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Python numbertheory.inverse_mod方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中ecdsa.numbertheory.inverse_mod方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python numbertheory.inverse_mod方法的具体用法?Python numbertheory.inverse_mod怎么用?Python numbertheory.inverse_mod使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在ecdsa.numbertheory的用法示例。


示例1: from_signature

# 需要导入模块: from ecdsa import numbertheory [as 别名]
# 或者: from ecdsa.numbertheory import inverse_mod [as 别名]
def from_signature(klass, sig, recid, h, curve):
        """ See http://www.secg.org/download/aid-780/sec1-v2.pdf, chapter 4.1.6 """
        from ecdsa import util, numbertheory
        import msqr
        curveFp = curve.curve
        G = curve.generator
        order = G.order()
        # extract r,s from signature
        r, s = util.sigdecode_string(sig, order)
        # 1.1
        x = r + (recid/2) * order
        # 1.3
        alpha = ( x * x * x  + curveFp.a() * x + curveFp.b() ) % curveFp.p()
        beta = msqr.modular_sqrt(alpha, curveFp.p())
        y = beta if (beta - recid) % 2 == 0 else curveFp.p() - beta
        # 1.4 the constructor checks that nR is at infinity
        R = Point(curveFp, x, y, order)
        # 1.5 compute e from message:
        e = string_to_number(h)
        minus_e = -e % order
        # 1.6 compute Q = r^-1 (sR - eG)
        inv_r = numbertheory.inverse_mod(r,order)
        Q = inv_r * ( s * R + minus_e * G )
        return klass.from_public_point( Q, curve ) 

示例2: from_signature

# 需要导入模块: from ecdsa import numbertheory [as 别名]
# 或者: from ecdsa.numbertheory import inverse_mod [as 别名]
def from_signature(klass, sig, recid, h, curve):
        """ See http://www.secg.org/download/aid-780/sec1-v2.pdf, chapter 4.1.6 """
        from ecdsa import util, numbertheory
        import msqr
        curveFp = curve.curve
        G = curve.generator
        order = G.order()
        # extract r,s from signature
        r, s = util.sigdecode_string(sig, order)
        # 1.1
        x = r + (recid//2) * order
        # 1.3
        alpha = ( x * x * x  + curveFp.a() * x + curveFp.b() ) % curveFp.p()
        beta = msqr.modular_sqrt(alpha, curveFp.p())
        y = beta if (beta - recid) % 2 == 0 else curveFp.p() - beta
        # 1.4 the constructor checks that nR is at infinity
        R = Point(curveFp, x, y, order)
        # 1.5 compute e from message:
        e = string_to_number(h)
        minus_e = -e % order
        # 1.6 compute Q = r^-1 (sR - eG)
        inv_r = numbertheory.inverse_mod(r,order)
        Q = inv_r * ( s * R + minus_e * G )
        return klass.from_public_point( Q, curve ) 

示例3: from_signature

# 需要导入模块: from ecdsa import numbertheory [as 别名]
# 或者: from ecdsa.numbertheory import inverse_mod [as 别名]
def from_signature(cls, sig, recid, h, curve):
        """ See http://www.secg.org/download/aid-780/sec1-v2.pdf, chapter 4.1.6 """
        curveFp = curve.curve
        G = curve.generator
        order = G.order()
        # extract r,s from signature
        r, s = util.sigdecode_string(sig, order)
        # 1.1
        x = r + (recid / 2) * order
        # 1.3
        alpha = (x * x * x + curveFp.a() * x + curveFp.b()) % curveFp.p()
        beta = msqr.modular_sqrt(alpha, curveFp.p())
        y = beta if (beta - recid) % 2 == 0 else curveFp.p() - beta
        # 1.4 the constructor checks that nR is at infinity
        R = Point(curveFp, x, y, order)
        # 1.5 compute e from message:
        e = string_to_number(h)
        minus_e = -e % order
        # 1.6 compute Q = r^-1 (sR - eG)
        inv_r = numbertheory.inverse_mod(r, order)
        Q = inv_r * (s * R + minus_e * G)
        return cls.from_public_point(Q, curve) 

示例4: recover_nonce_reuse

# 需要导入模块: from ecdsa import numbertheory [as 别名]
# 或者: from ecdsa.numbertheory import inverse_mod [as 别名]
def recover_nonce_reuse(self, other):
        sig2 = other.sig  # rename it
        h2 = other.h  # rename it
        # precalculate static values
        z = self.h - h2
        r_inv = inverse_mod(self.sig.r, self.n)
        # try all candidates
        for candidate in (self.sig.s - sig2.s,
                          self.sig.s + sig2.s,
                          -self.sig.s - sig2.s,
                          -self.sig.s + sig2.s):
            k = (z * inverse_mod(candidate, self.n)) % self.n
            d = (((self.sig.s * k - self.h) % self.n) * r_inv) % self.n
            signingkey = SigningKey.from_secret_exponent(d, curve=self.curve)
            if signingkey.get_verifying_key().pubkey.verifies(self.h, self.sig):
                self.signingkey = signingkey
                self.k = k
                self.x = d
                return self
        assert False  # could not recover private key 
