本文整理汇总了Python中dm_control.suite.load方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python suite.load方法的具体用法?Python suite.load怎么用?Python suite.load使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类dm_control.suite
示例1: _dm_control_env
# 需要导入模块: from dm_control import suite [as 别名]
# 或者: from dm_control.suite import load [as 别名]
def _dm_control_env(
action_repeat, max_length, domain, task, params, normalize=False,
if isinstance(domain, str):
from dm_control import suite
env = suite.load(domain, task)
assert task is None
env = domain()
if camera_id is None:
camera_id = int(params.get('camera_id', 0))
env = control.wrappers.DeepMindWrapper(env, (64, 64), camera_id=camera_id)
env = control.wrappers.ActionRepeat(env, action_repeat)
if normalize:
env = control.wrappers.NormalizeActions(env)
env = control.wrappers.MaximumDuration(env, max_length)
env = control.wrappers.PixelObservations(env, (64, 64), np.uint8, 'image')
env = control.wrappers.ConvertTo32Bit(env)
return env
示例2: __init__
# 需要导入模块: from dm_control import suite [as 别名]
# 或者: from dm_control.suite import load [as 别名]
def __init__(self, args, rand_seed, monitor, width=480, height=480):
self.width = width
self.height = height
task_name = dm_control_util.get_env_names(args.task)
from dm_control import suite
self.env = suite.load(
domain_name=task_name[0], task_name=task_name[1],
task_kwargs={'random': rand_seed}
self._base_path = init_path.get_abs_base_dir()
self._is_dirname = True
# save the video
self._monitor = monitor
self._current_episode = 0
if self._monitor:
示例3: __init__
# 需要导入模块: from dm_control import suite [as 别名]
# 或者: from dm_control.suite import load [as 别名]
def __init__(self, env, symbolic, seed, max_episode_length, action_repeat, bit_depth):
from dm_control import suite
from dm_control.suite.wrappers import pixels
domain, task = env.split('-')
self.symbolic = symbolic
self._env = suite.load(domain_name=domain, task_name=task, task_kwargs={'random': seed})
if not symbolic:
self._env = pixels.Wrapper(self._env)
self.max_episode_length = max_episode_length
self.action_repeat = action_repeat
if action_repeat != CONTROL_SUITE_ACTION_REPEATS[domain]:
print('Using action repeat %d; recommended action repeat for domain is %d' % (action_repeat, CONTROL_SUITE_ACTION_REPEATS[domain]))
self.bit_depth = bit_depth
示例4: from_suite
# 需要导入模块: from dm_control import suite [as 别名]
# 或者: from dm_control.suite import load [as 别名]
def from_suite(cls, domain_name, task_name):
return cls(suite.load(domain_name, task_name),
name='{}.{}'.format(domain_name, task_name))
示例5: __init__
# 需要导入模块: from dm_control import suite [as 别名]
# 或者: from dm_control.suite import load [as 别名]
def __init__(
visualize_reward: bool = True,
fixed_steps: int = 1,
custom_death: "CustomDeath" = None,
Creates DMControlEnv and initializes the environment.
:param domain_name: match dm_control interface.
:param task_name: match dm_control interface.
:param visualize_reward: match dm_control interface.
:param fixed_steps: The number of consecutive times that an action will be applied.
This allows us to set the frequency at which the policy will play.
:param custom_death: Pro hack to beat the shit out of DeepMind even further.
from dm_control import suite
name = str(domain_name) + ":" + str(task_name)
super(DMControlEnv, self).__init__(name=name, state=None)
self.fixed_steps = fixed_steps
self._render_i = 0
self._env = suite.load(
domain_name=domain_name, task_name=task_name, visualize_reward=visualize_reward
self._name = name
self.viewer = []
self._last_time_step = None
self._custom_death = custom_death
示例6: __init__
# 需要导入模块: from dm_control import suite [as 别名]
# 或者: from dm_control.suite import load [as 别名]
def __init__(
name: str = "cartpole-balance",
visualize_reward: bool = True,
n_repeat_action: int = 1,
custom_death: "CustomDeath" = None,
Creates DMControlEnv and initializes the environment.
:param domain_name: match dm_control interface.
:param task_name: match dm_control interface.
:param visualize_reward: match dm_control interface.
:param fixed_steps: The number of consecutive times that an action will be applied.
This allows us to set the frequency at which the policy will play.
:param custom_death: Pro hack to beat the shit out of DeepMind even further.
from dm_control import suite
domain_name, task_name = name.split("-")
super(DMControlEnv, self).__init__(name=name, n_repeat_action=n_repeat_action)
self._render_i = 0
self._env = suite.load(
domain_name=domain_name, task_name=task_name, visualize_reward=visualize_reward
self._name = name
self.viewer = []
self._last_time_step = None
self._viewer = rendering.SimpleImageViewer()
self._custom_death = custom_death
示例7: __init__
# 需要导入模块: from dm_control import suite [as 别名]
# 或者: from dm_control.suite import load [as 别名]
def __init__(self, args, rand_seed, monitor, width=480, height=480):
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.task = args.task
self.args = args
assert 'fish3d' in self.task
self.is_evo = 'evo' in self.task
if 'easyswim' in self.task:
self.target_angle = args.fish_target_angle
from dm_control import suite
self.env = suite.load(
domain_name='fish', task_name='swim',
task_kwargs={'random': rand_seed}
self._base_path = init_path.get_abs_base_dir()
self.load_xml(os.path.join(self._base_path, 'env', 'assets/fish3d.xml'))
self.set_get_observation() # overwrite the original get_ob function
self.set_get_reward() # overwrite the original reward function
self._JOINTS = ['tail1',
# save the video
self._monitor = monitor
self._current_episode = 0
if self._monitor:
示例8: __init__
# 需要导入模块: from dm_control import suite [as 别名]
# 或者: from dm_control.suite import load [as 别名]
def __init__(self, args, rand_seed, monitor, width=480, height=480):
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.task = args.task
assert 'walker' in self.task or 'hopper' in self.task or 'cheetah' in self.task
self.args = args
self.is_evo = 'evo' in self.task
from dm_control import suite
self.env = suite.load(
domain_name='walker', task_name='walk',
task_kwargs={'random': rand_seed}
self._base_path = init_path.get_abs_base_dir()
self.load_xml(os.path.join(self._base_path, 'env', 'assets/walker.xml'))
self.set_get_observation() # overwrite the original get_ob function
self.set_get_reward() # overwrite the original reward function
self._JOINTS = ['right_hip',
# save the video
self._monitor = monitor
self._current_episode = 0
if self._monitor:
示例9: __init__
# 需要导入模块: from dm_control import suite [as 别名]
# 或者: from dm_control.suite import load [as 别名]
def __init__(self, domain_name, task_name, horizon, gamma, task_kwargs=None,
dt=.01, width_screen=480, height_screen=480, camera_id=0):
domain_name (str): name of the environment;
task_name (str): name of the task of the environment;
horizon (int): the horizon;
gamma (float): the discount factor;
task_kwargs (dict, None): parameters of the task;
dt (float, .01): duration of a control step;
width_screen (int, 480): width of the screen;
height_screen (int, 480): height of the screen;
camera_id (int, 0): position of camera to render the environment;
# MDP creation
if task_kwargs is None:
task_kwargs = dict()
task_kwargs['time_limit'] = np.inf # Hack to ignore dm_control time limit.
self.env = suite.load(domain_name, task_name, task_kwargs=task_kwargs)
# MDP properties
action_space = self._convert_action_space(self.env.action_spec())
observation_space = self._convert_observation_space(self.env.observation_spec())
mdp_info = MDPInfo(observation_space, action_space, gamma, horizon)
self._viewer = ImageViewer((width_screen, height_screen), dt)
self._camera_id = camera_id
示例10: __init__
# 需要导入模块: from dm_control import suite [as 别名]
# 或者: from dm_control.suite import load [as 别名]
def __init__(self, domain_name="cartpole", task_name="balance",
visualize_reward: bool=True, fixed_steps: int=1,
custom_death: "CustomDeath"=None):
Creates DMControlEnv and initializes the environment.
:param domain_name: match dm_control interface.
:param task_name: match dm_control interface.
:param visualize_reward: match dm_control interface.
:param fixed_steps: The number of consecutive times that an action will be applied.
This allows us to set the frequency at which the policy will play.
:param custom_death: Pro hack to beat the shit out of DeepMind even further.
from dm_control import suite
name = str(domain_name) + ":" + str(task_name)
super(DMControlEnv, self).__init__(name=name, state=None)
self.fixed_steps = fixed_steps
self._render_i = 0
self._env = suite.load(domain_name=domain_name, task_name=task_name,
self._name = name
self.viewer = []
self._last_time_step = None
self._custom_death = custom_death
示例11: __init__
# 需要导入模块: from dm_control import suite [as 别名]
# 或者: from dm_control.suite import load [as 别名]
def __init__(self, name: str = "cartpole-balance",
visualize_reward: bool = True, n_repeat_action: int = 1,
custom_death: "CustomDeath" = None):
Creates DMControlEnv and initializes the environment.
:param domain_name: match dm_control interface.
:param task_name: match dm_control interface.
:param visualize_reward: match dm_control interface.
:param fixed_steps: The number of consecutive times that an action will be applied.
This allows us to set the frequency at which the policy will play.
:param custom_death: Pro hack to beat the shit out of DeepMind even further.
from dm_control import suite
domain_name, task_name = name.split("-")
super(DMControlEnv, self).__init__(name=name, n_repeat_action=n_repeat_action)
self._render_i = 0
self._env = suite.load(domain_name=domain_name, task_name=task_name,
self._name = name
self.viewer = []
self._last_time_step = None
self._viewer = rendering.SimpleImageViewer()
self._custom_death = custom_death
示例12: test_load_without_kwargs
# 需要导入模块: from dm_control import suite [as 别名]
# 或者: from dm_control.suite import load [as 别名]
def test_load_without_kwargs(self):
env = suite.load('cartpole', 'swingup')
self.assertIsInstance(env, control.Environment)
示例13: test_load_with_kwargs
# 需要导入模块: from dm_control import suite [as 别名]
# 或者: from dm_control.suite import load [as 别名]
def test_load_with_kwargs(self):
env = suite.load('cartpole', 'swingup',
task_kwargs={'time_limit': 40, 'random': 99})
self.assertIsInstance(env, control.Environment)
示例14: make_trajectory
# 需要导入模块: from dm_control import suite [as 别名]
# 或者: from dm_control.suite import load [as 别名]
def make_trajectory(domain, task, seed, **trajectory_kwargs):
env = suite.load(domain, task, task_kwargs={'random': seed})
policy = uniform_random_policy(env.action_spec(), random=seed)
return step_environment(env, policy, **trajectory_kwargs)
示例15: test_components_have_names
# 需要导入模块: from dm_control import suite [as 别名]
# 或者: from dm_control.suite import load [as 别名]
def test_components_have_names(self, domain, task):
env = suite.load(domain, task)
model = env.physics.model
object_types_and_size_fields = [
('body', 'nbody'),
('joint', 'njnt'),
('geom', 'ngeom'),
('site', 'nsite'),
('camera', 'ncam'),
('light', 'nlight'),
('mesh', 'nmesh'),
('hfield', 'nhfield'),
('texture', 'ntex'),
('material', 'nmat'),
('equality', 'neq'),
('tendon', 'ntendon'),
('actuator', 'nu'),
('sensor', 'nsensor'),
('numeric', 'nnumeric'),
('text', 'ntext'),
('tuple', 'ntuple'),
for object_type, size_field in object_types_and_size_fields:
for idx in range(getattr(model, size_field)):
object_name = model.id2name(idx, object_type)
self.assertNotEqual(object_name, '',
msg='Model {!r} contains unnamed {!r} with ID {}.'
.format(model.name, object_type, idx))