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Python fits.getheader方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中astropy.io.fits.getheader方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python fits.getheader方法的具体用法?Python fits.getheader怎么用?Python fits.getheader使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在astropy.io.fits的用法示例。


示例1: write_res

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.io import fits [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.io.fits import getheader [as 别名]
def write_res(filename, datas, extnames, header='', hdrref=None, clobber=False):
   if not header and hdrref: header = pyfits.getheader(hdrref)
   hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=header)
   warnings.resetwarnings() # supress nasty overwrite warning http://pythonhosted.org/pyfits/users_guide/users_misc.html
   warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=UserWarning, append=True)
   hdu.writeto(filename, clobber=clobber, output_verify='fix')
   warnings.filterwarnings('always', category=UserWarning, append=True)

   for i,extname in enumerate(extnames):
     data = datas[extname]
     if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
        pyfits.append(filename, data)

     pyfits.setval(filename, 'EXTNAME', value=extname, ext=i+1)
   #fitsio.write(filename, flux) 

示例2: from_file

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.io import fits [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.io.fits import getheader [as 别名]
def from_file(cls, filename, beam=None, psf_file=None):
        Create a new WCSHelper class from a given fits file.

        filename : string
            The file to be read

        beam : :class:`AegeanTools.wcs_helpers.Beam` or None
            The synthesized beam. If the supplied beam is None then one is constructed form the header.

        psf_file : str
            Filename for a psf map

        obj : :class:`AegeanTools.wcs_helpers.WCSHelper`
            A helper object
        header = fits.getheader(filename)
        return cls.from_header(header, beam, psf_file=psf_file) 

示例3: test_fileobj_not_closed

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.io import fits [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.io.fits import getheader [as 别名]
def test_fileobj_not_closed(self):
        Tests that file-like objects are not closed after being passed
        to convenience functions.

        Regression test for https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/5063

        f = open(self.data('test0.fits'), 'rb')
        _ = fits.getdata(f)
        assert not f.closed

        _ = fits.getheader(f)
        assert not f.closed

        f.close()  # Close it now 

示例4: test_image_extension_update_header

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.io import fits [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.io.fits import getheader [as 别名]
def test_image_extension_update_header(self):
        Test that _makehdu correctly includes the header. For example in the
        fits.update convenience function.
        filename = self.temp('twoextension.fits')

        hdus = [fits.PrimaryHDU(np.zeros((10, 10))),
                fits.ImageHDU(np.zeros((10, 10)))]


                    np.zeros((10, 10)),
                    header=fits.Header([('WHAT', 100)]),
        h_out = fits.getheader(filename, ext=1)
        assert h_out['WHAT'] == 100 

示例5: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.io import fits [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.io.fits import getheader [as 别名]
def __init__(self, flt_files=DEMO_LIST, info=None, driz_image=DEMO_IMAGE, driz_hdu=None, beams=None):
        Object for making drizzled PSFs

        flt_files : list
            List of FLT files that were used to create the drizzled image.

        driz_image : str
            Filename of the drizzled image.

        if info is None:
            if beams is not None:
                info = self._get_wcs_from_beams(beams)
                if flt_files is None:
                    info = self._get_wcs_from_hdrtab(driz_image)
                    info = self._get_flt_wcs(flt_files)

        self.flt_keys, self.wcs, self.footprint = info
        self.flt_files = list(np.unique([key[0] for key in self.flt_keys]))

        self.ePSF = utils.EffectivePSF()

        if driz_hdu is None:
            self.driz_image = driz_image
            self.driz_header = pyfits.getheader(driz_image)
            self.driz_wcs = pywcs.WCS(self.driz_header)
            self.driz_pscale = utils.get_wcs_pscale(self.driz_wcs)
            self.driz_image = driz_image
            self.driz_header = driz_hdu.header
            self.driz_wcs = pywcs.WCS(self.driz_header)
            self.driz_pscale = utils.get_wcs_pscale(self.driz_wcs)

        self.driz_wcs.pscale = self.driz_pscale 

示例6: write_template

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.io import fits [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.io.fits import getheader [as 别名]
def write_template(filename, flux, wave, header=None, hdrref=None, clobber=False):
   if not header and hdrref: header = pyfits.getheader(hdrref)
   hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=header)
   warnings.resetwarnings() # supress nasty overwrite warning http://pythonhosted.org/pyfits/users_guide/users_misc.html
   warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=UserWarning, append=True)
   hdu.writeto(filename, clobber=clobber, output_verify='fix')
   warnings.filterwarnings('always', category=UserWarning, append=True)

   if isinstance(flux, np.ndarray):
      pyfits.append(filename, flux)
      pyfits.append(filename, wave)
      # pad arrays with zero to common size
      maxpix = max(arr.size for arr in flux if isinstance(arr, np.ndarray))
      flux_new = np.zeros((len(flux), maxpix))
      wave_new = np.zeros((len(flux), maxpix))
      for o,arr in enumerate(flux):
          if isinstance(arr, np.ndarray): flux_new[o,:len(arr)] = arr
      for o,arr in enumerate(wave):
          if isinstance(arr, np.ndarray): wave_new[o,:len(arr)] = arr
      pyfits.append(filename, flux_new)
      pyfits.append(filename, wave_new)

   pyfits.setval(filename, 'EXTNAME', value='SPEC', ext=1)
   pyfits.setval(filename, 'EXTNAME', value='WAVE', ext=2)
   #fitsio.write(filename, flux) 

示例7: write_fits

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.io import fits [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.io.fits import getheader [as 别名]
def write_fits(filename, data, header='', hdrref=None, clobber=True):
   if not header and hdrref: header = pyfits.getheader(hdrref)
   warnings.resetwarnings() # supress nasty overwrite warning http://pythonhosted.org/pyfits/users_guide/users_misc.html
   warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=UserWarning, append=True)
   pyfits.writeto(filename, data, header, clobber=clobber, output_verify='fix')
   warnings.filterwarnings('always', category=UserWarning, append=True) 

示例8: bary_harps

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.io import fits [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.io.fits import getheader [as 别名]
def bary_harps(file, ra=None, dec=None, epoch=2000, pma=0.0, pmd=0.0):
   ''' compute barycentric correction for HARPS spctrum using coordinates from
    input or fits header
    ra - rammss e.g. -142942.94 (for 14:29:42.94)
    dec - demmss e.g. -624046.16 (-62:40:46.16)
    pma - [mas/yr] proper motion in alpha (-3775.75)
    pmd - [mas/yr] proper motion in delta (765.54)
    epoch - epoch of coordinates
   head = pyfits.getheader(file)
   if ra is None:
      ra = head['HIERARCH ESO TEL TARG ALPHA']
      dec = head['HIERARCH ESO TEL TARG DELTA']
      epoch = head['HIERARCH ESO TEL TARG EPOCH']
      pma = head['HIERARCH ESO TEL TARG PMA']*1000
      pmd = head['HIERARCH ESO TEL TARG PMD']*1000

   exptime = head['EXPTIME'] * 2*head['HIERARCH ESO INS DET1 TMMEAN']
   dateobs = head['DATE-OBS']
   #bjd = head['HIERARCH ESO DRS BERV']
   #berv = head['HIERARCH ESO DRS BJD']

   x = str(ra).split('.')
   rammss = float(x[0][:-4]), float(x[0][-4:-2]), float(x[0][-2:]+'.'+x[1])
   # rammss = divmod(ra,10000); rammss = (rammss[0],) + divmod(rammss[1],100)
   x = str(dec).split('.') 
   demmss = float(x[0][:-4]), float(x[0][-4:-2]), float(x[0][-2:]+'.'+x[1])
   #print ra, dec, pma, pmd
   return bary(dateobs, rammss, demmss, 14, epoch, exptime, pma, pmd) #, bjd, berv 

示例9: psf_wcs

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.io import fits [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.io.fits import getheader [as 别名]
def psf_wcs(self):
        if self._psf_wcs is None:
            header = fits.getheader(self.psf_file)
                wcs = WCS(header, naxis=2)
                wcs = WCS(str(header), naxis=2)
            self._psf_wcs = wcs
        return self._psf_wcs 

示例10: test_get_pixinfo

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.io import fits [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.io.fits import getheader [as 别名]
def test_get_pixinfo():
    """Test that we can get info from various header styles"""
    header = fits.getheader('tests/test_files/1904-66_SIN.fits')

    area, scale = AegeanTools.wcs_helpers.get_pixinfo(header)
    if not area > 0: raise AssertionError()
    if not len(scale) == 2: raise AssertionError()

    header['CD1_1'] = header['CDELT1']
    del header['CDELT1']
    header['CD2_2'] = header['CDELT2']
    del header['CDELT2']
    area, scale = AegeanTools.wcs_helpers.get_pixinfo(header)
    if not area > 0: raise AssertionError()
    if not len(scale) == 2: raise AssertionError()

    header['CD1_2'] = 0
    header['CD2_1'] = 0
    area, scale = AegeanTools.wcs_helpers.get_pixinfo(header)
    if not area > 0: raise AssertionError()
    if not len(scale) == 2: raise AssertionError()

    header['CD1_2'] = header['CD1_1']
    header['CD2_1'] = header['CD2_2']
    area, scale = AegeanTools.wcs_helpers.get_pixinfo(header)
    if not area == 0: raise AssertionError()
    if not len(scale) == 2: raise AssertionError()

    for f in ['CD1_1', 'CD1_2', 'CD2_2', 'CD2_1']:
        del header[f]
    area, scale = AegeanTools.wcs_helpers.get_pixinfo(header)
    if not area == 0: raise AssertionError()
    if not scale == (0, 0): raise AssertionError() 

示例11: test_get_beam

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.io import fits [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.io.fits import getheader [as 别名]
def test_get_beam():
    """Test that we can recover the beam from the fits header"""
    header = fits.getheader('tests/test_files/1904-66_SIN.fits')
    beam = AegeanTools.wcs_helpers.get_beam(header)
    if beam is None : raise AssertionError()
    if beam.pa != header['BPA']: raise AssertionError()

    del header['BMAJ'], header['BMIN'], header['BPA']
    beam = AegeanTools.wcs_helpers.get_beam(header)
    if beam is not None : raise AssertionError() 

示例12: test_fix_aips_header

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.io import fits [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.io.fits import getheader [as 别名]
def test_fix_aips_header():
    """TEst that we can fix an aips generated fits header"""
    header = fits.getheader('tests/test_files/1904-66_SIN.fits')
    # test when this function is not needed
    _ = AegeanTools.wcs_helpers.fix_aips_header(header)

    # test when beam params are not present, but there is no aips history
    del header['BMAJ'], header['BMIN'], header['BPA']
    _ = AegeanTools.wcs_helpers.fix_aips_header(header)

    # test with some aips history
    header['HISTORY'] = 'AIPS   CLEAN BMAJ=  1.2500E-02 BMIN=  1.2500E-02 BPA=   0.00'
    _ = AegeanTools.wcs_helpers.fix_aips_header(header) 

示例13: test_from_header

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.io import fits [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.io.fits import getheader [as 别名]
def test_from_header():
    """Test that we can make a beam from a fitsheader"""
    fname = 'tests/test_files/1904-66_SIN.fits'
    header = fits.getheader(fname)
    helper = WCSHelper.from_header(header)
    if helper.beam is None: raise AssertionError()
    del header['BMAJ'], header['BMIN'], header['BPA']
    # Raise an error when the beam information can't be determined
        _ = WCSHelper.from_header(header)
    except AssertionError as e:
        raise AssertionError("Header with no beam information should thrown an exception.")

示例14: get_primary_header

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.io import fits [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.io.fits import getheader [as 别名]
def get_primary_header(filename) -> Optional[fits.Header]:
        header = fits.getheader(filename, ext=0)
        for keyword in header:
            if keyword not in FITS_MANDATORY_KEYWORDS:
                return header
        return fits.getheader(filename, ext=1)

    except Exception:
        logger.error("Unable to open fits file: {}".format(logs.format_exception()), extra_tags={'filename': filename})
        return None

# Stop after 4 attempts, and back off exponentially with a minimum wait time of 4 seconds, and a maximum of 10.
# If it fails after 4 attempts, "reraise" the original exception back up to the caller. 

示例15: _load_itm_library

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.io import fits [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.io.fits import getheader [as 别名]
def _load_itm_library(library_file):
    """Load ITM FITS file

    library_path : str
        Path pointing to the location of the PSF library

    library : photutils.griddedPSFModel
        Object containing PSF library
    data = fits.getdata(library_file)
    hdr = fits.getheader(library_file)
    if data.shape == (2048, 2048):
        # Normalize the data
        data /= np.sum(data)

        # Add PSF location and oversampling keywords
        hdr['DET_YX0'] = ('(1023, 1023)', "The #0 PSF's (y,x) detector pixel position")
        hdr['OVERSAMP'] = (1, 'Oversampling factor for FFTs in computation')

        # Convert to HDUList and create library
        phdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data, hdr)
        hdulist = fits.HDUList(phdu)
        library = to_griddedpsfmodel(hdulist)

        return library
        raise ValueError('Expecting ITM data of size (2048, 2048), not {}'.format(data.shape)) 
