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Python audioop.error方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中audioop.error方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python audioop.error方法的具体用法?Python audioop.error怎么用?Python audioop.error使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在audioop的用法示例。


示例1: test_issue7673

# 需要导入模块: import audioop [as 别名]
# 或者: from audioop import error [as 别名]
def test_issue7673(self):
        state = None
        for data, size in INVALID_DATA:
            size2 = size
            self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.getsample, data, size, 0)
            self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.max, data, size)
            self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.minmax, data, size)
            self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.avg, data, size)
            self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.rms, data, size)
            self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.avgpp, data, size)
            self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.maxpp, data, size)
            self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.cross, data, size)
            self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.mul, data, size, 1.0)
            self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.tomono, data, size, 0.5, 0.5)
            self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.tostereo, data, size, 0.5, 0.5)
            self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.add, data, data, size)
            self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.bias, data, size, 0)
            self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.reverse, data, size)
            self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.lin2lin, data, size, size2)
            self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.ratecv, data, size, 1, 1, 1, state)
            self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.lin2ulaw, data, size)
            self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.lin2alaw, data, size)
            self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.lin2adpcm, data, size, state) 

示例2: test_negativelen

# 需要导入模块: import audioop [as 别名]
# 或者: from audioop import error [as 别名]
def test_negativelen(self):
        # from issue 3306, previously it segfaulted
            audioop.findmax, ''.join( chr(x) for x in xrange(256)), -2392392) 

示例3: test_wrongsize

# 需要导入模块: import audioop [as 别名]
# 或者: from audioop import error [as 别名]
def test_wrongsize(self):
        data = b'abcdefgh'
        state = None
        for size in (-1, 0, 3, 5, 1024):
            self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.ulaw2lin, data, size)
            self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.alaw2lin, data, size)
            self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.adpcm2lin, data, size, state) 

示例4: test_negativelen

# 需要导入模块: import audioop [as 别名]
# 或者: from audioop import error [as 别名]
def test_negativelen(self):
        # from issue 3306, previously it segfaulted
            audioop.findmax, bytes(range(256)), -2392392) 

示例5: test_wrongsize

# 需要导入模块: import audioop [as 别名]
# 或者: from audioop import error [as 别名]
def test_wrongsize(self):
        data = b'abcdefgh'
        state = None
        for size in (-1, 0, 5, 1024):
            self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.ulaw2lin, data, size)
            self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.alaw2lin, data, size)
            self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.adpcm2lin, data, size, state) 

示例6: get_raw_data

# 需要导入模块: import audioop [as 别名]
# 或者: from audioop import error [as 别名]
def get_raw_data(self, convert_rate = None, convert_width = None):
        Returns a byte string representing the raw frame data for the audio represented by the ``AudioData`` instance.
        If ``convert_rate`` is specified and the audio sample rate is not ``convert_rate`` Hz, the resulting audio is resampled to match.
        If ``convert_width`` is specified and the audio samples are not ``convert_width`` bytes each, the resulting audio is converted to match.
        Writing these bytes directly to a file results in a valid `RAW/PCM audio file <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raw_audio_format>`__.
        assert convert_rate is None or convert_rate > 0, "Sample rate to convert to must be a positive integer"
        assert convert_width is None or (convert_width % 1 == 0 and 1 <= convert_width <= 4), "Sample width to convert to must be between 1 and 4 inclusive"

        raw_data = self.frame_data

        # make sure unsigned 8-bit audio (which uses unsigned samples) is handled like higher sample width audio (which uses signed samples)
        if self.sample_width == 1:
            raw_data = audioop.bias(raw_data, 1, -128) # subtract 128 from every sample to make them act like signed samples

        # resample audio at the desired rate if specified
        if convert_rate is not None and self.sample_rate != convert_rate:
            raw_data, _ = audioop.ratecv(raw_data, self.sample_width, 1, self.sample_rate, convert_rate, None)

        # convert samples to desired sample width if specified
        if convert_width is not None and self.sample_width != convert_width:
            if convert_width == 3: # we're converting the audio into 24-bit (workaround for https://bugs.python.org/issue12866)
                raw_data = audioop.lin2lin(raw_data, self.sample_width, 4) # convert audio into 32-bit first, which is always supported
                try: audioop.bias(b"", 3, 0) # test whether 24-bit audio is supported (for example, ``audioop`` in Python 3.3 and below don't support sample width 3, while Python 3.4+ do)
                except audioop.error: # this version of audioop doesn't support 24-bit audio (probably Python 3.3 or less)
                    raw_data = b"".join(raw_data[i + 1:i + 4] for i in range(0, len(raw_data), 4)) # since we're in little endian, we discard the first byte from each 32-bit sample to get a 24-bit sample
                else: # 24-bit audio fully supported, we don't need to shim anything
                    raw_data = audioop.lin2lin(raw_data, self.sample_width, convert_width)
                raw_data = audioop.lin2lin(raw_data, self.sample_width, convert_width)

        # if the output is 8-bit audio with unsigned samples, convert the samples we've been treating as signed to unsigned again
        if convert_width == 1:
            raw_data = audioop.bias(raw_data, 1, 128) # add 128 to every sample to make them act like unsigned samples again

        return raw_data 

示例7: recognize_wit

# 需要导入模块: import audioop [as 别名]
# 或者: from audioop import error [as 别名]
def recognize_wit(self, audio_data, key, show_all = False):
        Performs speech recognition on ``audio_data`` (an ``AudioData`` instance), using the Wit.ai API.
        The Wit.ai API key is specified by ``key``. Unfortunately, these are not available without `signing up for an account <https://wit.ai/>`__ and creating an app. You will need to add at least one intent to the app before you can see the API key, though the actual intent settings don't matter.
        To get the API key for a Wit.ai app, go to the app's overview page, go to the section titled "Make an API request", and look for something along the lines of ``Authorization: Bearer XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX``; ``XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`` is the API key. Wit.ai API keys are 32-character uppercase alphanumeric strings.
        The recognition language is configured in the Wit.ai app settings.
        Returns the most likely transcription if ``show_all`` is false (the default). Otherwise, returns the `raw API response <https://wit.ai/docs/http/20141022#get-intent-via-text-link>`__ as a JSON dictionary.
        Raises a ``speech_recognition.UnknownValueError`` exception if the speech is unintelligible. Raises a ``speech_recognition.RequestError`` exception if the speech recognition operation failed, if the key isn't valid, or if there is no internet connection.
        try: # attempt to use the Python 2 modules
            from urllib import urlencode
            from urllib2 import Request, urlopen, URLError, HTTPError
        except ImportError: # use the Python 3 modules
            from urllib.parse import urlencode
            from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
            from urllib.error import URLError, HTTPError
        assert isinstance(audio_data, AudioData), "Data must be audio data"
        assert isinstance(key, str), "`key` must be a string"

        wav_data = audio_data.get_wav_data(
            convert_rate = None if audio_data.sample_rate >= 8000 else 8000, # audio samples must be at least 8 kHz
            convert_width = 2 # audio samples should be 16-bit
        url = "https://api.wit.ai/speech?v=20141022"
        request = Request(url, data = wav_data, headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer {0}".format(key), "Content-Type": "audio/wav"})
            response = urlopen(request)
        except HTTPError as e:
            raise RequestError("recognition request failed: {0}".format(getattr(e, "reason", "status {0}".format(e.code)))) # use getattr to be compatible with Python 2.6
        except URLError as e:
            raise RequestError("recognition connection failed: {0}".format(e.reason))
        response_text = response.read().decode("utf-8")
        result = json.loads(response_text)

        # return results
        if show_all: return result
        if "_text" not in result or result["_text"] is None: raise UnknownValueError()
        return result["_text"] 

示例8: __enter__

# 需要导入模块: import audioop [as 别名]
# 或者: from audioop import error [as 别名]
def __enter__(self):
        assert self.stream is None, "This audio source is already inside a context manager"
            # attempt to read the file as WAV
            self.audio_reader = wave.open(self.filename_or_fileobject, "rb")
            self.little_endian = True # RIFF WAV is a little-endian format (most ``audioop`` operations assume that the frames are stored in little-endian form)
        except wave.Error:
                # attempt to read the file as AIFF
                self.audio_reader = aifc.open(self.filename_or_fileobject, "rb")
                self.little_endian = False # AIFF is a big-endian format
            except aifc.Error:
                # attempt to read the file as FLAC
                if hasattr(self.filename_or_fileobject, "read"):
                    flac_data = self.filename_or_fileobject.read()
                    with open(self.filename_or_fileobject, "rb") as f: flac_data = f.read()

                # run the FLAC converter with the FLAC data to get the AIFF data
                flac_converter = get_flac_converter()
                process = subprocess.Popen([
                    "--stdout", "--totally-silent", # put the resulting AIFF file in stdout, and make sure it's not mixed with any program output
                    "--decode", "--force-aiff-format", # decode the FLAC file into an AIFF file
                    "-", # the input FLAC file contents will be given in stdin
                ], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
                aiff_data, stderr = process.communicate(flac_data)
                aiff_file = io.BytesIO(aiff_data)
                    self.audio_reader = aifc.open(aiff_file, "rb")
                except aifc.Error:
                    assert False, "Audio file could not be read as WAV, AIFF, or FLAC; check if file is corrupted"
                self.little_endian = False # AIFF is a big-endian format
        assert 1 <= self.audio_reader.getnchannels() <= 2, "Audio must be mono or stereo"
        self.SAMPLE_WIDTH = self.audio_reader.getsampwidth()

        # 24-bit audio needs some special handling for old Python versions (workaround for https://bugs.python.org/issue12866)
        samples_24_bit_pretending_to_be_32_bit = False
        if self.SAMPLE_WIDTH == 3: # 24-bit audio
            try: audioop.bias(b"", self.SAMPLE_WIDTH, 0) # test whether this sample width is supported (for example, ``audioop`` in Python 3.3 and below don't support sample width 3, while Python 3.4+ do)
            except audioop.error: # this version of audioop doesn't support 24-bit audio (probably Python 3.3 or less)
                samples_24_bit_pretending_to_be_32_bit = True # while the ``AudioFile`` instance will outwardly appear to be 32-bit, it will actually internally be 24-bit
                self.SAMPLE_WIDTH = 4 # the ``AudioFile`` instance should present itself as a 32-bit stream now, since we'll be converting into 32-bit on the fly when reading

        self.SAMPLE_RATE = self.audio_reader.getframerate()
        self.CHUNK = 4096
        self.FRAME_COUNT = self.audio_reader.getnframes()
        self.DURATION = self.FRAME_COUNT / float(self.SAMPLE_RATE)
        self.stream = AudioFile.AudioFileStream(self.audio_reader, self.little_endian, samples_24_bit_pretending_to_be_32_bit)
        return self 
