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Python nodes.field_name方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中docutils.nodes.field_name方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python nodes.field_name方法的具体用法?Python nodes.field_name怎么用?Python nodes.field_name使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在docutils.nodes的用法示例。


示例1: make_field_list

# 需要导入模块: from docutils import nodes [as 别名]
# 或者: from docutils.nodes import field_name [as 别名]
def make_field_list(self, data):

        field_list = nodes.field_list()
        for name, text, citations in data:
            field = nodes.field()
            field_name = nodes.field_name(text=name)
            field_body = nodes.field_body()
            para = nodes.paragraph(text=text)

            if citations is not None and len(citations) > 0:
                para += nodes.Text(" (")
                for i, citation in enumerate(citations):
                    text = f"{citation.author}, {citation.year}"
                    para += nodes.reference(
                        internal=False, refuri=citation.doi, text=text)
                    if i != len(citations)-1:
                        para += nodes.Text("; ")
                para += nodes.Text(")")

            field_body += para
            field += field_name
            field += field_body
            field_list += field

        return field_list 

示例2: field

# 需要导入模块: from docutils import nodes [as 别名]
# 或者: from docutils.nodes import field_name [as 别名]
def field(self, match):
        name = self.parse_field_marker(match)
        src, srcline = self.state_machine.get_source_and_line()
        lineno = self.state_machine.abs_line_number()
        indented, indent, line_offset, blank_finish = \
        field_node = nodes.field()
        field_node.source = src
        field_node.line = srcline
        name_nodes, name_messages = self.inline_text(name, lineno)
        field_node += nodes.field_name(name, '', *name_nodes)
        field_body = nodes.field_body('\n'.join(indented), *name_messages)
        field_node += field_body
        if indented:
            self.parse_field_body(indented, line_offset, field_body)
        return field_node, blank_finish 

示例3: make_field

# 需要导入模块: from docutils import nodes [as 别名]
# 或者: from docutils.nodes import field_name [as 别名]
def make_field(self, types, domain, items, env=None):
        fieldname = nodes.field_name('', self.label)
        listnode = self.list_type()
        for fieldarg, content in items:
            par = nodes.paragraph()
            par.extend(self.make_xrefs(self.rolename, domain, fieldarg,
                                       addnodes.literal_strong, env=env))
            if content and content[0].astext():
                par += nodes.Text(' ')
                par += content
            listnode += nodes.list_item('', par)

            source = env.ref_context['conda:package']
            backrefs = env.domains['conda'].data['backrefs'].setdefault(fieldarg, set())
            backrefs.add((env.docname, source))

        fieldbody = nodes.field_body('', listnode)
        return nodes.field('', fieldname, fieldbody) 

示例4: make_field

# 需要导入模块: from docutils import nodes [as 别名]
# 或者: from docutils.nodes import field_name [as 别名]
def make_field(self, types, domain, item, env=None):
        fieldarg, fieldtype = item

        body = d_nodes.paragraph()
        if fieldarg:
            body.extend(self.make_xrefs(self.rolename, domain, fieldarg,
                                        s_nodes.literal_strong, env=env))

            body += d_nodes.Text('--')

        typename = u''.join(n.astext() for n in fieldtype)
            self.make_xrefs(self.typerolename, domain, typename,
                            s_nodes.literal_emphasis, env=env))

        fieldname = d_nodes.field_name('', self.label)
        fieldbody = d_nodes.field_body('', body)

        node = d_nodes.field('', fieldname, fieldbody)
        node['eql-name'] = self.name
        node['eql-opname'] = fieldarg
        if typename:
            node['eql-optype'] = typename
        return node 

示例5: patched_make_field

# 需要导入模块: from docutils import nodes [as 别名]
# 或者: from docutils.nodes import field_name [as 别名]
def patched_make_field(self, types, domain, items, **kw):
    # `kw` catches `env=None` needed for newer sphinx while maintaining
    #  backwards compatibility when passed along further down!

    # type: (List, unicode, Tuple) -> nodes.field
    def handle_item(fieldarg, content):
        par = nodes.paragraph()
        par += addnodes.literal_strong('', fieldarg)  # Patch: this line added
        # par.extend(self.make_xrefs(self.rolename, domain, fieldarg,
        #                           addnodes.literal_strong))
        if fieldarg in types:
            par += nodes.Text(' (')
            # NOTE: using .pop() here to prevent a single type node to be
            # inserted twice into the doctree, which leads to
            # inconsistencies later when references are resolved
            fieldtype = types.pop(fieldarg)
            if len(fieldtype) == 1 and isinstance(fieldtype[0], nodes.Text):
                typename = u''.join(n.astext() for n in fieldtype)
                typename = typename.replace('int', 'python:int')
                typename = typename.replace('long', 'python:long')
                typename = typename.replace('float', 'python:float')
                typename = typename.replace('type', 'python:type')
                par.extend(self.make_xrefs(self.typerolename, domain, typename,
                                           addnodes.literal_emphasis, **kw))
                par += fieldtype
            par += nodes.Text(')')
        par += nodes.Text(' -- ')
        par += content
        return par

    fieldname = nodes.field_name('', self.label)
    if len(items) == 1 and self.can_collapse:
        fieldarg, content = items[0]
        bodynode = handle_item(fieldarg, content)
        bodynode = self.list_type()
        for fieldarg, content in items:
            bodynode += nodes.list_item('', handle_item(fieldarg, content))
    fieldbody = nodes.field_body('', bodynode)
    return nodes.field('', fieldname, fieldbody) 

示例6: make_field

# 需要导入模块: from docutils import nodes [as 别名]
# 或者: from docutils.nodes import field_name [as 别名]
def make_field(self, field_name, field_body):
        """Fill content into nodes.

        :param string field_name: Field name of the field
        :param field_name: Field body if the field
        :type field_name: str or instance of docutils.nodes
        :return: field instance filled with given name and body
        :rtype: nodes.field

        name = nodes.field_name()
        name += nodes.Text(field_name)

        paragraph = nodes.paragraph()
        if isinstance(field_body, str):
            # This is the case when field_body is just a string:
            paragraph += nodes.Text(field_body)
            # This is the case when field_body is a complex node:
            # useful when constructing nested field lists
            paragraph += field_body

        body = nodes.field_body()
        body += paragraph

        field = nodes.field()
        field.extend([name, body])
        return field 

示例7: rfc2822_field

# 需要导入模块: from docutils import nodes [as 别名]
# 或者: from docutils.nodes import field_name [as 别名]
def rfc2822_field(self, match):
        name = match.string[:match.string.find(':')]
        indented, indent, line_offset, blank_finish = \
        fieldnode = nodes.field()
        fieldnode += nodes.field_name(name, name)
        fieldbody = nodes.field_body('\n'.join(indented))
        fieldnode += fieldbody
        if indented:
            self.nested_parse(indented, input_offset=line_offset,
        return fieldnode, blank_finish 

示例8: patched_make_field

# 需要导入模块: from docutils import nodes [as 别名]
# 或者: from docutils.nodes import field_name [as 别名]
def patched_make_field(self, types, domain, items, env):
    # type: (list, str, tuple) -> nodes.field
    def handle_item(fieldarg, content):
        par = nodes.paragraph()
        par += addnodes.literal_strong("", fieldarg)  # Patch: this line added
        # par.extend(self.make_xrefs(self.rolename, domain, fieldarg,
        #                           addnodes.literal_strong))
        if fieldarg in types:
            par += nodes.Text(" (")
            # NOTE: using .pop() here to prevent a single type node to be
            # inserted twice into the doctree, which leads to
            # inconsistencies later when references are resolved
            fieldtype = types.pop(fieldarg)
            if len(fieldtype) == 1 and isinstance(fieldtype[0], nodes.Text):
                typename = "".join(n.astext() for n in fieldtype)
                        self.typerolename, domain, typename, addnodes.literal_emphasis
                par += fieldtype
            par += nodes.Text(")")
        par += nodes.Text(" -- ")
        par += content
        return par

    fieldname = nodes.field_name("", self.label)
    if len(items) == 1 and self.can_collapse:
        fieldarg, content = items[0]
        bodynode = handle_item(fieldarg, content)
        bodynode = self.list_type()
        for fieldarg, content in items:
            bodynode += nodes.list_item("", handle_item(fieldarg, content))
    fieldbody = nodes.field_body("", bodynode)
    return nodes.field("", fieldname, fieldbody) 

示例9: _raw_fields

# 需要导入模块: from docutils import nodes [as 别名]
# 或者: from docutils.nodes import field_name [as 别名]
def _raw_fields(self, data, field_name=''):
        body = nodes.field_body()
        if isinstance(data, list):
            for item in data:

        field = nodes.field()
        return field 
