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Python cStringIO.InputType方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中cStringIO.InputType方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python cStringIO.InputType方法的具体用法?Python cStringIO.InputType怎么用?Python cStringIO.InputType使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在cStringIO的用法示例。


示例1: pickleStringI

# 需要导入模块: import cStringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from cStringIO import InputType [as 别名]
def pickleStringI(stringi):
    Reduce the given cStringI.

    This is only called on Python 2, because the cStringIO module only exists
    on Python 2.

    @param stringi: The string input to pickle.
    @type stringi: L{cStringIO.InputType}

    @return: a 2-tuple of (C{unpickleStringI}, (bytes, pointer))
    @rtype: 2-tuple of (function, (bytes, int))
    return unpickleStringI, (stringi.getvalue(), stringi.tell()) 

示例2: test_Py2_StringIO_module

# 需要导入模块: import cStringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from cStringIO import InputType [as 别名]
def test_Py2_StringIO_module(self):
        This requires that the argument to io.StringIO be made a
        unicode string explicitly if we're not using unicode_literals:

        Ideally, there would be a fixer for this. For now:

        TODO: add the Py3 equivalent for this to the docs. Also add back
        a test for the unicode_literals case.
        before = """
        import cStringIO
        import StringIO
        s1 = cStringIO.StringIO('my string')
        s2 = StringIO.StringIO('my other string')
        assert isinstance(s1, cStringIO.InputType)

        # There is no io.InputType in Python 3. futurize should change this to
        # something like this. But note that the input to io.StringIO
        # must be a unicode string on both Py2 and Py3.
        after = """
        import io
        import io
        s1 = io.StringIO(u'my string')
        s2 = io.StringIO(u'my other string')
        assert isinstance(s1, io.StringIO)
        self.convert_check(before, after) 

示例3: isIOBase

# 需要导入模块: import cStringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from cStringIO import InputType [as 别名]
def isIOBase(obj):
        return isinstance(obj, file) or isinstance(obj, StringIO) or isinstance(obj, InputType) 

示例4: ioType

# 需要导入模块: import cStringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from cStringIO import InputType [as 别名]
def ioType(fileIshObject, default=unicode):
    Determine the type which will be returned from the given file object's
    read() and accepted by its write() method as an argument.

    In other words, determine whether the given file is 'opened in text mode'.

    @param fileIshObject: Any object, but ideally one which resembles a file.
    @type fileIshObject: L{object}

    @param default: A default value to return when the type of C{fileIshObject}
        cannot be determined.
    @type default: L{type}

    @return: There are 3 possible return values:

            1. L{unicode}, if the file is unambiguously opened in text mode.

            2. L{bytes}, if the file is unambiguously opened in binary mode.

            3. L{basestring}, if we are on python 2 (the L{basestring} type
               does not exist on python 3) and the file is opened in binary
               mode, but has an encoding and can therefore accept both bytes
               and text reliably for writing, but will return L{bytes} from
               read methods.

            4. The C{default} parameter, if the given type is not understood.

    @rtype: L{type}
    if isinstance(fileIshObject, TextIOBase):
        # If it's for text I/O, then it's for text I/O.
        return unicode
    if isinstance(fileIshObject, IOBase):
        # If it's for I/O but it's _not_ for text I/O, it's for bytes I/O.
        return bytes
    encoding = getattr(fileIshObject, 'encoding', None)
    import codecs
    if isinstance(fileIshObject, (codecs.StreamReader, codecs.StreamWriter)):
        # On StreamReaderWriter, the 'encoding' attribute has special meaning;
        # it is unambiguously unicode.
        if encoding:
            return unicode
            return bytes
    if not _PY3:
        # Special case: if we have an encoding file, we can *give* it unicode,
        # but we can't expect to *get* unicode.
        if isinstance(fileIshObject, file):
            if encoding is not None:
                return basestring
                return bytes
        from cStringIO import InputType, OutputType
        from StringIO import StringIO
        if isinstance(fileIshObject, (StringIO, InputType, OutputType)):
            return bytes
    return default 
