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Python bpy.path方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中bpy.path方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python bpy.path方法的具体用法?Python bpy.path怎么用?Python bpy.path使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在bpy的用法示例。


示例1: path_relative_to_export

# 需要导入模块: import bpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from bpy import path [as 别名]
def path_relative_to_export(p):
    """Return a path that is relative to the export path"""
    global export_path
    p = filesystem_path(p)
    ep = os.path.dirname(export_path)

    if os.sys.platform[:3] == "win":
        # Prevent an error whereby python thinks C: and c: are different drives
        if p[1] == ':': p = p[0].lower() + p[1:]
        if ep[1] == ':': ep = ep[0].lower() + ep[1:]

        relp = os.path.relpath(p, ep)
    except ValueError: # path on different drive on windows
        relp = p

    return relp.replace('\\', '/') 

示例2: pdbdotorg

# 需要导入模块: import bpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from bpy import path [as 别名]
def pdbdotorg(id):
	url1 = str("http://www.pdb.org/pdb/files/"+id+".pdb")
	save1 = str(homePath+"fetched" + os.sep + id +".pdb")
	if opSystem == "linux":
		if not os.path.isdir(quotedPath(homePath+"fetched")):
			os.mkdir(quotedPath(homePath + "fetched"))
	elif opSystem == "darwin":
		if not os.path.isdir(quotedPath(homePath+"fetched")):
			os.mkdir(quotedPath(homePath + "fetched"))
		if not os.path.isdir(r"\\?\\" + homePath+"fetched"):
			os.mkdir(r"\\?\\" + homePath+"fetched")
	# get file from the web
		filename, header = urlretrieve(url1, save1)
		bpy.context.scene.BBImportPath = save1
		importPreview(False, True)
		return filename
		return False 

示例3: new

# 需要导入模块: import bpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from bpy import path [as 别名]
def new(path, name=False, relative = True) :
    path = fs.clean(path)
    # check file
    if fs.isfile(path) == False :
        dprint('Texture image not found')
        return False

    if relative :
        try :
            path = bpy.path.relpath(path)
            path = fs.clean(path)
        except : 
            print('cant turn path into relative one (.blend and img path drive letters ?) ')
    # retrieve paths to image file from existing image slot
    # returns img if paths match
    for img in bpy.data.images :
        if img.filepath != '' :
            if bpy.path.abspath(path) == bpy.path.abspath(fs.clean(img.filepath)) :
                return img

    # create a unique name in image slot
    if name == False : 
        name = bpy.path.basename(path)
    name = bel.bpyname(name,bpy.data.images.keys())

    # finally :
    img = bpy.data.images.load(filepath=path)
    img.name = name
    return img 

示例4: filesystem_path

# 需要导入模块: import bpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from bpy import path [as 别名]
def filesystem_path(p):
    """Resolve a relative Blender path to a real filesystem path"""
    if p.startswith('//'):
        pout = bpy.path.abspath(p)
        pout = os.path.realpath(p)

    return pout.replace('\\', '/')

# TODO: - somehow specify TYPES to get/set from config 

示例5: find_config_value

# 需要导入模块: import bpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from bpy import path [as 别名]
def find_config_value(module, section, key, default):
    """Attempt to find the configuration value specified by string key
    in the specified section of module's configuration file. If it is
    not found, return default.

    global config_paths
    fc = []
    for p in config_paths:
        if os.path.exists(p) and os.path.isdir(p) and os.access(p, os.W_OK):
            fc.append( '/'.join([p, '%s.cfg' % module]))

    if len(fc) < 1:
        print('Cannot find %s config file path' % module)
        return default

    cp = configparser.SafeConfigParser()

    cfg_files = cp.read(fc)
    if len(cfg_files) > 0:
            val = cp.get(section, key)
            if val == 'true':
                return True
            elif val == 'false':
                return False
                return val
            return default
        return default 

示例6: write_config_value

# 需要导入模块: import bpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from bpy import path [as 别名]
def write_config_value(module, section, key, value):
    """Attempt to write the configuration value specified by string key
    in the specified section of module's configuration file.

    global config_paths
    fc = []
    for p in config_paths:
        if os.path.exists(p) and os.path.isdir(p) and os.access(p, os.W_OK):
            fc.append( '/'.join([p, '%s.cfg' % module]))

    if len(fc) < 1:
        raise Exception('Cannot find a writable path to store %s config file' %

    cp = configparser.SafeConfigParser()

    cfg_files = cp.read(fc)

    if not cp.has_section(section):

    if value == True:
        cp.set(section, key, 'true')
    elif value == False:
        cp.set(section, key, 'false')
        cp.set(section, key, value)

    if len(cfg_files) < 1:
        cfg_files = fc


    return True 

示例7: scene_filename

# 需要导入模块: import bpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from bpy import path [as 别名]
def scene_filename():
    """Construct a safe scene filename, using 'untitled' instead of ''"""
    filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(bpy.data.filepath))[0]
    if filename == '':
        filename = 'untitled'
    return bpy.path.clean_name(filename) 

示例8: __exportTexture

# 需要导入模块: import bpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from bpy import path [as 别名]
def __exportTexture(self, filepath):
        if filepath.strip() == '':
            return -1
        # Use bpy.path to resolve '//' in .blend relative filepaths
        filepath = bpy.path.abspath(filepath)
        filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath)
        for i, tex in enumerate(self.__model.textures):
            if os.path.normcase(tex.path) == os.path.normcase(filepath):
                return i
        t = pmx.Texture()
        t.path = filepath
        if not os.path.isfile(t.path):
            logging.warning('  The texture file does not exist: %s', t.path)
        return len(self.__model.textures) - 1 

示例9: core_parseTXT

# 需要导入模块: import bpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from bpy import path [as 别名]
def core_parseTXT(filePath):
	tmpPDBmodelDictionary = {}
	global pdbIDmodelsDictionary
	# Parse text files sequence
	tmpPDBmodelImportOrder = bpy.context.scene.BBImportOrder.split(',')
	for fileName in tmpPDBmodelImportOrder:
		# open each file from the list
		with open(os.path.dirname(filePath)+"/"+fileName.strip(),"r") as f:
			atomCounter = 0
			# force the atom type
			char = C
			# for each line of the file
			for line in f:
				tmpPDBobjectName = bpy.context.scene.BBModelRemark
				key = str(tmpPDBobjectName) + "#" + str(atomCounter).rjust(5, "0")
				line = line.replace('"', "")	# cleanup some unconforming data
				split_line = line.split()
				x = "%8.3f" % float(split_line[0])
				y = "%8.3f" % float(split_line[1])
				z = "%8.3f" % float(split_line[2])
				# a somewhat hackish way to generate a PDB-conformant string for the unified reader to use
				line = PDBString("ATOM                                                                         " + char)
				# insert location in-situ
				line = line.set(30,x)
				line = line.set(38,y)
				line = line.set(46,z)
				tmpPDBmodelDictionary[key] = line
				atomCounter += 1
			(pdbIDmodelsDictionary[pdbID])[0] = tmpPDBmodelDictionary
			tmpPDBmodelDictionary = {}

示例10: exportPDB

# 需要导入模块: import bpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from bpy import path [as 别名]
def exportPDB(path = homePath+"tmp" + os.sep + "tmp.pdb", tag = None, verbose = False, sPid = None):
	print("=============== exporting PDB")
	print("Exporting model '%s' to %s" %(tag, path))
	outPath = abspath(path)
	# Questo e' un singolo PDB, di un singolo MODEL (quello corrente), quindi penso si possa procedere in maniera molto semplice...
	#if not tag:	
	#	for model in modelContainer:
	#		tag = model
	#model = modelContainer[tag]
	#ordered = sorted(model.keys())
	print("=======outPath = " + str(outPath))
	with open(outPath, "w") as outFile:
		for o in bpy.data.objects:
				if((o.bb2_pdbID == sPid) and (o.bb2_objectType=="ATOM")):
					loc = o.location
					info = o.BBInfo
					x = "%8.3f" % loc[0]
					y = "%8.3f" % loc[1]
					z = "%8.3f" % loc[2]
					# convert line to pdbstring class
					line = PDBString(info)
					# clear location column
					line = line.set(30,"                         ")
					# insert new location
					line = line.set(30,x)
					line = line.set(38,y)
					line = line.set(46,z)
					outFile.write (line+"\n")
			except Exception as E:
				str4 = str(E)	# Do nothing...

# Import the surface generated from PyMol 

示例11: exportOBJ

# 需要导入模块: import bpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from bpy import path [as 别名]
def exportOBJ(path):
	vertexData = []		# list of list[3] (wrl vertices data)
	# read wrl file
	with open(path+".wrl") as wrl:
		found = False
		for line in wrl:
			# skip to coord section of the file
			if not found:
				if "coord" in line:
					found = True
			# when in the coord section of the file
				if "]" not in line:
					# convert vertexData from string to a list of float
					entry = line[:-2].split()
					entryFloat = [float(coord) for coord in entry]
					# end document processing

	# write obj file: vertex data
	with open(path+".obj", mode="w") as obj:
		for entry in vertexData:
			out = "v %f %f %f\n" % (entry[0], entry[1], entry[2])

		# face data
		i = 0
		while (i < len(vertexData)):
			out = "f %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d\n" % (i+1,i+1,i+2,i+2,i+3,i+3)
			i = i + 3 

示例12: __copy_textures

# 需要导入模块: import bpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from bpy import path [as 别名]
def __copy_textures(self, output_dir, base_folder=''):
        tex_dir_fallback = os.path.join(output_dir, 'textures')
        tex_dir_preference = bpyutils.addon_preferences('base_texture_folder', '')

        path_set = set() # to prevent overwriting
        tex_copy_list = []
        for texture in self.__model.textures:
            path = texture.path
            tex_dir = output_dir  # restart to the default directory at each loop
            if not os.path.isfile(path):
                logging.warning('*** skipping texture file which does not exist: %s', path)
            dst_name = os.path.basename(path)
            if base_folder:
                dst_name = saferelpath(path, base_folder, strategy='outside')
                if dst_name.startswith('..'):
                    # Check if the texture comes from the preferred folder
                    if tex_dir_preference:
                        dst_name = saferelpath(path, tex_dir_preference, strategy='outside')
                    if dst_name.startswith('..'):
                        # If the code reaches here the texture is somewhere else
                        logging.warning('The texture %s is not inside the base texture folder', path)
                        # Fall back to basename and textures folder
                        dst_name = os.path.basename(path)
                        tex_dir = tex_dir_fallback
                tex_dir = tex_dir_fallback
            dest_path = os.path.join(tex_dir, dst_name)
            if os.path.normcase(path) != os.path.normcase(dest_path): # Only copy if the paths are different
                tex_copy_list.append((texture, path, dest_path))

        for texture, path, dest_path in tex_copy_list:
            counter = 1
            base, ext = os.path.splitext(dest_path)
            while os.path.normcase(dest_path) in path_set:
                dest_path = '%s_%d%s'%(base, counter, ext)
                counter += 1
            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dest_path), exist_ok=True)
            shutil.copyfile(path, dest_path)
            logging.info('Copy file %s --> %s', path, dest_path)
            texture.path = dest_path 

示例13: execute

# 需要导入模块: import bpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from bpy import path [as 别名]
def execute(self, filepath, **args):
        root = args.get('root', None)
        self.__model = pmx.Model()
        self.__model.name = 'test'
        self.__model.name_e = 'test eng'
        self.__model.comment = 'exported by mmd_tools'
        self.__model.comment_e = 'exported by mmd_tools'

        if root is not None:
            self.__model.name = root.mmd_root.name or root.name
            self.__model.name_e = root.mmd_root.name_e
            txt = bpy.data.texts.get(root.mmd_root.comment_text, None)
            if txt:
                self.__model.comment = txt.as_string().replace('\n', '\r\n')
            txt = bpy.data.texts.get(root.mmd_root.comment_e_text, None)
            if txt:
                self.__model.comment_e = txt.as_string().replace('\n', '\r\n')

        self.__armature = args.get('armature', None)
        meshes = sorted(args.get('meshes', []), key=lambda x: x.name)
        rigids = sorted(args.get('rigid_bodies', []), key=lambda x: x.name)
        joints = sorted(args.get('joints', []), key=lambda x: x.name)

        self.__scale = args.get('scale', 1.0)
        self.__disable_specular = args.get('disable_specular', False)
        sort_vertices = args.get('sort_vertices', 'NONE')
        if sort_vertices != 'NONE':
            self.__vertex_order_map = {'method':sort_vertices}

        nameMap = self.__exportBones(meshes)

        mesh_data = [self.__loadMeshData(i, nameMap) for i in meshes]
        self.__exportMeshes(mesh_data, nameMap)
        if args.get('sort_materials', False):

        self.__exportVertexMorphs(mesh_data, root)
        if root is not None:
            self.__exportDisplayItems(root, nameMap)

        rigid_map = self.__exportRigidBodies(rigids, nameMap)
        self.__exportJoints(joints, rigid_map)

        if args.get('copy_textures', False):
            output_dir = os.path.dirname(filepath)
            import_folder = root.get('import_folder', '') if root else ''
            base_folder = bpyutils.addon_preferences('base_texture_folder', '')
            self.__copy_textures(output_dir, import_folder or base_folder)

        pmx.save(filepath, self.__model, add_uv_count=self.__add_uv_count) 

示例14: scenewideSetup

# 需要导入模块: import bpy [as 别名]
# 或者: from bpy import path [as 别名]
def scenewideSetup():
	path = homePath+"tmp" + os.sep + "scenewide.pdb"
	# Actually, this is a custom "exportPDB" function, without instructions which were present in original "setup" function...
	print("=============== exporting PDB")
	print("Exporting scene to: " + str(path))
	outPath = abspath(path)
	print("=======outPath = " + str(outPath))
	i = 1
	with open(outPath, "w") as outFile:
		for o in bpy.data.objects:
					loc = trueSphereOrigin(o)
					info = o.BBInfo
					x = "%8.3f" % loc[0]
					y = "%8.3f" % loc[1]
					z = "%8.3f" % loc[2]
					# convert line to pdbstring class
					line = PDBString(info)
					# Recalculate ATOM id number...
					line = line.set(1,"           ")
					if (i<10):
						tmpString = "ATOM      " + str(i)
					elif(i>9 and i<100):
						tmpString = "ATOM     " + str(i)
					elif(i>99 and i<1000):
						tmpString = "ATOM    " + str(i)
						tmpString = "ATOM   " + str(i)
					line = line.set(0,tmpString)
					# clear location column
					line = line.set(30,"                         ")
					# insert new location
					line = line.set(30,x)
					line = line.set(38,y)
					line = line.set(46,z)
					outFile.write (line+"\n")
					i = i+1
			except Exception as E:
				str4 = str(E)	
				print("An error occured in sceneWideSetup: " + str4)
	print("scenewideSetup is complete!")

# Import the surface generated from PyMol 
