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Python builtins.round方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中builtins.round方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python builtins.round方法的具体用法?Python builtins.round怎么用?Python builtins.round使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在builtins的用法示例。


示例1: deepdream

# 需要导入模块: import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from builtins import round [as 别名]
def deepdream(image, iter_n=10, octave_n=4, octave_scale=1.4, name="Deep Dream"):
    model = DreamModel(model_path=args.data_dir)
    detail = None
    scales = [octave_scale ** -o for o in reversed(list(range(octave_n)))]

    for o_idx, scale in enumerate(scales):
        octave_shape = (
            3, round(image.shape[1] * scale), round(image.shape[2] * scale))
        octave_base = zoom_to(image.as_tensor(), octave_shape)
        detail = np.zeros_like(octave_base) if detail is None else zoom_to(
            detail, octave_shape)

        dream = DeepImage(octave_base + detail)

        for i in range(iter_n):
            ofile = get_numbered_file(args.dream_file, o_idx * iter_n + i)

        detail = dream.as_tensor() - octave_base

    return dream 

示例2: memory_efficiency

# 需要导入模块: import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from builtins import round [as 别名]
def memory_efficiency(self):
        mem = 100
        if self.memory_footprint() > 0:
            mem = round(float(self.memory_usage()) / float(self.memory_footprint()) * 100)
            mem = int(mem)
        return mem 

示例3: test_numericalValues

# 需要导入模块: import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from builtins import round [as 别名]
def test_numericalValues(self, model, index, value, dtype, precision):
        dataFrame = pandas.DataFrame([value], columns=['A'])
        dataFrame['A'] = dataFrame['A'].astype(dtype)
        assert not model.dataFrame().empty
        assert model.dataFrame() is dataFrame

        assert index.isValid()

        newValue = value + 1
        assert model.setData(index, newValue)

        if precision:
            modelValue = model.data(index, role=Qt.DisplayRole)
            #assert abs(decimal.Decimal(str(modelValue)).as_tuple().exponent) == precision
            assert model.data(index) == round(newValue, precision)
            assert model.data(index, role=Qt.DisplayRole) == round(newValue, precision)
            assert model.data(index, role=Qt.EditRole) == round(newValue, precision)
            assert model.data(index) == newValue
            assert model.data(index, role=Qt.DisplayRole) == newValue
            assert model.data(index, role=Qt.EditRole) == newValue
        assert model.data(index, role=Qt.CheckStateRole) == None
        assert isinstance(model.data(index, role=DATAFRAME_ROLE), dtype)
        assert model.data(index, role=DATAFRAME_ROLE).dtype == dtype 

示例4: round

# 需要导入模块: import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from builtins import round [as 别名]
def round(number, *args):
    '''Replacement for the built-in
    :func:`round() <python:round>` function.'''
    return builtins.round(number, *args) 

示例5: round

# 需要导入模块: import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from builtins import round [as 别名]
def round(num, prec=None):
    if 0 < prec < 1:
        return round(num, -int(rmath.log10(prec)))
    if type(num) == complex:
        return complex(round(num.real, prec), round(num.imag, prec))
    if prec:
        return builtins.round(num, int(prec))
    return builtins.round(num) 

示例6: gradient

# 需要导入模块: import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from builtins import round [as 别名]
def gradient(func, x, h=1e-7):
    result = (func(x + h) - func(x - h)) / (2 * h)
    if h < 1:
        result = round(result, h)
    return result 

示例7: round_to

# 需要导入模块: import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from builtins import round [as 别名]
def round_to(self, base):
        r"""Round to a specific base (like it's required for a grid)

        :param base: base we want to round to
        :return: rounded point

        >>> from KicadModTree import *
        >>> Vector2D(0.1234, 0.5678).round_to(0.01)
        if base == 0 or base is None:
            return self.__copy__()

        return Vector2D([round(v / base) * base for v in self]) 

示例8: quantize

# 需要导入模块: import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from builtins import round [as 别名]
def quantize(number, digits=0, q=builtins.round):
    Quantize to somewhere in between a magnitude.

    For example:

        * ceil(55.25, 1.2) => 55.26
        * floor(55.25, 1.2) => 55.24
        * round(55.3333, 2.5) => 55.335
        * round(12.345, 1.1) == round(12.345, 2) == 12.34

    base, fraction = split(digits)

    # quantization beyond an order of magnitude results in a variable amount
    # of decimal digits depending on the lowest common multiple,
    # e.g. floor(1.2341234, 1.25) = 1.225 but floor(1.2341234, 1.5) = 1.20
    if fraction * 10 % 1 > 0:
        digits = base + 2
        digits = base + 1

    multiplier = 10 ** base * invert(fraction, default=1)
    quantized = q(number * multiplier) / multiplier

    # additional rounding step to get rid of floating point math wonkiness
    return builtins.round(quantized, digits) 

示例9: conv_dec_gms

# 需要导入模块: import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from builtins import round [as 别名]
def conv_dec_gms(self, base_coord, coord_spacing, u, neg_character, pos_character):
        xbase = base_coord + coord_spacing*u
        x = abs(xbase)
        xdeg = floor(round(x,4))
        xmin = floor(round(((x - xdeg)*60),4))
        xseg = floor(round(((x - xdeg - xmin/60)*60),4))
        if xbase < 0:
            xhem = neg_character
            xhem = pos_character
        conv_exp_str = '\'' + str(xdeg).rjust(2,'0') + 'º ' + str(xmin).rjust(2,'0') + str('\\') + str('\' ') + str(xseg).rjust(2,'0') + '"\'' + '+\' ' + str(xhem) + '\''

        return conv_exp_str 

示例10: compound_bprop_bn

# 需要导入模块: import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from builtins import round [as 别名]
def compound_bprop_bn(self, delta_out, grad_gamma, grad_beta, delta_in,
                          x, xsum, xvar, gamma, eps, threads=None,
                          repeat=1, binary=False, layer=None):
        Function to perform batch normalization forward pass.

            delta_out (Tensor): Delta buffer (where to write the output deltas)
            grad_gamma (Tensor): Gradient w.r.t. gamma
            grad_beta (Tensor): Gradient w.r.t. beta
            delta_in (Tensor): Delta buffer (where to get the input deltas)
            x (Tensor): feedforward input
            xsum (Tensor): Batch sum over PQN dimension
            xvar (Tensor): Batch variance
            gamma (Tensor): scale parameter
            eps (float): constant for numerical stability
            threads (int): Number of GPU threads
            repeat (int): Repeats for benchmarking
            binary (bool): Binary shift based computations
        assert xsum.dtype.type is np.float32, "xsum should be fp32"

        K = int(x.shape[0])
        N = int(x.shape[1])

        if threads is None:
            if N <= 8192:
                threads = 1 << max(5, int(round(log(N, 2))) - 3)
                threads = 128 if K < 192 else 64

        params = [(K, 1, 1), (threads, 1, 1), x.backend.stream,
                  delta_out.gpudata, grad_gamma.gpudata, grad_beta.gpudata, delta_in.gpudata,
                  x.gpudata, xsum.gpudata, xvar.gpudata, gamma.gpudata, eps, N, binary]

        from neon.backends.float_ew import _get_bn_bprop_kernel

        kernel = _get_bn_bprop_kernel(x.dtype.str[1:], threads, self.compute_capability)

        self._execute_bn(kernel, params, repeat, x.nbytes * 4, N) 

示例11: fprop_roipooling_ref

# 需要导入模块: import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from builtins import round [as 别名]
def fprop_roipooling_ref(fm, rois, fm_channel, fm_height, fm_width, bsz, rois_per_image, H, W):

    feature_maps = fm.reshape(fm_channel, fm_height, fm_width, bsz)
    rois_per_batch = rois_per_image * bsz
    outputs = np.zeros((fm_channel, H, W, rois_per_batch))

    # combine the feature map with ROIs
    for b_id in range(rois_per_batch):
        [idx, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] = rois[b_id]
        xmin = int(round(xmin * spatial_scale))
        xmax = int(round(xmax * spatial_scale))
        ymin = int(round(ymin * spatial_scale))
        ymax = int(round(ymax * spatial_scale))
        roi_width = max(xmax - xmin + 1, 1)
        roi_height = max(ymax - ymin + 1, 1)

        stride_h = float(roi_height) / H
        stride_w = float(roi_width) / W

        for h_out in range(H):
            sliceh, _ = _fprop_slice_np(h_out, stride_h, fm_height, ymin)
            if sliceh.stop <= sliceh.start:
            for w_out in range(W):
                slicew, _ = _fprop_slice_np(w_out, stride_w, fm_width, xmin)
                if slicew.stop <= slicew.start:
                    array_I = feature_maps[:, sliceh, slicew, int(idx)].reshape(
                        fm_channel, -1)
                    outputs[:, h_out, w_out, b_id] = np.max(array_I, axis=1)

    return outputs.reshape(-1, rois_per_batch) 

示例12: to_gds

# 需要导入模块: import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from builtins import round [as 别名]
def to_gds(self, outfile, multiplier):
        Convert this object to a GDSII element.

        outfile : open file
            Output to write the GDSII.
        multiplier : number
            A number that multiplies all dimensions written in the GDSII
        if isinstance(self.ref_cell, Cell):
            name = self.ref_cell.name
            name = self.ref_cell
        if len(name) % 2 != 0:
            name = name + "\0"
        outfile.write(struct.pack(">4H", 4, 0x0A00, 4 + len(name), 0x1206))
        if (
            (self.rotation is not None)
            or (self.magnification is not None)
            or self.x_reflection
            word = 0
            values = b""
            if self.x_reflection:
                word += 0x8000
            if not (self.magnification is None):
                # This flag indicates that the magnification is absolute, not
                # relative (not supported).
                # word += 0x0004
                values += struct.pack(">2H", 12, 0x1B05) + _eight_byte_real(
            if not (self.rotation is None):
                # This flag indicates that the rotation is absolute, not
                # relative (not supported).
                # word += 0x0002
                values += struct.pack(">2H", 12, 0x1C05) + _eight_byte_real(
            outfile.write(struct.pack(">3H", 6, 0x1A01, word))
                int(round(self.origin[0] * multiplier)),
                int(round(self.origin[1] * multiplier)),

示例13: compound_fprop_bn

# 需要导入模块: import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from builtins import round [as 别名]
def compound_fprop_bn(self, x, xsum, xvar, gmean, gvar, gamma, beta, y, eps, rho, compute_batch_sum,
                          accumbeta=0.0, relu=False, threads=None, repeat=1,
                          binary=False, inference=False, outputs=None, layer=None):
        Function to perform compound kernel call for batch normalization
        forward pass.

            x (Tensor): Input from previous layer
            xsum (Tensor): Precomputed batch sum over PQN dimension
            xvar (Tensor): Buffer for variance (computed in kernel)
            gmean (Tensor): global mean ()
            gvar (Tensor): global variance
            gamma (Tensor): scale parameter
            beta (Tensor): location parameter
            y (Tensor): normalized output
            eps (float): constant for numerical stability
            rho (float): exponential window averaging constant
            accumbeta (float): value to scale output by before accumulating
            relu (bool): Compound ReLU activation in kernel
            threads (int): Number of GPU threads
            repeat (int): Repeats for benchmarking
            binary (bool): Binary shift based computations
        assert xsum.dtype.type is np.float32

        if inference:
            xhat = (x - gmean) / self.sqrt(gvar + eps)  # Op-tree only
            y[:] = y * accumbeta + xhat * gamma + beta

        if compute_batch_sum:
            xsum[:] = self.sum(x, axis=1)

        K = int(x.shape[0])
        N = int(x.shape[1])

        if threads is None:
            if N <= 8192:
                threads = 1 << max(5, int(round(log(N, 2))) - 3)
                occup = K / (128.0 * _get_sm_count())
                for t in (32, 64, 128, 256, 512):
                    if occup * t > 5.0:
                        threads = t
        if threads is None:
            threads = 1024

        params = [(K, 1, 1), (threads, 1, 1), x.backend.stream,
                  y.gpudata, xvar.gpudata, gmean.gpudata, gvar.gpudata,
                  x.gpudata, xsum.gpudata, gmean.gpudata, gvar.gpudata,
                  gamma.gpudata, beta.gpudata, eps, rho, accumbeta, N,
                  relu, binary]

        from neon.backends.float_ew import _get_bn_fprop_kernel

        kernel = _get_bn_fprop_kernel(x.dtype.str[1:], threads, self.compute_capability)

        self._execute_bn(kernel, params, repeat, x.nbytes * 2, N) 

示例14: roipooling_fprop

# 需要导入模块: import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from builtins import round [as 别名]
def roipooling_fprop(self, I, rois, O, argmax, roi_count, C, H, W,
                         pooled_height, pooled_width, spatial_scale):
        Function to perform fprop of ROIPooling

            I (Tensor): (C, H, W, N)
            rois (Tensor): (ROIs, 5)
            O (Tensor): (C, pooled_height, pooled_width, roi_count)
            argmax (Tensor): (C, pooled_height, pooled_width, roi_count)
        assert I.size == C * H * W * self.bsz,\
            "ROIPooling input feature map size do not match"
        assert O.size == argmax.size == C * pooled_height * pooled_width * roi_count,\
            "ROIPooling output shape do not match"

        assert rois.shape[1] == 5, "ROIs should be on the row dimension"
        assert rois.shape[0] == roi_count, "ROIs do not match with roi count"

        array_fm = I._tensor.reshape(C, H, W, self.bsz)
        array_rois = rois._tensor
        array_O = O._tensor.reshape(C, pooled_height, pooled_width, roi_count)

        array_argmax = argmax._tensor.reshape(C, pooled_height, pooled_width, roi_count)
        array_O[:] = 0
        array_argmax[:] = -1

        # combine the feature map with ROIs
        for b_id in xrange(roi_count):
            [idx, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] = array_rois[b_id]
            xmin = int(round(xmin * spatial_scale))
            xmax = int(round(xmax * spatial_scale))
            ymin = int(round(ymin * spatial_scale))
            ymax = int(round(ymax * spatial_scale))
            roi_width = max(xmax - xmin + 1, 1)
            roi_height = max(ymax - ymin + 1, 1)

            stride_h = float(roi_height) / float(pooled_height)
            stride_w = float(roi_width) / float(pooled_width)

            for h_out in xrange(pooled_height):
                sliceh, lenh = self._roipooling_slice(h_out, stride_h, H, ymin)
                if sliceh.stop <= sliceh.start:
                for w_out in xrange(pooled_width):
                    slicew, lenw = self._roipooling_slice(w_out, stride_w, W, xmin)
                    if slicew.stop <= slicew.start:
                        array_I = array_fm[:, sliceh, slicew, int(idx)].reshape(C, -1)
                        array_O[:, h_out, w_out, b_id] = np.max(array_I, axis=1)

                        # get the max idx respect to feature_maps coordinates
                        max_idx_slice = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(array_I, axis=1), (lenh, lenw))
                        max_idx_slice_h = max_idx_slice[0] + sliceh.start
                        max_idx_slice_w = max_idx_slice[1] + slicew.start
                        max_idx_slice = max_idx_slice_h * W + max_idx_slice_w
                        array_argmax[:, h_out, w_out, b_id] = max_idx_slice 

示例15: roipooling_bprop

# 需要导入模块: import builtins [as 别名]
# 或者: from builtins import round [as 别名]
def roipooling_bprop(self, I, rois, O, argmax, roi_count, C, H, W,
                         pooled_height, pooled_width, spatial_scale):
        Function to perform bprop of ROIPooling.

            I (Tensor): input errors (C, pooled_height, pooled_width, roi_count)
            argmax (Tensor): max args from the fprp (C, pooled_height, pooled_width, roi_count)
            rois (Tensor): (ROIs, 5)
            O (Tensor): output deltas (C, H, W, N)
        assert I.size == argmax.size == C * pooled_height * pooled_width * roi_count,\
            "ROIPooling bprop input size do not match"
        assert O.size == C * H * W * self.bsz,\
            "ROIPooling bprop output size do not match"

        assert rois.shape[1] == 5, "ROIs should be on the row dimension"
        assert rois.shape[0] == roi_count, "ROIs do not match with roi count"

        array_E = I._tensor.reshape(C, pooled_height, pooled_width, roi_count)
        array_rois = rois._tensor
        array_delta = O._tensor.reshape(C, H, W, self.bsz)
        array_argmax = argmax._tensor.reshape(C, pooled_height, pooled_width, roi_count)
        array_delta[:] = 0

        for b_id in xrange(roi_count):
            [idx, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] = array_rois[b_id]
            xmin = int(round(xmin * spatial_scale))
            xmax = int(round(xmax * spatial_scale))
            ymin = int(round(ymin * spatial_scale))
            ymax = int(round(ymax * spatial_scale))
            roi_width = max(xmax - xmin + 1, 1)
            roi_height = max(ymax - ymin + 1, 1)

            stride_h = float(roi_height) / float(pooled_height)
            stride_w = float(roi_width) / float(pooled_width)

            # iterate all the w, h (from feature map) that fall into this ROIs
            for w in range(xmin, xmax + 1):
                for h in range(ymin, ymax + 1):
                    phstart = int(np.floor(float(h - ymin) / stride_h))
                    phend = int(np.ceil(float(h - ymin + 1) / stride_h))
                    pwstart = int(np.floor(float(w - xmin) / stride_w))
                    pwend = int(np.ceil(float(w - xmin + 1) / stride_w))

                    phstart = min(max(phstart, 0), pooled_height)
                    phend = min(max(phend, 0), pooled_height)
                    pwstart = min(max(pwstart, 0), pooled_width)
                    pwend = min(max(pwend, 0), pooled_width)

                    for ph in range(phstart, phend):
                        for pw in range(pwstart, pwend):
                            max_idx_tmp = array_argmax[:, ph, pw, b_id]
                            for c in range(C):
                                if max_idx_tmp[c] == (h * W + w):
                                    array_delta[c, h, w, int(idx)] += array_E[c, ph, pw, b_id] 
