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Python ast.keyword方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中ast.keyword方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python ast.keyword方法的具体用法?Python ast.keyword怎么用?Python ast.keyword使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在ast的用法示例。


示例1: stateful_wait_for

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import keyword [as 别名]
def stateful_wait_for(self, call):
        if isinstance(call.func, ast.Attribute):
            if call.func.attr in ['wait_for_message', 'wait_for_reaction']:
                event = call.func.attr.split('_')[2]
                event = 'message' if event == 'message' else 'reaction_add'
                call.func.attr = 'wait_for'
                if call.args:
                    timeout = call.args[0]
                    call.args = []
                    call.keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg='timeout', value=timeout))

                call.args.insert(0, ast.Str(s=event))
                for kw in list(call.keywords):
                    if kw.arg != 'check' and kw.arg != 'timeout':
                        warnings.warn('wait_for keyword breaking change detected. Rewrite removes the {} keyword'
                                      ' from wait_for.'.format(kw.arg))
                    elif kw.arg == 'timeout':
                        warnings.warn('wait_for timeout breaking change detected. Timeouts now raise '
                                      'asyncio.TimeoutError instead of returning None.')

                stats_counter['call_changes'] += 1
        return call 

示例2: unparse_Call

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import keyword [as 别名]
def unparse_Call(self, item):
        unparsed = {}
        if isinstance(item.func, (ast.Name, ast.Attribute)):
            func_name = self.unparse(item.func)
                func_name = self.unparse(item.func)
            except Exception:
                func_name = None
        if not func_name:
            return {}
        if isinstance(func_name, dict):
            func_name = next(iter(func_name.keys()))
            unparsed[func_name] = {}
        for key in ("kwargs", "keywords"):
            val = getattr(item, key, [])
            if val is None:
            for keyword in self.unparse(val):
        return unparsed 

示例3: visit_Call

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import keyword [as 别名]
def visit_Call(self, node):
        # This will not visit Flask in Flask(__name__) but it will visit request in `request.args.get()
        if not isinstance(node.func, ast.Name):
        for arg_node in itertools.chain(node.args, node.keywords):
            arg = arg_node.value if isinstance(arg_node, ast.keyword) else arg_node
            if isinstance(arg, ast.Call):
                if isinstance(arg.func, ast.Name):
                    # We can't just visit because we need to add 'ret_'
                    self.result.append('ret_' + arg.func.id)
                elif isinstance(arg.func, ast.Attribute):
                    # e.g. html.replace('{{ param }}', param)
                    # func.attr is replace
                    # func.value.id is html
                    # We want replace
                    self.result.append('ret_' + arg.func.attr)
                elif isinstance(arg.func, ast.Call):
                    raise Exception('Cannot visit vars of ' + ast.dump(arg))

示例4: visit_curried_call_inside_call_args

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import keyword [as 别名]
def visit_curried_call_inside_call_args(self, inner_call):
        # Curried functions aren't supported really, but we now at least have a defined behaviour.
        # In f(g(a)(b)(c)), inner_call is the Call node with argument c
        # Try to get the name of curried function g
        curried_func = inner_call.func.func
        while isinstance(curried_func, ast.Call):
            curried_func = curried_func.func
        if isinstance(curried_func, ast.Name):
            self.result.append('ret_' + curried_func.id)
        elif isinstance(curried_func, ast.Attribute):
            self.result.append('ret_' + curried_func.attr)

        # Visit all arguments except a (ignore the curried function g)
        not_curried = inner_call
        while not_curried.func is not curried_func:
            for arg in itertools.chain(not_curried.args, not_curried.keywords):
                self.visit(arg.value if isinstance(arg, ast.keyword) else arg)
            not_curried = not_curried.func 

示例5: test_classdef

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import keyword [as 别名]
def test_classdef(self):
        def cls(bases=None, keywords=None, body=None, decorator_list=None):
            if bases is None:
                bases = []
            if keywords is None:
                keywords = []
            if body is None:
                body = [ast.Pass()]
            if decorator_list is None:
                decorator_list = []
            return ast.ClassDef("myclass", bases, keywords,
                                body, decorator_list)
        self.stmt(cls(bases=[ast.Name("x", ast.Store())]),
                  "must have Load context")
        self.stmt(cls(keywords=[ast.keyword("x", ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))]),
                  "must have Load context")
        self.stmt(cls(body=[]), "empty body on ClassDef")
        self.stmt(cls(body=[None]), "None disallowed")
        self.stmt(cls(decorator_list=[ast.Name("x", ast.Store())]),
                  "must have Load context") 

示例6: test_classdef

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import keyword [as 别名]
def test_classdef(self):
        def cls(bases=None, keywords=None, starargs=None, kwargs=None,
                body=None, decorator_list=None):
            if bases is None:
                bases = []
            if keywords is None:
                keywords = []
            if body is None:
                body = [ast.Pass()]
            if decorator_list is None:
                decorator_list = []
            return ast.ClassDef("myclass", bases, keywords, starargs,
                                kwargs, body, decorator_list)
        self.stmt(cls(bases=[ast.Name("x", ast.Store())]),
                  "must have Load context")
        self.stmt(cls(keywords=[ast.keyword("x", ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))]),
                  "must have Load context")
        self.stmt(cls(starargs=ast.Name("x", ast.Store())),
                  "must have Load context")
        self.stmt(cls(kwargs=ast.Name("x", ast.Store())),
                  "must have Load context")
        self.stmt(cls(body=[]), "empty body on ClassDef")
        self.stmt(cls(body=[None]), "None disallowed")
        self.stmt(cls(decorator_list=[ast.Name("x", ast.Store())]),
                  "must have Load context") 

示例7: test_call

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import keyword [as 别名]
def test_call(self):
        func = ast.Name("x", ast.Load())
        args = [ast.Name("y", ast.Load())]
        keywords = [ast.keyword("w", ast.Name("z", ast.Load()))]
        stararg = ast.Name("p", ast.Load())
        kwarg = ast.Name("q", ast.Load())
        call = ast.Call(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()), args, keywords, stararg,
        self.expr(call, "must have Load context")
        call = ast.Call(func, [None], keywords, stararg, kwarg)
        self.expr(call, "None disallowed")
        bad_keywords = [ast.keyword("w", ast.Name("z", ast.Store()))]
        call = ast.Call(func, args, bad_keywords, stararg, kwarg)
        self.expr(call, "must have Load context")
        call = ast.Call(func, args, keywords, ast.Name("z", ast.Store()), kwarg)
        self.expr(call, "must have Load context")
        call = ast.Call(func, args, keywords, stararg,
                        ast.Name("w", ast.Store()))
        self.expr(call, "must have Load context") 

示例8: parse_annotation_function

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import keyword [as 别名]
def parse_annotation_function(code, func_name):
    """Parse an annotation function.
    Return the value of `name` keyword argument and the AST Call node.
    func_name: expected function name
    expr = parse_annotation(code)
    call = expr.value
    assert type(call) is ast.Call, 'Annotation is not a function call'

    assert type(call.func) is ast.Attribute, 'Unexpected annotation function'
    assert type(call.func.value) is ast.Name, 'Invalid annotation function name'
    assert call.func.value.id == 'nni', 'Annotation is not a NNI function'
    assert call.func.attr == func_name, 'internal error #2'

    assert len(call.keywords) == 1, 'Annotation function contains more than one keyword argument'
    assert call.keywords[0].arg == 'name', 'Annotation keyword argument is not "name"'
    name = call.keywords[0].value

    return name, call 

示例9: parse_nni_variable

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import keyword [as 别名]
def parse_nni_variable(code):
    """Parse `nni.variable` expression.
    Return the name argument and AST node of annotated expression.
    code: annotation string
    name, call = parse_annotation_function(code, 'variable')

    assert len(call.args) == 1, 'nni.variable contains more than one arguments'
    arg = call.args[0]
    assert type(arg) is ast.Call, 'Value of nni.variable is not a function call'
    assert type(arg.func) is ast.Attribute, 'nni.variable value is not a NNI function'
    assert type(arg.func.value) is ast.Name, 'nni.variable value is not a NNI function'
    assert arg.func.value.id == 'nni', 'nni.variable value is not a NNI function'

    name_str = astor.to_source(name).strip()
    keyword_arg = ast.keyword(arg='name', value=ast.Str(s=name_str))
    if arg.func.attr == 'choice':

    return name, arg 

示例10: make_call_keywords

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import keyword [as 别名]
def make_call_keywords(stack_builders, count):
    Make the keywords entry for an ast.Call node.
    out = []
    for _ in range(count):
        value = make_expr(stack_builders)
        load_kwname = stack_builders.pop()
        if not isinstance(load_kwname, instrs.LOAD_CONST):
            raise DecompilationError(
                "Expected a LOAD_CONST, but got %r" % load_kwname
        if not isinstance(load_kwname.arg, str):
            raise DecompilationError(
                "Expected LOAD_CONST of a str, but got %r." % load_kwname,
        out.append(ast.keyword(arg=load_kwname.arg, value=value))
    return out 

示例11: translate_self_evaluating

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import keyword [as 别名]
def translate_self_evaluating(self, exp):
        if isinstance(exp, (int, float, complex)):
            if hasattr(exp, 'value'):
                return EMPTY, ast.Num(exp.value,
                return EMPTY, ast.Num(exp,

        expType = type(exp)

        if expType is str:
            return EMPTY, ast.Str(exp,

        if expType is Keyword:
            #raise SyntaxError('keyword!', self.filename)
            modast = ast.parse(
                'Keyword("{name}", {lineno})'.format(name=exp.name, lineno=exp.lineno))
            return EMPTY, modast.body[0].value 

示例12: visit_Call

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import keyword [as 别名]
def visit_Call(self, call: ast.Call) -> VisitExprReturnT:
        result_actions = []

        func, func_actions = self.visit_expr(call.func)

        args = []
        for arg in call.args:
            arg_flattened, arg_actions = self.visit_expr(arg)

        keywords = []
        for kw in call.keywords:
            kw_value_flattened, kw_value_actions = self.visit_expr(kw.value)
            keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg=kw.arg, value=kw_value_flattened))

        result_id = self.next_symbol_id()
        result_actions.append(assign(result_id, ast.Call(func, args, keywords)))
        return load(result_id), result_actions 

示例13: visit_ClassDef

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import keyword [as 别名]
def visit_ClassDef(self, class_def: ast.ClassDef) -> ActionsT:
        bases, bases_actions = self.visit_expr_list(class_def.bases)

        keywords = []
        keywords_actions = []
        for kw in class_def.keywords:
            kw_value_flattened, kw_value_actions = self.visit_expr(kw.value)
            keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg=kw.arg, value=kw_value_flattened))

        body = self.visit_stmt_list(class_def.body)

        if class_def.decorator_list:
            raise NodeNotSupportedError(class_def, "ClassDef decorators not supported")

        result_node = ast.ClassDef(name=class_def.name, bases=bases, keywords=keywords, body=body,
        return bases_actions + keywords_actions + [result_node] 

示例14: visit_Call_arguments

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import keyword [as 别名]
def visit_Call_arguments(self, node):
    def arg_location(tup):
      arg = tup[1]
      if isinstance(arg, ast.keyword):
        arg = arg.value
      return (getattr(arg, "lineno", 0), getattr(arg, "col_offset", 0))

    if node.starargs:
      sorted_keywords = sorted(
          [(None, kw) for kw in node.keywords] + [('*', node.starargs)],
      sorted_keywords = [(None, kw) for kw in node.keywords]
    all_args = [(None, n) for n in node.args] + sorted_keywords
    if node.kwargs:
      all_args.append(('**', node.kwargs))

    for i, (prefix, arg) in enumerate(all_args):
      if prefix is not None:
        self.attr(node, '%s_prefix' % prefix, [self.ws, prefix], default=prefix)
      if arg is not all_args[-1][1]:
        self.attr(node, 'comma_%d' % i, [self.ws, ',', self.ws], default=', ')
    return bool(all_args) 

示例15: _has_same_kwarg

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import keyword [as 别名]
def _has_same_kwarg(
    node: types.AnyFunctionDefAndLambda,
    call: ast.Call,
) -> bool:
    """Tells whether ``call`` has the same kwargs as ``node``."""
    kwarg_name: Optional[str] = None
    null_arg_keywords = filter(lambda key: key.arg is None, call.keywords)
    for keyword in null_arg_keywords:
        # `a=1` vs `**kwargs`:
        # {'arg': 'a', 'value': <_ast.Num object at 0x1027882b0>}
        # {'arg': None, 'value': <_ast.Name object at 0x102788320>}
        if isinstance(keyword.value, ast.Name):
            kwarg_name = keyword.value.id
        else:  # We can judge on things like `**{}`
            return False
    if node.args.kwarg and kwarg_name:
        return node.args.kwarg.arg == kwarg_name
    return node.args.kwarg == kwarg_name  # type: ignore 
