本文整理汇总了Python中astropy.table方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python astropy.table方法的具体用法?Python astropy.table怎么用?Python astropy.table使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类astropy
示例1: get_drpall_row
# 需要导入模块: import astropy [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy import table [as 别名]
def get_drpall_row(plateifu, drpver=None, drpall=None):
"""Returns a dictionary from drpall matching the plateifu."""
# get the drpall table
drpall_table = get_drpall_table(drpver=drpver, drpall=drpall, hdu='MANGA')
in_table = plateifu in drpall_table['plateifu']
# check the mastar extension
if not in_table:
drpall_table = get_drpall_table(drpver=drpver, drpall=drpall, hdu='MASTAR')
in_table = plateifu in drpall_table['plateifu']
if not in_table:
raise ValueError('No results found for {0} in drpall table'.format(plateifu))
row = drpall_table[drpall_table['plateifu'] == plateifu]
return row[0]
示例2: get_plates
# 需要导入模块: import astropy [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy import table [as 别名]
def get_plates(drpver=None, drpall=None, release=None):
''' Get a list of unique plates from the drpall file
drpver (str):
The DRP release version to load. Defaults to current marvin release
drpall (str):
The full path to the drpall table. Defaults to current marvin release.
release (str):
The marvin release
A list of plate ids
assert not all([drpver, release]), 'Cannot set both drpver and release '
if release:
drpver, __ = marvin.config.lookUpVersions(release)
drpall_table = get_drpall_table(drpver=drpver, drpall=drpall)
plates = list(set(drpall_table['plate']))
return plates
示例3: _base_repr_
# 需要导入模块: import astropy [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy import table [as 别名]
def _base_repr_(self, html=False, show_name=True, **kwargs):
Override the method in the astropy.Table class
to avoid displaying the description, and the format
of the columns
table_id = 'table{id}'.format(id=id(self))
data_lines, outs = self.formatter._pformat_table(self,
tableid=table_id, html=html, max_width=(-1 if html else None),
show_name=show_name, show_unit=None, show_dtype=False)
out = '\n'.join(data_lines)
# if astropy.table.six.PY2 and isinstance(out, astropy.table.six.text_type):
# out = out.encode('utf-8')
return out
示例4: search_around_source
# 需要导入模块: import astropy [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy import table [as 别名]
def search_around_source(self, source_name, radius):
Search for sources around the named source. The coordinates of the provided source are resolved using the
astropy.coordinates.name_resolve facility.
:param source_name: name of the source, like "Crab"
:param radius: radius of the search, in degrees
:return: (ra, dec, table), where ra,dec are the coordinates of the source as resolved by astropy, and table is
a table with the list of sources
sky_coord = get_icrs_coordinates(source_name)
ra, dec = (sky_coord.fk5.ra.value, sky_coord.fk5.dec.value)
return ra, dec, self.cone_search(ra, dec, radius)
示例5: query
# 需要导入模块: import astropy [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy import table [as 别名]
def query(self, query):
query the entire VO table for the given logical argument. Queries are in the form of pandas
queries: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/generated/pandas.DataFrame.query.html
To obtain a preview of the availble columns, try catalog.variables
:param query: pandas style query string
assert type(query) == str, "query must be a string"
query_results = self._vo_dataframe.query(query)
table = astro_table.Table.from_pandas(query_results)
name_column = astro_table.Column(name="name", data=query_results.index)
table.add_column(name_column, index=0)
out = self.apply_format(table)
self._last_query_results = query_results
return out
示例6: _base_repr_
# 需要导入模块: import astropy [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy import table [as 别名]
def _base_repr_(self, html=False, show_name=True, **kwargs):
"""Override the method in the astropy.Table class
to avoid displaying the description, and the format
of the columns"""
tableid = "table{id}".format(id=id(self))
data_lines, outs = self.formatter._pformat_table(
max_width=(-1 if html else None),
out = "\n".join(data_lines)
# if astropy.table.six.PY2 and isinstance(out, astropy.table.six.text_type):
# out = out.encode('utf-8')
return out
示例7: to_table
# 需要导入模块: import astropy [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy import table [as 别名]
def to_table(self):
"""Exports the Periodogram as an Astropy Table.
table : `~astropy.table.Table` object
An AstroPy Table with columns 'frequency', 'period', and 'power'.
return Table(data=(self.frequency, self.period, self.power),
names=('frequency', 'period', 'power'),
示例8: test_writeFITSTable
# 需要导入模块: import astropy [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy import table [as 别名]
def test_writeFITSTable():
"""Test that we can write a fits table"""
tab = table.Table.read('tests/test_files/1904_comp.fits')
outfile = 'dlme.fits'
tab.meta ={'test':'test'}
cat.writeFITSTable(outfile, tab)
if not os.path.exists(outfile):
raise AssertionError()
示例9: apply_format
# 需要导入模块: import astropy [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy import table [as 别名]
def apply_format(self, table):
raise NotImplementedError("You have to override this!")
示例10: query_sources
# 需要导入模块: import astropy [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy import table [as 别名]
def query_sources(self, *sources):
query for the specific source names.
:param sources: source(s) to search for
valid_sources = []
for source in sources:
if self._source_is_valid(source):
if valid_sources:
query_string = " | ".join(['(index == "%s")' % x for x in valid_sources])
query_results = self._vo_dataframe.query(query_string)
table = astro_table.Table.from_pandas(query_results)
name_column = astro_table.Column(name="name", data=query_results.index)
table.add_column(name_column, index=0)
out = self.apply_format(table)
self._last_query_results = query_results
return out
RuntimeError("There were not valid sources in your search")
示例11: map_dapall
# 需要导入模块: import astropy [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy import table [as 别名]
def map_dapall(header, row):
''' Retrieves a dictionary of DAPall db column names
For a given row in the DAPall file, returns a dictionary
of corresponding DAPall database columns names with the
appropriate values.
header (Astropy header):
The primary header of the DAPall file
row (recarray):
A row of the DAPall binary table data
A dictionary with db column names as keys and row data as values
>>> hdu = fits.open('dapall-v2_3_1-2.1.1.fits')
>>> header = hdu[0].header
>>> row = hdu[1].data[0]
>>> dbdict = map_dapall(header, row)
# get names from header
emline_schannels = []
emline_gchannels = []
specindex_channels = []
for key, val in header.items():
if 'ELS' in key:
emline_schannels.append(val.lower().replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_'))
elif 'ELG' in key:
emline_gchannels.append(val.lower().replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_'))
elif re.search('SPI([0-9])', key):
specindex_channels.append(val.lower().replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_'))
# File column names
names = row.array.names
dbdict = {}
for col in names:
name = col.lower()
shape = row[col].shape if hasattr(row[col], 'shape') else ()
array = ''
values = row[col]
if len(shape) > 0:
channels = shape[0]
for i in range(channels):
channame = emline_schannels[i] if 'emline_s' in name else \
emline_gchannels[i] if 'emline_g' in name else \
specindex_channels[i] if 'specindex' in name else i + 1
colname = '{0}_{1}'.format(name, channame)
dbdict[colname] = values[i]
dbdict[name] = values
return dbdict
示例12: get_drpall_table
# 需要导入模块: import astropy [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy import table [as 别名]
def get_drpall_table(drpver=None, drpall=None, hdu='MANGA'):
''' Gets the drpall table
Gets the drpall table either from cache or loads it. For releases
of MPL-8 and up, galaxies are in the MANGA extension, and mastar
targets are in the MASTAR extension, specified with the hdu keyword. For
MPLs 1-7, there is only one data extension, which is read.
drpver (str):
The DRP release version to load. Defaults to current marvin release
drpall (str):
The full path to the drpall table. Defaults to current marvin release.
hdu (str):
The name of the HDU to read in. Default is 'MANGA'
An Astropy Table
from marvin import config
assert hdu.lower() in ['manga', 'mastar'], 'hdu can either be MANGA or MASTAR'
hdu = hdu.upper()
# get the drpall file
get_drpall_file(drpall=drpall, drpver=drpver)
# Loads the drpall table if it was not cached from a previous session.
config_drpver, __ = config.lookUpVersions()
drpver = drpver if drpver else config_drpver
# check for drpver
if drpver not in drpTable:
drpTable[drpver] = {}
# check for hdu
hduext = hdu if check_versions(drpver, 'v2_5_3') else 'MANGA'
if hdu not in drpTable[drpver]:
drpall = drpall if drpall else config._getDrpAllPath(drpver=drpver)
data = {hduext: table.Table.read(drpall, hdu=hduext)}
drpall_table = drpTable[drpver][hduext]
return drpall_table
示例13: dict_to_table
# 需要导入模块: import astropy [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy import table [as 别名]
def dict_to_table(dictionary, list_of_keys=None):
Return a table representing the dictionary.
:param dictionary: the dictionary to represent
:param list_of_keys: optionally, only the keys in this list will be inserted in the table
:return: a Table instance
# assert len(dictionary.values()) > 0, "Dictionary cannot be empty"
# Create an empty table
table = Table()
# If the dictionary is not empty, fill the table
if len(dictionary) > 0:
# Add the names as first column
table['name'] = list(dictionary.keys())
# Now add all other properties
# Use the first parameter as prototype
prototype = list(dictionary.values())[0]
column_names = list(prototype.keys())
# If we have a white list for the columns, use it
if list_of_keys is not None:
column_names = [key for key in column_names if key in list_of_keys]
# Fill the table
for column_name in column_names:
table[column_name] = [x[column_name] for x in list(dictionary.values())]
return table
# A hack on the astropy Table class to make its output
# more appealing, especially when in the Ipython notebook