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Python nodes.Inline方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中docutils.nodes.Inline方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python nodes.Inline方法的具体用法?Python nodes.Inline怎么用?Python nodes.Inline使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在docutils.nodes的用法示例。


示例1: inline_obj

# 需要导入模块: from docutils import nodes [as 别名]
# 或者: from docutils.nodes import Inline [as 别名]
def inline_obj(self, match, lineno, end_pattern, nodeclass,
        string = match.string
        matchstart = match.start('start')
        matchend = match.end('start')
        if self.quoted_start(match):
            return (string[:matchend], [], string[matchend:], [], '')
        endmatch = end_pattern.search(string[matchend:])
        if endmatch and endmatch.start(1):  # 1 or more chars
            text = unescape(endmatch.string[:endmatch.start(1)],
            textend = matchend + endmatch.end(1)
            rawsource = unescape(string[matchstart:textend], 1)
            return (string[:matchstart], [nodeclass(rawsource, text)],
                    string[textend:], [], endmatch.group(1))
        msg = self.reporter.warning(
              'Inline %s start-string without end-string.'
              % nodeclass.__name__, line=lineno)
        text = unescape(string[matchstart:matchend], 1)
        rawsource = unescape(string[matchstart:matchend], 1)
        prb = self.problematic(text, rawsource, msg)
        return string[:matchstart], [prb], string[matchend:], [msg], '' 

示例2: visit_image

# 需要导入模块: from docutils import nodes [as 别名]
# 或者: from docutils.nodes import Inline [as 别名]
def visit_image(self, node):
        atts = {}
        uri = node['uri']
        filename = os.path.basename(uri)
        atts['alt'] = node.get('alt', uri)
        atts['thumbnail'] = 'true'

        if 'width' in node:
            atts['width'] = node['width']

        if 'name' in node:
            atts['title'] = node['name']

        if (isinstance(node.parent, nodes.TextElement) or
            (isinstance(node.parent, nodes.reference) and
             not isinstance(node.parent.parent, nodes.TextElement))):
            # Inline context or surrounded by <a>...</a>.
            suffix = ''
            suffix = '\n'

        self.body.append(self.imgtag(filename, suffix, **atts)) 

示例3: inline_obj

# 需要导入模块: from docutils import nodes [as 别名]
# 或者: from docutils.nodes import Inline [as 别名]
def inline_obj(self, match, lineno, end_pattern, nodeclass,
        string = match.string
        matchstart = match.start('start')
        matchend = match.end('start')
        if self.quoted_start(match):
            return (string[:matchend], [], string[matchend:], [], '')
        endmatch = end_pattern.search(string[matchend:])
        if endmatch and endmatch.start(1):  # 1 or more chars
            _text = endmatch.string[:endmatch.start(1)]
            text = unescape(_text, restore_backslashes)
            textend = matchend + endmatch.end(1)
            rawsource = unescape(string[matchstart:textend], True)
            node = nodeclass(rawsource, text)
            node[0].rawsource = unescape(_text, True)
            return (string[:matchstart], [node],
                    string[textend:], [], endmatch.group(1))
        msg = self.reporter.warning(
              'Inline %s start-string without end-string.'
              % nodeclass.__name__, line=lineno)
        text = unescape(string[matchstart:matchend], True)
        rawsource = unescape(string[matchstart:matchend], True)
        prb = self.problematic(text, rawsource, msg)
        return string[:matchstart], [prb], string[matchend:], [msg], '' 

示例4: setup

# 需要导入模块: from docutils import nodes [as 别名]
# 或者: from docutils.nodes import Inline [as 别名]
def setup(app):
    :type app: sphinx.application.Sphinx
    app.config.html_theme_path = [get_path()]
    app.config.html_theme = 'confluence'
    app.config.html_scaled_image_link = False
    if LooseVersion(sphinx.__version__) >= LooseVersion("1.4"):
        app.set_translator("html", HTMLConfluenceTranslator)
        app.set_translator("json", HTMLConfluenceTranslator)
        app.config.html_translator_class = 'sphinx_confluence.HTMLConfluenceTranslator'
    app.config.html_add_permalinks = ''

    jira_issue = JiraIssueRole('jira_issue', nodes.Inline)
    app.add_role(jira_issue.name, jira_issue)

    jira_user = JiraUserRole('jira_user', nodes.Inline)
    app.add_role(jira_user.name, jira_user)

    app.add_directive('image', ImageConf)
    app.add_directive('toctree', TocTree)
    app.add_directive('jira_issues', JiraIssuesDirective)
    app.add_directive('code-block', CaptionedCodeBlock)


示例5: parse

# 需要导入模块: from docutils import nodes [as 别名]
# 或者: from docutils.nodes import Inline [as 别名]
def parse(self, text, lineno, memo, parent):
        # Needs to be refactored for nested inline markup.
        # Add nested_parse() method?
        Return 2 lists: nodes (text and inline elements), and system_messages.

        Using `self.patterns.initial`, a pattern which matches start-strings
        (emphasis, strong, interpreted, phrase reference, literal,
        substitution reference, and inline target) and complete constructs
        (simple reference, footnote reference), search for a candidate.  When
        one is found, check for validity (e.g., not a quoted '*' character).
        If valid, search for the corresponding end string if applicable, and
        check it for validity.  If not found or invalid, generate a warning
        and ignore the start-string.  Implicit inline markup (e.g. standalone
        URIs) is found last.
        self.reporter = memo.reporter
        self.document = memo.document
        self.language = memo.language
        self.parent = parent
        pattern_search = self.patterns.initial.search
        dispatch = self.dispatch
        remaining = escape2null(text)
        processed = []
        unprocessed = []
        messages = []
        while remaining:
            match = pattern_search(remaining)
            if match:
                groups = match.groupdict()
                method = dispatch[groups['start'] or groups['backquote']
                                  or groups['refend'] or groups['fnend']]
                before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages = method(self, match,
                messages += sysmessages
                if inlines:
                    processed += self.implicit_inline(''.join(unprocessed),
                    processed += inlines
                    unprocessed = []
        remaining = ''.join(unprocessed) + remaining
        if remaining:
            processed += self.implicit_inline(remaining, lineno)
        return processed, messages

    # Inline object recognition
    # -------------------------
    # print start_string_prefix.encode('utf8')
    # TODO: support non-ASCII whitespace in the following 4 patterns? 

示例6: interpreted_or_phrase_ref

# 需要导入模块: from docutils import nodes [as 别名]
# 或者: from docutils.nodes import Inline [as 别名]
def interpreted_or_phrase_ref(self, match, lineno):
        end_pattern = self.patterns.interpreted_or_phrase_ref
        string = match.string
        matchstart = match.start('backquote')
        matchend = match.end('backquote')
        rolestart = match.start('role')
        role = match.group('role')
        position = ''
        if role:
            role = role[1:-1]
            position = 'prefix'
        elif self.quoted_start(match):
            return (string[:matchend], [], string[matchend:], [])
        endmatch = end_pattern.search(string[matchend:])
        if endmatch and endmatch.start(1):  # 1 or more chars
            textend = matchend + endmatch.end()
            if endmatch.group('role'):
                if role:
                    msg = self.reporter.warning(
                        'Multiple roles in interpreted text (both '
                        'prefix and suffix present; only one allowed).',
                    text = unescape(string[rolestart:textend], 1)
                    prb = self.problematic(text, text, msg)
                    return string[:rolestart], [prb], string[textend:], [msg]
                role = endmatch.group('suffix')[1:-1]
                position = 'suffix'
            escaped = endmatch.string[:endmatch.start(1)]
            rawsource = unescape(string[matchstart:textend], 1)
            if rawsource[-1:] == '_':
                if role:
                    msg = self.reporter.warning(
                          'Mismatch: both interpreted text role %s and '
                          'reference suffix.' % position, line=lineno)
                    text = unescape(string[rolestart:textend], 1)
                    prb = self.problematic(text, text, msg)
                    return string[:rolestart], [prb], string[textend:], [msg]
                return self.phrase_ref(string[:matchstart], string[textend:],
                                       rawsource, escaped, unescape(escaped))
                rawsource = unescape(string[rolestart:textend], 1)
                nodelist, messages = self.interpreted(rawsource, escaped, role,
                return (string[:rolestart], nodelist,
                        string[textend:], messages)
        msg = self.reporter.warning(
              'Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string '
              'without end-string.', line=lineno)
        text = unescape(string[matchstart:matchend], 1)
        prb = self.problematic(text, text, msg)
        return string[:matchstart], [prb], string[matchend:], [msg] 

示例7: parse

# 需要导入模块: from docutils import nodes [as 别名]
# 或者: from docutils.nodes import Inline [as 别名]
def parse(self, text, lineno, memo, parent):
        # Needs to be refactored for nested inline markup.
        # Add nested_parse() method?
        Return 2 lists: nodes (text and inline elements), and system_messages.

        Using `self.patterns.initial`, a pattern which matches start-strings
        (emphasis, strong, interpreted, phrase reference, literal,
        substitution reference, and inline target) and complete constructs
        (simple reference, footnote reference), search for a candidate.  When
        one is found, check for validity (e.g., not a quoted '*' character).
        If valid, search for the corresponding end string if applicable, and
        check it for validity.  If not found or invalid, generate a warning
        and ignore the start-string.  Implicit inline markup (e.g. standalone
        URIs) is found last.
        self.reporter = memo.reporter
        self.document = memo.document
        self.language = memo.language
        self.parent = parent
        pattern_search = self.patterns.initial.search
        dispatch = self.dispatch
        remaining = escape2null(text)
        processed = []
        unprocessed = []
        messages = []
        while remaining:
            match = pattern_search(remaining)
            if match:
                groups = match.groupdict()
                method = dispatch[groups['start'] or groups['backquote']
                                  or groups['refend'] or groups['fnend']]
                before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages = method(self, match,
                messages += sysmessages
                if inlines:
                    processed += self.implicit_inline(''.join(unprocessed),
                    processed += inlines
                    unprocessed = []
        remaining = ''.join(unprocessed) + remaining
        if remaining:
            processed += self.implicit_inline(remaining, lineno)
        return processed, messages

    # Inline object recognition
    # -------------------------
    # See also init_customizations(). 

示例8: interpreted_or_phrase_ref

# 需要导入模块: from docutils import nodes [as 别名]
# 或者: from docutils.nodes import Inline [as 别名]
def interpreted_or_phrase_ref(self, match, lineno):
        end_pattern = self.patterns.interpreted_or_phrase_ref
        string = match.string
        matchstart = match.start('backquote')
        matchend = match.end('backquote')
        rolestart = match.start('role')
        role = match.group('role')
        position = ''
        if role:
            role = role[1:-1]
            position = 'prefix'
        elif self.quoted_start(match):
            return (string[:matchend], [], string[matchend:], [])
        endmatch = end_pattern.search(string[matchend:])
        if endmatch and endmatch.start(1):  # 1 or more chars
            textend = matchend + endmatch.end()
            if endmatch.group('role'):
                if role:
                    msg = self.reporter.warning(
                        'Multiple roles in interpreted text (both '
                        'prefix and suffix present; only one allowed).',
                    text = unescape(string[rolestart:textend], True)
                    prb = self.problematic(text, text, msg)
                    return string[:rolestart], [prb], string[textend:], [msg]
                role = endmatch.group('suffix')[1:-1]
                position = 'suffix'
            escaped = endmatch.string[:endmatch.start(1)]
            rawsource = unescape(string[matchstart:textend], True)
            if rawsource[-1:] == '_':
                if role:
                    msg = self.reporter.warning(
                          'Mismatch: both interpreted text role %s and '
                          'reference suffix.' % position, line=lineno)
                    text = unescape(string[rolestart:textend], True)
                    prb = self.problematic(text, text, msg)
                    return string[:rolestart], [prb], string[textend:], [msg]
                return self.phrase_ref(string[:matchstart], string[textend:],
                                       rawsource, escaped, unescape(escaped))
                rawsource = unescape(string[rolestart:textend], True)
                nodelist, messages = self.interpreted(rawsource, escaped, role,
                return (string[:rolestart], nodelist,
                        string[textend:], messages)
        msg = self.reporter.warning(
              'Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string '
              'without end-string.', line=lineno)
        text = unescape(string[matchstart:matchend], True)
        prb = self.problematic(text, text, msg)
        return string[:matchstart], [prb], string[matchend:], [msg] 
