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Python builtins.bytes方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中future.builtins.bytes方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python builtins.bytes方法的具体用法?Python builtins.bytes怎么用?Python builtins.bytes使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在future.builtins的用法示例。


示例1: decode

# 需要导入模块: from future import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from future.builtins import bytes [as 别名]
def decode(string):
    """Decode a raw base64 string, returning a bytes object.

    This function does not parse a full MIME header value encoded with
    base64 (like =?iso-8895-1?b?bmloISBuaWgh?=) -- please use the high
    level email.header class for that functionality.
    if not string:
        return bytes()
    elif isinstance(string, str):
        return a2b_base64(string.encode('raw-unicode-escape'))
        return a2b_base64(string)

# For convenience and backwards compatibility w/ standard base64 module 

示例2: parse_headers

# 需要导入模块: from future import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from future.builtins import bytes [as 别名]
def parse_headers(fp, _class=HTTPMessage):
    """Parses only RFC2822 headers from a file pointer.

    email Parser wants to see strings rather than bytes.
    But a TextIOWrapper around self.rfile would buffer too many bytes
    from the stream, bytes which we later need to read as bytes.
    So we read the correct bytes here, as bytes, for email Parser
    to parse.

    headers = []
    while True:
        line = fp.readline(_MAXLINE + 1)
        if len(line) > _MAXLINE:
            raise LineTooLong("header line")
        if len(headers) > _MAXHEADERS:
            raise HTTPException("got more than %d headers" % _MAXHEADERS)
        if line in (b'\r\n', b'\n', b''):
    hstring = bytes(b'').join(headers).decode('iso-8859-1')
    return email_parser.Parser(_class=_class).parsestr(hstring) 

示例3: _readall_chunked

# 需要导入模块: from future import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from future.builtins import bytes [as 别名]
def _readall_chunked(self):
        assert self.chunked != _UNKNOWN
        chunk_left = self.chunk_left
        value = []
        while True:
            if chunk_left is None:
                    chunk_left = self._read_next_chunk_size()
                    if chunk_left == 0:
                except ValueError:
                    raise IncompleteRead(bytes(b'').join(value))

            # we read the whole chunk, get another
            self._safe_read(2)      # toss the CRLF at the end of the chunk
            chunk_left = None


        # we read everything; close the "file"

        return bytes(b'').join(value) 

示例4: _safe_read

# 需要导入模块: from future import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from future.builtins import bytes [as 别名]
def _safe_read(self, amt):
        """Read the number of bytes requested, compensating for partial reads.

        Normally, we have a blocking socket, but a read() can be interrupted
        by a signal (resulting in a partial read).

        Note that we cannot distinguish between EOF and an interrupt when zero
        bytes have been read. IncompleteRead() will be raised in this

        This function should be used when <amt> bytes "should" be present for
        reading. If the bytes are truly not available (due to EOF), then the
        IncompleteRead exception can be used to detect the problem.
        s = []
        while amt > 0:
            chunk = self.fp.read(min(amt, MAXAMOUNT))
            if not chunk:
                raise IncompleteRead(bytes(b'').join(s), amt)
            amt -= len(chunk)
        return bytes(b"").join(s) 

示例5: _send_output

# 需要导入模块: from future import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from future.builtins import bytes [as 别名]
def _send_output(self, message_body=None):
        """Send the currently buffered request and clear the buffer.

        Appends an extra \\r\\n to the buffer.
        A message_body may be specified, to be appended to the request.
        self._buffer.extend((bytes(b""), bytes(b"")))
        msg = bytes(b"\r\n").join(self._buffer)
        del self._buffer[:]
        # If msg and message_body are sent in a single send() call,
        # it will avoid performance problems caused by the interaction
        # between delayed ack and the Nagle algorithm.
        if isinstance(message_body, bytes):
            msg += message_body
            message_body = None
        if message_body is not None:
            # message_body was not a string (i.e. it is a file), and
            # we must run the risk of Nagle.

示例6: __new__

# 需要导入模块: from future import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from future.builtins import bytes [as 别名]
def __new__(cls, year, month=None, day=None):


        year, month, day (required, base 1)
        if (isinstance(year, bytes) and len(year) == 4 and
            1 <= year[2] <= 12 and month is None):  # Month is sane
            # Pickle support
            self = object.__new__(cls)
            return self
        _check_date_fields(year, month, day)
        self = object.__new__(cls)
        self._year = year
        self._month = month
        self._day = day
        return self

    # Additional constructors 

示例7: header_length

# 需要导入模块: from future import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from future.builtins import bytes [as 别名]
def header_length(bytearray):
    """Return the length of s when it is encoded with base64."""
    groups_of_3, leftover = divmod(len(bytearray), 3)
    # 4 bytes out for each 3 bytes (or nonzero fraction thereof) in.
    n = groups_of_3 * 4
    if leftover:
        n += 4
    return n 

示例8: header_length

# 需要导入模块: from future import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from future.builtins import bytes [as 别名]
def header_length(bytearray):
    """Return a header quoted-printable encoding length.

    Note that this does not include any RFC 2047 chrome added by

    :param bytearray: An array of bytes (a.k.a. octets).
    :return: The length in bytes of the byte array when it is encoded with
        quoted-printable for headers.
    return sum(len(_QUOPRI_HEADER_MAP[octet]) for octet in bytearray) 

示例9: body_length

# 需要导入模块: from future import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from future.builtins import bytes [as 别名]
def body_length(bytearray):
    """Return a body quoted-printable encoding length.

    :param bytearray: An array of bytes (a.k.a. octets).
    :return: The length in bytes of the byte array when it is encoded with
        quoted-printable for bodies.
    return sum(len(_QUOPRI_BODY_MAP[octet]) for octet in bytearray) 

示例10: encode_q

# 需要导入模块: from future import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from future.builtins import bytes [as 别名]
def encode_q(bstring):
    return str(''.join(_q_byte_map[x] for x in bytes(bstring))) 

示例11: len_q

# 需要导入模块: from future import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from future.builtins import bytes [as 别名]
def len_q(bstring):
    return sum(len(_q_byte_map[x]) for x in bytes(bstring))

# Base64

示例12: len_b

# 需要导入模块: from future import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from future.builtins import bytes [as 别名]
def len_b(bstring):
    groups_of_3, leftover = divmod(len(bstring), 3)
    # 4 bytes out for each 3 bytes (or nonzero fraction thereof) in.
    return groups_of_3 * 4 + (4 if leftover else 0) 

示例13: decode

# 需要导入模块: from future import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from future.builtins import bytes [as 别名]
def decode(ew):
    """Decode encoded word and return (string, charset, lang, defects) tuple.

    An RFC 2047/2243 encoded word has the form:


    where '*lang' may be omitted but the other parts may not be.

    This function expects exactly such a string (that is, it does not check the
    syntax and may raise errors if the string is not well formed), and returns
    the encoded_string decoded first from its Content Transfer Encoding and
    then from the resulting bytes into unicode using the specified charset.  If
    the cte-decoded string does not successfully decode using the specified
    character set, a defect is added to the defects list and the unknown octets
    are replaced by the unicode 'unknown' character \uFDFF.

    The specified charset and language are returned.  The default for language,
    which is rarely if ever encountered, is the empty string.

    _, charset, cte, cte_string, _ = str(ew).split('?')
    charset, _, lang = charset.partition('*')
    cte = cte.lower()
    # Recover the original bytes and do CTE decoding.
    bstring = cte_string.encode('ascii', 'surrogateescape')
    bstring, defects = _cte_decoders[cte](bstring)
    # Turn the CTE decoded bytes into unicode.
        string = bstring.decode(charset)
    except UnicodeError:
        defects.append(errors.UndecodableBytesDefect("Encoded word "
            "contains bytes not decodable using {} charset".format(charset)))
        string = bstring.decode(charset, 'surrogateescape')
    except LookupError:
        string = bstring.decode('ascii', 'surrogateescape')
        if charset.lower() != 'unknown-8bit':
            defects.append(errors.CharsetError("Unknown charset {} "
                "in encoded word; decoded as unknown bytes".format(charset)))
    return string, charset, lang, defects 

示例14: _sanitize

# 需要导入模块: from future import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from future.builtins import bytes [as 别名]
def _sanitize(string):
    # Turn any escaped bytes into unicode 'unknown' char.
    original_bytes = string.encode('ascii', 'surrogateescape')
    return original_bytes.decode('ascii', 'replace')

# Helpers 

示例15: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from future import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from future.builtins import bytes [as 别名]
def __init__(self, sock, debuglevel=0, strict=_strict_sentinel, method=None, url=None):
        # If the response includes a content-length header, we need to
        # make sure that the client doesn't read more than the
        # specified number of bytes.  If it does, it will block until
        # the server times out and closes the connection.  This will
        # happen if a self.fp.read() is done (without a size) whether
        # self.fp is buffered or not.  So, no self.fp.read() by
        # clients unless they know what they are doing.
        self.fp = sock.makefile("rb")
        self.debuglevel = debuglevel
        if strict is not _strict_sentinel:
            warnings.warn("the 'strict' argument isn't supported anymore; "
                "http.client now always assumes HTTP/1.x compliant servers.",
                DeprecationWarning, 2)
        self._method = method

        # The HTTPResponse object is returned via urllib.  The clients
        # of http and urllib expect different attributes for the
        # headers.  headers is used here and supports urllib.  msg is
        # provided as a backwards compatibility layer for http
        # clients.

        self.headers = self.msg = None

        # from the Status-Line of the response
        self.version = _UNKNOWN # HTTP-Version
        self.status = _UNKNOWN  # Status-Code
        self.reason = _UNKNOWN  # Reason-Phrase

        self.chunked = _UNKNOWN         # is "chunked" being used?
        self.chunk_left = _UNKNOWN      # bytes left to read in current chunk
        self.length = _UNKNOWN          # number of bytes left in response
        self.will_close = _UNKNOWN      # conn will close at end of response 
