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Python doctest.DocTestParser方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中doctest.DocTestParser方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python doctest.DocTestParser方法的具体用法?Python doctest.DocTestParser怎么用?Python doctest.DocTestParser使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在doctest的用法示例。


示例1: collect

# 需要导入模块: import doctest [as 别名]
# 或者: from doctest import DocTestParser [as 别名]
def collect(self):
        import doctest

        # inspired by doctest.testfile; ideally we would use it directly,
        # but it doesn't support passing a custom checker
        encoding = self.config.getini("doctest_encoding")
        text = self.fspath.read_text(encoding)
        filename = str(self.fspath)
        name = self.fspath.basename
        globs = {"__name__": "__main__"}

        optionflags = get_optionflags(self)

        runner = _get_runner(

        parser = doctest.DocTestParser()
        test = parser.get_doctest(text, globs, name, filename, 0)
        if test.examples:
            yield DoctestItem(test.name, self, runner, test) 

示例2: test_doctest

# 需要导入模块: import doctest [as 别名]
# 或者: from doctest import DocTestParser [as 别名]
def test_doctest(self):
        If we parse a doctest, we get all the fields we need.
        test = """
        >>> f()

        def f():
            return 42

        parser = doctest.DocTestParser()
        dt = parser.get_doctest(test, {"f": f}, "doctest.name", "somefile.py", 20)
        dt.__module__ = "somefile"
        p = proto_test(doctest.DocTestCase(dt))
        # short description
        self.assertEqual(p.getDescription(2), "doctest.name")
        # long description
        description = p.getDescription(3)
        self.assertIn("doctest.name", description)
        self.assertIn("somefile.py", description)
        self.assertIn("20", description)
        # dotted name
        self.assertEqual(p.dotted_name, "doctest.name") 

示例3: _import_docstring

# 需要导入模块: import doctest [as 别名]
# 或者: from doctest import DocTestParser [as 别名]
def _import_docstring(documenter):
    code_content = _import_docstring_code_content(documenter)
    if code_content:
        # noinspection PyBroadException
            code, content = code_content
            parser = DocTestParser()
            runner = DocTestRunner(verbose=0,
                                   optionflags=NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE | ELLIPSIS)

            glob = {}
            if documenter.modname:
                exec('from %s import *\n' % documenter.modname, glob)

            tests = parser.get_doctest(code, glob, '', '', 0)
            runner.run(tests, clear_globs=False)

            documenter.object = tests.globs[documenter.name]
            documenter.code = content
            documenter.is_doctest = True
            return True
        except Exception:

示例4: _run_doctest_for_content

# 需要导入模块: import doctest [as 别名]
# 或者: from doctest import DocTestParser [as 别名]
def _run_doctest_for_content(self, name, content):
        optionflags = (
            | doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
            | doctest.IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
            | _get_allow_unicode_flag()
        runner = doctest.DocTestRunner(
        globs = {"print_function": print_function}
        parser = doctest.DocTestParser()
        test = parser.get_doctest(content, globs, name, name, 0)
        assert not runner.failures 

示例5: configure

# 需要导入模块: import doctest [as 别名]
# 或者: from doctest import DocTestParser [as 别名]
def configure(self, options, config):
        # parent method sets enabled flag from command line --with-numpydoctest
        Plugin.configure(self, options, config)
        self.finder = self.test_finder_class()
        self.parser = doctest.DocTestParser()
        if self.enabled:
            # Pull standard doctest out of plugin list; there's no reason to run
            # both.  In practice the Unplugger plugin above would cover us when
            # run from a standard numpy.test() call; this is just in case
            # someone wants to run our plugin outside the numpy.test() machinery
            config.plugins.plugins = [p for p in config.plugins.plugins
                                      if p.name != 'doctest'] 

示例6: run_func_docstring

# 需要导入模块: import doctest [as 别名]
# 或者: from doctest import DocTestParser [as 别名]
def run_func_docstring(tester, test_func, globs=None, verbose=False, compileflags=None, optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS | doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE):
    Similar to doctest.run_docstring_examples, but takes a single function/bound method,
    extracts it's singular docstring (no looking for subobjects with tests),
    runs it, and most importantly raises an exception if the test doesn't pass.

    tester should be an instance of dtest.Tester
    test_func should be a function/bound method the docstring to be tested
    name = test_func.__name__

    if globs is None:
        globs = build_doc_context(tester, name)

    # dumb function that remembers values that it is called with
    # the DocTestRunner.run function called below accepts a callable for logging
    # and this is a hacky but easy way to capture the nicely formatted value for reporting
    def test_output_capturer(content):
        if not hasattr(test_output_capturer, 'content'):
            test_output_capturer.content = ''

        test_output_capturer.content += content

    test = doctest.DocTestParser().get_doctest(inspect.getdoc(test_func), globs, name, None, None)
    runner = doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=verbose, optionflags=optionflags)
    runner.run(test, out=test_output_capturer, compileflags=compileflags)

    failed, attempted = runner.summarize()

    if failed > 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Doctest failed! Captured output:\n{}".format(test_output_capturer.content))

    if failed + attempted == 0:
        raise RuntimeError("No tests were run!") 

示例7: configure

# 需要导入模块: import doctest [as 别名]
# 或者: from doctest import DocTestParser [as 别名]
def configure(self, options, config):
        Plugin.configure(self, options, config)
        # Pull standard doctest plugin out of config; we will do doctesting
        config.plugins.plugins = [p for p in config.plugins.plugins
                                  if p.name != 'doctest']
        self.doctest_tests = options.doctest_tests
        self.extension = tolist(options.doctestExtension)

        self.parser = doctest.DocTestParser()
        self.finder = DocTestFinder()
        self.checker = IPDoctestOutputChecker()
        self.globs = None
        self.extraglobs = None 

示例8: collect

# 需要导入模块: import doctest [as 别名]
# 或者: from doctest import DocTestParser [as 别名]
def collect(self) -> Iterable[DoctestItem]:
        import doctest

        # inspired by doctest.testfile; ideally we would use it directly,
        # but it doesn't support passing a custom checker
        encoding = self.config.getini("doctest_encoding")
        text = self.fspath.read_text(encoding)
        filename = str(self.fspath)
        name = self.fspath.basename
        globs = {"__name__": "__main__"}

        optionflags = get_optionflags(self)

        runner = _get_runner(

        parser = doctest.DocTestParser()
        test = parser.get_doctest(text, globs, name, filename, 0)
        if test.examples:
            yield DoctestItem.from_parent(
                self, name=test.name, runner=runner, dtest=test

示例9: test_doctests

# 需要导入模块: import doctest [as 别名]
# 或者: from doctest import DocTestParser [as 别名]
def test_doctests(self, mocked_doctest_runner) -> None:
        import doctest

        parser = doctest.DocTestParser()
        assert approx.__doc__ is not None
        test = parser.get_doctest(
            approx.__doc__, {"approx": approx}, approx.__name__, None, None

示例10: test_unicode

# 需要导入模块: import doctest [as 别名]
# 或者: from doctest import DocTestParser [as 别名]
def test_unicode(): """
Check doctest with a non-ascii filename:

    >>> doc = '''
    ... >>> raise Exception('clé')
    ... '''
    >>> parser = doctest.DocTestParser()
    >>> test = parser.get_doctest(doc, {}, "foo-bär@baz", "foo-bär@baz.py", 0)
    >>> test
    <DocTest foo-bär@baz from foo-bär@baz.py:0 (1 example)>
    >>> runner = doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False)
    >>> runner.run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    File "foo-bär@baz.py", line 2, in foo-bär@baz
    Failed example:
        raise Exception('clé')
    Exception raised:
        Traceback (most recent call last):
          File ...
            compileflags, 1), test.globs)
          File "<doctest foo-bär@baz[0]>", line 1, in <module>
            raise Exception('clé')
        Exception: clé
    TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1)

示例11: output

# 需要导入模块: import doctest [as 别名]
# 或者: from doctest import DocTestParser [as 别名]
def output(tests, test_vars):
    dtst = doctest.DocTestParser().get_doctest(tests, test_vars, 0, '<string>', 0)
    runner = ModifiedDocTestRunner()
    return runner.results 

示例12: run_doctest

# 需要导入模块: import doctest [as 别名]
# 或者: from doctest import DocTestParser [as 别名]
def run_doctest(obj, name):
    p = doctest.DocTestParser()
    t = p.get_doctest(
        obj.__doc__, sys.modules[obj.__module__].__dict__, name, '', 0)
    r = doctest.DocTestRunner()
    output = StringIO()
    r.run(t, out=output.write)
    return r.failures, output.getvalue() 

示例13: _parse_docstring

# 需要导入模块: import doctest [as 别名]
# 或者: from doctest import DocTestParser [as 别名]
def _parse_docstring(node):
        """Extract code from docstring."""
        docstring = ast.get_docstring(node)
        if docstring:
            parser = doctest.DocTestParser()
                dt = parser.get_doctest(docstring, {}, None, None, None)
            except ValueError:
                # >>> 'abc'
                examples = dt.examples
                return '\n'.join([example.source for example in examples])
        return None 

示例14: test

# 需要导入模块: import doctest [as 别名]
# 或者: from doctest import DocTestParser [as 别名]
def test(**kwargs):
    import doctest
    verbosity = kwargs.get('verbose', 0)
    if verbosity == 0:
        print('Running doctests...')

    # ignore py2-3 unicode differences
    import re
    class Py23DocChecker(doctest.OutputChecker):
        def check_output(self, want, got, optionflags):
            if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
                got = re.sub("u'(.*?)'", "'\\1'", got)
                got = re.sub('u"(.*?)"', '"\\1"', got)
            res = doctest.OutputChecker.check_output(self, want, got, optionflags)
            return res
        def summarize(self):

    # run tests
    runner = doctest.DocTestRunner(checker=Py23DocChecker(), verbose=verbosity)
    with open("README.md","rb") as fobj:
        test = doctest.DocTestParser().get_doctest(string=fobj.read().decode("utf8").replace('\r\n','\n'), globs={}, name="README", filename="README.md", lineno=0)
    failure_count, test_count = runner.run(test)

    # print results
    if verbosity:
        if failure_count == 0:
            print('All test passed successfully')
        elif failure_count > 0:

    return failure_count 
