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Python ast.Print方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中ast.Print方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python ast.Print方法的具体用法?Python ast.Print怎么用?Python ast.Print使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在ast的用法示例。


示例1: parse

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import Print [as 别名]
def parse(self):
        @self.pg.production('program : PRINT OPEN_PAREN expression CLOSE_PAREN SEMI_COLON')
        def program(p):
            return Print(self.builder, self.module, self.printf, p[2])

        @self.pg.production('expression : expression SUM expression')
        @self.pg.production('expression : expression SUB expression')
        def expression(p):
            left = p[0]
            right = p[2]
            operator = p[1]
            if operator.gettokentype() == 'SUM':
                return Sum(self.builder, self.module, left, right)
            elif operator.gettokentype() == 'SUB':
                return Sub(self.builder, self.module, left, right)

        @self.pg.production('expression : NUMBER')
        def number(p):
            return Number(self.builder, self.module, p[0].value)

        def error_handle(token):
            raise ValueError(token) 

示例2: onelinerize

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import Print [as 别名]
def onelinerize(original):
    # original :: string
    # :: string
    t = ast.parse(original)
    table = symtable.symtable(original, '<string>', 'exec')

    original = original.strip()

    # If there's only one line anyways, be lazy
    if len(original.splitlines()) == 1 and \
       len(t.body) == 1 and \
       type(t.body[0]) in (ast.Delete, ast.Assign, ast.AugAssign, ast.Print,
                           ast.Raise, ast.Assert, ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom,
                           ast.Exec, ast.Global, ast.Expr, ast.Pass):
        return original

    return get_init_code(t, table) 

示例3: p_print_stmt_1

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import Print [as 别名]
def p_print_stmt_1(p):
    '''print_stmt : PRINT'''
    #                   1
    p[0] = ast.Print(None, [], True, rule=inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, **p[1][1]) 

示例4: p_print_stmt_2

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import Print [as 别名]
def p_print_stmt_2(p):
    '''print_stmt : PRINT test'''
    #                   1    2
    p[0] = ast.Print(None, [p[2]], True, rule=inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, **p[1][1]) 

示例5: p_print_stmt_3

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import Print [as 别名]
def p_print_stmt_3(p):
    '''print_stmt : PRINT test COMMA'''
    #                   1    2     3
    p[0] = ast.Print(None, [p[2]], False, rule=inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, **p[1][1]) 

示例6: p_print_stmt_4

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import Print [as 别名]
def p_print_stmt_4(p):
    '''print_stmt : PRINT test print_stmt_plus'''
    #                   1    2               3
    p[0] = ast.Print(None, [p[2]] + p[3], True, rule=inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, **p[1][1]) 

示例7: p_print_stmt_5

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import Print [as 别名]
def p_print_stmt_5(p):
    '''print_stmt : PRINT test print_stmt_plus COMMA'''
    #                   1    2               3     4
    p[0] = ast.Print(None, [p[2]] + p[3], False, rule=inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, **p[1][1]) 

示例8: p_print_stmt_7

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import Print [as 别名]
def p_print_stmt_7(p):
    '''print_stmt : PRINT RIGHTSHIFT test print_stmt_plus'''
    #                   1          2    3               4
    p[0] = ast.Print(p[3], p[4], True, rule=inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, **p[1][1]) 

示例9: p_print_stmt_8

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import Print [as 别名]
def p_print_stmt_8(p):
    '''print_stmt : PRINT RIGHTSHIFT test print_stmt_plus COMMA'''
    #                   1          2    3               4     5
    p[0] = ast.Print(p[3], p[4], False, rule=inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, **p[1][1]) 

示例10: func_check

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import Print [as 别名]
def func_check(node, kw=False):
    Function specific check
        Action - check return type
        Action - check pstep/psubstep buddy with report_step/report_substep_status
        check docstring
        check print statement - should use print_utils
        scan for class - class check
        scan for function - recursive function check
    status = True
    have_return = False
    substep_count = 0

    # investigate everything in a function
    for child in ast.walk(node):
        if child != node and isinstance(child, ast.FunctionDef):
            # check for private method in action file
            if kw and child.name.startswith("_"):
                print node.name, child.name, "should move to utils"
                status = False
            tmp_status = func_check(child, kw)
            status &= tmp_status
        elif child != node and isinstance(child, ast.ClassDef):
            tmp_status = class_check(child, kw)
            status &= tmp_status
        elif 'war_print_class.py' not in sys.argv[1] and isinstance(child, ast.Print):
            # check for print statement
            status = False
            print "Please use print_Utils instead of print in {}: {}".format(
                                                    sys.argv[1], child.lineno)
        elif isinstance(child, ast.Return):
            # check for return statement
            have_return = True
        elif isinstance(child, ast.Attribute) and child.attr == 'pSubStep':
            # check for Substep and report substep pair
            substep_count += 1
        elif isinstance(child, ast.Attribute) and child.attr == 'report_substep_status':
            substep_count -= 1

    if ast.get_docstring(node) is None:
        print node.name, "doesn't contain any docstring"
        status = False
    if kw and not have_return and node.name != "__init__":
        print node.name, "doesn't contain a return statement"
        status = False
    if kw and substep_count:
        print node.name, "have non-pair pSubStepreport_substep_status"
        status = False
    return status 
