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Python cache.get方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中cache.get方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python cache.get方法的具体用法?Python cache.get怎么用?Python cache.get使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在cache的用法示例。


示例1: get_answer_language_and_view

# 需要导入模块: import cache [as 别名]
# 或者: from cache import get [as 别名]
def get_answer_language_and_view(request):
    Return preferred answer language based on
    domain name, query arguments and headers

    lang = None
    view_name = None
    hostname = request.headers['Host']
    if hostname != 'wttr.in' and hostname.endswith('.wttr.in'):
        lang = hostname[:-8]
        if lang.startswith("v2"):
            view_name = lang
            lang = None

    if 'lang' in request.args:
        lang = request.args.get('lang')
        if lang.lower() == 'none':
            lang = None

    header_accept_language = request.headers.get('Accept-Language', '')
    if lang is None and header_accept_language:
        lang = _parse_language_header(header_accept_language)

    return lang, view_name 

示例2: get_output_format

# 需要导入模块: import cache [as 别名]
# 或者: from cache import get [as 别名]
def get_output_format(query, parsed_query):
    Return preferred output format: ansi, text, html or png
    based on arguments and headers in `request`.
    Return new location (can be rewritten)

    if ('view' in query and not query["view"].startswith("v2")) \
        or parsed_query.get("png_filename") \
        or query.get('force-ansi'):
        return False

    user_agent = parsed_query.get("user_agent", "").lower()
    html_output = not any(agent in user_agent for agent in PLAIN_TEXT_AGENTS)
    return html_output 

示例3: agent

# 需要导入模块: import cache [as 别名]
# 或者: from cache import get [as 别名]
def agent():
    return cache.get(randomagent, 1) 

示例4: get_list

# 需要导入模块: import cache [as 别名]
# 或者: from cache import get [as 别名]
def get_list(self, mode, type, url, title_pattern, url_pattern, icon_pattern=None, site=None, d_p1=None, d_p2=None, d_p3=None, parse=None, cache_time=None,searched=False,stopend=False, isVideo=False, isDownloadable = False):

        if cache_time: r = cache.get(client.request,cache_time,url)
        else: r = client.request(url)

        if 're|' in d_p3:
            d_p3 = d_p3.replace('re|','')
            r = dom_parser2.parse_dom(r, d_p1, {d_p2: re.compile('%s' % d_p3)})
        else: r = dom_parser2.parse_dom(r, d_p1, {d_p2: d_p3})

        if r:
            dirlst = []
            for i in r:
                    name = re.findall(r'%s' % title_pattern,i.content)[0]
                    name = kodi.sortX(i[1].encode('utf-8'))
                    url = re.findall(r'%s' % url_pattern,i.content)[0]
                    if icon_pattern:
                        iconimage = re.findall(r'%s' % icon_pattern,i.content)[0]
                    elif site: iconimage = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join('special://home/addons/script.xxxodus.artwork', 'resources/art/%s/icon.png' % site))
                    else: iconimage = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join('special://home/addons/' + kodi.get_id(), 'icon.png'))
                    fanarts = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join('special://home/addons/script.xxxodus.artwork', 'resources/art/%s/fanart.jpg' % site))
                    if parse: 
                        link,tag = parse.split('|SPLIT|')
                        if tag == 'url': 
                            url = urlparse.urljoin(link,url)
                        elif tag == 'icon': 
                            iconimage = urlparse.urljoin(link,iconimage)
                            url = urlparse.urljoin(link,url)
                            iconimage = urlparse.urljoin(link,iconimage)
                    if site: url += '|SPLIT|' + site        
                    if type == 'dir': dirlst.append({'name': kodi.giveColor(name,'white'), 'url': url, 'mode': mode, 'icon': iconimage, 'fanart': fanarts, 'description': name, 'folder': True})
                    else: dirlst.append({'name': kodi.giveColor(name,'white'), 'url': url, 'mode': mode, 'icon': iconimage, 'fanart': fanarts, 'description': name, 'folder': False})

            if dirlst: 
                if stopend: buildDirectory(dirlst, stopend=True, isVideo=isVideo, isDownloadable=isDownloadable)
                else: buildDirectory(dirlst, isVideo=isVideo, isDownloadable=isDownloadable) 

示例5: _language_name

# 需要导入模块: import cache [as 别名]
# 或者: from cache import get [as 别名]
def _language_name(name):
    return VIM_NAME.get(name, name) 

示例6: beautify

# 需要导入模块: import cache [as 别名]
# 或者: from cache import get [as 别名]
def beautify(text, lang, options):
    Process input `text` according to the specified `mode`.
    Adds comments if needed, according to the `lang` rules.
    Caches the results.
    The whole work (except caching) is done by _beautify().

    options = options or {}
    beauty_options = dict((k, v) for k, v in options.items() if k in
                          ['add_comments', 'remove_text'])

    mode = ''
    if beauty_options.get('add_comments'):
        mode += 'c'
    if beauty_options.get('remove_text'):
        mode += 'q'

    if beauty_options == {}:
        # if mode is unknown, just don't transform the text at all
        return text

    text = text.encode('utf-8')
    digest = "t:%s:%s:%s" % (hashlib.md5(text).hexdigest(), lang, mode)

    # temporary added line that removes invalid cache entries
    # that used wrong commenting methods
    if lang in ["git", "django", "flask", "cmake"]:

    answer = cache.get(digest)
    if answer:
        return answer
    answer = _beautify(text, lang, **beauty_options)
    cache.put(digest, answer)

    return answer 

示例7: last_query

# 需要导入模块: import cache [as 别名]
# 或者: from cache import get [as 别名]
def last_query(client_id):
    Return the last query for the client `client_id`
    return cache.get("l:%s" % client_id) 

示例8: _response

# 需要导入模块: import cache [as 别名]
# 或者: from cache import get [as 别名]
def _response(parsed_query, query, fast_mode=False):
    """Create response text based on `parsed_query` and `query` data.
    If `fast_mode` is True, process only requests that can
    be handled very fast (cached and static files).

    answer = None
    cache_signature = cache.get_signature(
    answer = cache.get(cache_signature)

    if parsed_query['orig_location'] in PLAIN_TEXT_PAGES:
        answer = show_text_file(parsed_query['orig_location'], parsed_query['lang'])
        if parsed_query['html_output']:
            answer = render_template('index.html', body=answer)

    if answer or fast_mode:
        return answer

    # at this point, we could not handle the query fast,
    # so we handle it with all available logic
    loc = (parsed_query['orig_location'] or "").lower()
    if parsed_query.get("view"):
        output = wttr_line(query, parsed_query)
    elif loc == 'moon' or loc.startswith('moon@'):
        output = get_moon(parsed_query)
        output = get_wetter(parsed_query)

    if parsed_query.get('png_filename'):
        # originally it was just a usual function call,
        # but it was a blocking call, so it was moved
        # to separate threads:
        #    output = fmt.png.render_ansi(
        #        output, options=parsed_query)
        result = TASKS.spawn(fmt.png.render_ansi, cache._update_answer(output), options=parsed_query)
        output = result.get()
        if query.get('days', '3') != '0' \
            and not query.get('no-follow-line') \
            and ((parsed_query.get("view") or "v2")[:2] in ["v2"]):
            if parsed_query['html_output']:
                output = add_buttons(output)
                message = get_message('FOLLOW_ME', parsed_query['lang'])
                if parsed_query.get('no-terminal', False):
                    message = remove_ansi(message)
                output += '\n' + message + '\n'

    return cache.store(cache_signature, output) 

示例9: get_answer_dict

# 需要导入模块: import cache [as 别名]
# 或者: from cache import get [as 别名]
def get_answer_dict(self, topic, request_options=None):
        Find cheat sheet for the topic.

            `topic` (str):    the name of the topic of the cheat sheet

            answer_dict:      the answer dictionary

        topic_type = self.get_topic_type(topic)

        # 'question' queries are pretty expensive, that's why they should be handled
        # in a special way:
        # we do not drop the old style cache entries and try to reuse them if possible
        if topic_type == 'question':
            answer = cache.get('q:' + topic)
            if answer:
                if isinstance(answer, dict):
                    return answer
                return {
                    'topic': topic,
                    'topic_type': 'question',
                    'answer': answer,
                    'format': 'text+code',

            answer = self._get_page_dict(topic, topic_type, request_options=request_options)
            cache.put('q:' + topic, answer)
            return answer

        # Try to find cacheable queries in the cache.
        # If answer was not found in the cache, resolve it in a normal way and save in the cache
        cache_needed = self._adapter[topic_type].is_cache_needed()
        if cache_needed:
            answer = cache.get(topic)
            if not isinstance(answer, dict):
                answer = None
            if answer:
                return answer

        answer = self._get_page_dict(topic, topic_type, request_options=request_options)
        if isinstance(answer, dict):
            if "cache" in answer:
                cache_needed = answer["cache"]

        if cache_needed and answer:
            cache.put(topic, answer)
        return answer

# pylint: disable=invalid-name 
