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Python curses.getmouse方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中curses.getmouse方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python curses.getmouse方法的具体用法?Python curses.getmouse怎么用?Python curses.getmouse使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在curses的用法示例。


示例1: _screen_getmouse

# 需要导入模块: import curses [as 别名]
# 或者: from curses import getmouse [as 别名]
def _screen_getmouse(self):
    return curses.getmouse() 

示例2: safe_get_mouse_event

# 需要导入模块: import curses [as 别名]
# 或者: from curses import getmouse [as 别名]
def safe_get_mouse_event(self):
            mouse_event = curses.getmouse()
            return mouse_event
        except _curses.error:
            return None 

示例3: on_mouse

# 需要导入模块: import curses [as 别名]
# 或者: from curses import getmouse [as 别名]
def on_mouse():
    '''Update selected line / sort'''
    _, x, y, z, bstate =  curses.getmouse()

    # Left button click ?
    if bstate & curses.BUTTON1_CLICKED:
        # Is it title line ?
        if y == 0:
            # Determine sort column based on offset / col width
            x_max = 0
            for col in COLUMNS:
                if not col.width:
                elif x < x_max+col.width:
                    x_max += col.width + 1
                return 2
        # Is it a cgroup line ?
        elif y <= len(CONFIGURATION['cgroups']):
            if CONFIGURATION['follow']:
                CONFIGURATION['selected_line_name'] = CONFIGURATION['cgroups'][y-1]
                CONFIGURATION['selected_line_num'] = y-1
            return 2
    return 1 

示例4: get_mouse_state

# 需要导入模块: import curses [as 别名]
# 或者: from curses import getmouse [as 别名]
def get_mouse_state(self):
        """Get the mouse event data."""
            mouse_state = curses.getmouse()
            self.logger.error("curses.getmouse() failed!", exc_info=True)
            return False

        # Translate the coordinates to the editor coordinate system
        return self._translate_mouse_to_editor(mouse_state) 

示例5: on_mouse

# 需要导入模块: import curses [as 别名]
# 或者: from curses import getmouse [as 别名]
def on_mouse():
    '''Update selected line / sort'''
    _, x, y, z, bstate =  curses.getmouse()

    # Left button click ?
    if bstate & curses.BUTTON1_CLICKED:
        # Is it title line ?
        if y == 0:
            # Determine sort column based on offset / col width
            x_max = 0
            return 2
        # Is it a cgroup line ?
    return 1 

示例6: get_event

# 需要导入模块: import curses [as 别名]
# 或者: from curses import getmouse [as 别名]
def get_event(self):
            Check for an event without waiting.
            # Spin through notifications until we find something we want.
            key = 0
            while key != -1:
                # Get the next key
                key = self._screen.getch()

                if key == curses.KEY_RESIZE:
                    # Handle screen resize
                    self._re_sized = True
                elif key == curses.KEY_MOUSE:
                    # Handle a mouse event
                    _, x, y, _, bstate = curses.getmouse()
                    buttons = 0
                    # Some Linux modes only report clicks, so check for any
                    # button down or click events.
                    if (bstate & curses.BUTTON1_PRESSED != 0 or
                            bstate & curses.BUTTON1_CLICKED != 0):
                        buttons |= MouseEvent.LEFT_CLICK
                    if (bstate & curses.BUTTON3_PRESSED != 0 or
                            bstate & curses.BUTTON3_CLICKED != 0):
                        buttons |= MouseEvent.RIGHT_CLICK
                    if bstate & curses.BUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKED != 0:
                        buttons |= MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK
                    return MouseEvent(x, y, buttons)
                elif key != -1:
                    # Handle any byte streams first
                    logger.debug("Processing key: %x", key)
                    if self._unicode_aware and key > 0:
                        if key & 0xC0 == 0xC0:
                            self._bytes_to_return = struct.pack(b"B", key)
                            self._bytes_to_read = bin(key)[2:].index("0") - 1
                            logger.debug("Byte stream: %d bytes left",
                        elif self._bytes_to_read > 0:
                            self._bytes_to_return += struct.pack(b"B", key)
                            self._bytes_to_read -= 1
                            if self._bytes_to_read > 0:
                                key = ord(self._bytes_to_return.decode("utf-8"))

                    # Handle a genuine key press.
                    logger.debug("Returning key: %x", key)
                    if key in self._KEY_MAP:
                        return KeyboardEvent(self._KEY_MAP[key])
                    elif key != -1:
                        return KeyboardEvent(key)

            return None 

示例7: _encode_mouse_event

# 需要导入模块: import curses [as 别名]
# 或者: from curses import getmouse [as 别名]
def _encode_mouse_event(self):
        # convert to escape sequence
        last = next = self.last_bstate
        (id,x,y,z,bstate) = curses.getmouse()
        mod = 0
        if bstate & curses.BUTTON_SHIFT:    mod |= 4
        if bstate & curses.BUTTON_ALT:        mod |= 8
        if bstate & curses.BUTTON_CTRL:        mod |= 16
        l = []
        def append_button( b ):
            b |= mod
            l.extend([ 27, ord('['), ord('M'), b+32, x+33, y+33 ])
        if bstate & curses.BUTTON1_PRESSED and last & 1 == 0:
            append_button( 0 )
            next |= 1
        if bstate & curses.BUTTON2_PRESSED and last & 2 == 0:
            append_button( 1 )
            next |= 2
        if bstate & curses.BUTTON3_PRESSED and last & 4 == 0:
            append_button( 2 )
            next |= 4
        if bstate & curses.BUTTON4_PRESSED and last & 8 == 0:
            append_button( 64 )
            next |= 8
        if bstate & curses.BUTTON1_RELEASED and last & 1:
            append_button( 0 + escape.MOUSE_RELEASE_FLAG )
            next &= ~ 1
        if bstate & curses.BUTTON2_RELEASED and last & 2:
            append_button( 1 + escape.MOUSE_RELEASE_FLAG )
            next &= ~ 2
        if bstate & curses.BUTTON3_RELEASED and last & 4:
            append_button( 2 + escape.MOUSE_RELEASE_FLAG )
            next &= ~ 4
        if bstate & curses.BUTTON4_RELEASED and last & 8:
            append_button( 64 + escape.MOUSE_RELEASE_FLAG )
            next &= ~ 8
        if bstate & curses.BUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKED:
            append_button( 0 + escape.MOUSE_MULTIPLE_CLICK_FLAG )
        if bstate & curses.BUTTON2_DOUBLE_CLICKED:
            append_button( 1 + escape.MOUSE_MULTIPLE_CLICK_FLAG )
        if bstate & curses.BUTTON3_DOUBLE_CLICKED:
            append_button( 2 + escape.MOUSE_MULTIPLE_CLICK_FLAG )
        if bstate & curses.BUTTON4_DOUBLE_CLICKED:
            append_button( 64 + escape.MOUSE_MULTIPLE_CLICK_FLAG )

        if bstate & curses.BUTTON1_TRIPLE_CLICKED:
            append_button( 0 + escape.MOUSE_MULTIPLE_CLICK_FLAG*2 )
        if bstate & curses.BUTTON2_TRIPLE_CLICKED:
            append_button( 1 + escape.MOUSE_MULTIPLE_CLICK_FLAG*2 )
        if bstate & curses.BUTTON3_TRIPLE_CLICKED:
            append_button( 2 + escape.MOUSE_MULTIPLE_CLICK_FLAG*2 )
        if bstate & curses.BUTTON4_TRIPLE_CLICKED:
            append_button( 64 + escape.MOUSE_MULTIPLE_CLICK_FLAG*2 )

        self.last_bstate = next
        return l 
