != main_arena  :
                count +=1
                print(("  Arena " + str(count) + "  ").center(50,"="))
                cur_arena = int(gdb.execute("x/" + word  + hex(cur_arena+nextoff),to_string=True).split(":")[1].strip(),16)
        except :
            print("Memory Error (heap)")
    else :
        print("Can't find heap info ") 

示例15: get_fake_fast

# 需要导入模块: import gdb [as 别名]
# 或者: from gdb import execute [as 别名]
def get_fake_fast(addr,size = None):
    if capsize == 0 :
        arch = getarch()
    fast_max = int(gdb.execute("x/" + word + "&global_max_fast",to_string=True).split(":")[1].strip(),16)
    if not fast_max :
        fast_max = capsize*0x10
    if size :
        chunk_list = fake_fast(addr,size)
        for fakechunk in chunk_list :
            if len(chunk_list) > 0 :
                print("\033[1;33mfake chunk : \033[1;0m0x{:<12x}\033[1;33m  padding :\033[1;0m {:<8d}".format(fakechunk[0],fakechunk[1]))
    else :
        for i in range(int(fast_max/(capsize*2)-1)):
            size = capsize*2*2 + i*capsize*2
            chunk_list = fake_fast(addr,size) 
            if len(chunk_list) > 0 :
                print("-- size : %s --" % hex(size))
                for fakechunk in chunk_list :
                    print("\033[1;33mfake chunk :\033[1;0m 0x{:<12x}\033[1;33m  padding :\033[1;0m {:<8d}".format(fakechunk[0],fakechunk[1])) 
