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Python _policybase.Compat32方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中email._policybase.Compat32方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python _policybase.Compat32方法的具体用法?Python _policybase.Compat32怎么用?Python _policybase.Compat32使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在email._policybase的用法示例。


示例1: header_max_count

# 需要导入模块: from email import _policybase [as 别名]
# 或者: from email._policybase import Compat32 [as 别名]
def header_max_count(self, name):
        The implementation for this class returns the max_count attribute from
        the specialized header class that would be used to construct a header
        of type 'name'.
        return self.header_factory[name].max_count

    # The logic of the next three methods is chosen such that it is possible to
    # switch a Message object between a Compat32 policy and a policy derived
    # from this class and have the results stay consistent.  This allows a
    # Message object constructed with this policy to be passed to a library
    # that only handles Compat32 objects, or to receive such an object and
    # convert it to use the newer style by just changing its policy.  It is
    # also chosen because it postpones the relatively expensive full rfc5322
    # parse until as late as possible when parsing from source, since in many
    # applications only a few headers will actually be inspected. 

示例2: header_source_parse

# 需要导入模块: from email import _policybase [as 别名]
# 或者: from email._policybase import Compat32 [as 别名]
def header_source_parse(self, sourcelines):
        The name is parsed as everything up to the ':' and returned unmodified.
        The value is determined by stripping leading whitespace off the
        remainder of the first line, joining all subsequent lines together, and
        stripping any trailing carriage return or linefeed characters.  (This
        is the same as Compat32).

        name, value = sourcelines[0].split(':', 1)
        value = value.lstrip(' \t') + ''.join(sourcelines[1:])
        return (name, value.rstrip('\r\n')) 

示例3: _build_fetch_response

# 需要导入模块: from email import _policybase [as 别名]
# 或者: from email._policybase import Compat32 [as 别名]
def _build_fetch_response(self, message, parts, by_uid=True):
        response = ('%d FETCH (UID %s' % (message.id, message.uid)).encode() if by_uid \
            else ('%d FETCH (' % message.id).encode()
        for part in parts:
            if part.startswith('(') or part.endswith(')'):
                part = part.strip('()')
            if not response.endswith(b' ') and not response.endswith(b'('):
                response += b' '
            if part == 'UID' and not by_uid:
                response += ('UID %s' % message.uid).encode()
            if part == 'BODY[]' or part == 'BODY.PEEK[]' or part == 'RFC822':
                response += ('%s {%s}\r\n' % (part, len(message.as_bytes()))).encode() + message.as_bytes()
            if part == 'BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS':
                fetch_header = FETCH_HEADERS_RE.match(' '.join(parts))
                if fetch_header:
                    headers = fetch_header.group('headers')
                    message_headers = Message(policy=Compat32(linesep='\r\n'))
                    for hk in headers.split():
                        message_headers[hk] = message.email.get(hk, '')
                    response += ('BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (%s)] {%d}\r\n' %
                                 (headers, len(message_headers.as_bytes()))).encode() + message_headers.as_bytes()
            if part == 'FLAGS':
                response += ('FLAGS (%s)' % ' '.join(message.flags)).encode()
        response = response.strip(b' ')
        response += b')'
        return response 
