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Python migrations.RunSQL方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中django.db.migrations.RunSQL方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python migrations.RunSQL方法的具体用法?Python migrations.RunSQL怎么用?Python migrations.RunSQL使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在django.db.migrations的用法示例。


示例1: _test_run_sql

# 需要导入模块: from django.db import migrations [as 别名]
# 或者: from django.db.migrations import RunSQL [as 别名]
def _test_run_sql(self, app_label, should_run, hints=None):
        with override_settings(DATABASE_ROUTERS=[MigrateEverythingRouter()]):
            project_state = self.set_up_test_model(app_label)

        sql = """
        INSERT INTO {0}_pony (pink, weight) VALUES (1, 3.55);
        INSERT INTO {0}_pony (pink, weight) VALUES (3, 5.0);

        operation = migrations.RunSQL(sql, hints=hints or {})
        # Test the state alteration does nothing
        new_state = project_state.clone()
        operation.state_forwards(app_label, new_state)
        self.assertEqual(new_state, project_state)
        # Test the database alteration
        self.assertEqual(project_state.apps.get_model(app_label, "Pony").objects.count(), 0)
        with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
            operation.database_forwards(app_label, editor, project_state, new_state)
        Pony = project_state.apps.get_model(app_label, "Pony")
        if should_run:
            self.assertEqual(Pony.objects.count(), 2)
            self.assertEqual(Pony.objects.count(), 0) 

示例2: test_run_sql_params_invalid

# 需要导入模块: from django.db import migrations [as 别名]
# 或者: from django.db.migrations import RunSQL [as 别名]
def test_run_sql_params_invalid(self):
        #23426 - RunSQL should fail when a list of statements with an incorrect
        number of tuples is given.
        project_state = self.set_up_test_model("test_runsql")
        new_state = project_state.clone()
        operation = migrations.RunSQL(
            # forwards
                ["INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES ('buz');"]
            # backwards
                ("DELETE FROM foo WHERE bar = 'buz';", 'invalid', 'parameter count'),

        with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
            with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValueError, "Expected a 2-tuple but got 1"):
                operation.database_forwards("test_runsql", editor, project_state, new_state)

        with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
            with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValueError, "Expected a 2-tuple but got 3"):
                operation.database_backwards("test_runsql", editor, new_state, project_state) 

示例3: test_run_sql_noop

# 需要导入模块: from django.db import migrations [as 别名]
# 或者: from django.db.migrations import RunSQL [as 别名]
def test_run_sql_noop(self):
        #24098 - Tests no-op RunSQL operations.
        operation = migrations.RunSQL(migrations.RunSQL.noop, migrations.RunSQL.noop)
        with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
            operation.database_forwards("test_runsql", editor, None, None)
            operation.database_backwards("test_runsql", editor, None, None) 

示例4: test_run_sql

# 需要导入模块: from django.db import migrations [as 别名]
# 或者: from django.db.migrations import RunSQL [as 别名]
def test_run_sql(self):
        Tests the RunSQL operation.
        project_state = self.set_up_test_model("test_runsql")
        # Create the operation
        operation = migrations.RunSQL(
            # Use a multi-line string with a comment to test splitting on SQLite and MySQL respectively
            "CREATE TABLE i_love_ponies (id int, special_thing varchar(15));\n"
            "INSERT INTO i_love_ponies (id, special_thing) VALUES (1, 'i love ponies'); -- this is magic!\n"
            "INSERT INTO i_love_ponies (id, special_thing) VALUES (2, 'i love django');\n"
            "UPDATE i_love_ponies SET special_thing = 'Ponies' WHERE special_thing LIKE '%%ponies';"
            "UPDATE i_love_ponies SET special_thing = 'Django' WHERE special_thing LIKE '%django';",

            # Run delete queries to test for parameter substitution failure
            # reported in #23426
            "DELETE FROM i_love_ponies WHERE special_thing LIKE '%Django%';"
            "DELETE FROM i_love_ponies WHERE special_thing LIKE '%%Ponies%%';"
            "DROP TABLE i_love_ponies",

            state_operations=[migrations.CreateModel("SomethingElse", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True))])],
        self.assertEqual(operation.describe(), "Raw SQL operation")
        # Test the state alteration
        new_state = project_state.clone()
        operation.state_forwards("test_runsql", new_state)
        self.assertEqual(len(new_state.models["test_runsql", "somethingelse"].fields), 1)
        # Make sure there's no table
        # Test SQL collection
        with connection.schema_editor(collect_sql=True) as editor:
            operation.database_forwards("test_runsql", editor, project_state, new_state)
            self.assertIn("LIKE '%%ponies';", "\n".join(editor.collected_sql))
            operation.database_backwards("test_runsql", editor, project_state, new_state)
            self.assertIn("LIKE '%%Ponies%%';", "\n".join(editor.collected_sql))
        # Test the database alteration
        with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
            operation.database_forwards("test_runsql", editor, project_state, new_state)
        # Make sure all the SQL was processed
        with connection.cursor() as cursor:
            cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM i_love_ponies")
            self.assertEqual(cursor.fetchall()[0][0], 2)
            cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM i_love_ponies WHERE special_thing = 'Django'")
            self.assertEqual(cursor.fetchall()[0][0], 1)
            cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM i_love_ponies WHERE special_thing = 'Ponies'")
            self.assertEqual(cursor.fetchall()[0][0], 1)
        # And test reversal
        with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
            operation.database_backwards("test_runsql", editor, new_state, project_state)
        # And deconstruction
        definition = operation.deconstruct()
        self.assertEqual(definition[0], "RunSQL")
        self.assertEqual(definition[1], [])
        self.assertEqual(sorted(definition[2]), ["reverse_sql", "sql", "state_operations"])
        # And elidable reduction
        self.assertIs(False, operation.reduce(operation, []))
        elidable_operation = migrations.RunSQL('SELECT 1 FROM void;', elidable=True)
        self.assertEqual(elidable_operation.reduce(operation, []), [operation]) 

示例5: test_run_sql_params

# 需要导入模块: from django.db import migrations [as 别名]
# 或者: from django.db.migrations import RunSQL [as 别名]
def test_run_sql_params(self):
        #23426 - RunSQL should accept parameters.
        project_state = self.set_up_test_model("test_runsql")
        # Create the operation
        operation = migrations.RunSQL(
            ["CREATE TABLE i_love_ponies (id int, special_thing varchar(15));"],
            ["DROP TABLE i_love_ponies"],
        param_operation = migrations.RunSQL(
            # forwards
                "INSERT INTO i_love_ponies (id, special_thing) VALUES (1, 'Django');",
                ["INSERT INTO i_love_ponies (id, special_thing) VALUES (2, %s);", ['Ponies']],
                ("INSERT INTO i_love_ponies (id, special_thing) VALUES (%s, %s);", (3, 'Python',)),
            # backwards
                "DELETE FROM i_love_ponies WHERE special_thing = 'Django';",
                ["DELETE FROM i_love_ponies WHERE special_thing = 'Ponies';", None],
                ("DELETE FROM i_love_ponies WHERE id = %s OR special_thing = %s;", [3, 'Python']),

        # Make sure there's no table
        new_state = project_state.clone()
        # Test the database alteration
        with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
            operation.database_forwards("test_runsql", editor, project_state, new_state)

        # Test parameter passing
        with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
            param_operation.database_forwards("test_runsql", editor, project_state, new_state)
        # Make sure all the SQL was processed
        with connection.cursor() as cursor:
            cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM i_love_ponies")
            self.assertEqual(cursor.fetchall()[0][0], 3)

        with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
            param_operation.database_backwards("test_runsql", editor, new_state, project_state)
        with connection.cursor() as cursor:
            cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM i_love_ponies")
            self.assertEqual(cursor.fetchall()[0][0], 0)

        # And test reversal
        with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
            operation.database_backwards("test_runsql", editor, new_state, project_state)
