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Python nodes.bullet_list方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中docutils.nodes.bullet_list方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python nodes.bullet_list方法的具体用法?Python nodes.bullet_list怎么用?Python nodes.bullet_list使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在docutils.nodes的用法示例。


示例1: process

# 需要导入模块: from docutils import nodes [as 别名]
# 或者: from docutils.nodes import bullet_list [as 别名]
def process(self, doctree):
        for node in doctree.traverse(cfgconfig):
            config = node.config
            context = node.context
            options = self.domain.config_options[config]

            if self.builder.config.cfg_options_summary is None:
                new_content = []
            elif len(options) == 0:
                new_content = [nodes.Text("[No options defined for this config]")]
            elif self.builder.config.cfg_options_summary == "table":
                new_content = self.create_summary_table(config, context, options)
            elif self.builder.config.cfg_options_summary == "list":
                new_content = [self.create_option_reference(o, config, context) for o in options]
                if len(new_content) > 1:
                    listnode = nodes.bullet_list()
                    for entry in new_content:
                        listnode += nodes.list_item('', entry)
                    new_content = [listnode]
                raise ValueError("unknown value for config option `cfg_options_summary`.")

示例2: bullet

# 需要导入模块: from docutils import nodes [as 别名]
# 或者: from docutils.nodes import bullet_list [as 别名]
def bullet(self, match, context, next_state):
        """Bullet list item."""
        bulletlist = nodes.bullet_list()
         bulletlist.line) = self.state_machine.get_source_and_line()
        self.parent += bulletlist
        bulletlist['bullet'] = match.string[0]
        i, blank_finish = self.list_item(match.end())
        bulletlist += i
        offset = self.state_machine.line_offset + 1   # next line
        new_line_offset, blank_finish = self.nested_list_parse(
              input_offset=self.state_machine.abs_line_offset() + 1,
              node=bulletlist, initial_state='BulletList',
        if not blank_finish:
            self.parent += self.unindent_warning('Bullet list')
        return [], next_state, [] 

示例3: visit_list_item

# 需要导入模块: from docutils import nodes [as 别名]
# 或者: from docutils.nodes import bullet_list [as 别名]
def visit_list_item(self, node):
        children = []
        for child in node.children:
            if not isinstance(child, nodes.Invisible):
        if (children and isinstance(children[0], nodes.paragraph)
            and (isinstance(children[-1], nodes.bullet_list)
                 or isinstance(children[-1], nodes.enumerated_list))):
        if len(children) <= 1:
            raise nodes.NodeFound

    # def visit_bullet_list(self, node):
    #     pass

    # def visit_enumerated_list(self, node):
    #     pass

    # def visit_paragraph(self, node):
    #     raise nodes.SkipNode 

示例4: visit_list_item

# 需要导入模块: from docutils import nodes [as 别名]
# 或者: from docutils.nodes import bullet_list [as 别名]
def visit_list_item(self, node):
        # print "visiting list item", node.__class__
        children = [child for child in node.children
                    if not isinstance(child, nodes.Invisible)]
        # print "has %s visible children" % len(children)
        if (children and isinstance(children[0], nodes.paragraph)
            and (isinstance(children[-1], nodes.bullet_list) or
                 isinstance(children[-1], nodes.enumerated_list) or
                 isinstance(children[-1], nodes.field_list))):
        # print "%s children remain" % len(children)
        if len(children) <= 1:
            # print "found", child.__class__, "in", node.__class__
            raise nodes.NodeFound 

示例5: resolve_required_by_xrefs

# 需要导入模块: from docutils import nodes [as 别名]
# 或者: from docutils.nodes import bullet_list [as 别名]
def resolve_required_by_xrefs(app, env, node, contnode):
    """Now that all recipes and packages have been parsed, we are called here
    for each ``pending_xref`` node that sphinx has not been able to resolve.

    We handle specifically the ``requiredby`` reftype created by the
    `RequiredByField` fieldtype allowed in ``conda:package::``
    directives, where we replace the ``pending_ref`` node with a bullet
    list of reference nodes pointing to the package pages that
    "depended" on the package.
    if node['reftype'] == 'requiredby' and node['refdomain'] == 'conda':
        target = node['reftarget']
        docname = node['refdoc']
        backrefs = env.domains['conda'].data['backrefs'].get(target, set())
        listnode = nodes.bullet_list()
        for back_docname, back_target in backrefs:
            par = nodes.paragraph()
            name_node = addnodes.literal_strong(back_target, back_target,
                                      classes=['xref', 'backref'])
            refnode = make_refnode(app.builder, docname,
                                   back_docname, back_target, name_node)
            par += refnode
            listnode += nodes.list_item('', par)
        return listnode 

示例6: run

# 需要导入模块: from docutils import nodes [as 别名]
# 或者: from docutils.nodes import bullet_list [as 别名]
def run(self):
        idb = nodes.make_id("emva1288-" + self.options['section'])
        section = nodes.section(ids=[idb])
        section += nodes.rubric(text='Emva1288')
        lst = nodes.bullet_list()

        for k in self.option_spec.keys():
            if k not in self.options:

            item = nodes.list_item()
            item += nodes.strong(text=k + ':')
            item += nodes.inline(text=' ' + self.options[k])
            lst += item
        section += lst
        return [section] 

示例7: run

# 需要导入模块: from docutils import nodes [as 别名]
# 或者: from docutils.nodes import bullet_list [as 别名]
def run(self):
        # XXX: do this once only
        fd = pkg_resources.resource_stream ('crocoite', 'data/click.yaml')
        config = list (yaml.safe_load_all (fd))

        l = nodes.definition_list ()
        for site in config:
            urls = set ()
            v = nodes.definition ()
            vl = nodes.bullet_list ()
            v += vl
            for s in site['selector']:
                i = nodes.list_item ()
                i += nodes.paragraph (text=s['description'])
                vl += i
                urls.update (map (lambda x: URL(x).with_path ('/'), s.get ('urls', [])))

            item = nodes.definition_list_item ()
            term = ', '.join (map (lambda x: x.host, urls)) if urls else site['match']
            k = nodes.term (text=term)
            item += k

            item += v
            l += item
        return [l] 

示例8: is_compactable

# 需要导入模块: from docutils import nodes [as 别名]
# 或者: from docutils.nodes import bullet_list [as 别名]
def is_compactable(self, node):
        # print "is_compactable %s ?" % node.__class__,
        # explicite class arguments have precedence
        if 'compact' in node['classes']:
            return True
        if 'open' in node['classes']:
            return False
        # check config setting:
        if (isinstance(node, (nodes.field_list, nodes.definition_list))
            and not self.settings.compact_field_lists):
            # print "`compact-field-lists` is False"
            return False
        if (isinstance(node, (nodes.enumerated_list, nodes.bullet_list))
            and not self.settings.compact_lists):
            # print "`compact-lists` is False"
            return False
        # more special cases:
        if (self.topic_classes == ['contents']): # TODO: self.in_contents
            return True
        # check the list items:
        return self.check_simple_list(node) 

示例9: make_operation

# 需要导入模块: from docutils import nodes [as 别名]
# 或者: from docutils.nodes import bullet_list [as 别名]
def make_operation(self, path, operation):
        swagger_node = swaggerdoc(path)
        swagger_node += nodes.title(path, operation['method'].upper() + ' ' + path)

        content = nodes.paragraph()
        content += nodes.Text(operation['summary'])

        bullet_list = nodes.bullet_list()
        bullet_list += self.create_item('Notes: ', operation.get('notes', ''))
        bullet_list += self.create_item('Consumes: ', self.expand_values(operation.get('consumes', '')))
        bullet_list += self.create_item('Produces: ', self.expand_values(operation.get('produces', '')))
        content += bullet_list

        swagger_node += content

        return [swagger_node] 
