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Python compat.quote方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中botocore.compat.quote方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python compat.quote方法的具体用法?Python compat.quote怎么用?Python compat.quote使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在botocore.compat的用法示例。


示例1: percent_encode

# 需要导入模块: from botocore import compat [as 别名]
# 或者: from botocore.compat import quote [as 别名]
def percent_encode(input_str, safe=SAFE_CHARS):
    """Urlencodes a string.

    Whereas percent_encode_sequence handles taking a dict/sequence and
    producing a percent encoded string, this function deals only with
    taking a string (not a dict/sequence) and percent encoding it.

    If given the binary type, will simply URL encode it. If given the
    text type, will produce the binary type by UTF-8 encoding the
    text. If given something else, will convert it to the text type
    # If its not a binary or text string, make it a text string.
    if not isinstance(input_str, (six.binary_type, six.text_type)):
        input_str = six.text_type(input_str)
    # If it's not bytes, make it bytes by UTF-8 encoding it.
    if not isinstance(input_str, six.binary_type):
        input_str = input_str.encode('utf-8')
    return quote(input_str, safe=safe) 

示例2: percent_encode

# 需要导入模块: from botocore import compat [as 别名]
# 或者: from botocore.compat import quote [as 别名]
def percent_encode(input_str, safe=SAFE_CHARS):
    """Urlencodes a string.

    Whereas percent_encode_sequence handles taking a dict/sequence and
    producing a percent encoded string, this function deals only with
    taking a string (not a dict/sequence) and percent encoding it.

    If given the binary type, will simply URL encode it. If given the
    text type, will produce the binary type by UTF-8 encoding the
    text. If given something else, will convert it to the the text type
    # If its not a binary or text string, make it a text string.
    if not isinstance(input_str, (six.binary_type, six.text_type)):
        input_str = six.text_type(input_str)
    # If it's not bytes, make it bytes by UTF-8 encoding it.
    if not isinstance(input_str, six.binary_type):
        input_str = input_str.encode('utf-8')
    return quote(input_str, safe=safe) 

示例3: calc_signature

# 需要导入模块: from botocore import compat [as 别名]
# 或者: from botocore.compat import quote [as 别名]
def calc_signature(self, request, params):
        logger.debug("Calculating signature using v2 auth.")
        split = urlsplit(request.url)
        path = split.path
        if len(path) == 0:
            path = '/'
        string_to_sign = '%s\n%s\n%s\n' % (request.method,
        lhmac = hmac.new(self.credentials.secret_key.encode('utf-8'),
        pairs = []
        for key in sorted(params):
            # Any previous signature should not be a part of this
            # one, so we skip that particular key. This prevents
            # issues during retries.
            if key == 'Signature':
            value = six.text_type(params[key])
            pairs.append(quote(key.encode('utf-8'), safe='') + '=' +
                         quote(value.encode('utf-8'), safe='-_~'))
        qs = '&'.join(pairs)
        string_to_sign += qs
        logger.debug('String to sign: %s', string_to_sign)
        b64 = base64.b64encode(lhmac.digest()).strip().decode('utf-8')
        return (qs, b64) 

示例4: _canonical_query_string_params

# 需要导入模块: from botocore import compat [as 别名]
# 或者: from botocore.compat import quote [as 别名]
def _canonical_query_string_params(self, params):
        l = []
        for param in sorted(params):
            value = str(params[param])
            l.append('%s=%s' % (quote(param, safe='-_.~'),
                                quote(value, safe='-_.~')))
        cqs = '&'.join(l)
        return cqs 

示例5: _normalize_url_path

# 需要导入模块: from botocore import compat [as 别名]
# 或者: from botocore.compat import quote [as 别名]
def _normalize_url_path(self, path):
        normalized_path = quote(normalize_url_path(path), safe='/~')
        return normalized_path 

示例6: percent_encode_sequence

# 需要导入模块: from botocore import compat [as 别名]
# 或者: from botocore.compat import quote [as 别名]
def percent_encode_sequence(mapping, safe=SAFE_CHARS):
    """Urlencode a dict or list into a string.

    This is similar to urllib.urlencode except that:

    * It uses quote, and not quote_plus
    * It has a default list of safe chars that don't need
      to be encoded, which matches what AWS services expect.

    If any value in the input ``mapping`` is a list type,
    then each list element wil be serialized.  This is the equivalent
    to ``urlencode``'s ``doseq=True`` argument.

    This function should be preferred over the stdlib
    ``urlencode()`` function.

    :param mapping: Either a dict to urlencode or a list of
        ``(key, value)`` pairs.

    encoded_pairs = []
    if hasattr(mapping, 'items'):
        pairs = mapping.items()
        pairs = mapping
    for key, value in pairs:
        if isinstance(value, list):
            for element in value:
                encoded_pairs.append('%s=%s' % (percent_encode(key),
            encoded_pairs.append('%s=%s' % (percent_encode(key),
    return '&'.join(encoded_pairs) 

示例7: percent_encode

# 需要导入模块: from botocore import compat [as 别名]
# 或者: from botocore.compat import quote [as 别名]
def percent_encode(input_str, safe=SAFE_CHARS):
    """Urlencodes a string.

    Whereas percent_encode_sequence handles taking a dict/sequence and
    producing a percent encoded string, this function deals only with
    taking a string (not a dict/sequence) and percent encoding it.

    if not isinstance(input_str, string_types):
        input_str = text_type(input_str)
    return quote(text_type(input_str).encode('utf-8'), safe=safe) 
