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Python collections.Iterator方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中collections.Iterator方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python collections.Iterator方法的具体用法?Python collections.Iterator怎么用?Python collections.Iterator使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在collections的用法示例。


示例1: _standardize_value

# 需要导入模块: import collections [as 别名]
# 或者: from collections import Iterator [as 别名]
def _standardize_value(self, value):
        reader, fsize, fname = (value + [None, None])[:3]

        if isinstance(reader, file):
            reader = self._make_file_reader(reader)

        elif isinstance(reader, str):
            reader = self._make_str_reader(reader)
            fsize = len(value[0])

        elif isinstance(reader, Iterator):

            raise InvalidArgumentTypeError('type of value[0] {x}'
                'is invalid'.format(x=type(value[0])))

        return reader, fsize, fname 

示例2: axis_iter

# 需要导入模块: import collections [as 别名]
# 或者: from collections import Iterator [as 别名]
def axis_iter(self, axes=0):
        """Returns an iterator yielding Sub-MPArrays of ``self`` by iterating
        over the specified physical axes.

        **Example:** If ``self`` represents a bipartite (i.e. length 2)
        array with 2 physical dimensions on each site ``A[(k,l), (m,n)]``,
        ``self.axis_iter(0)`` is equivalent to::

            (A[(k, :), (m, :)] for m in range(...) for k in range(...))

        :param axes: Iterable or int specifiying the physical axes to iterate
            over (default 0 for each site)
        :returns: Iterator over :class:`.MPArray`

        if not isinstance(axes, collections.Iterable):
            axes = it.repeat(axes, len(self))

        ltens_iter = it.product(*(iter(np.rollaxis(lten, i + 1))
                                  for i, lten in zip(axes, self.lt)))
        return (MPArray(ltens) for ltens in ltens_iter)

    #  Algebraic operations  #

示例3: _extract_factors

# 需要导入模块: import collections [as 别名]
# 或者: from collections import Iterator [as 别名]
def _extract_factors(tens, ndims):
    """Extract iteratively the leftmost MPO tensor with given number of
    legs by a qr-decomposition

    :param np.ndarray tens: Full tensor to be factorized
    :param ndims: Number of physical legs per site or iterator over number of
        physical legs
    :returns: List of local tensors with given number of legs yielding a
        factorization of tens
    current = next(ndims) if isinstance(ndims, collections.Iterator) else ndims
    if tens.ndim == current + 2:
        return [tens]
    elif tens.ndim < current + 2:
        raise AssertionError("Number of remaining legs insufficient.")
        unitary, rest = qr(tens.reshape((np.prod(tens.shape[:current + 1]), -1)))

        unitary = unitary.reshape(tens.shape[:current + 1] + rest.shape[:1])
        rest = rest.reshape(rest.shape[:1] + tens.shape[current + 1:])

        return [unitary] + _extract_factors(rest, ndims) 

示例4: _ltens_to_array

# 需要导入模块: import collections [as 别名]
# 或者: from collections import Iterator [as 别名]
def _ltens_to_array(ltens):
    """Computes the full array representation from an iterator yielding the
    local tensors. Note that it does not get rid of virtual legs.

    :param ltens: Iterator over local tensors
    :returns: numpy.ndarray representing the contracted MPA

    ltens = ltens if isinstance(ltens, collections.Iterator) else iter(ltens)
    res = first = next(ltens)
    for tens in ltens:
        res = matdot(res, tens)
    if res is first:
        # Always return a writable array, even if len(ltens) == 1.
        res = res.copy()
    return res

#  Helper methods for variational compression  #

示例5: test_glob_common

# 需要导入模块: import collections [as 别名]
# 或者: from collections import Iterator [as 别名]
def test_glob_common(self):
        def _check(glob, expected):
            self.assertEqual(set(glob), { P(BASE, q) for q in expected })
        P = self.cls
        p = P(BASE)
        it = p.glob("fileA")
        self.assertIsInstance(it, collections.Iterator)
        _check(it, ["fileA"])
        _check(p.glob("fileB"), [])
        _check(p.glob("dir*/file*"), ["dirB/fileB", "dirC/fileC"])
        if symlink_skip_reason:
            _check(p.glob("*A"), ['dirA', 'fileA'])
            _check(p.glob("*A"), ['dirA', 'fileA', 'linkA'])
        if symlink_skip_reason:
            _check(p.glob("*B/*"), ['dirB/fileB'])
            _check(p.glob("*B/*"), ['dirB/fileB', 'dirB/linkD',
                                    'linkB/fileB', 'linkB/linkD'])
        if symlink_skip_reason:
            _check(p.glob("*/fileB"), ['dirB/fileB'])
            _check(p.glob("*/fileB"), ['dirB/fileB', 'linkB/fileB']) 

示例6: test_rglob_common

# 需要导入模块: import collections [as 别名]
# 或者: from collections import Iterator [as 别名]
def test_rglob_common(self):
        def _check(glob, expected):
            self.assertEqual(set(glob), { P(BASE, q) for q in expected })
        P = self.cls
        p = P(BASE)
        it = p.rglob("fileA")
        self.assertIsInstance(it, collections.Iterator)
        # XXX cannot test because of symlink loops in the test setup
        #_check(it, ["fileA"])
        #_check(p.rglob("fileB"), ["dirB/fileB"])
        #_check(p.rglob("*/fileA"), [""])
        #_check(p.rglob("*/fileB"), ["dirB/fileB"])
        #_check(p.rglob("file*"), ["fileA", "dirB/fileB"])
        # No symlink loops here
        p = P(BASE, "dirC")
        _check(p.rglob("file*"), ["dirC/fileC", "dirC/dirD/fileD"])
        _check(p.rglob("*/*"), ["dirC/dirD/fileD"]) 

示例7: test_rglob_common

# 需要导入模块: import collections [as 别名]
# 或者: from collections import Iterator [as 别名]
def test_rglob_common(self):
        def _check(glob, expected):
            self.assertEqual(set(glob), { P(BASE, q) for q in expected })
        P = self.cls
        p = P(BASE)
        it = p.rglob("fileA")
        self.assertIsInstance(it, collections.Iterator)
        _check(it, ["fileA"])
        _check(p.rglob("fileB"), ["dirB/fileB"])
        _check(p.rglob("*/fileA"), [])
        if symlink_skip_reason:
            _check(p.rglob("*/fileB"), ["dirB/fileB"])
            _check(p.rglob("*/fileB"), ["dirB/fileB", "dirB/linkD/fileB",
                                        "linkB/fileB", "dirA/linkC/fileB"])
        _check(p.rglob("file*"), ["fileA", "dirB/fileB",
                                  "dirC/fileC", "dirC/dirD/fileD"])
        p = P(BASE, "dirC")
        _check(p.rglob("file*"), ["dirC/fileC", "dirC/dirD/fileD"])
        _check(p.rglob("*/*"), ["dirC/dirD/fileD"]) 

示例8: testIsIterator

# 需要导入模块: import collections [as 别名]
# 或者: from collections import Iterator [as 别名]
def testIsIterator():
    print(isinstance([], Iterable))
    print(isinstance({}, Iterable))
    print(isinstance((1, 2, 3), Iterable))
    print(isinstance(set([1, 2, 3]), Iterable))
    print(isinstance("string", Iterable))
    print(isinstance(gen, Iterable))
    print(isinstance(fibonacci(10), Iterable))
    print(isinstance([], Iterator))
    print(isinstance({}, Iterator))
    print(isinstance((1, 2, 3), Iterator))
    print(isinstance(set([1, 2, 3]), Iterator))
    print(isinstance("string", Iterator))
    print(isinstance(gen, Iterator))
    print(isinstance(fibonacci(10), Iterator)) 

示例9: _prepare_data

# 需要导入模块: import collections [as 别名]
# 或者: from collections import Iterator [as 别名]
def _prepare_data(self, data):
        Prepare data for addition to the tree. If the data is a list or tuple,
        it is expected to be of the form (obj, lookup_type, value), where obj
        is a Constraint object, and is then slightly munged before being
        stored (to avoid storing any reference to field objects). Otherwise,
        the 'data' is stored unchanged and can be any class with an 'as_sql()'
        if not isinstance(data, (list, tuple)):
            return data
        obj, lookup_type, value = data
        if isinstance(value, collections.Iterator):
            # Consume any generators immediately, so that we can determine
            # emptiness and transform any non-empty values correctly.
            value = list(value)

        # The "value_annotation" parameter is used to pass auxiliary information
        # about the value(s) to the query construction. Specifically, datetime
        # and empty values need special handling. Other types could be used
        # here in the future (using Python types is suggested for consistency).
        if (isinstance(value, datetime.datetime)
                or (isinstance(obj.field, DateTimeField) and lookup_type != 'isnull')):
            value_annotation = datetime.datetime
        elif hasattr(value, 'value_annotation'):
            value_annotation = value.value_annotation
            value_annotation = bool(value)

        if hasattr(obj, 'prepare'):
            value = obj.prepare(lookup_type, value)
        return (obj, lookup_type, value_annotation, value) 

示例10: _get_choices

# 需要导入模块: import collections [as 别名]
# 或者: from collections import Iterator [as 别名]
def _get_choices(self):
        if isinstance(self._choices, collections.Iterator):
            choices, self._choices = tee(self._choices)
            return choices
            return self._choices 

示例11: test_Iterator

# 需要导入模块: import collections [as 别名]
# 或者: from collections import Iterator [as 别名]
def test_Iterator(self):
        non_samples = [None, 42, 3.14, 1j, "".encode('ascii'), "", (), [],
            {}, set()]
        for x in non_samples:
            self.assertNotIsInstance(x, Iterator)
            self.assertFalse(issubclass(type(x), Iterator), repr(type(x)))
        samples = [iter(str()),
                   iter(tuple()), iter(list()), iter(dict()),
                   iter(set()), iter(frozenset()),
                   iter(dict().keys()), iter(dict().items()),
                   (lambda: (yield))(),
                   (x for x in []),
        for x in samples:
            self.assertIsInstance(x, Iterator)
            self.assertTrue(issubclass(type(x), Iterator), repr(type(x)))
        self.validate_abstract_methods(Iterator, 'next', '__iter__')

        # Issue 10565
        class NextOnly:
            def __next__(self):
                yield 1
                raise StopIteration
        self.assertNotIsInstance(NextOnly(), Iterator)
        class NextOnlyNew(object):
            def __next__(self):
                yield 1
                raise StopIteration
        self.assertNotIsInstance(NextOnlyNew(), Iterator) 

示例12: test_direct_subclassing

# 需要导入模块: import collections [as 别名]
# 或者: from collections import Iterator [as 别名]
def test_direct_subclassing(self):
        for B in Hashable, Iterable, Iterator, Sized, Container, Callable:
            class C(B):
            self.assertTrue(issubclass(C, B))
            self.assertFalse(issubclass(int, C)) 

示例13: test_registration

# 需要导入模块: import collections [as 别名]
# 或者: from collections import Iterator [as 别名]
def test_registration(self):
        for B in Hashable, Iterable, Iterator, Sized, Container, Callable:
            class C:
                __metaclass__ = type
                __hash__ = None  # Make sure it isn't hashable by default
            self.assertFalse(issubclass(C, B), B.__name__)
            self.assertTrue(issubclass(C, B)) 

示例14: test_iter

# 需要导入模块: import collections [as 别名]
# 或者: from collections import Iterator [as 别名]
def test_iter(self):
        self.assertIsInstance(languages, collections.Iterable)
        self.assertIsInstance(iter(languages), collections.Iterator) 

示例15: testMyIteratableObj

# 需要导入模块: import collections [as 别名]
# 或者: from collections import Iterator [as 别名]
def testMyIteratableObj():
    myList = MyList()
    print("iterator是迭代器:%s" % isinstance(iter(myList), Iterator))

    print("myList是可迭代的对象:%s" % isinstance(myList, Iterable))

    for temp in myList:
